Full Inspections

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  • Pages: 10
A selection of ILT/eLearning comments from Ofsted Inspections of Colleges in the West Midlands

Jim Judges [email protected] Dec.2007 JISC RSC West Midlands www.rsc-wm.ac.uk

(1) 4th June 2007

Summary of grades awarded Effectiveness of provision Good: grade 2 Capacity to improve Good: grade 2 Achievement and standards Satisfactory: grade 3 Quality of provision Good: grade 2 Leadership and management Good: grade 2 Equality of opportunity Good: contributory grade 2 Effectiveness of provision Teaching and learning are good. The internal lesson observation system is comprehensive, but feedback on areas for improvement is not always sufficient. Many teachers use information learning technology (ILT) very well to aid learning. In the less effective lessons, the pace is too slow and learners lack challenge. Initial assessment of learners’ literacy and numeracy needs is good. The quality of feedback on learners’ work is inconsistent. Teachers track learners’ progress well. The effectiveness of the steps taken by the college to promote improvement since the last inspection The college has taken good steps to improve the quality of its provision since the last inspection. It has embedded key skills and Skills for Life effectively in most programmes, and the use of online assessment has raised achievement. Managers have invested significantly in ILT and staff have created collaborative teaching resources to improve learning. Staff development in the use of ILT has been significant and effective. Quality of provision Good: grade 2 The quality of provision is good and this agrees with the college’s self assessment. Teaching and learning are good and this also concurs with the college’s self-assessment. Inspectors agreed with most of the college’s judgements in the joint observations. The internal lesson observation system is effective, but feedback does not always emphasise areas for improvement sufficiently. Observers identify and share good teaching practice effectively. Advanced skills teachers support teachers effectively. ..The planning of teaching and learning is thorough and aims and objectives are clear and achievable. In the best lessons, the pace is brisk and activities challenge learners of all abilities. Learners work well together and with their teachers. Most learners enjoy their lessons. The use of ILT across the college is a particular strength; teachers used ‘smart boards’ very effectively to enliven learning. In the less effective lessons, the pace of learning is slow, activities are less challenging and learners do not work to their potential.

Leadership and management Good: grade 2 ..Staff engage in a wide variety of professional development activities and are well qualified. Most college accommodation is adequately equipped and resourced. Most classrooms have good ILT systems. A new construction technology centre provides an excellent learning environment.

(2) 14th-18th May 2007

Summary of grades awarded Effectiveness of provision Satisfactory: grade 3 Capacity to improve Good: grade 2 Achievement and standards Satisfactory: grade 3 Quality of provision Satisfactory: grade 3 Leadership and management Satisfactory: grade 3 Equality of opportunity Good: contributory grade 2 Sector subject areas Health, public services and care Satisfactory: grade 3 Engineering and manufacturing technologies Good: grade 2 Construction, planning and the built environment Satisfactory: grade 3 Information and communication technology Satisfactory: grade 3 Art, media and publishing Satisfactory: grade 3 Preparation for life and work Satisfactory: grade 3 Quality of provision The quality of provision is satisfactory. Teaching and learning are satisfactory and have improved overall since the last inspection but standards in different sector subject areas vary. Teaching by full-time teachers is better than that of part-time colleagues. Some teachers use information learning technology (ILT) successfully but others do not. In the better lessons and most work-based learning, teachers and employers relate activities to learners’ individual needs and use a range of lively approaches to interest, challenge and develop their skills. Engineering and manufacturing technologies Good: grade 2 Quality of provision Quality of provision is good. Teaching and learning in practical lessons and the work place are good. Teachers develop learners’ occupational skills to a high standard. They employ ILT well, including an automotive engineering learning package, which makes good use of simulations and videos.

Questioning to check and extend learners’ knowledge and understanding is good. Some theory teaching is less effective and occasionally lesson plans lack detail.

Preparation for life and work Satisfactory: grade 3 Quality of provision The quality of provision is satisfactory. Teaching and learning are satisfactory. When good, teachers use a variety of stimulating activities. In the better ESOL lessons, teachers make good use of workplace experience and stimulating texts to develop learners’ reading skills. Lessons for those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, where appropriate, are effective including, for example, the promotion of sexual health. However, too much teaching and learning is unimaginative, an issue not recognised in the self assessment report. Teachers employ too narrow a range of teaching and learning methods and rely too heavily on exposition and paper-based learning materials.

(3) 14th May 2007

Summary of grades awarded

Effectiveness of provision Satisfactory: grade 3 Capacity to improve Satisfactory: grade 3 Achievement and standards Satisfactory: grade 3 Quality of provision Satisfactory: grade 3 Leadership and management Satisfactory: grade 3 Equality of opportunity Satisfactory: contributory grade 3 Sector subject areas Agriculture and horticulture Good: grade 2 Engineering (motor vehicle) Satisfactory: grade 3 Leisure, travel and tourism Satisfactory: grade 3 Arts, media and publishing Satisfactory: grade 3 Preparation for life and work Satisfactory: grade 3 Sector subject area Agriculture and horticulture Good: grade 2 Quality of provision Teaching and learning are good. Lessons are mainly good, have clear objectives, and tutors are enthusiastic and knowledgeable. Most lessons have a range of activities including individual and group work. Information learning technology (ILT) is used to good effect. Tutors effectively recognise learners’ needs. Practical teaching is good. There is good

implementation and awareness of safe working practices. Key skills are satisfactory.

Engineering (motor vehicle) Satisfactory: grade 3 Teaching and learning are satisfactory. Most lessons are well planned and use a satisfactory range of teaching methods to consolidate and extend learning. Learners’ individual needs are not well met in theory lessons, with some learners’ progress not being fully developed, due to a limited range of teacher led learning activities. ILT is used effectively in some lessons, but it is not used well to develop independent learning. In better lessons, learners build on their practical experiences to extend their knowledge. In weaker lessons, teachers place too much emphasis on whole group teaching methods and do not allow learners to explore and develop the skills they need. Learning resources range from adequate to industrially advanced, modern and inspiring learning environments that incorporate new technologies very effectively. Preparation for life and work Satisfactory: grade 3 Teaching and learning are satisfactory. Most teachers have good expertise and experience. On some programmes, learning is well planned in the context of everyday life, with a good variety of learning activities and materials. In the best lessons, the initial and diagnostic assessments are used effectively to inform planning. However, on some programmes, more able learners are insufficiently challenged and tutors rely too much on paper-based materials with too little ILT to support learning.

(3) 30th April 2007

Summary of grades awarded

Effectiveness of provision Good: grade 2 Capacity to improve Good: grade 2 Achievements and standards Good: grade 2 Quality of provision Good: grade 2 Leadership and management Good: grade 2 Equality of opportunity Good: Contributory grade 2 Sector subject areas Health, social care and childcare Good: grade 2 Hairdressing and beauty therapy Good: grade 2 Leisure, travel and tourism Good: grade 2 Preparation for life and work Good: grade 2 Business administration Good: grade 2

Leadership and management Good: grade 2 Teachers are well qualified and demonstrate good vocational expertise. Staff benefit from very good access to training and development. Learning resources are generally good and both staff and learners have good access to information learning technology (ILT). Curriculum management was identified as a key area for improvement at the last inspection. It is now at least satisfactory, and in many areas it is good. Staff appreciate the good communication and open, consultative style that the college has established. Morale is high and staff express confidence in their managers. Leisure, travel and tourism Good: grade 2 Teaching and learning are good. Most lessons are well planned and use a good variety of activities to engage learners. Information and learning technology is used well to develop research skills and improve learners’ understanding of current industry practice. In travel and tourism, there are well developed resources on the virtual learning environment. In most lessons, learners are effectively challenged by teachers who frequently check that learning is taking place. However, in a small minority of lessons learners are not sufficiently challenged and in these lessons they make too little progress. Assessment is well planned and assessment practice is good. Business administration Good: grade 2 Teaching and learning are good. Most lessons actively engage learners in stimulating practical activities using modern office equipment. Good use is made of interactive learning technology and learners are able to take responsibility for their own learning. Assessment tasks are interesting and well designed to encourage learners to collaborate and work in groups. Most learners work purposefully and they interact well with each other, showing respect for different points of view. In a minority of lessons, insufficient attention is given to the development of learners’ numeracy skills.

(4) 23rd April 2007

Summary of grades awarded Effectiveness of provision Good: grade 2 Capacity to improve Good: grade 2 Achievements and standards Good: grade 2 Quality of provision Good: grade 2 Leadership and management Good: grade 2

Equality of opportunity Good: contributory grade 2 Sector subject areas Health, public services and care Good: grade 2 Science and mathematics Satisfactory: grade 3 Information and communication technology Good: grade 2 Hairdressing and beauty therapy Satisfactory: grade 3 Preparation for life and work Good: grade 2 Business, administration and law Good: grade 2 Overall Judgement Effectiveness of provision Good: grade 2 Much teaching and learning are good. Most teachers plan well and use a wide range of teaching and learning activities. Main Findings Quality of provision Good: grade 2 Quality of provision is good. Teaching and learning are good for most learners. Learning is of a high standard for apprentices, advanced apprentices, Train to Gain and Learndirect learners. In the better lessons, teachers plan well and use a wide range of good teaching and learning activities. Classroom management is good. Teachers make effective use of information learning technology (ILT), an area which was targeted for improvement in the last self-assessment report. They are good at developing learners’ confidence by encouraging discussion and the generation of ideas and presenting ideas and promoting independent working. Teachers challenge poor punctuality effectively. Most teachers are appropriately qualified and experienced. Assessment of learners’ progress is effective, frequent and accurate. Learners comment positively on the quality and timeliness of assessment feedback. When teaching and learning are less effective, teachers plan poorly, talk too much, do not involve learners adequately in learning, and take insufficient account of individual needs. Use of individual learning plans is insufficiently effective. Science and mathematics Satisfactory: grade 3 Strength: Very good accommodation and ILT resources Quality of provision is satisfactory. Teaching and learning are adequate. In the best lessons, teachers involve learners in interesting and enjoyable learning activities at a challenging pace. They make good use of ILT. In the less effective lessons, teachers talk too much and the pace is slow. Teachers do not work with their learners or check on their progress sufficiently. Individual learning plans have insufficiently specific targets, have minimal content, are incomplete and do not motivate learners to

improve. Teachers’ feedback on assessed work is mostly satisfactory. It is good in psychology.

Information and communication technology Good: grade 2 The quality of provision is good. Teaching and learning are of a high standard. The planning of learning is good. Teachers use a wide variety of activities to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills of learners to a high level. Teachers and learners use ILT effectively. Written feedback on work is comprehensive and supported by good verbal feedback. Targets in individual learning plans for full-time learners are insufficiently specific. Hairdressing and beauty therapy Satisfactory: grade 3 Teachers use ILT well in theory lessons, including quizzes and games to maintain and stimulate learners’ interest. Practical resources in hairdressing are of a high standard. The main hairdressing salon is well equipped, modern, and replicates the best professional practice. Resources in beauty salons are satisfactory but are often unable to accommodate large groups of learners comfortably. Preparation for life and work Good: grade 2 Teaching and learning are good in ESOL and literacy and numeracy. In the best lessons, planning is thorough and teachers meet the needs of individual learners effectively. Teachers’ explanations are very clear. They motivate learners to work hard who, in turn, enjoy their lessons. Behaviour management on the pre-vocational courses is good. Since the last inspection, ILT use has improved to satisfactory. Business, administration and law Good: grade 2 The quality of provision is good. Much teaching and learning is good. Teachers provide stimulating introductions to lessons and motivate learners well to participate particularly effectively in learning. The use of group work is good in developing learners’ ability to take responsibility for their own learning. The use of ILT is particularly effective. For example, teachers employ interactive games to provide a highly enjoyable way to learn rules for business spelling. Teachers use theory effectively to show how it underpins the application of business concepts in the work place. They use business topics effectively to teach key skills. The assessment of learners’ work is thorough and accurate.

(5) 5th March 2007

Summary of grades awarded Effectiveness of provision Good: grade 2 Capacity to improve Good: grade 2 Achievements and standards Good: grade 2 Quality of provision Good: grade 2 Leadership and management Good: grade 2 Effectiveness of provision Teaching and learning are good. Courses and lessons are mostly well planned and there is a strong emphasis on providing students with a good variety of learning activities. However, some students are insufficiently challenged or supported because lesson planning does not take enough account of the range of student ability. Assessment practices and learning resources are good, although the use of information and learning technology (ILT) in lessons is underdeveloped. Internal lesson observations are developing into an effective tool for improvement. Quality of provision Good: grade 2 There are very few unsatisfactory lessons. Weak aspects of some satisfactory lessons include the insufficient use of differentiation; inadequate checking of the learning taking place and low levels of learner concentration. Teachers have comprehensive profiles of students’ preferred learning styles, GCSE attainment and learning support needs, but these are not consistently influential in planning lessons. The availability of ILT has been improved by recent accommodation developments, but it is still underused in lessons.

(6) 5th February 2007

Summary of grades awarded Effectiveness of provision Inadequate: grade 4 Capacity to improve Inadequate: grade 4 Achievements and standards Inadequate: grade 4 Quality of provision Satisfactory: grade 3 Leadership and management Inadequate: grade 4

Curriculum areas

Health, public services and care Inadequate: grade 4 Construction, planning and the built environment Good: grade 2 Information and communication technology Satisfactory: grade 3 Arts, media and publishing Good: grade 2 Preparation for life and work Satisfactory: grade 3 Business, administration and law Inadequate: grade 4 Health, public services and care Inadequate: grade 4 Resources are good. Teachers make effective use of ILT in lessons. However, much teaching and learning is insufficiently demanding, does not meet learners’ individual learning needs and not all are fully engaged in learning. (low success rates for adult learners, low success rates for most learners aged 16-18) Arts, media and publishing Good: grade 2 Resources are very good. In addition to a wide range of contemporary and historical books and journals, the college provides an excellent range of compact discs, videos and scripts as well as critical and theoretical works on theatre, dance, music and media. Teachers use ILT successfully to improve learning. For example, the use of ILT to project the work of David Hockney as visual reference for experimental pieces on water and movement was very effective. (high success rates on most national diplomas.. Since the last inspection, overall success rates for learners aged 16-18 have increased but have declined slightly for adult learners) Business, administration and law Inadequate: grade 4 WEAKNESSES: low success rates, too much tedious and dull teaching, low expectations of learners in many lessons

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