G Spot Fair Contact Info

  • November 2019
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G-Spot Health Fair Contact info. ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE:  Acupuncture: Stacy Kent, practitioner. She is confirmed!! Give her ideas… she will talk, have info., perhaps demonstrate!!!  Chiropractics: Jodi Cooley, practitioner. She is confirmed!! Will do several talk, can’t stay the whole time.  T’ai Chi (sp?) Helen Yee teaches this. Tentatively confirmed!! (poss. Debra Weisenberg (Suzie knows).  Chair massages: students at a massage school in town. Kathy to check. Jayne is arranging. Tentatively confirmed!! Consider whether we could have some of these as a panel presentation to discuss alternative medicines? FAMILY PLANNING ISSUES:  Doula: Caroline Schleappi, DONA & CAPPA Trained Doula, Certified Childbirth Educator. “Providing Labor/Postpartum Doula Services & Education Support.” Phone: 876-6073 @3293 Smiley Rd. Columbus, OH 43221. email: [email protected] Online@ www.ColumbusDoula.com . Will have a table, do a talk on birth support, and possibly demonstrate body casting. TRANSGENDER/INTERSEX/GENDER FLUID:  OSU GLBTQ CENTER GP. : “yati” (young adult trans and intersex). Jeanne has sent email to leader of group. (MTF student poss. confirmed (but she is not sure yet what she could do?).  Endocrinologist/physician: (Elena Christofides, MD) [email protected] MD who treats many transgender patients in Columbus area.  Medication Information person: The Apothecary Shop “the specialty pharmacy” Dave Brandebura, R.Ph., Pharmacy Director. 262 Neil Ave., Ste. 130 Columbus, OH 43215. Phone: 360-2800. email: [email protected] Online @

www.theapothecaryshop.com . (supplies lots of AIDS and Trans drugs/hormones) Will have a table-top display that is 6 ft. wide by 3 feet. He might be able to get his own table, but was not sure at last contact. He will bring info. on many of the health issues that we will be covering as they cover many of the issues that we are presenting at the fair.  Info. on getting reassignment surgeries funded. Mary Ann Horton tentatively confirmed!! Has power point presentation.

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PREVENTATIVE HEALTH CARE: RN doing blood pressures, basic check ups. Confirmed!! Melissa friend, Laura Collins, RN Colon care: Ohio Gastroenterology. Perhaps pamphlets/business cards (diet, when to get exams, colon ca. risks). They are confirmed!! Info. and Wendy will check on other ideas. Bloodmobile: Red Cross. This is mostly confirmed!! Do we want mobile unit or inside smaller set up? (Kyryn to follow.) Lesbian Health News: bi-monthly newsletter. They will present an annual award to a lesbian who is notable in the field of health at our health fair!! Sex Educator: Jenna Wojdocz sex ed. Teacher in Cols. Pub. Sch.s Make safe sex fun. Do a talk? Confirmed!!

NUTRITION HEALTH:  Co-op farming: local group that delivers fresh produce weekly to pick up. Ellen Baumgardner is looking for volunteers.  Whole Foods Market. Tentatively confirmed. Will donate items (Kerrie filling out form with needs) and will provide information. Need details on items to donate and “information.” MENTAL HEALTH/SUPPORT SERVICES:  Youth services: Kaleidoscope Youth Center. They are confirmed!! Will have table.

 Mary Lou Griffiths, LPC. Short personality profile presentation as

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it relates to relationship tips. Brief presentation. Has her own power point presentation, projector and supplies. Confirmed!! LGBT student services at OSU : Elizabeth Warren is contact person. Tentatively confirmed!! ADAMH Board. Finding a speaker on mental health and/or drug and alcohol issues. Tentatively confirmed!! BRAVO. Confirmed!! Will have a table/info. Melissa contacted. Columbus AIDS Task Force. Erin Upchurch called back and left message. I will get to her early this week to give details and confirm. Phone: cell: 432-4136. work: 3406709 10-5:30pm.

SPIRITUAL HEALTH/WELLNESS:  Newman Center (Catholic glbt-friendly church on OSU campus) Mary Ellen Thomas. @291-4674. www.Buckeyecatholic.com  SGA-USA (Buddhist Community Gp.) Monic Cunningham @ 204-1420. [email protected] She can bring her own table with information on local Buddhist group that is lgbt friendly.  New Creation MCC Church (Metropolitan Commun. Church) Rev. Margaret Hawke. 224-0314. [email protected] (Suzie has said that she is wanting to be a part of the fair, but I have sent her invite and she has still not gotten back to me.)  North Church (United Church of Christ, lgbt-friendly) Tentatively confirmed!! MISCELANEOUS:  Self-defense: Kristin Enriquez is the instructor who can come. Needs more contact, but so far her phone number is: 447-0169. I will contact her early this week.

 Protection from Crime: IMPACT Safety training. They are

confirmed!! They will have table with info. and may do demonstration!  Health care planning: Rebecca Foreman, Financial Advisor 593 Nashoba Ave., Columbus, Oh 43223. 263-6194. [email protected] cell: 542-7885. life ins./retiremt./long-term care insurance. She will have a table and has her own.

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