G154 Study Guide

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Govt 154 Study Guide Period



Jeffersonian System (1801-1828)

Democratic Republicans vs. Federalists

Jacksonian System (1828-61)

Democrats vs. Whigs

Civil War System (1861-96)

Democrats vs. Republicans

-Hamilton led the Federalists: merchants, bankers, lawyers -The Jeffersonian led Anti-Federalists; artisans, farmers. Came to be known as Dem-Rep -Split over Jay Treaty: proper role of government and the governments ties with Britain. -Arguments about appropriate Role of government -competition for Pres -Jackson championed the peoples Democratic party concerned with the individual -Whigs supported National banks, high tariffs, and portcities made up of former National Democrats, anti-masons, and conservative democrats -Slave vs Free states as a result of Compromise of 1850 w/ CA free state -Kansas/Nebraska Act of 1854 – more slave states above Missouri compromise -Regional divide between North and South, led to end of the Whigs. -Republicans formed in the North as abolitionists; and democrats in the South.

System of ‘96

Partisan Stalemate

New Deal System (1932-late 1960s)

Democrats vs. Republicans

System of the 60s (late 1960spresent)

Democrats vs. Republicans

System of the 60s Part II


-North vs. South in religions and ethnic cultural divide. -North: moralist vs pietists; protestants vs. catholics -Democrats take in agrarian populists -Repubilcans dominate Eastern Business -NE cities vs. South -Triggered by Great Depression -FDR wins and policy experiments: “make work” progs; National Recovery Agency; Social Security -GOP use race to split democratic South; culture and religion split electorate. -Rise of institutional foundations: Brentonwoods, IMF, World Bank… -Rise of social issues: RACE, Brown vs. Board of Education -Growing black vote in the N States -Reagonomics; big tax cuts, pushed govt into greater recession -Bush I had no response to economy -Clinton first years, party conflict and -Voters concerned about Big Govt and Economy led to Democratic backlash -Lewinskygate eaten up my un-innovative Republicans -Bush wins because of backlash, 9/11 helps to rally around flag, terror and National security to win reelction



-Once constitution was ratified, no longer a need for Federalists -Ferguson’s “Investor Bloc”: DR began to look more like Federalists and differences subsided. Jackson’s democrats the descendants of Jefferson’s republicans

-tideless era: a time of divided govt. -Ferguson suggests conflict wasn’t based on slavery but on possibility of a slave based economy that worried laborers and farmers; tariff manufacturers, train companies

-party loyalty was high 80-90%, probably as a result of patronage and Party Machine: votes in exchange for services -business strong: national bank, high tariffs, railway, Rep business, Dem agricultural -

-women and immigrants get right to vote at this time

-stagflation booted Carter -democrats forced to regroup -Economy tanked, Clinton wins.

-Clinton tainted and ruined it for Gore -Bush failures with Iraq, Katrina, Shiavo -As a result 2006 senate returns to Dem control

-Retrospective voting patterns

Govt 154 Study Guide




Party’s As Pyramids

Structure top down, with more at the base. Local: raises money, registers voters

In descending order: National, State, Local, Precinct Option II: National, State, County, City, Ward, Committee

Purpose of Parties

Goal of American Parties: Elections. They influence policy makers,

Urban Machines: Patronage

Brokers between people and the City. Ended with the introduction of the Civil Service.

Popular in Chicago, Boston, NY: Tammany Hall

State Party Orgs

Designed to raise money

Eg. Coalitions within State legislatures

Soft Money

Govt 154 Study Guide

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