Fyp Presentation

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 364
  • Pages: 26

A. INTRODUCTION • To help parents in accessing information about their children and school. • SK Perpaduan is a primary year school located in Perak, have 1518 pupils and 67 teachers. • Majority of the students are Malay

Problem Statement • Communication between teachers and parents only in traditional face-to-face way. This seldom happen due to time and distance constraints. • Parents rarely informed what happen in school. • News and meeting notifications by school are paper based. May lost.

• Academic report card is given to parents via their children usually at mid-semester examination and last semester examination annually. So, parents may not aware if happen some problem in their children progress. • Authentication of the parents signature is also cannot be verified and some students might sign the report card themselves

Literature review • Willmar Public Schools

• Goochland County Public School PowerSchool

• myIIUM Portal

PART B. Pr op osed Solu ti on

Project Scope • The system administrator able to control registration of new users • Parents with correct login ID can view children academic report, attendance record, co-curriculum and disciplinary report. • Parents are able to directly give opinion to teachers and receive any news from the school

• The system users will be able to update their personal information. • The system users can report and seek assistant from the system administrator • System administrator, teachers and parents have different level of privileges in the system.

Project Objectives • To build a system that serves as one-stop center for parents to access about their children records including academic report and attendance record. • To produce a system that provide all important information and current activities of the school to parents • Simple portal for the convenient of parents that may do not high level competency in computer literacy

Project Methodology

Figure: Waterfall development approach

PART C. Pr oject Desi gn

Activity diagram

Data flow diagram • Context diagram

Database Design (ERD)

Page Flow diagram

PART D. Co ncl usi on s

Assumption/constraint • Uncooperative users • Hardware and software cost • Time constraint

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