Ftp Server And Client

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 524
  • Pages: 6
Title FTP Server and FTP Client (Complete Project) Author Abhishek K. Dhote Author Email abhishekdhote [at] rediffmail.com Description This is the implementation of the File Transfer Protocol in Java.The protocol is used for transfer of the file from remote system. To execute the program go through following steps:1.install FtpServer.java on one machine. 2.install FtpClient.java another machine. 3.execute FtpServer.java. 4.execute FtpClient.java. 5.use GUI objects provided on the FtpClient.java to upload or download the particular file. Category Java � Networking Hits 19164 //FtpServer.java import java.io.*; import java.net.*; public class FtpServer { public static void main(String [] args) { int i=1; System.out.println("****************************************************** **************************"); System.out.println("****************************** FTP SERVER ***********************************"); System.out.println("****************************************************** **************************"); System.out.println("Server Started..."); System.out.println("Waiting for connections..."); System.out.println(" "); try { ServerSocket s = new ServerSocket(100); for(;;) { Socket incoming = s.accept(); System.out.println("New Client Connected with id " + i +" from "+incoming.getInetAddress().getHostName()+"..." ); Thread t = new ThreadedServer(incoming,i); i++; t.start(); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error: " + e); }

} } class ThreadedServer extends Thread { int n; String c,fn,fc; String filenm; Socket incoming; int counter; String dirn="c:/FTP SERVER DIRECTORY"; public ThreadedServer(Socket i,int c) { incoming=i; counter=c; } public void run() { try { BufferedReader in =new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(incoming.getInputStream())); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(incoming.getOutputStream(), true); OutputStream output=incoming.getOutputStream(); fn=in.readLine(); c=fn.substring(0,1); if(c.equals("#")) { n=fn.lastIndexOf("#"); filenm=fn.substring(1,n); FileInputStream fis=null; boolean filexists=true; System.out.println("Request to download file "+filenm+" recieved from "+incoming.getInetAddress().getHostName()+"..."); try { fis=new FileInputStream(filenm); } catch(FileNotFoundException exc) { filexists=false; System.out.println("FileNotFoundException: "+exc.getMessage()); } if(filexists) { sendBytes(fis, output) ; fis.close(); } } else { try {

boolean done=true; System.out.println("Request to upload file " +fn+" recieved from "+incoming.getInetAddress().getHostName()+"..."); File dir=new File(dirn); if(!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); } else {} File f=new File(dir,fn); FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(f); DataOutputStream dops=new DataOutputStream(fos); while(done) { fc=in.readLine(); if(fc==null) { done=false; } else { dops.writeChars(fc); // System.out.println(fc); } } fos.close(); } catch(Exception ecc) { System.out.println(ecc.getMessage()); } } incoming.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Error: " + e); }

} private static void sendBytes(FileInputStream f,OutputStream op) throws Exception { byte[] buffer=new byte[1024]; int bytes=0; while((bytes=f.read(buffer))!=-1) { op.write(buffer,0,bytes); } }



import java.net.*; import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.lang.*; class FtpClient extends JFrame implements ActionListener { String fn,filenm; String fc; String dirn="c:/FTP CLIENT DIRECTORY"; JPanel pnl; JLabel lbltle,lblud; Font fnt; JTextField txtfn; JButton btnu,btnd; Socket s; InputStreamReader in; OutputStream out; BufferedReader br; PrintWriter pw; public FtpClient() { super("FTP CLIENT"); pnl=new JPanel(null); fnt=new Font("Times New Roman",Font.BOLD,25); lbltle=new JLabel("FTP CLIENT"); lbltle.setFont(fnt); lbltle.setBounds(225,35,200,30); pnl.add(lbltle); lblud=new JLabel("ENTER FILE-NAME :"); lblud.setBounds(100,100,150,35); pnl.add(lblud); txtfn=new JTextField(); txtfn.setBounds(300,100,200,25); pnl.add(txtfn); btnu=new JButton("UPLOAD"); btnu.setBounds(150,200,120,35); pnl.add(btnu); btnd=new JButton("DOWNLOAD"); btnd.setBounds(320,200,120,35); pnl.add(btnd); btnu.addActionListener(this); btnd.addActionListener(this); getContentPane().add(pnl); try {

s=new Socket("localhost",100); br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream())); pw=new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream(),true); out=s.getOutputStream(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("ExCEPTION :"+e.getMessage()); } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(e.getSource()==btnu) { try { filenm=txtfn.getText(); pw.println(filenm); FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(filenm); byte[] buffer=new byte[1024]; int bytes=0; while((bytes=fis.read(buffer))!=-1) { out.write(buffer,0,bytes); } fis.close(); } catch(Exception exx) { System.out.println(exx.getMessage()); } } if(e.getSource()==btnd) { try { File dir=new File(dirn); if(!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); } else{} boolean done=true; filenm=txtfn.getText(); fn=new String("#"+filenm+"#"); //System.out.println(filenm); pw.println(fn); File f=new File(dir,filenm); FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(f); DataOutputStream dops=new DataOutputStream(fos); while(done) { fc=br.readLine(); if(fc==null) { done=false;

} else { //

dops.writeChars(fc); System.out.println(fc);

} } fos.close(); } catch(Exception exx) {}


} } public static void main(String args[]) { FtpClient ftpc=new FtpClient(); ftpc.setSize(600,300); ftpc.show(); }

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