Functions Map V2

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 500
  • Pages: 3
Customer Buying Decisions D1.1.1 Customized content

D1.1- Linkage with applicable courses

D1.2.1 Accessible to all students including with various disabilities

D1.2 Meeting established federal and state standrds

D2.1.1 Provide easy installation

D2.1 Ability to run on various operational systems

D2.2.1 Efficient files management system

D2.2 Effective use of available broadband

D3.1.1 Understand budgeting timeline

D3.1 Be available before budgeting process is completed

D4.1.1 Need for live support and back up plans to ensure continuity of classes

D5.1.1 User manuals are created and tested for viability

D1-Meeting academic objectives/ curriculum

D2- Ensuring compatibility with existing IT infrastructure

D3-Matching budget allocations

C1-Secondary Schools buying decisions N1- Alignment of academic programs with technological advances (Technology Roadmap)

C2-Universities buying decisions D4-Receiving timely technical support

D3.2 Be of low or no cost

D4.1 24-7 support center

D5- Having complete technical documentation

D5.1 Functions are documented and tutorials are updated

D6- Ensuring quality performance

D6.1.1 All issues are resolved and patched timely provided

D6.1 Functions are tested and are bugs-free

D7- Having widely acceptable file formats

D7.1.1 Use common industry standards

D7.1 Outputs can be readable and printable

D8.1.1 Continuous R&D investments

D8.1 New features and functions are easily incorporated

D9.1.1 Access to program code

D9.1 Can be programmed to meet unique needs

D8- Having ability to accommodate new technologies

D9- Having ability to customize

N2- Ability to produce highquality visual images

Legend: C-Customer N-Need D-Demand

C3- Professional designers buying decisions

Functions-Benefits Map

P1 Storage on servers

B1- Ease of deployment

F1- Fast downloading time via the Internet P2 Security over downloading process F2- Open source software code

F3- Creation “watertight” models

F4- Operational in Windows, Mac, and Linux

F5- Graphic user interface

P3 Keeping track of updates

P4 Topological mesh modeling process

P5 Testing for compatibility and glitches

P6 User menus correspond to industry standard interface

B2- Multiple deployments (home, school, office)

B3- Free to customize (school/office IT can use/ update)

B4- No license issues (no per student license)

B5- Low entry cost

B7- Can be used across wide range of platforms

P7 Resolution quality

F7- Creates .obj files

P9 Following industry trends

B9- Compatible with other software investments

F6- Python programming language

P8 Log of changes

B8- Ability to “roll back” changes

Legend: F- Functions P- Process B-Benefit

B10- Well known interface, ease to customize application B11- Can be used by programming classes as well

B6- Scalable costs

Value Added Chain

VC11- In-demand skill @ low cost

VC2- User is trained about computer graphics and 3D software tools

VC12- Can use in multiple classes

VC14- Learns industry standard interface

VC3- Instructor selects 3D modeling software among many options

VC13- Avoids risk of “lock-in” to vendor

VC10- Can use multiple copies without additional costs

VC8-User downloads open source 3D modeling software

VC9- Open Source community improves the open source software

VC4- Open-source 3D modeling software is developed

VC1- User creates 3D models

VC7- 3D models are displayed/printed

VC6- 3D modeling software receives peer review

VC5-3D modeling software is promoted

VC15- Produces “tangible” work for “resume”

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