Gabby's Newspaper Article

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OCTOBER 11,2009


PERSONIFIED Dour a go-getter karate and life in


oped diabetes insipidus, a complication, and had more chemo. But Gabby doesn't let it stop her. tjohnson'm (7121 325-5750 "She knows evervone's the same on the inside," Susan said. abby Dour - appropriately proAnd activities like karate give her nounced "doer" - is a go-getter. more confidence, Gabby said. The family traveled to Disneyland Gabby, 9, of Council Bluffs is in the Talented and GiRed program at in 2003 aRer Gabby's wish was granted Lewis and Clark Elementary School, by the Make-A-Wish Foundation of where she attends third grade. Her Iowa, Southwest Iowa Area Committee. Make-A-Wish is now her favorite charfavorite subject is math. "She's a very good student with lots ity. She has appeared in a Make-Aof friends," said her mother, Susan. Wish fashion show and just last Satur"She dtd very well on her (Iowa Test day, Oct. 3, participated in Walk for a of Basic Skills) last year," her first stanWish. dardized test, said her father, Stephen. Gabby said she still gets nervous ARer only 1 112 years of karate about having surgery. "I'm used to it, and it's still scary," classes, Gabby earned a brown belt on she said. Aug. 6 and is looking forward to getting her black belt in January, she said. She In her most recent operation, peris also training to become a karate fonned Aug. 26 in St. Louis, a surgeon removed a cyst the size of a baseball instructor. "It's by invitation only, and she was and an enlarged salivary gland from asked to join that class to become an the left, side of her cheek, Steve said. The doctor was also able to remove a instructor," Steve said. Before she got interested in karate, central line port and a G-button for her she took dance lessons for four years medications because of a tongue reducand played soccer for a year. tion operation she had two years ago. She was in the hospital for 2 112 As much courage as Gabby shows on the mat, she shows even more facing months. the battles of her life. She suffers from She may have surgery again in a two rare disorders, lymphangioma and few months to remove some tissue &om her right cheek, he said. The famhistiocytosis X, Steve said. Cystic lymphangioma is a rare, ily needs to consult with her physician benign congenital disorder in which a before making a decision on that. blockage in the lymphatic system 'We're looking at possibly within a causes fluid to build up in bubbles year getting the (tracheotomy tube) underneath the skin. This gave her a out," Steve said. "And what do you staff photo*im Johnson want to do when you get the trach large cyst that went into her cheeks, Gabby Dour of Council Bluffs thrusts her out?'' tongue and chest. Histiocytosis X, also known as Langerhans cell histiocytosis, weapons forward during an exercise in karate "Swim with the dolphins," Gabby is a cancer-like condition in whch extra class. said. "And we will make it happen," Susan immune cells form tumors, an explanation from the National Institutes of Health states. The disorder said. affects many organs and can be fatal. "Swimming is something she stays away from - can't really do Gabby has had nine surgeries - the first when she was only 2 now - unless we keep her (head and neck) above water," Steve said. days old, Susan said. As her parents said on a Web site, 'Yes, we have had to endure 'The doctors told us she may never speak, so we started her on quite a few storms thus far; but our little rainbow has made every sign language; but speaking is not a problem with this child," Steve little raindrop worthwhile." said. Gabby has two older brothers, ages 30 and 26, and a nephew, 7, She had a year of chemotherapy for the histiocytosis, then devel- and niece, 2. Staff Writer



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