Full Report Technical Writing

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 2,610
  • Pages: 14

A group consist of four members, firstly Muhammad Izwan bin Othaman (AE070175) which is the leader in the group, Mohd Farhan bin Ismail (AE070103), Muhammad Afiq bin Bahruddin (AE070150) and Mohd Norrulakmal bin Mohd Nawi (AE070194). We have to preparing a survey about “Air pollution in University of Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM)”. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY

Do you know what air pollution is? Where it come from? The source of air pollution refers to the various location, activities or factors which are responsible for the realising of pollutants in atmosphere. The air pollution has effect to many organism or living things in this world. Many organizations have done a demonstration to overcome the air pollution problems. Many of problems of the air pollution are come from people action. From the International Air statistic, Batu Pahat is the one of the area has contributed the air pollution. This is because many of industrial and housing areas coming up. In Parit Raja have many big factories for example Stancodex Sdn. Bhd, Evergreen Fibreboard Berhad, HPI Resource Berhad and others. Many of the factories close to UTHM areas. The thing that must be worried is most of the factory in Parit Raja emits smoke. The smoke that comes from the factory can affect the level of air quality in Parit Raja. Other than that, the factories also make an unpleasant smell. It will disturbed resident daily live in UTHM. Many of students in UTHM have sickness that caused by the pollution. The causes also will affect student learning. Why must there be a factory by the side of a university which will affect the health and well-being of the student? Why there is no action taken by the authority towards the factory? What the effect from the air pollution? What is the opinion of student about the air pollution? This problem should pay in more attention. To have answers for these questions our group that consists of 4 students from UMB 1042, under the supervision of Miss Noryani Neni Bte Ahmab Jamain will carry out a survey to find out the answers for all the unanswered questions regarding the opinions of the students in UTHM on the air pollution in the UTHM area. 1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEMS For the 20 years ago, since the development of UTHM, there was air pollution around UTHM campus. The pollution actually causes because of the Evergreen factory near the 1

UTHM area. The factory has produces lumber to export to other country. The factory has been here before the existence of UTHM, the wasps from the factory increasingly year to year. This makes the UTHM administration unhappy and unsatisfied. They referred to the Ministry Of Environment, but no reaction from there. Other factor is from the wasps from the student, staff vehicle and buses which carried student from the hostel to the campus. Due to the student hostel located near the place, there is many affect for the student daily life. 1.2.1 The student’s health is affected. The student has infected by the sickness like eye soreness, asthma and skin infection. The eye soreness is actually caused from the air pollution. There are feeling vomited because the factory has spread the bad smell. The smell is too strong and bad making the student’s to feel uneasy and uncomfortable of the surrounding environment. 1.2.2

The student around the factory place was argue with the factory develop. They

want this factory to close. Their life is likely live in a small room. This is because they had to close the window and door to reduce the smell and wasps from the factory and also from the student’s vehicle. The student has reported this to the superior. The student representative give their memorandum to the vice counsellor. 1.2.3 The student has to limit their outdoor activities. This happened because they had to face the bad environment. In addition the field or court is already near the factory. There are many cases that the student suddenly fainted and some student vomited. There assume that the problem is base on the factory. Many student has fix their face with mask and also 1.2.4

Due to limited of free land own by UTHM, the authority are forced to build

another hostel and be predicted near the factory because of additional numbers of residents in UTHM.


To analyze the air pollution problem, our group will carry out a survey on opinion of student in UTHM. 2

1.3.1 To indentify where is the major source for air pollution. 1.3.2 To indentify the opinion of student about air pollution. 1.3.3 To find the effect from the air pollution.


The air pollution in the UTHM area is too polluted. Then any reaction from the JAS and also administration to take a step to prevent this pollution before it come more and more bad. The JAS must have to investigate whether the factory is in legal or not. In other hand, the student also must reduce the smoke from the vehicle. The vehicle is also factor to this pollution. So take step to reduce the pollution like using bicycle or lift friend vehicle to class. The researches that we will conduct are only around UTHM main campus area. The research is not 100 percent of survey to the UTHM student. This is because another student stays in Taman Perwira and also Taman Melewar. Because of that they did not feeling much from the air pollution. This is important to narrow the survey. Limitation of study is important so that the expected results can be accurate and valid.


For every survey that is being done, it has to have limitation. This is to ensure the scope of study is not too wide. Our scope of study is stated as below. 1.5.1 This survey is covered only UTHM area. 1.5.2 The questionnaires for the research and statistic will distribute from the end of February until the earlier of April. 1.5.3 50 sets of questionnaire will be distributed to student in UTHM.


1.6.1 Resident-Person who lives or has a home in place. In this report, the meanings of residents are people stay in University of Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM). 1.6.2 Opinion-views of student that stay in UTHM. 1.6.3 Air Pollution- the modification of the natural characteristics of the atmosphere in

UTHM area by a chemical, particulate matter, or biological agent. 1.6.4 Student- categorized as those who are still studying in UTHM or a higher learning institution.


We had carried out the survey using few types of instrument of data collection. Below are the types of methods that we had used.


Questionnaires Our primary source was from the questionnaires prepared by our group members. 50 sets of questionnaires had been distributed to our selected samples and can be converted to percentage.


Observations Observations were one of the techniques used in our survey. We have observed the effect from the factory or other source which can contribute the air pollution. We were survey the UTHM illness and some of the illnesses is due to the air pollution.




We had interviewed the Dr Sarif, the doctor in UTHM medical centre on 23 of February 2008. We had found out some of the effect that some student suffers. Many of the student has infected by skin disease.


Library Research We have also used library research to define the terms that are used and to determine the correct format and ways of writing a report.


This pie chart had shown the total respondent that we are survey. The male student is the higher respondent. We divided the questionnaire to this ratio because the male student has doing many outdoor activities than female. They have more probability to infect with the air pollution. In addition we can assume that the air pollution index in the evening is too worst. This respondent is important because they can give their opinion and the effect for this problem. The problem can disturb the outdoor activities.

The pie chart shown the respondent divided by their age. The age is around 20th because most of student had stay in hostel are 1st and 2nd years’ student and the others staying outside. 5

We also did not spread this questionnaire to the staff because the staffs live in office not in the open atmosphere. Besides that most of the staff have stay outside not in UTHM.

This pie chart had shown the respondent divide by race. The pie chart had shown the percentage of the respondent. The pie shown the Malay is the highest respondent that answers the questionnaire compared Chinese, Indian and others. This is because the Malay student is a majority in this University. The other student is from kadazan and also iban. We divided to this ratio because the ratio shown the actual ratio in this university.

The pie chart had shown the residential college where they live during studying in UTHM. The residential college is important to this survey because the air pollution index is different for each college and the resident’s studies in different campus, main campus and city campus. The Tun Syed Nasir residents show higher percentage this because Tun Syed Nasir hostel is in UTHM campus area. But the other is outside from UTHM main campus.

Figure above showed the respond from UTHM student about their knowledge on air pollution. 60% of students have general knowledge on air pollution. For an expert knowledge on air pollution, there were 20%. For the others, they just have a little bit knowledge on air pollution (16%) and do not have knowledge on air pollution (4%). It means most of student knows about the air pollution.

Figure shows the biggest cause of air pollution in percentage. 20 respondent s (80%) choose factory were biggest cause of air pollution. 5 respondents (20%) had chosen other. Beside factory, vehicle was also contributed to this air pollution problem. This is because in UTHM most of student brings their vehicleswent to class.


Figure shows the opinion about air pollution problem in UTHM .12 respondents (50%) said air pollution was very serious. 6 respondents (16%) said serious .4 respondents (14%) said average. 3 respondents (10%) said not really. The result from the graph shows that most of student in UTHM has caring about the air.

Based on respond from student UTHM in questionnaire, there was an opinion that reached a high percentage (80%). Percentage (20%) not sure the factory was the major contributor or not. They absolutely agree factory near UTHM was the major contributor to the air pollution. Besides we can see the factory has emitted smoke from the chimney.

1.9 RECOMMENDATION 1.9.1 Send a letter to big organization. The students of UTHM can make a group or club as representative to the students and make letter to a big and has a power like Jabatan Alam Sekitar Malaysia, JASM, and Jabatan Kesihatan Malaysia, JKM. Other than that, students can ask this organization to investigate how much the smoke that has been release to the air at UTHM area can cause or effect to the health, life and other effect that related.

1.9.2 Collecting the student’s signatures.


The students of UTHM can collect their signature in paper or banner or other material that can be use as a proven that majority of UTHM students want to a comfortable life far from pollutions especially the air pollution. As majority of students decide the factory near UTHM is major causes of this air pollution problem, the student can force the factory to shut down or limiting the smoke releases with the student’s signature that has been collected. 1.9.3

Make a conference with the factory manager or representative. Based on the first recommendation, the club that has been build has to choose two or three students as the student’s representative to has a small conference with the factory manager or their representative regarding this problem. In this conference, the officer of any organization that has a power must join the conference to avoid any problem like being ignored by the factory or bias in conference.

2.0 CONCLUSION This survey has discussed the students of UTHM’s response to the questionnaire about the air pollution problem in UTHM. The recommendation would be helpful to UTHM’s student to get a comfortable life to study and do the outdoor activities without worrying the effect to their health. The finding of this survey has clearly shown that how the students have taken this problem so seriously and most of them have a knowledge regarding this problem.

2.1 REFRENCES WEBSITES AND BOOK General Lisa Emberson (2003). Air pollution impacts on crops and forest: global Format assessment. Retrieved February 24, 2008. source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Air Pollution is the human introduction into the atmosphere of chemical. Retrieved February 24, 2008, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_pollution.



Schwela, Dieter (2006). Urban air pollution in Asian cities: Status, challenges and management. Retrieved February 28, 2008.


Air Pollution Causes. (n.d.).Air Pollution causes lung disease in school-age children. Air pollution causes Blood Vessels to Constricts. Retrieved March 11, 2008, from http://healthandenergy.com/air_pollution_causes.htm.





Start Date



briefing and group formation(to decide name and background of company) Group meeting and task division – selecting the problem crafting Submit name and company background Solve the problem statement and researches









5 Group meeting-preparing for proposal



6 Submit the proposal





8 Proposal presentation



9 Group meeting-preparing for full report



10 Preparing for final report



11 Editing for final report





13 Preparation for final presentation



14 Submit the final report



15 Final presentation



2 3 4



Group meeting-preparing for proposal presentation

Group meeting-preparation for final presentation

Mac 2008

Finish Date















3)QUESTIONNAIRE Please tick (√) your answers in the box and write your answers in the space provided.

1. Gender:


female 11

2. Age :




31 and above

3. Race:




Other: ______________

4. Residential College :

KK Tun Syed Nasir KK Tun Dr. Ismail KK Tun Fatimah KK Perwira (Pangsapuri) KK Taman Melewar PETAS

5. Faculty:


6. Batch:

07/08 06/07 05/06 04/05 03/04

7. Do you really know about air pollution? I’m an expert about it Just general knowledge A little bit Not really Not at all


8. Do you think air pollution in UTHM is a serious problem? Very serious Serious Average Not really Not at all 9. Do you know what the biggest cause of air pollution in UTHM is? Yes, please state it: _____________________________________________________________ No 10. Do you agree if the factory near UTHM is the major contributor to this air pollution problem? Agree Maybe Disagree Don’t know 11. Have you suffered from any sickness due to the air pollution problem? Yes, please state it: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ No 12. Have you done anything to prevent yourself from getting sick? Yes, please state it: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ No 13. Do you agree if the factory near UTHM is closed? Absolutely Agree Depends on the situation Not really No need 13

Disagree 14. In your opinion, how can we help to reduce air pollution? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________


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