Fruit Of The Spirit 101

  • May 2020
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FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT 101 Let us look at these nine fruit of the spirit specifically and let watch for these becoming more and more prevalent in our life, our heart, our mannerisms, our behavior, etc. 1) Love: love can defined as either of the two forms (I)Philadelphia/Brotherly Love Another Greek word for love is phileo; it represents mutual tender affectionthe sharing, warm fuzzies. Its love that focuses on both giving and receiving. The relationship between Lazarus and Jesus depicts this type of love. The word 'Philia means affection (as in Philadelphia which means brotherly affection or brotherly love (delphos = brother)). Phileo is an emotional, brotherly love, a love which would best be illustrated in the Bible as that between David and Jonathan (ii)Agape/ Godly Love There is also another the Greek word for love: agape which represents an attitude of love that is non selfish. It has a self-less interest with its focus on primary giving to others. Agape can be described as unconditional positive regard, a personal state of mind that spurs us into helpful, needful action in personal simplicity, humility, compassion and equanimity. Agape is the higher form, manifestation of God's true love for all of us which we all still do need to personally have, promote, cultivate by letting God have full control of our lives. Ro.5:5 .And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given. The scripture tells to have both these kinds of love, that is to have great fondness or affection for somebody(Philadelphia) and to love so much that we are willing to sacrifice ourselves for somebody because of our relationship with that somebody(Agape).John 3:16 When our love goes beyond a fondness for God into the willingness to sacrifice our all to Him, then we are maturing in the Holy Spirit.

2) Joy Joy is much deeper than happiness. Happiness is usually produced by happenings, when the happening is over, the happiness subsides. Joy abides deep within the Holy Spirit filled believer even on the worst day of their life. Joy is the ever present work of God as He cheers us no matter what we are going through. “….the joy of the Lord is your strength.”Nehemiah8:10 3) Peace Peace is an inner calmness and quietness produced by the Holy Spirit. It means serene or at rest in soul, spirit and heart Refer to Romans 14:17-19 4) Longsuffering Long suffering means to suffer for a long time, it refers to forbearance, fortitude, endurance, and longanimity.This fruit of the spirit will keep us from quitting and questioning 5) Gentleness Gentleness is to be excellent in character and demeanor; to be useful in manners and morals by kindness, easiness and graciousness. Psalm18:35, James 3:17, 1Thessa 2:7 and 2Tim 2:24 6) Goodness Goodness is virtue or beneficence, when this fruit of the Holy Spirit is manifest in us, as we mature; our life becomes beneficial to God and others. Life is not about us, but how many people benefit from our help. Acts10:38 7) Faith Faith is confidence, dependence, trust or reliance upon Christ, His abilities and His word. A person maturing in the Holy Ghost has more and more of this type of faith. As our faith grows, its potential is LIMITLESS. Mat 21:21 8) Meekness Meekness is the inner strength to trust in God to take care of your battles, circumstances and needs. It is putting all in God’s hands and LEAVING IT THERE, NOT TAKE IT BACK LATTER BY STARTING TO WORRY ABOUT IT AGAIN. Meekness is humility. (Numbers 12:1-3) 9) Temperance Temperance is self- control. Holy Spirit-given Power to control your emotions, body, thought life, soul, etc. 1Cor9:25

Vukile Mandla God Bless NB: Ps Ray McCauley is hosting a seminar on the Holy Spirit at Rhema Bible Church in Randburg from the 6th-9th March 2009 starting at 18h30. No super Christians allowed.

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