Science v/s Technology
CS and IT have become the integral part of every disciplance…
When can we develop???
What is providing the resistance???
In the early days of computing, it was a std practice for programmers to share s/w.
However, since the 1960s s/w has been trapped in a battle to owernship and users have been prevented frm sharing of modifying programs.
By the 1980s, proprietary s/w became the norm and the s/w freedom was lost.
(RMS) Richard Matthew Stallman "The owner of s/w had erected walls to divide us from each other."
Four Freedoms
0.Freedom to run the program
1.Freedom to study how program works
2.Freedom to redistribute the copies
3.Freedom to improve the program
In 1984, he launched the free s/w movement n started the GNU project to develop a free OS.
The next yr he founded free s/w foundation to promote free s/w
FSF promotes the use of GNU linux
FSF promotes the use of GNU linux (often mistakenly called "Linux")
Y SHD WE CALL “GNU LINUX”??? The kernel was developed by Linux Torvalds.