G R E M O O (recovered)

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,265
  • Pages: 12
This Illustrated Magazine is Dedicated to GREMO (“Great Movies” Academy Award) Ceremony.

Tbilisi, Georgia


Amid these political storms, at every moment full of some new departure, but never actually issuing in anything, you represent the real hope to renew Georgia and to liberate its vast potential. I am away unavoidably but feel my proper place is there with you. I miss you very much... Charles H. Fairbanks Jr. President of AGILE

-1AGILE Maculatura

Nine Tsertsvadze, Tekla Shalamberidze, Nene Chkhaidze, Sali Kobalia. The idea of the group who call themselves “Agile Maculatura“ was born in Tekla Shalamberidze’s head. She convinced her friends in participation and three beautiful girls started to practice on their performance. They are presenting themselves on a ceremony with the charm and originality. The group tried to keep the main point of the movie by having two Umas and two Jhons. Sali Kobalia and Tekla Shalamberidze are professionally presenting wonderful Jhon when Nine Tsertsvadze and Nene Chkhaidze try to be as pretty as Uma. I have to admit they do it perfectly and hard practice proves that it did not go wasted.

“WE are the world, we are the children, and we are the ones who

make a better day so let’s start giving”

This song interpreted in Georgian is a big surprise for our professor and hope everyone will enjoy it.

“Slumdog Millionaire” movie gained the respect from Liberal Arts Program students and part of them decided to present the wonderful scene from a movie also called as “Jai Ho” scene. Kristi Milorava, Keti Metreveli, Gvantsa Korkia, Nini Elbakidze, Tiko Pkhakadze, Elene Sigua, Nini Grdzelishvili, Guram Kartvelishvili and Davit Kopaliani tried to work out three times in a week, to have their performance done before the party in a high level which should have the result..


American – Kakhuri initiative for liberal education or Agile is greatly wanted!!! (I Part) Different actors, different text and the same healthy sense of humor – the numbers are based on different passages of one genius Georgian comedy, interpreted by the students of liberal arts. The act has two parts and they are especially entertaining and funny between the GREMO nominees. "Announcing that we could perform any passage from any movie and connect it to our course, the movie came straight to my mind. It is known as one of the best Georgian comedies, so we tried to save the same humor and accent in our version" - says Archil Sumbadze, the author of the idea.

(II Part)

Three beautiful students participate in the second part of the performance and they also think that this is one of the most entertaining numbers in GREMO nominees. Working hard to create and act well, they are also looking forward to win GREMO award for funniest performance. Asking them who they would like to meet, they say -Mrs. Laura Rekhviashvili, The students think she is one of the best Georgian actresses in the movie. They would also like to meet Mr. Shota Kobidze, in their opinion he is a very talented Georgian director and actor.


Archil Sumbadze My impression about the summer school-“Shakespeare- Henry-IV” First of all I want to express my gratitude to you, Mr. Charles, Vera and everyone who have worked over this project. To be honest, I have got from this course more than I expected. Firstly, I found out the methods of the liberal education that will really help me in the future. I had a possibility to watch remarkable chef-d’oeuvres of the western cinematography, conceiving their main ideas and values. I learnt more about Shakespeare, his period, his works…I analyzed “Henry-IV” in details and frankly, this way I learnt how to read books more attentively and productively in English and even in Georgian too. I really adapted to free discussion, picked up habits of concepting my opinion more clearly, listening and analyzing others’ ideas… Besides, I made new friends, having had honour to meet you…I learnt a lot from you, Mrs. Manana, and I hope our relationship will continue.

Nino Japarashvili "Fall of France 1940" was the first course we had an honor to meet Mr. Charles Fairbanks. Even now I remember how exceptionally productive and important lectures we had that time. Nevertheless the material was difficult, Mr. Charles together with Mrs. Manana Anasashvili tried their bests to make us understand every single word. Discussions gave us inspiration not only to read the material but to read in depth. Our lectures and lecturers taught us to listen the opposite position and express our ideas clearly with arguments without hesitation. “Fall of France” I think was the most appropriate for us; we made parallels between France 1940 and Georgia 2008. Without a doubt, the period with Mr. Charles Fairbanks and Mrs. Manana Anasashvili was extremely significant for every student. I express my sincere thank to everyone who gave me possibility to be a member of liberal society and enjoy our studies.


Gvantsa Korkia I’ve been accustomed with Facebook society for a long time now and it has become even more interesting and fun, because now I share it with all my Free Arts Program friends and our professor Mrs. Manana Anasashvili. We have discussion groups on Facebook that are related to the courses that we’re taking currently: XIX Century Novel, Great Movies etc. I’m an administrator of XIX Century Novel group, which is one of our brilliant and interesting courses and I have to say that Facebook comes really handy. Every week we are asked new questions by Professor Anasashvili, we bring up new controversial topics about the books we read, about the movies we watch. We use arguments, we state sources and try to ‘surpass’ each other in ‘fierce’ discussions. Facebook is the place where we all get a chance to state our opinions and talk about all the things that we aren’t able to discuss during class-time. My friends and I can’t wait to get home after lectures and continue our fascinating discussions. I’m very honored to be leading one of the groups like this on Facebook.

Kristi Milorava “Liberal Educational Program” sounded very strange and odd for me in Ilia Chavchavadze State University’s study program. I thought it was some kind of a duplicate from American Universities that Georgian professors were trying to change with their old-fashioned and communistic ideas, but in the last semester, I risked my credits and chose this course. Due to the credit limitations I only got to pick the “Great Movies” course which rotated my mind for 1800 about this program. I realized how well professors was prepared, how much she enjoyed working with students, what a wonderful

copy they made and was very happy that I would not have lost my time and credits on a false copyright program. This is a good chance for every student to develop their thinking in different ways and I believe everyone who is the student of Ilia Chavchavadze State University should choose this program for good reasons and they will never be disappointed. Here is the chance to say faithful thank you to the creator of this program and thank you for brining it in our University, It totally changed the lifestyle of every student. -8-


“Great Movies”student’s dream!




New Years Celebra tion with AGILE

GREMO Ceremo ny


Cast & Crew


General Practice AGILE 2008 Group


Professors of AGILE

Gia Nodia

Manana Anasashvili

Nestan Ratiani

Nestan Ratiani

Levan Gigineishvili

Malkhaz Saldadze


Tamar Bakuradze

Marina Gvelesiani Chief Editor: Nino Japarashvil i Assistant: Kristi Milorava Designer: Elene Savaneli


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