Full Lenght Test

  • November 2019
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Section 1 Direction for question 1 to 5: In these question, you have a set of four sentences consisting of a blank each that is followed by four words that are marked as alternatives. You have to marked the alternative wherein the word can fill in the maximum number of blanks in the sentences. 1.

A. Anna is __________ about the problems she is facing with Tom. B. They had a/an ____________ discussion about the future. C. She has a/an ___________, trusting nature D. I cannot understand the _________ language of the inspector’s reports. a. Frankly b. Candid c. Opaque d. Open


A. The beautician made ___________ conversation with the client B. Out on the bay the morning is _______. C. There are lots of books crammed with _________ ideas. D. The doctor worked busily between the _________ lights of the delivery room. a. Blinding b. Radiant c. Light d. Bright


A. Poverty and unemployment are __________ hard to tackle. B. The government has deliberately ________ his efforts to gain work permits for his foreign staff. C. Roberta felt _______ and angry. D. The results show the level of ________ among the hospital doctors. a. Frustration b. Frustratingly c. Frustrated d. Frustrate


A. He was suffering from _______ and shock but his condition was said to be stable . B. All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of _______ on television and press. C. The whole system has been based on divine ________ in the scriptures. D. The ________ often last till dawn. a. Openness b. Revelation c. Exposure d. Revels


A. All Italy’s political parties have accepted that it is time to __________ the system. B. Ricardo Bofill, the Catalan architect, has designed the _________ airport. C. She lives in a large, ________ house. D. The ________ includes replacing the old navy uniform with a crisp blue and white cotton outfit. a. Renovate b. Renovated c. Revamp d. Both (a) and (b)

Direction for question 6 to 15: In each question a blank is left. Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blank 6.

Education is the _______ jewel for person’s being a. Crowing b. Finishing c. Diamond d. Sapphire


Discipline is the __________ of achievement a. Basic b. Bedrock c. Predecessor d. None of these


Laughter is considered be of a/ an _________ human response which develops during the first weeks of life. a. Basic b. Mechanical

c. Dreadful 9.

d. Innate

One who is educated, is understood to have ________ the learning of good and bad. a. Motivated b. Stipulated c. Imbibed d. Instigated

10. In days such as these, ________ with scams and scandals of all sizes, education’s moorings with ethics is a critical issue. a. Populated b. Fraught c. Completed d. None of these 11. Discipline on the other had, would be critical to achieve ________ of discrete efforts to yield a common goal. a. Organise b. Saving c. Creation d. Alignment 12. There are no prizes until one keeps to the task with enduring _______. a. Trepidation b., Effort c. Perseverance d. Meaning 13. Only a disciplined society can _______ such perseverance. a. Exhibit b. Squander c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of these 14. Education must not _______ itself to bookish concepts alone ,but cultivate the power of reason in the minds of the students. a. Restrict b. Forward c. Offer d. Prevent 15. An educated man’s ________ is how the carries himself steadily even under adverse situations. a. Symbol b. Problem c. Hallmark d. None of these Direction for question 16 to 25: In each of the question one complete pair of words or phrases and one term of another pair are given. Complete the second pair by choosing the correct term from the given choices. 16. Blacksmith : Hammer :: Pilot:____ a. Steering b. Joystick c. Scalpel d. Dosage 17. Memorandum : Memoranda :: Bacillus :____ a. Bacchus b. Bacteria c. Bacii d. Bacilli 18. Star : Cluster :: Tree : _____ a. Orbit b. Clump c. Plant d. Trees 19. Duplicate : Genuine : Reflection :______ a. Object b. Mystify c. Elucidate d. Magnify 20. Herpetology : Reptiles :: Dermatology : ______ a. Mummies b. Dirt c. Hair d. Skin

21. Bird : Snare :: Fish : _____ a. Seine b. Fins c. Swim d. Gills 22. Microscope : Small :: Telescope : ______ a. Distant b. Lens c. Tube d. Sun 23. Ebb : Tide ::Subside : _______ a. Desert b. Storm c. Road d. None of these 24. Horse : Elegant :: Mischievous : ______ a. Hippopotamus b. Giraffe c. Monkey d. Tiger 25. Car : Boot :: Ship : _______ a. Container b. Tank c. Cargo d. Hold Direction for question 26 to 30 : Read the passage carefully and indicate the meaning of the words underlined by choosing one of the four alternatives given. Aware that the next ten years will be a watershed in the history of the prison system, Crimion engaged in a programme to handle and reform the future of crime: juvenile offenders. The Criminon programme was tested, then revised and tested again inside the Los Angeles Central Juvenile Hall, unit K/L. All of the participants of the programme were accused of murder in the first degree, and all were gand members. The results were unprecedented. It all started in the Spring of 1994. Joan Lonstein, the President of Crimion for the Western United States, gathered together a handful of her best supervisors and started delivering the full regimen of the Criminon programme to a group of 25 young offenders. 26. Watershed a.. Radical change c. Uneasiness

b. Upheaval d. Makeover

27. Reform a. Formulation c. Manipulation

b. Tampering d. Amendment

28. Unprecedented a. Former President c. Unparalleled

b. Preceding d. Uncontrollable

29. Regimen a. Order c. List

b. Record d. None of these

30. Offenders a. Cult members c. Students

b. Accused d. Comrade

Direction for question 31 to 40 : In each question a word is given. Choose the word with the opposite

31. COWARD a. Forthcoming c. Valiant

b. Foolish d. Covert

32. VULGAR a. Athletic c. Aristocratic

b. Sober d. Incredible

33. ENDORSEE a. Clear c. Refute 34. ADORE a. Detest c. Oppose

b. Support d. None of these b. Worship d. Unwilling

35. SUBTLE a. Stupidity c. Dexterous

b. Clever d. Blunt

36. IRRITATE a. Reiterate c. React

b. Charm d. Pretty

37. PERENNIAL a. Temporal c. Potent

b. Eternal d. Long-Lasting

38. LAVISH a. Extravagant c. Miserly

b. Rich d. Poverty

39. HOSTILE a. Friendly c. Malicious

b. Nervous d. Enmity

40. BETRAYAL a. Ditch c. Loyalty

b. Forsake d. Remembrance

Direction for question 41 to 50 : Read the following passage carefully and indicate the meaning of the words or phrases underlined by choosing the correct alternative. Just a few weeks ago, Ketan Parekh was threatening to sue the Bank of India for defamation, because it complained about the bouncing of Rs 1.3-billion pay orders issued to the broker by the Madhavpura Mercantile Co-operative Bank. He seemed to suggest there is nothing more that the authorities would be able to pin against him. Yet, in the last couple of weeks, in vestigations by the central Bureau of investigation and the Securities and Exchange Board of India reveal that the sheer magnitude of money moved around by Parekh or available to him for his market manipulation was a staggering Rs. 64 billion . A couple of weeks ago, the CBI called a press conference to announce it had unearthed a Swiss bank account in which Parekh was listed as the beneficiary. The Bureau claimed there was $80 million (Rs. 3.4 billion) in the account, which has since been frozen. In the past, CBI announcements were usually followed up with a quick arrest, this time it has gone silent.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India’s preliminary investigation in May revealed that Rs. 29 billion were transferred out of the country through five Overseas Corporate Bodies between March 1990 to March 2001. These OCBs had together invested just Rs. 7.77 billion in the Indian market but remitted a whopping Rs. 36.77 billion out of the country. This direct flight of capital occurred through European Investments, Far East Investments, Wakefield Holding, Brentfield Holdings and Kensington Investment. Three of these companies have a paid up capital of just $10. SEBI says the pattern of investments and transactions through these accounts shows a clear misuses of the OCB/ Foreign institutional investor route. They seem to be used as a channel to repatriate profits earned through stock price manipulation. Many of these OCBs were sub-accounts of Credit Suisse First Boston whose brokerage operations have been suspended. But there were other Flls too. Strangely, SEBI has not yet placed any restrictions them so far. All it has done is to request the Mauritius Offshore Business Activities Authority to give details in respect of actual beneficiaries, source and utilization of funds of OCBs and sub-accounts mentioned in its preliminary report. In answer to a joint Parliamentary Committee query, SEBI now admits to have unearthed six more OCBs, where there is evidence that Parekh’s companies may have used them for cornering and parking of stocks.’ Dossier Stock Inc, Greenfield Investments Ltd, AOM Investments Ltd, Symphony Holdings Ltd, Almel Investment (Mauritius) Ltd, and Delgrada Ltd. 41. Defamation a. Deride c. Scandalise

b. Award d. Joyous

42. Mercantile a. Brokerage c. Commercial

b. Guild d. None of these

43. Unearthed a. Forfeit c. Dig

b. Discover d. Worldly

44. Evidence a. Source c. Proof

b. Standard d. Blame

45. Frozen a. Stalled c. Icy

b. Closed d. Sticky

46. Remitted a. Despatch c. Return

b. Invite d. Retard

47. Whopping a. Hopping c. Mild

b. Miniscule d. None of these

48. ‘Flight of capital’ a. Siphoning of funds b. Transfer of financial interests c. Movement of bank accounts d. None of these

49. Repatriate a. Penalise c. Refund

b. Award d. Unbecoming

50. Fll stands for a. Financial institutional investors b. Foreign institutional investors c. Fluid investment institutions d. Foreign investment and interests Direction for question 51 to 60: Read the following passages and answer the question that follow. Passage 1 Terrorism of a particular type is on the rise, and it is the terrorism of the old. It is the rise of fanaticism and fundamentalism. It was remanifesting itself before the end of the Cold War, and festered after the fall of the Soviet empire. The escalation of the war between Israel with the Arabic countries and the war in Afghanistan during the ’80 had have produced more and new generation of fanatics and fundamentalists. The Talibans or Islamic religious students are radicalized by extremist clerics who advocate violence as the answers for their conflicts with the non-Islamic world. It is the goal of these terrorists that measures the degree of their fanaticism. As seemed around the world like in USA, East and Western Europe, Middle East, South and South-east Asia, these terrorists want to undermine the government and freedom of nonIslamic countries by using their liberty and freedom as cover for their activates. They want the revival of old Islamic glory when Islam spread all over the known world and as the dominating factor in world economy and politic. They seemed to think that they are the victims and not the perpetrators according to their clerics. The economic destabilization and removal of non-Islamic government is one of their main goal. 51. What according to the passage is the ‘terrorism of the old”? a. Fanaticism b. Fundamentalism c. Intolerance d. Both (a) and (b) 52. What according to the passage led to the decay of terrorism after the Cold war? a. Fall of the Berlin Wall b. Gulf war c. Fall of the Soviet Empire d. None of these 53. The escalation of tension between Israel and Arab countries has a. Led to rise in terrorist attacks b. Led to birth of new terrorist outfits c. Propagated a new generation of fundamentalism d. None of these 54. What according to the passage, does ‘Taliban’ stand for? a. Terrorist outfit b. Arab mercenaries c. Students of Islamic religion d. Islamic clergymen 55. This passage seems to be a. From a newspaper b. From an economics journal c. A figment of the writer’s imagination d. Part of a government white paper.

Passage 2 Rule utilitarianism is a form of utilitarianism, which maintains that a behavioural code or rule is morally right if the consequences of adopting that rule are more favourable than unfavourable to everyone. It is contrasted with act utilitarianism, which maintains that the morality of each action is to be determined in relation to the favourable or unfavourable consequences that emerge from that action. The principle of ruleutilitarianism is a litmus test only for the morality of moral rules, such as ‘stealing is wrong’ and not a test for particular actions. Adopting a rule against theft clearly has more favourable consequences than unfavourable consequences for everyone. The same is true for moral rules against lying or murdering. Rule-utilitarianism, then, offers a three-tiered method for judging conduct. A particular action, such as stealing my neighbour’s lawn furniture, is judged wrong since it violates a moral rule against theft. In turn, the rule against theft is morally binding because adopting this rule produces favourable consequences for everyone. Rule –utilitarianism attempts to avoid some of the problems with act-utilitarianism. Fox example, with actutilitarianism it seems that we should have to give up television for charity work if it was determined that each of our leisure moments would yield greater social benefit if we did charity work instead. With ruleutilitarianism, though, a rule prohibiting leisure time is not socially beneficial; hence wee are not required to abandon leisure for charity. Similarly, under rule-utilitarianism, enslaving someone would be morally wrong if it was determined that a general rule prohibiting slavery was more socially beneficial. Even if a particular act of enslaving someone produced more benefit for the slave owners than disbenefit the slave himself, the act would still be wrong since it would violate the rule prohibiting slavery. But by sidestepping the problems of act-utilitarianism, rule-utilitarianism creates a new problem: it is conceivable that, on balance, a rule permitting slavery actually produces more benefit for society. 56. According to the passage, rule utilitarianism is a. An extension of utilitarianism b. An extension of act utilitarianism c. An old redundant concept d. None of these 57. According to rule utilitarianism, a code of conduct is valid if a. It delivers good for select number of people b. It delivers good all important people c. It delivers good for the maximum number of people d. None of these 58. The basic difference between rule and act utilitarianism is that the former talks about rules and the latter about a. Actions b. The necessity of actions c. The futility of actions d. The consequences of actions 59. According to the passage, rule utilitarianism is explained with what analogy? a. Test of faith b. Test of trust c. Litmus test d. None of these 60. What does rule utilitarianism provide for judging conduct? a. Book of rules b. Three tiered approach c. List of penalties d. None of these Direction for question 61 to 70 : Fill in the blanks left in each question by choosing the correct alternative from the given four choices.

61. _________ long, France has been a country which has charmed the world in more than one way. a. Quite b. very c. Since d. Never 62. Be it Dom Perignon’s champagne or art, France _________ us all. a. Had enthralled b. Enthralled c. Has enthralled d. Enthrall 63. Paris has been the seat of many upheavals, from the French revolution _________ Renaissance. a. To b. To the c. And the d. Of the 64. To some, Paris ________ up image of the guillotine and to others the Eiffel Tower. a. Projects b. Shows c. Conjures d. None of these 65. There are others still who could wait for a lifetime _______ the promenades of Champs Del Elysee. a. To walk b. Walking c. Walk d. None of these 66. I have a friend, who would swear that nowhere else has he seen such beautiful women as in Paris. He is a sailor and ________ more shores than I have heard about, so I would take his verdict. a. Was seeing b. Had seen c. Has seen d. Saw 67. France is a brand. Its wines, perfumes, fashion and even café’s are the world’s ________. a. Objective b. Sin c. Regret d. Delight 68. France has been a tourist _________ for long and must see if Europe is your domain. a. Haunt b. Den c. Destination d. Depression 69. Such has been Paris, that even Hitler’s war machine kept it away from _______ way. a. Destiny’s b. Fate’s c. Fortune’s d. Harm/s 70. It is soluble in water and ________ an intense blue colour with iodine. a. Is giving b. Had given c. Gives d. Gave Direction for question 71 to 80 : In the following questions, you are given four words in a group. Mark the odd word out of the group. 71. a. Hiatus c. Interval

b. Gape d. Interruption

72. a. Endless c. Forever

b. Incessant d. Finite

73. a. Bore c. Gossip

b. Busybody d. Tirade

74. a. Idiot c. Imbecile

b. Maroon d. Moron

75. a. Unimaginative c. Dull

b. Unoriginal d. Ingenious

76. a. Suggest c. Hint

b. Defer d. Imply

77. a. Dignified c. Grim

b. Serious d. Flippant

78. a. Podium c. Pedestal

b. Pedal d. Quadriped

79. a. Speedometer c. Centipede

b. Tachometer d. Odometer

80. a. Insanity c. Verbosity

b. Inactivity d. Abnormality

SECTION I Directions for question 1 to 10 : Fill in the blanks. 1.

The old man watched him with _________ merriment, sitting in his musty blue armchair. (1) Innocent (2) Victorious (3) Naïve (4) Boisterous


Like some satanic and ________ deity on a throne, a stolen US army blanket wrapped around his spindly legs to ward off a chill. (1) Evil (2) Epic (3) Alien (4) Hedonistic


He laughed quietly, his sunken, shrewd eyes sparkling perceptively with a cynical and _______ enjoyment. (1) Wanton (2) Bitter (3) Diversely (4) Ridiculous


Nataly reacted on sight with bristling enmity to this wicked ________ and unpatriotic old man who was old enough to remind him of his father and who made disparaging jokes about America. (1) Old (2) Sinister (3) Depraved (4) Imunal


“America”, he said, “will lose the war and Italy will win it.” “America is the strongest and ________ nation on earth”, Nataly informed him in a lofty tenor and dignity. (1) Most healthy (2) Most vicious (3) Most just (4) Most prosperous


“America is not going to be destroyed!” Nataly shouted passionately. “Never ?” Prodded the old man ___________. (1) Tentatively (2) Aggressively (3) Softly (4) Mischievously


“All great countries are destroyed. Why not yours? How much longer do you really think your own country will last? Forever? Asked the old man. Nately squirmed ________ “ well, forever is a long time, I guess.

(1) Impatiently (3) Miserably

b. Uncomfortably (4) Violently


“A million years?” persisted the jeering old man with keen ________ zest. (1) Morbid (2) Lugubrious (3) Lachrymose (4) Sadistic


“The frog is almost five hundred million years old. Could you really say with much certainty that America, with all its strength and prosperity and with its standard of living the highest in the world, will last as long as the frog?” Nately wanted to _________ his leering face. (1) Hug (2) Avoid (3) Smash (4) Caress

10. “ Well, frankly, I don’t know how long America is going to last,” Nately proceeded ________. “I suppose we can’t last forever if the world itself is going to be destroyed. But I do know that we are going to survive and triumph for a long, long time.” (1) Cautiously (2) Pleasingly (3) Defiantly (4) Dauntlessly Direction for question 11 to 30 : Read the following passage from Dialogues of Plato and indicate the meaning of the words or the phrase underlined by choosing one the four given below. Republic Let us then consider, first of all, what will be their way of life, now that we have thus established them. Will they not produce com, and wine, and clothes, and shoes, and build houses for themselves? And when they are housed, they will work in summer, commonly, stripped and barefoot, but in winter substantially clothed and shod. They will feed on barley meal and flour of wheat, baking and kneading them, making noble cakes and loaves; these they will serve up on a mat of reeds or on clean leaves, themselves reclining the while upon beds strewn with yew or myrtle. And they and their children will feast, drinking of the wine, which they have made, wearing garlands on their heads, and hymning the praises of the gods, in happy converse with one another. But, said Glaucon, interposing you have not given them a relish to their meal. True, I replied, I had forgotten; of course they must have a relish salt, and olives, and cheese, and they will boil roots and herbs; for a dessert we shall give them figs, and peas, and beans; and they will roast myrtle-berries and acorns at the fire, drinking in moderation. And with such a diet they may be expected to live in peace and health to good old age, and bequeath a similar life to their children after them. Yes, Socrates, he said, and if you were providing for a city of pigs, how else would you feed the beasts? But what would you have, Glaucon? I replied. Why, he said, you should give them the ordinary conveniences of life. People who are to be comfortable are accustomed to lie on sofas, and dine off tables, and they should have sauces and sweets in modern style. Yes, I said, how is understand …… In may opinion the true and healthy constitution of the state it’s the one which I have described. But if you wish also to see a state at fever heat, I have no objection. For I suspect they will not be satisfied with the simpler way of life. They will be for adding sofas, and tables, and other furniture; also dainties, and perfumes, and incense, and courtesans and cakes …… the arts of the painter and the embroiderer will have to be set in motion, and gold ivory and all sorts of materials must be procured. 11. Commonly (1) Ordinarily

(2) Together

(3) Cheaply

(4) Unitedly

12. Substantially (1) Expensively (2) Adequately (3) Using substances (4) Comfortably 13. Kneading (1) Pummeling (3) Requiring

(2) Falling on one’s knees (4) Curing

14. Noble (1) Royal (3) Tasty

(2) Excellent (4) Heavy

15. The while : (1) For a short time (2) At the same time as (3) Carefree attitude (4) Backwards 16. Strewn : (1) Scattered (3) Made up of

(2) Boxed into (4) Spread

17. Hymning: (1) Speaking of (3) Singing

(2) Proclaiming (4) Composing

18. Converse : (1) Dialogue (3) Discourse

(2) Speech (4) Talk

19. Interposing : (1) Explaining (3) Opposing

(2) Interdicting (4) Interrupting

20. Relish : (1) Tasty (3) Seasoning

(2) Condiment (4) Purpose

21. Desert : (1) That which is an appetizer (2) That which is an aperitif (3) That which is served at the end of a meal (4) That which helps digestion 22. In moderation : (1) In small measures (2) Without excesses (3) According to the demands of the time (4) In large measure 23. Bequeath : (1) Hand down (3) Instill

(2) Inherit (4) Instruct

24. Conveniences : (1) Comfortable things

(2) Commercial things (3) Useful things (4) for bidden things 25. Constitution : (1) Composition (2) Character (3) Set of Principles (4) Frame work 26. Fever heat : (1) State of health (2) State of excitement (3) State of affluence (4) State of collapse 27. Dainties : (1) Choice delicacy (3) Unguents

(2) Lace curtains (4) Detergents

28. Courtesans : (1) Concubines (3) Court artists

(2) Court officials (4) Prostitutes

29. Set in Motion : (1) Put of work (3) Hired

(2) Initiated (4) Made mobile

30. Procured : (1) Preserved (3) Bought

(2) Commandeered (4) Well Seasoned

Directions for question 31 to 40: For each question, determine the relationship between the pair of capitalized words and then select the lettered pair of words which have a similar relationship to the first word pair relationships. 31. FANS : BLEACHERS : : (1) Team : goal post (2) Audience : seats (3) Conductor : Podium (4) Cheerleaders : Pompons 32. CHAMELEON : HERPETOLOGIST : : (1) Oride : Virologist (2) Fungi : Ecologist (3) Mongoose : Ornithologist (4) Salmon : ichthyologist 33. FUED : ACRIMONY : : (1) Scuffle : Confusion (2) Crusade : Heresy (3) Duel : Brevity (4) Siege : Vulnerability 34. MOISTURE : DESSICATE : (1) Culprit : exculpate (2) Attention : Attenuate (3) Energy : Enervate (4) Supple : supplicate 35. OFF HAND : PREMEDITATION :

(1) Upright : integrity (2) Above board : Guile (3) Cutthroat : Competition (4) Backward : Direction 36. SMART : PAIN : : (1) Grieve : sorrow (2) Weaken : Intensify (3) Wallow : misery (4) Mollify : Anger 37. BAMBOO : SHOOT :: (1) Weather : spray ] (2) Bean : Sprout (3) Holly : Shrub (4) Pepper : corn 38. FOOT BALL : GRIDIRON : (1) Soccer : goal (2) Wrestling : Mat (3) Bowling : pin (4) Baseball : diamond 39. INOCULATION : IMMUNITY : : (1) Exposure : weathering (2) Talisman : charm (3) Serum : Antidote (4) Invasion : fortification 40. DAMPEN : ENTHUSIASM : : (1) Moisten : throat (2) Test : commitment (3) Distract : attention (4) Mute : Sound Directions for questions 41 to 50: Select the word which is opposite in the meaning of the words in capital letters. 41. LACKLUSTRE (1) Superficial (3) Complex

(2) Vibrant (4) Courteous

42. CENSURE (1) Augment (3) Reform

(2) Eradicate (4) Commend

43. ENTICE (1) Diminish (3) Misplace

(2) Repel (4) Authorise

44. HEDGEE (1) Act on impulse (2) Refuse to represent (3) State without qualification (4) Make a foolish comment

45. INDUSTRY (1) Cleanliness (3) promptness

(2) Sloth (4) Pragmatism

46. COGENT (1) Unpersuasive (3) Inconceivable

(2) Expository (4) Stable

47. COMPLY (1) Simplify (3) Rebel

(2) Strive (4) Unit

48. SKEPTICAL (1) Theoretical (2) Indifferent (3) Eager for change (4) Ready to believe 49. RESOURCEFULNESS (1) Incompetence (2) Wealth (3) melancholy (4) Frustration 50. UNSCATHED (1) Honest (3) Gathered

(2) Injured (4) forgiven

Directions for question 5`1 to 70: Read the following passages and then answer the questions that are given at the end of each passage. Passage 1 Word came suddenly that Lorda Ishida, who had participated in the conference at the castle, would be stopping in the marshland the next day in order to rest on his way back to his domain. When this news arrived, the villagers came out in force and energetically sprinkled earth on top of the frozen snow, filled in a quagmires, and raked the snow off the samurai’s house. Riku supervised the women, who scurried about in confusion cleaning room after room. The next day, the sky was mercifully clear as the samurai and his uncle set out for the entrance to the marshland to great Lord Ishida and his retainers. Not once since the days of the samurai’s father had Lord Ishida passed through the samurai’s fief on his way home from the castle. For that reason alone, the samurai was vaguely apprehensive, wondering what might have transpired. He resented the buoyant spirits of his uncle, who had not forgotten the kind words Lord Shiraishi had spoken to this nephew at Ogatus, and who was convinced that his petition had been granted. When the two parties met at the mouth of the marshland, Lord Ishida called out jovially of the samurai and his uncle, then proceeded to the samurai’s house with the welcoming party in the lead. Instead of going directly to the room that had been prepared for him, however, Lord Ishida asked to sit beside the sunken hearth. A fire is the warmest hospitality, he joked perhaps trying to put his hosts at rest. He ate with relish the boiled rice Riku brought him, and asked various questions about conditions in the marshland. Then, between gulps of the warm water left in his bowl, he said abruptly,’ I brought you a fine present today’.’ But, seeing the eyes of the samurai’s uncle sparkle at these words, he added. ‘It is not news of a battle: Don’t think there will be any battles. You had best give up your dream of retuning to Kurokawa by distinguishing yourself in battle.’

Having made his point, he continued, But there is other service you can render. I have come with news of something that will bring you far more merit than a battle. His eyes were fixed on the samurai . I am sure you know that his Lordship is constructing a great ship in the inlet at Ogatsu. That ship will carry the foreigners who were cast ashore at Kishu and sail Shiraishi suggested your name, and you have been ordered to travel to Nueva Espana as an envoy of his Lordship. The samurai could not understand what Lord Ishida was saying. He stared blankly into his Patron’s face. (The Samurai by Shusaku Endo pp 36 – 37) 51. The arrival of Lord Ishida caused anxiety to the samurai, because (1) He brought him a present (2) He commanded great respect (3) He had never come before (4) His visit brought bad luck 52. The villagers sprinkled earth before receiving Lord Ishida, because (1) That is the Japanese way of showing respect (2) The samurai had forbidden them from taking it home (3) The samurai’s uncle had ordered them to do (4) The ground was frozen and slippery 53. Riku is (1) The samurai (2) The samurai’s uncle (3) The samurai’s wife (4) Lord Ishida’s servant 54. The petition that the samurai had made to Lord Shiraishi was (1) That he should set sail to Nueva Espana with the foreigners (2) That he should be given an opportunity to excel in battle and recover his ancestral property (3) That he should replace Lord Ishida (4) That he should go to the castle to live 55. The foreigner were cast ashore at (1) The marshland (2) Kurokawa (3) Ogatsu (4) Kishu 56. The purpose of the visit of Lord Ishida was (1) To congratulate the samurai on his battle victories (2) To order him to stop dreaming (3) To command him to go to Nueva Espana (4) To pass on the order of Lord Shiraishi 57. The samurai lives (1) At Kishu (2) At Kurokawa (2) In the marshland (4) At Ogatsu Passage 2 One quiet afternoon, a school of whales was sighted. All the Japanese on board were taking a nap. Only the regular creaking of the rigging and the clanging of the ship’s bell to announce the hour broke the languid silence. I’ve spotted some whales ! cried a sailor keeping watch from the mast. Some who faintly heard the call woke the others. Every one aboard the ship clustered on deck. Several whales were diving and surfacing between the dark waves, swimming unswervingly out into the open sea. They disappeared for an instant as they pluned into a valley between the waves, but soon their

black bodies, which seemed to glisten with a coat of oil, reappeared and spouted jets of water high into the air. As one whale disappeared, the back of another surfaced with a geyser of vapour. They frolicked together, utterly oblivious of the ship. Each time the whales came into view, the onlooking Spaniards and Japanese emitted a cry of amazement. The samurai watched motionlessly until a length the whales disappeared on the horizon. It had never occurred to the samurai that there were so many new and different things to experience. He had not realized that the world was so vast. His Lordship’s domain had been the only world of which he could conceive. But now a subtle transformation was taking place in his heart and with it came a vague uneasiness and a formless fear. He was setting foot in a new world. And he feared that cracks were beginning to form in the wall that had supported his heart until how, and that it would eventually crumble into dust. (The Samurai by Shusaku Endo. Pp. 75 – 76) 58. What excited the Japanese drivellers on the boat was (1) The noise the boat made (2) The call of the sailor keeping watch (3) The arrival of whales (4) the ringing of the ships bell 59. The whales were seen by the travelers as they came out (1) One behind the other (2) In a shoal (3) In pairs (4) In a multitude 60. The whale’s behaviour may be best described as (1) Awesome (2) Funny (3) Inspirational (4) playful 61. The whales were swimming (1) Steadily towards the shore (2) Coming up and going under the waves (3) Moving towards the ship (4) Lazily lying on the waters 62. The sight of the whales made the samurai realise (1) That his home was far away (2) That Lord Ishida misled him (3) That his uncle was right (4) Life was an adventure 63. The change that he experienced was (1) Overwhelming (2) Frightening (3) Problematic (4) Curious 64. He was afraid that these experiences would (1) Break his heart (2) Make his past obsolete (3) Bring in a bright future (4) Make him less a Japanese 65. The samurai could best be described as a (1) Philosopher (2) Cosmopolitan (3) Fiercely Japanese man (4) Adventurer

Passage 3 The following day the Spanish sailors went ashore. It was not until the afternoon that the fortress commander sent a boat manned by Indians to fetch the Japanese and their cargo. Armed soldiers from the fortress lined the beach , staring apprehensively as the strangely – garbed merchants and emissaries disembarked ……. They passed through a guarded gate and entered the courtyard. It was enclosed on all sides by buildings, and tow guards were stationed at each strategic position. The envoys walked in silence along the stone path…..The Stronghold was of Course meager in comparison to his Lorship’s castle, and seemed more like a stockade than castle. The fortress commander was an elderly man. He greeted the Japanese with a lengthy speech they could not understand, then gawked at them rudely while Velasco interpreted his words. His welcome was full of exaggerated appreciation, but from the man’s discomfited gaze the samurai realized that they were not being greeted with open arms. When the greetings were over, the envoys were invited to supper. As the Japanese entered, the company stared as if at some outlandish creatures, then cast furtive glances with one another. Determine not to be shamed in front of these people, Tanaka drew up his shoulders in an angry gesture. Using a knife and fork for the first time, Nishi managed to drop both onto the floor. They returned to the ship exhausted (The Samurai by Shusaku Endo. Pp. 90 – 91) 66. When the ship reached the shore, the Japanese noticed most (1) The crowd of people waiting for them (2) The absence of families to greet them (3) The presence of soldiers everywhere (4) The green olive trees 67. The fortress they entered was (1) Spacious and well –decorated (2) Functional as a military post (3) Ancient and imposing (4) Traditional and elaborate 68. The welcome they received could best be describes as (1) Minimal (2) Traditional (3) Colorful (4) Grandiose 69. The fortress commander’s true feelings were revealed by (1) His lengthy speech (2) By the number of soldiers who were present for the occasion (3) By his nonverbal cues (4) By asking Velasco to translate his speech. 70. The company at supper looked on the Japanese envoys (1) Condescendingly (2) Kindly (3) Contemptuously (4) Hilariously Direction for question 71 to 80 : Fill in the blanks. 71. So long as the rain _____________ , I stayed at home. (1) Continues (2) Continued (3) Has continued (4) Had continued

72. Wherever there is coal you _____________ find iron. (1) Would (2) Should (3) Shall (4) Will 73. The notice was published in order that all the staff members _______________ know the facts. (1) May (2) Could (3) Might (4) Would 74. I met a man today _____________ I had just heard was on the continent. (1) Whom (2) Who (3) Which (4) About whom 75. We lost confidence in our manger because he never _____________ the grandiose promises he had made. (1) Forgot about (2) Reneged on (3) Delivered (4) Retreated from 76. The principal reason for the failure of coalition governments was quiet apparent _____________ into the coalition. (1) To them whom they have brought (2) To the ones whom they have a brought (3) To those whom they had brought (4) To those who had brought 77. It was ____________ (1) Us who left before he arrived (2) Us who had went before he arrived (3) We who had left before he arrived (4) We who had left before the time he had arrived 78. The manager said “_____________ going to the training program, ought to state his position clearly” (1) Whoever objects to me (2) Whom ever objects to me (3) Whom ever objects to my (4) Who ever objects to my 79. _____________ in Calcutta for five years, we are reluctant to move to Delhi. (1) Since we are living (2) Since we have been living (3) Since we were living (4 ) Since that we are living 80. ____________, I, for one, would recommend that we plan to go to XLRI. (1) If he was to decide to go to management institute (2) If we were to decide to go to a management institute (3) had he decide to go to management institute (4) Supposing he was to decide to go to a management institute] SECTION II Directions for questions 81 to 89: For each question select the best answer from the choices given. 81. Under what circumstances can an adult be committed involuntarily to a psychiatric institution? (1) If a police officer judges the person to be insane. (2) If a psychiatrist says the person presents a danger to self or others.

(3) If relatives agree on commitment (4) If the person is always intoxicated 82. What are the two primary symptoms of the antisocial personality? (1) Guilt and pride (2) Anger and aggression (3) Amorality and impulsiveness (4) Hallucinations and delusions 83. What is dyelexia? (1) An impairment of language processing due to minimal brain damage. (2) Inability to retrieve difficult vocabulary words, on command. (3) Group of symptoms including stuttering and letter-reversals. (4) Specific problems with reading. 84. Why does “self-monitoring” often change behavior ? (1) The client knows he or she must” check in” with the therapist at regular intervals. (2) The video camera does not lie. (3) Individuals must pay attention to, and record, each occurrence of a behavior. (4) People have to keep waking up during the right. 85. What role does ‘novelty’ play in sexual arousal? (1) It creates anxiety (2) It arouses but inhibits performance (3) It stimulates arousal in both humans and animals (4) It is arousing to animals but not humans 86. What is said to be the “biggest problem” with sexual adjustment in marriage? (1) Inability or unwillingness to find out what the partner really desires. (2) Lack of desire in the male. (3) Lack of desire in the female (4) Getting too busy and exhausted from work or children. 87. What is the general effect of physical attractiveness? (1) Jealous behavior by same-gender peers, leading to social problems (2) Suspicion that a person is not genuine or authentic (3) Beautiful people are assumed to be superior in intelligence, health, wealth etc. (4) Beautiful people actually have a harder time finding friends. 88. What is a lucid dream? (1) A dream with unusually clear meaning (2) What some call it as a “limpid” dream (3) A dream where you know your are dreaming (4) A type of nightmare 89. The little is a lucid dream? (1) Taste cells (3) Receptors

(2) Papilla (4) Epithelium

Directions for question 90 to 106 : For each question select the best answer from the choices given. 90. What sense dominates our ability to taste foods & liquids? (1) Olfactory (2) Gustatory (3) Cutereous (4) Kinesthetic

91. What is the vestibular apparatus? (1) The cochlea & surrounding bone (2) Part of the kinesense (3) The organs for the sense of balance (4) A specialized nucleus which connects equillibratory and auditory nerves 92. Technically, a “steep hearing curve” would be one in which (1) No hearing what so ever has occurred (2) Hearing has been fast (3) Hearing has been slow (4) Hearing has been steady until leveling off. 93. What does it mean to “anthropomorphize?” (1) To act like an anthropologist instead of a psychologist (2) To do the “typical, stupid human thing” (with animals) (3) To treat animals as if they were like humans. (4) To think too much about a problem, until the simple answer is overlooked 94. Sarcasm is considered to be a form of. (1) Non-verbal communication (2) Rumors (3) A smile (4) Ridicule 95. The work place communication process has been attended by (1) Electronic community (2) Cross-Cultural community (3) Politically correct community (4) All of the above 96. The old adage : actions speak louder than words’ tends to support the importance of : (1) Verbal language (2) Body language (3) Semantics (4) Selective perception 97. Which includes defining an organisation’s goals and establishing an overall strategy for achieving their goals? (1) Controlling (2) Planning (3) Leading (4) Co-ordinating 98. Which is NOT a source from which our basic knowledge of human behaviour was evolved (1) Observation (2) Heredity (3) Reading (4) Questioning 99. The tendency to perceive a person as good or bad in an undifferentiated way is known as the (1) Halo effect (2) Pygmalion effect (3) Placebo effect (4) Central tendency effect 100.The system of training or socializing people by providing a model for them to emulate them is (1) Monitoring (2) Mentoring (3) Modeling (4) Motivating 101.The primary goal of the principle of division of labour is (1) To improve cost efficiency by keeping wages down as labourers are limited in their skills (2) To improve productivity by subdividing work and assigning jobs to individuals. (3) To separate managing form doing the work (4) To balance the technological constraints and the social system constraints

102.In which country is ‘SPDC’ the seat of power? (1) Pakistan (2) Myanmar (3) Cambodia (4) Indonesia 103.Top management spends most of its time (1) Planning (2) Controlling (3) Supervising (4) Negotiating 104.If a person desires to advance, to be in challenging position and to achieve, / he has (1) A low growth needs strength. (2) A high motivating potential score (3) A high growth need strength. (4) A skill variety. 105.Fratemal twins are important in behavioural science research (1) The same parents (2) the same school (3) The similar environment (4) The similar colour of hair 106.Ethology refers (1) The study of the ecosystem (2) The study of cultural groups and subgroups (3) The study of animal behaviour (4) The study of night conduct Direction for question 107: Carefully go through the following paragraph and select the best answer from the alternatives. The closure of polluting industrial units in an effort to turn Delhi green has caused 50,000 workers to be thrown out of employment, without compensation in most cases. The Supreme Court (SC) gave no opportunity to the workers and unions to have their viewpoint heard. The emphasis on clean environment has provided a loophole to industrialist who want to close down their units and use the land for commercial exploitation. (HMS, 1998). This is the trade union view of the case. This case has got wide publicity in the media. 107.What did the Supreme Court judgment not provide for: (1) The control of industrial pollution in new areas of relocation (2) Closure and relocation of industries (3) Compensation for workers (4) Continuity of employment for workers who shift with the industry Directions for question 108 to 140 : For each question select the best answer from the choices given 108.Find the odd man out. (1) Washington (3) Athens

(2) Canberra (4) Alexandria

109.Allegation is to proof as (1) Hypothesis is to fact (3) Assertion is to statement

(2) Allegiance is to loyality (4) Testimony is to evidence

110.As United States is to North America (1) Europe is to France (2) New York is to United States (3) England is to Africa (4) North America is to South America

111. Cathay is the name given by the people of Medieval Europe to (1) Northern China (2) South Pacific (3) Northern Europe (4) South East Asia 112.The Gita Govinda is written by (1) Rabindranath Tagore (2) Jayadeva (3) Ved Vyasa (4) Tulsidas 113. Royal Jelly is (1) A varlety of marine invertebrate (2) A type of milk secretion (3) A rare delicacy of fruit preserve (4) A man made colliod 114.Madhushala is an important contemporary Hindi epic form written by (1) Shrikanth Varma (2) Maithili Sharan Gupta (3) Mahadevi Varma (4) Harvanshrai Bachchan 115.The three new states recently created ware formed in the chronological sequence (1) Uttranchal, Vidharbha, Chhatisgarh (2) Uttaranchal, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh (3) Chhatisgarh, Uttaranchal, Jharkhand (4) Kharkhand, Uttaranchal, Chhatisgarh 116.The seal of quality of agricultural produce in India is known as (1) Agqual (2) Agriqaual (3) Agmark (4) Agiso 117.After the implementation of economic liberalization, the union government created a cell to assist is the retraining and redeployment of labour and to provide compensation to those workers who became unemployed. This cell is known as (1) National Rehabilitation Finance Commission (2) National Renewal Fund (3) Bureau of Industrial Labour (4) India’s Labour and Deployment Fund 118.Which of the following is not a central government tax? (1) Income tax (2) Customs (3) Land revenue (4) Corporation tax 119.Who has the distinction of having authored the national anthem of two countries? (1) Mohammad Iqbal (2) Rabindranath Tagore (3) Robert Frost (4) William Charles 120.The national income in India Estimated by the (1) Indian Standards Institution (2) Indian Statistical Institute (3) Central Statistical Organisation (4) National Council of Applied Economic Research 120.Chandipur and Hasan are in the states of (1) Orissa and Maharashtra (2) Orissa and Karnataka (3) Karnataka and Maharashtra (4) U.P. and Maharashtra 121.Finances are distributed between the center and the states on the basis of the recommendations of the (1) Planning commission

(2) Public Accounts Committee (3) Finance Commission (4) National Development Council 123.Who is the present Chairman of Hindustan Lever Ltd? (1) Keki DadiSheth (2) M.S. Banga (3) Richard Lever (4) Rajiv Kaul 124.The “Trickle Down Theory of Development” holds that (1) Global prosperity spreads to domestic economy (2) Development spreads downwards through greater demand for labour (3) Rate of growth of an enconomy is inversely proportional to the rates of taxation. (4) Durables are bought before housing apartments 125.Raja Ravi Verma of Kerala is a distinuished (1) Dancer (2) Painter (3) Singer (4) Poet 126.“Geerrymandering” is a term that refers to (1) Abstaining from voting (2) Gaining electoral mileage by trickery (3) Capturing of polling booths using muscle power (4) Tampering of ballot boxes 127.Find the right match. A. Adoor Gopalkrishnan B. Satyajit Ray C. Govind Nihalni D. Meera Nair (1) A-1, B-II, C-III, D-IV (3) A-1, B-II, C-IV, D-III

I. Salaam Bombay II. Pather Panchali III. Adi Shankaracharya IV. Drohkal (2) A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I (4) A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I

128.About 50% of the world population is concentrated between the latitudes of (1) 5°N and 20°N (2) 20 °N to 40°N (3) 40°N to 60° N (4) 20° S to 4° S 129.According to the latest census figures sex ratio in India is (1) Declining (2) Stable (3) Increasing slowly (4) Increasing exponentially 130.The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash in hand total assets. This is called (1) SBR (Statutary Bank Ratio) (2) SLR (Statutary Liquidity Ratio) (3) CBR (Central Bank Reserve) (4) CLR (Central Liquid Reserve) 131.Some time back, the government of India, decided to delicense “white goods” industry. White goods include (1) Stainless steel and aluminium utensils (2) Milk and milk products (3) Items purchased for conspicuous consumption goods (4) Soaps, detergents, and other mass consumption goods 132.Name the UN Organisation whose preamble is “Since war begins in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed ?


(2) UNDP (4) UN peacekeeping force

133.Can you name the illustrious king, who is the Central figure in Bana’s work? (1) Prithviraj (2) Krishandeva Raya (3) Harsha (3) Jaichand 134.Who wrote “Days of My Years”? (1) Sharate Chandra Chatterjee (2) Bankimchandra Chatterjee (3) Mahatma Gandhi (4) H.P. Nanda 135.Who was the first recipient of the Bharat Ratna? (1) C. Rajagopalachari (2) C.V. Raman (3) B.C. Roy (4) Jawaharlal Nehru 136.Some of the MNCs want India to enact an “Exit Policy” to increase their investment in the country. “Exit Policy” to increase their investment in the country. Exit Policy would Specify (1) The details of incentives to be given to the investors (2) Easy closure mechanisms of a firm I it stays unprofitable (3) The amount of dividend money that can be sent beck to the investors (4) The number of Board of Directors of foreign origin that a firm can induct 137.The film “Casablanca” gets its name from a place in (1) France (2) Portugal (3) Africa (4) Italy 138.Who said “History is more or less skank”? (1) Groucho Marx (2) Gerald ford (3) Richard Nixon (4) Henry Ford 139.The maximum daily range of temperature is likely to be observed at (1) Chennai (2) Thiruvanthapuram (3) Delhi (4) Mumbai 104.Disguised unemployment refers to (1) Persons with no jobs (2) More persons employed for a job than required (3) Unemployed among women (4) Unemployment of people above six years of age


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