Full Moon (expert)

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  • Pages: 8
Chapter 20 bpov “Edward!!!!!!” I screamed. I felt so weak; I couldn’t even push my shield out to protect Edward. Emma was keeping my shield from going out to protect everyone so Sara could show them their worst nightmares. Jacob was in agony Nessie was curled up by my side withering in pain. I was in pain watching them my shield could protect me but not anyone else. I didn’t know it was hugging tight to me until Sara came over to torture me with my worst nightmare but I was living it. She stared at me intently but nothing happened. She looked back at Aro he saw her with me and came over. “What’s the matter Sara?” “ She is just sitting there like nothing is happening. When I am staring at her with my complete power.” Aro laughed a little laugh and signaled for Emma to come over. So she did, in a second she was here. “What’s the matter Aro?” she asked. “I thought you were keeping the shield from protecting anyone else?” “I am but this shield is 10 times more powerful than Vanessa’s. So it’s hard to completely keep it at bay.” “So Bella is this your full power or not?” “I’m not sure this nothing unusual it never goes away unless I tell it to.” I was not sure if I lied or not but Aro looked amazed. “Your not even trying to keep it around you?” Emma said I nodded in agreement. All three looked amazed then Aro spoke “If you join the voltori we will leave without harming your family any more.” “Along as nobody else gets hurt here then yes I will.” I said as brave as I could. “We will leave as soon as you want my precious one.” Aro looked like he could start dancing he was so happy. It made me sick.

“Let me gather my things and write a goodbye note. Then I will leave and never come back.” I got up off the ground and ran as fast as I could. I got to the house I record time and started to gather my things. Then when I turned around Felix and Demitri was at my sides ready for me to write the goodbye note.

Dear Edward I will always love you with all my heart that’s why I joined the Volturri to keep you safe and every one else. Tell Alice good-bye and Nessie I love her. Don’t come after me. I don’t want you to get hurt. Love you always, Bella I was of f in a second with Felix and Demitri right behind me. Soon we wer e in the opening I kissed Ed war d goodby e on the f or ehead. “Ar e you ready my pr ecious one?” I nod ded and we wer e of f Felix and Demitri was at my sides so I couldn ’t r unaw ay I gues s tha t was the reason, then I hear d Ed war d scr eam he must ha ve read the note or noticed I was not ther e. “Bella could you put your shield up so he can ’t read our minds.” I nod ded in a g reement “V anessa could you put up your shield.” Ar o said. She nod ded; as w ell she must be the other shield. “Bella you kn ow you ha ve to drink human blood instead of animal.” I nod ded. T his w as going to be har d.

Cha pter 21 Epo v

One moment I was seeing Bella dying bef or e my ey es then I was bac k at the field the voltur ri was no wher e to be seen. I slo wl y got up ever yone else was alr eady up Alice and Esme wer e cr ying .I went to see why they wer e cr ying w hen I r ealiz ed Bella w as gone. “Alice w her e’s Bella!?!” She sho wed me the vision of Bella with red ey es and a blac k ca pe. I knew wha t she done she joined the voltur ri so we could liv e. I in was on my knees in a second she shouldn ’t ha ve done it I knew she was br ave and selfless but never thought she do this. She ga ve up her fr eedom to let us liv e. I let out a scr eam. I put my head in my hands and cried my tear le ss cries. Esme wrapped her ar ms ar ound me and tried to com for t me it did little good. *** We sa t ther e for hour s to think of wha t we could do . Finall y I got up Alice was tr ying to see wha t Bella was going to do it changed many times. Fir st she was going to come ba ck but thought it would be better if she sta yed. She is now going to vi sit ever y hundr ed year s if Ar o lets her . She also made the decision to drink human blood since she joined. “Alice?” Car lisle ask ed. “Yes”

“W ha t do y ou see Bella going to do?” “Right no w she is going to visit ever y hundr ed year s if Ar o lets her .” “Ho w high up will she be?” ever yone wanted to kno w if she was going to be a nor mal guar d or a body guar d to one of the ancients. “She will be Ar o’ s per sonal body guar d.” someone gasped tha t w as a v er y special posi tion. “W ill she for m some friendships with any of the guar d?” this w as my ques tion of cour se. “Her and Ar o’ s other guar d will become close because they ha ve the same job. She will ar ound Ar o 24/7. He wouldn ’t let her out of his sight for a second he made this decision as soon as she joined. If he does Felix and Demit ri will be with her . So she will be saf e fr om anything at all times. But this comes at a price this means she is v er y impor tant.” If she is tha t impor tant Ar o must ha ve some kind of plan for her or saw she has mor e than just tha t po wer. “Ed war d do you think she left some thing a note or anything else?” Car lisle ask ed “Yes I kno w she le ft a note and instr uction s on a way to rescue her! I don ’t why I did n’t think of tha t bef or e.” I said I was of f in an instance r unning to war d the house. W hen we got ther e it was. I read it out loud so ever y one could hear it. “NO!”I scr eamed she dose not want me to come rescue her . She did thi s for me when I should ha ve done this for her . She did this to keep us safe. Please do what her last wishes says. Carlisle thought. “How can I do this I cant live with out her!” You must she wanted to keep you safe. So do what the note says and remember Nessie has already lost one parent today she doses not need to lose both. When he said Nessie’s name I knew I had to be strong because Bella must be in heck without living with her. “Daddy where is momma?”

“She left to keep us safe.” I had to be strong for Nessie and for the rest of my family. I just had to be. I wonder what Bella is doing right now. I hope she is ok. I had no way of knowing. I just had hope.

Cha pter 22 Bpo v

After I put my shield up I felt another shield it was weak er than mine I could tell. It was as if I had I had tw o shield. I soon ignor ed it. I hoped we would be in voltu r ri soon. *** W hen we finall y got to the castle I hoped to never see a gain but no w I liv ed in it. “Bella.” I look ed up to see who said it. It was Ar o of cour se. “Yes Ar o.” I said. “You will come with me to change and ea t. Heidi will be bac k by now.” I nod ded in a g reement. I knew tha t I shouldn ’t ar gue with Ar o. W hen we got inside Vanessa and me follo wed Ar o as he told me to . I had no idea wha t she was doing her e. T hen I remember ed tha t she was Ar o’s bodyguar d. T hen tha t meant I was no w Ar o’ s other bodyguar d. T ha t meant I w ould be ar ound Ar o 24/7. “Her e put these on ,V anes sa, will sho w you wher e to ea t when you’ re dr essed.” Ar o said. So I did as I was told. I put on a sundr es s tha t fit me li ke a glo ve. Vanes sa wor e a sundr ess as well. Soon we wer e do wn stair s in a huge in room I follo wed Vanes sa to a spot by the mid dle

thr own. It must be wher e Ar o sa t. Soon four other vampir es stud by the other tw o thr ones. Soon the ancients came to sit in their thr ones Caius look ed at me with a weir d expr es sion. Mar kus didn ’t look sur prised. Ar o look ed ha pp y as alw ay s. T he huge door s opened up to huge g roup of humans I haven ’t hunted in a few weeks so my thir st was har d to ignor e. I felt the venom I my mouth I hoped we would ea t soon. Once they wer e all inside Heidi came in and told them to line up the other vampir es r ose along with the ancients so did I. I guess it was time to ea t ther e was enough for ever yone tw o per per son. I pic ked out the one I w anted. “Its time to eat!” Ar o called. T her e was one scr eam but it was soft it was mine I quic kl y silenced it. I was not the messie st one most of them didn ’t car e if they got blood on their clothes but I was used to keeping my cloths clean to keep up the human act and doing it fast so no one could check. I was one of the cleanest besides fr om the ancients and I was the fastes t. I hear d whisper s because I was the fir st one done and the fact I look ed lik e a animal while I hunted was not going unnoticed I even hear d Cauis sa y I look ed lik e a lion killing its pr ey. I laughed to myself about tha t Ed war d alw ays said I look ed lik e a lion w hile hunting. I ne ver let my pr ey think wha ts going I let it be quic k and as painless as possible way ther e wouldn ’t scr eam. I ne ver been one to ea t mor e than tw o so once I had my full I went to stand by Ar o’ s thr own. Soon Ar o sa t do wn and then Cauis then Mar kus. T hen the r es t of the bodyguar d joined us. “Bella.” Ar o called. “Yes.” I said I hoped I wouldn ’t be called on unless ther e was a f ight. “You did a stunning and lethal job of killing your vic tims. Ho w did you do tha t?” I knew this question was coming I didn ’t think someone w ould ask it. “Killing animals for year s and ha ving to keep the human act up meant you had to keep hunting clean and fast. Mos t my famil y looks l lik e animals while we hunt.” I

said it as if it was a boring topic but it was ver y inter esting topic I could easil y sho w them how to hunt a lion or bear . “Amazing.” I hear d someone say . “Could you giv e us a demons tr ation one day?” Ar o said. I nod ded I w ould lo ve to sho w them tha t maybe they would tak e up hunting animals if they saw it. T hen Ar o stud up and said “Pr ecious ones meet your new comr ade Bella.” Joy a welcoming par ty. T hey stud up and ga ve a little bo w as I inc lined my head to war d them. I reall y didn ’t want to be her e. I miss Ed war d so muc h!

Cha pter 22 epo v 99 y ear s la ter Ev en if you don ’t want time to pass it does. It’ s been 99 year s since my Bella joined the voltu ri. It’ s been tor tur e living without her .

Bpo v It’ s been 99 year s since I left its time to put my plan in action. “Ar o can I go visi t the cullens for a couple of days ?” I hoped he would let me but if he didn ’t I was going anyw ay.

(tell me if I should write more)

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