Fy03 Program Guidance

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Emergency Management FY2003 CERT Grant Program Guidance _____________________________________________________________________________________

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FY2003 Supplemental CERT Grant PROGRAM GUIDANCE FOR PARTICIPATING JURISDICTIONS Missouri State Emergency Management Agency P.O. Box 116 Jefferson City, MO 65102 www.sema.state.mo.us October 20, 2003

Emergency Management FY2003 CERT Grant Program Guidance _____________________________________________________________________________________


A. Definitions B. Project Description Overview C. Performance Period D. Maintenance of Effort/Supplanting of Funds E. Usage of Funds F. Program Requirements G. Reporting Requirements a. General Information b. Performance Reports c. Financial Reports H. Amendments I. Resources and Supplemental Information J. Documents and Forms K. General Provisions


Emergency Management FY2003 CERT Grant Program Guidance _____________________________________________________________________________________

A. Definitions Sub-Grantee: Local jurisdiction receiving funds from Grantee, State Emergency Management Agency of Missouri. B. Project Description Overview The goal of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Grant program is to train local citizens in emergency preparedness and response in a manner that will provide them the necessary skills to safely care for each other during a disaster until professional emergency responders arrive. Trained individuals and teams can help in saving lives and protecting property when communities’ professional response resources are stretched thin. Another goal of the CERT Grant Program is to involve local community members in emergency management through their involvement in the CERT program. An added benefit of the CERT program is an established pool of trained volunteers, which the community can use to its advantage in times other than disaster. Continuous volunteer opportunities, as well as refresher activities, would help keep CERTs up to date and involved in their community and are highly encouraged. Objectives: For local governments to initiate, organize, train and maintain CERTs and to use these teams as an emergency management resource and as a volunteer pool to perform special projects that improve a community’s preparedness. For communities with established CERT programs to continue, maintain and expand these programs. Possible sources for delivery of this program at the local level include local emergency management and response agency personnel, education training centers, schools of higher education, and other training sources. Regardless of the training source, the program shall be sponsored by a public sector emergency management or response agency or the local Citizen Corps Council that will manage and maintain the CERT volunteer resource. The Sub-Grantee shall perform the work described in this FY 2003 CERT Grant Guidance. By acceptance of these funds awarded, the Sub-Grantee agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the grant as set forth in this document and the documents identified below, and made a part hereof by reference.


Emergency Management FY2003 CERT Grant Program Guidance _____________________________________________________________________________________

C. Performance Period The period of performance shall be twelve (12) months from the effective date of the Grant Agreement received by the State: August 6, 2003 through August 6, 2004. The funds awarded to the Sub-Grantee are available for obligation only during the performance period stated above. The Sub-Grantee is not authorized to incur new obligations after the expiration date shown above. Problems in obligating funds by the expiration date must be brought to the attention of the State CERT Program Manager no later than May 14, 2004. D. Maintenance of Effort/Supplanting of Funds The purpose of this funding is to increase the level of funding for Sub-Grantees to develop or enhance CERT program activities. Funds approved under this grant award shall be used to supplement and shall NOT be used to supplant, or substitute for, state or local funds dedicated to this effort. The Sub-Grantee may be requested to support maintenance of effort planning through documentation supporting three previous years budgets dedicated to this effort. E.

Usage of Funds and Guidance CERT funds are to be used for organizing, training, equipping, maintaining and expanding CERT programs. CERT funds are to be used to conduct the Emergency Management Institute’s CERT program, which is a 20 hour course including the new “CERT and Terrorism” Module within your jurisdiction during the grant period. The national standard for the CERT concept and training material can be viewed on the Internet at http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/cert/. The Missouri standard is the October 2002 Midwest Generic version received at the CERT Train-the-Trainer Course. NOTE: The latest update was June 2003 by EMI. The material taught has not changed. The structure of the class was changed, some items were removed and some added. Feel free to download this material and use it. Expenditures must be in line with the scope of work defined within the original grant application received from the Sub-Grantee.


Emergency Management FY2003 CERT Grant Program Guidance _____________________________________________________________________________________

Listed are possible uses for CERT funds:  Instructor preparation and delivery time (ONLY for local offering NOT for taking the TtT course) o Trainers can be contracted for the specific purpose of training and educating CERT members.  Program administration of CERT (5% Maximum) o Creation and maintenance of CERT database o Coordination of program o Office supplies in support of CERT  Rental of training facility  CERT member’s hard hat, safety vest, goggles and gloves (MUST remain the property of the local jurisdiction)  CERT training materials (MUST remain the property of the local jurisdiction)  Printing CERT material to include instructor guides, student manuals (see Resources), brochures, certificates, handouts, Field Operating Guide (see Resources), newsletters and postage (preference is for an electronic newsletter with email addresses as part of database).  Non-expendable classroom equipment for CERT delivery (10% Maximum) o Computers, projectors, etc.  Other items applicable to CERT as explained in jurisdiction’s work plan. F.

Program Requirements Jurisdictions that apply for and receive funds under this grant must complete all requirements and show progress toward goals outlined in the original application or return their total grant allocation to the State of Missouri. It is important that all local CERT trainers and coordinators understand the commitment they are making by participating in this grant offering and understand all requirements placed upon them. Review the requirements listed below. Minimum Requirements: a. List CERT program on the Directory of Community Emergency Response Teams by State. Submission link on the CERT web site is located at http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/CERT/dir.asp with a link to Submit information about your program.  Individual jurisdictions must register their CERT program before January 9, 2004.


Emergency Management FY2003 CERT Grant Program Guidance _____________________________________________________________________________________

Reimbursements will not be made until program is listed. Please note that programs are not listed the same day as submission.

b. Conduct a minimum of one (if awarded less then $5,000) or two (if awarded $5,000 or more) CERT courses within your jurisdiction.  Copies of rosters and evaluations must be submitted to SEMA after the completion of classes (see Documents and Forms). c. Submit completed quarterly reports (see Reporting Requirements) by the specified due dates. Final report forms will be forwarded to Sub-Grantees at least 30 days before final reporting date. d. Create and implement a plan to maintain CERT members. Indicate how they can be used to supplement emergency management activities in disaster and non-disaster situations. This can be done through refresher courses, volunteer opportunities and so on. SEMA will provide guidance when requested. e. Jurisdictions must have a minimum of two certified CERT trainers. SEMA will offer CERT Train-the-Trainer Courses in order for local jurisdictions to meet this requirement. f. Jurisdictions funded under the FY2002 CERT Supplemental Grant are required to offer an additional course OR a refresher course in addition to the minimum class requirements outlined above in ‘F.b’.  Copies of rosters and evaluations must be submitted to SEMA after the completion of classes (see Documents and Forms). G.

Reporting Requirements Quarterly reports must be submitted by the due dates showing progress toward completion of the Scope of Work outlined in the original application. Progress must be measurable and directly applicable to the goals identified. Reporting forms have been changed to reflect new reporting requirements and differ from the FY2002 CERT grant forms. You can obtain electronic copies of forms from the CERT page on SEMA’s website or by request via email. Hard copies of forms are included in this packet.


Emergency Management FY2003 CERT Grant Program Guidance _____________________________________________________________________________________

 Be sure that all reports are passed through the appropriate channels set forth within the local jurisdiction. SEMA will only receive reports signed by the Appropriate Authority whom signed the original application.  Report dates are January 9, April 9, July 9 and October 8 of 2004. Please, submit reports by the due dates.  Any necessary changes in reporting forms will be forwarded to you in advance. Audits and Records: All Sub-Grantees must follow the audit requirements of OMB Circular No. A-133: Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations. Grant records include financial and performance reports, supporting documents, statistical records and other records of Sub-Grantee, which are required to be maintained by 44 CFR Part 13.42, program regulations or the grant agreement. Grant records shall be retained for a period of 3 years from the day the Grantee submits its final expenditure report. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the 3-year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular 3year period, whichever is later. **Keep copies of all records** Performance Reports: Quarterly performance reports are to be completed by the CERT coordinator or the individual designated by the Appropriate Authority whom applied for and signed the CERT grant application. Performance reports are to include an outline of CERT activation for emergency (deployments) and non-emergency situations. This will include situations where CERT members have augmented a community’s emergency management capability. Examples of non-emergency would be any special project or activity that enhanced the community’s preparedness. SEMA submits quarterly Program Activity Reports to FEMA Region VII reflecting each jurisdictions progress.


Emergency Management FY2003 CERT Grant Program Guidance _____________________________________________________________________________________

Financial Reports: Reimbursement Requests are to be completed by the CERT coordinator or the individual designated by the Appropriate Authority whom applied for and signed the CERT grant application. The Reimbursement Request form will ONLY be accepted when signed by the Appropriate Authority whom signed the original application. Payments will be made on a reimbursement basis no more often than quarterly and will ONLY be considered upon receipt of the following: a. Completed Reimbursement Information Form (see “Documents and Forms’) *To be submitted only once* b. Completed and signed Reimbursement Request Form c. Copies of invoices, receipts and any other necessary information (see ‘Documents and Forms’ for instructions) d. Completed Performance Report Expenditures must be in line with the Scope of Work outlined in the original grant application. See ‘Usage of Funds’ for acceptable expenditures. SEMA submits quarterly Financial Reports to FEMA Region VII. Failure to submit reports within the required timelines may jeopardize the reimbursement of expenses for the reporting period. H.

Amendments The Sub-Grantee may wish to amend activities outlined in the original application due to uncontrollable events. Amendments must be made in writing explaining the necessity of the changes and submitted to the CERT Program Manager. Amendments that affect the minimum requirements of the grant, as outlined above, may jeopardize the grant award. Issues or concerns should be brought to the CERT Program Manager’s attention as soon as possible for resolution.


Emergency Management FY2003 CERT Grant Program Guidance _____________________________________________________________________________________


Resources and Supplemental Information Student Manuals: Funding can be used to order student manuals from the Central Missouri Correctional Center for $5.70 each. To order SMs send a purchase order via fax to Leon Herigon at 573.751.6679 with the following information: • Contact name, address and telephone number • Date books needed by • Number of books needed • Write on purchase order “Community Emergency Response Team Student Manuals” Field Operating Guide (FOG): Funding can be used to print, copy and bind this guidebook for CERT team members. You can download a free copy of this guide at: http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/CERT/certfog.asp. Another version of this guide is also available on SEMA’s CERT web page or by request via email from the CERT Program Manager; this version is a combination FOG and ID that can be printed, laminated and worn around the neck. Building a Burn Pan: Instructions on building a burn pan can be obtained at: http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/downloads/IG-CERT-Unit2Rev2.doc on page 4. Other Resources: Worksheets, documentation forms and handouts can be found on various websites. See ‘Online Resources’ for a list of useful websites.


Documents and Forms The following documents and forms are included in this package. They can be obtained electronically on SEMA’s CERT web page at www.sema.state.mo.us or by request of the CERT Program Manager via email. 1. Document of Online Resources 2. Quarterly Performance Report (new) 3. Reimbursement Information Form (for new Sub-Grantees only) 4. Reimbursement Request Instructions (new) 5. Reimbursement Request Form (new) 6. Evaluation Form (new & required for classes) 7. Training Roster Form (new & required for classes) 8. Sample Certificate


Emergency Management FY2003 CERT Grant Program Guidance _____________________________________________________________________________________


General Provisions The following are herby incorporated into this agreement: 44 CFR

Emergency Management and Assistance Regulations

44 CFR Part 10

Environmental Considerations

44 CFR Part 13

Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments

44 CFR Part 7

Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs (FEMA)

44 CFR Part 17

Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-free Workplace (Grants)

44 CFR Part 18

New Restrictions on Lobbying


Insurance and Hazard Mitigation


Fire Prevention and Control


Disaster Assistance



31 CFR Part 205.6

Funding Techniques

P.L. 101-336

The Americans With Disabilities Act

OMB Circular A-102

Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments

OMB Circular A-87

Cost Principles for State and Local Governments

OMB Circular A-110

Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other NonProfit Organizations

OMB Circular A-21

Cost Principles for Educational Institutions

OMB Circular A-133

Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations

OMB Circular A-122

Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations

Code of Federal Regulations website: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/ OMB Circular website: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/index.html


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