Gabbert Oath

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 376
  • Pages: 2
Notice of Acceptance of Oath of OfficeSEP ° 6 20C7 By: me, addressee: Wiffiam Duff 108 NW 101 PI

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Kansas City, Mo [64155] 816-429-5038 or cell 816-365-1600 email; williamduff@kcm. com Notice for:


I hereby duly notice ANTHONY REX GABBERT DBA CIRCUIT JUDGE ANTHONY REX GABBERT, JUDGE/ MAGISTRATE/PUBLIC SERVANT with my instrument entitled, "Notice of Acceptance of Oath of Office". ANTHONY REX GABBERT DBA CIRCUIT JUDGE ANTHONY REX GABBERT, JUDGE/ MAGISTRATE/PUBLIC SERVANT, I hereby and herein accept your Oath of Office as your open and binding offer of contract to form a firm and binding, private, bilateral contract between you and me in which you agree to perform all of your promises and uphold all of my rights. Further, I, through my action case # 07CY-CV-06125 filed as an action at Law and proceeding according to the common law, and hereby and herein claim my right to common law jurisdiction in case # 07CY-CV-06125 filed as an action at law and proceeding according to the common law, and refuse consent for any Chancery, Admiralty or statutory jurisdiction wherein without which a court can not acquire or maintain in personam jurisdiction as demonstrated in Supreme Court decision; Ramsay vs. Allegre 12 (wall) 611. The foregoing "Notice of Acceptance of Oath of Office" is an instrument in common law, and is made explicitly under reserve and without recourse. Failure to respond to my acceptance of common law contract within three business days of receipt establishes your unconditional acceptance of the foregoing, and the consideration of your promise to uphold all of my rights. You may respond by email provided above.


Without my consent, A government employee may not trespass on me or on my case in any way without causing me injury. I do not give my consent to any trespass whatsoever. Verification: I declare that to the best of my knowledge the foregoing is true and correct. Executed., at arm's length, on the 29th day of the 8* month in the year of our Lord, two-thousand seven, at the office of the circuit clerk, circuit court, county of Clay, state of Missouri By:

William Reserving alFLiberties^^ Rights

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