
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,121
  • Pages: 11
Goals and Objectives

It is the goal of Alamance Academy to foster a safe Internet environment for the entire campus community. The Internet is an expansive collection of information and ideas, and users can benefit greatly by its use. The Internet allows students to access educational resources on a global basis (i.e., museums, universities), participate in educational exchanges between students worldwide, and engage in cultural, vocational, social, and leisure use.

By following the rules and procedures below, students can contribute to Alamance Academy�s objectives of raising educational standards, promoting student achievement, and enhancing the school�s management information and business administration systems. Students are expected to adhere to the following Rules of Acceptable Internet Use whether they are using the Internet for personal use or for a school related activity.

The following policy, including Alamance Academy�s filtering policy, is in compliance with state and national telecommunications rules and regulations. questions should be referred to Headmaster Dumbledore.


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The Rules

At Alamance Academy, Internet access and the use of computer networks is a privilege. The Internet and computer networks shall be used primarily for educational purposes. All policies and procedures of the Alamance Academy code of conduct should be followed when using the Internet services provided by the school. �Using the Internet� includes all uses of e-mail, web surfing, web space, web page, websites, and instant messenger, as well as posts to bulletin boards, chat rooms, etc. Violations of the Rules of Acceptable Internet Use could result in the disciplinary procedures noted below.

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Acceptable Uses

Using the Internet for educational purposes such as:

Seeking educational resources by search engines and web browsers; Helping to complete class work, homework assignments, educational research; Sharing educational information with others; and Accessing the Alamance Academy library or other library resources for educational use. Accessing the Internet using only your authorized account. Publishing or displaying personal works of art on the Internet with parental written permission. Publishing or displaying another's work(s) of art on the Internet with that person�s written permission and his or her parent�s written permission if applicable. Forwarding other's e-mail messages after they have given permission to do so. Abiding by network etiquette.

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Unacceptable Uses

Attempting to gain unauthorized access to restricted sites, servers, files, databases, etc. This includes: Using your e-mail address to obtain pornographic materials; Viewing and/or reading pornographic material; Accessing newsgroups without permission from a teacher and the Director of Information Technology; Entering unauthorized chat rooms.

Transmitting any material using the Internet that would violate any law such as trade secret laws, copyright laws, licensing agreements, etc. This includes but is not limited to: Downloading music and movies.; Downloading impermissible material without permission from a teacher and Director of Information Technology. Using inappropriate language on the Internet that is defaming, threatening, harassing, insulting, disrespectful, obscene, or discriminatory, and/or expresses any other antisocial content or language that may be considered a personal attack. Note: Inappropriateness will be determined at the administration�s discretion. Using the Internet for your personal business or financial gain such as: Gambling; Spamming (If you need to send information to more than 50 accounts, seek authorization from your teacher and the Director of Information Technology before proceeding); Product advertising; Political lobbying. Disrupting the network of others. Using the Internet during class to play games (i.e. spades, Tetris, solitaire, etc.), to use instant messenger, etc., without the teacher�s express permission. Giving out your own personal student information, including telephone numbers, grades, pictures, or financial information over the web, without your parent�s written permission. Giving out other people's personal information, including telephone numbers, grades, pictures, or financial information over the web, without their written permission and their parent�s written permission if applicable.

While using the Internet, if any student encounters anything that he or she finds

uncomfortable, distasteful, or otherwise antithetical to the school�s Rules of Acceptable Internet Use, that student should report it to an administrator, teacher, and/or the Director of Information Technology for review.

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Network Etiquette

Students, faculty, and administration should follow the general rules of network etiquette while using Alamance Academy computers. These rules include, but are not limited to:

Be polite. Do not send or post frivolous, abusive, or defamatory content. (Besides being rude or offensive, it may break the law.) Use appropriate language. You are representing Alamance Academy on a global level. This means you should not say anything you would be unwilling to say in front of your grandmother. Don�t reveal personal information. well as your own.

This includes other people's information as

Access is not private. Alamance Academy�s Network Services saves and monitors electronic mail as well as Internet usage. Don�t disrupt others� usage. Respect other people�s time and bandwidth (e.g., make sure that any message you send or content you post is worth reading � this includes those chain letters which promise good luck if you send it to 20 people). Other considerations: Don�t use all capital letters; not only is it hard to read, but many view it as screaming. Be brief. long one.

A short message on a message board is more likely to be read than a

Minimize spelling and grammatical errors.

Practice forgiveness for others who fail to comply with netiquette.

For more information, check out Virginia Shea�s Netiquette (�The Core Rules of Netiquitte�).

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If a student discovers a security problem, the student must immediately notify the Director of Information Technology.

In order to ensure wireless security, all students must have wireless security software installed on any computer that is to be used for wireless access by Information Technology. Information Technology will require updates to student computers as the school acquires new wireless security software.

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E-mail and Internet usage are not guaranteed to be private. The Director of Information Technology has access to this information and will review usage on a regular basis. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities. Improper usage will be dealt with according to the disciplinary procedures. For your own safety: Keep your password a secret. Do not log on to or use other people�s accounts. Log off the network after each use. Do not forward other people�s messages without their express permission.

Change your password every semester. Do not give out personal information, including telephone numbers, grades, pictures, or financial information over the web without parental written permission.

Alamance Academy follows FERPA and will not give out student information but will give out information under a court order.

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Safety Guidelines

Never give out your personal information, such as last name, address, or telephone number without your parent�s written permission. Never give out someone else�s personal information such as last name, address, or telephone number without his or her express permission and written parental permission if applicable. Never agree to meet in person with anyone you have met online unless you first have the written approval of a parent, teacher, and Director of Information Technology. Notify a parent, a faculty member, and/or Director of Information Technology immediately if you receive a message that may be inappropriate or if you encounter any material that violates the Rules of Acceptable Internet Use. Your parents should instruct you if there is additional material that they think would be inappropriate for you to access. Alamance Academy expects you to follow your parents' wishes in this matter.

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Vandalism by any student will result in the cancellation of the student's Internet privileges and may result in further disciplinary action. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm, modify, or destroy data of another user, network, or system, that is connected to the Internet. This means that vandalism includes, but is not limited to: Purposely disrupting computer equipment, software or system performance; Creating or spreading computer viruses; Interfering with computer settings without permission; Changing or altering on-line materials without permission; Gaining access to unauthorized sites, servers, files, or databases.

Students and their parents will be held responsible for all damages and financial consequences resulting from vandalism.

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Materials on the Internet may be subject to copyright laws, which govern the making of reproductions of copyrighted works. A work protected by copyright may not be copied without permission of the copyright owners. It is the intent of Alamance Academy to comply with Federal Copyright Law. Further information may be found at the U.S. Copyright Office. Students, faculty, and staff of Alamance Academy will not engage in copyright infringement. Copyright infringement occurs when a work that is protected by copyright is inappropriately reproduced. This means: Students may not plagiarize works that they find on the Internet. Plagiarism is

taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as your own. Students will respect the rights of copyright owners. If a work itself states appropriate uses of that work, students should follow the requirements stated. Students will not copy computer software from, into, or using school computer systems, except as permitted by law or by contract with the copyright holder. If students are unsure whether or not they can use a work, they should request permission from the copyright owner. Copyright laws can be very confusing. If students have any questions, they should ask a teacher and/or the Director of Information Technology. Any responsibility for the consequences of copyright infringement lies with the student, and not with Alamance Academy. All material placed on the Internet in the course of acceptable academic use is the property of Alamance Academy and not the student. Registered DMCA Agent: The Director of Information Technology is Alamance Academy's designated agent for receiving notifications of copyright infringement. He may be contacted at Director of Information Technology Alamance Academy Burlington, NC 27714 (888) 234-5678 [email protected].

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Disclaimer of Liability

Alamance Academy makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, for the services it is providing. The Internet contains a wide variety of materials.

Since the Internet is a

global, electronic network, there is no state, county, or local control of its users or its contents. Alamance Academy will supervise students, provide filtering services, and take reasonable precautions to make sure that students access only appropriate materials. Alamance Academy will work closely with parents to make sure that systems to protect students are reviewed and improved. If unsuitable sites are discovered, Information Technology will place those addresses in the database of prohibited sites. However, no system can be completely effective, and Alamance Academy is not responsible for any materials accessed or any consequences resulting from that access. Alamance Academy is not responsible for any loss or damage that a student may suffer while on the system. This includes, but is not limited to: Loss of data due to delays, non-delivery, or service interruptions caused by negligence, errors, or omissions,; Loss of privacy; Monetary or financial obligations resulting from disclosure of personal information; Damage to floppy disks, software or hardware. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the student�s own risk. Alamance Academy is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through, or stored on, the system.

Use of Alamance Academy�s Internet services means that the student has accepted the terms of the Rules of Acceptable Internet Use.

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Disciplinary Procedures

Violations of the Rules of Acceptable Internet Use could result in one or more of the following disciplinary actions: Informing the student�s parents or guardians; The student�s loss of computer privileges and Internet access for a specified length of time or indefinitely; The forfeiture of the student�s privilege to post web pages; The forfeiture of the student�s privilege to send and receive e-mail messages; The student�s detention or suspension; The student�s expulsion.

In addition to the above disciplinary actions, school administrators may require one or more of the following prior to reinstating the student�s computer and Internet privileges:

Counseling with school administrators; Conferences with school administrators and parents or guardians; Written apologies to those individuals adversely affected or offended by the student�s inappropriate use of his or her Internet privileges; An essay demonstrating the student�s awareness of his or her violation, including the negative effects it could have on himself or herself and others, and including an explanation of how such a violation(s) may be avoided in the future and advice to fellow students regarding appropriate Internet use.

During the investigation of the appropriateness/legality of a web page, Alamance Academy may make the page unavailable. Alamance Academy will re-post the web page upon making a determination that it is appropriate.

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Consent Form

All parents and students must sign the Rules of Acceptable Use Consent Form.

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