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n a m e :: justin
a g e :: 14
s e x :: male
l o c a t i o n :: yukon [405] ok
okay! now that i got the basics covered, lets probe even deeper in this gaping kid known as justin.
heyy. so my name is justin, pretty catchy, no? i live in a medium-sized city called yukon. i am currently attending yukon highschool, and i am a freshman. i love to hang out with friends, but who doesn't? of course, if you're one of those sit-at-home myspacers then i guess i'll understand.
other than that, i am a very polite boy with manners as well as charm! at least, that's what i like to believe.
i ♥ all my friends. i can get along with everyone. if your mean to me... then mostly ill be mean back. im not a dick, but sometimes i get in my moods. i dont concider myself on one style. i wear whatever i feel like. i don't like people who try hard to fit in. i like people for who they are. i love anything rock. i don't like rap music... i love country. i like the heat more than cold. im more into summerwear. im big into fashion! i love girls...i cant get enough of them. i have 3 actual true friends. my favorite band is, "all american rejects." i don't dress emo...!
j to the c
view more < img src="http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e262/hotlayoutchx/messagehxzx.png"border="n one"> add a comment <style type="text/css"> textarea.skem9box {width:200px; height:100px;color:black;font-size:11pt;fontfamily:arial;background-color:turquoise;} input.skem9sub {width:200px; } input.skem9res {}
i'm justin
and thats all you need to know i'm the kind of guy who.. -is single
-doesn't holded grudges.
-opens the door for girls.
-goes out of his way to make others happy.
-puts family first.
-will try to make a blue day better.
-will listen if you're upset.
-loves to make people laugh.
-will most likely back down from a dare.
-loves to have a good time.
-goes more for personality than looks.
-knows what he believes in.
-doesnt have a type just knows what he doesnt want.
-thinks smoking is gross.
-thinks drugs are stupid.
-is not your everday guy.
-is impossible to find.
-doesn't look his age.
-doesnt act his age.
-is tall and doesnt need to be told so.
-is always happy.
-gets in the middle of alot of things.
-is extremly shy when first meeting someone.
-likes playing video games.
-100% straight.
-doesn't ask for much.
-is concerned about his family all the time.
-loves his mom.
yes my name is justin.
it is my real name.
i love three things and three things only.
those three things(not in any order) are friends,family and god.
my name is justin, thats all you need to know.
anything with friends really
i'm about to be a freshman at yukon. i might not know exactly what i like. i do know however that i'm fueled by jesus. unlike gasoline, this fuel is dirt cheap, but keeps me going forever. i hope everyone fills up. i hate being cold.
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music video codes ::
myspace layouts
<style type="text/css"> .frm2 {visibility:hidden;} .frm2 input {visibility:visible;} .bbzurl {content:"http://overlay.bbzspace.com";}