Frontline Missions April Newsletter

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,385
  • Pages: 4
ks between Christia? . . artnerships, and networ Providing spmBuilding relat/~sh~~S,~s God direds and opens dro;~rches to broaden ministries worlu-WI: . and training for loco ~ . tual and practical dlredlon "bal evangelistic ministry. their outreach to hands-on, go

Editor: Christy Solly












April 20, 2007

Sr. Editor: Autumn Faulkner






This year will mark the eighth year that the Lord has partnered us with Awan Chatarpal and the Indians of Roraima, Brazil. I am enthusiastic about what the Lord is doing after a year of death threats, sickness, slanderous lies, car wrecks, historical floods, lack of money, cancelled training sessions, and key leaders quitting in discouragement. Yet through it all the team made bold declarations for 2008. After three weeks of ministry with Alan Winter, the team declared that they were given hope, encouragement, health, strength and love in exchange for despair, sickness, discouragement, weakness and rejection. In December of 2007 this energized team made a declaration of ten exploits for our Lord Jesus Christ to accomplish in 2008. (turn to the next page for the details of these declarations)



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This church is to Children" that


Page 2




Build the Bible College, $0 pledged or on hand

$95,000 received to date. 3200 sq. ft. of classrooms nearly completed. Dorms for 60 scheduled for completion in June.

Begin classes and receive federal recog- Bible College scheduled to begin September 1. The school administrator, Jemima Chatarpal, Awan's wife, will receive her school admininition. stration degree in December, allowing the school to be recognized by the government and eligible to receive food and other supplies. I March 15.

Send one more leader to driving school.

ly lead a group of "Joshuas and mised land.

Raise up two Indian church teams.

Rita, Puxa Pedra Preta, 16. Ellyvaldo hau, Yarra

Plant 30 churches in 1ndi

Acquire two pick-up church planting teams.

Faca, Dabaca, with plans of and his team Velnelo and

. the second week of March.


Acquire three motorcycles for tray pastors that have more than one church. Ordain Indian pastors. Plant four churches in the city.

Pastor Ageu has started his second group because they outgrew their church building. Three weeks ago they had more people outside the building than in. Ellyvaldo's church has two new congregations.

Awan to travel less and others taking on Ellyvaldo is stepping up to the plate as president of the mission. Awan will concentrate more on the Bible College, direction of the mission, more responsibility and authority. and have limited travel to the bush.

Ellyvaldo, C1eonis, & Children Boa Vista, Brazil

Melvina in the Children's Hospital Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Construction of Medical Clinic in Mato Palo, Honduras

Look among the nations! Observe! Be Astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing








In January and February, Frontline hosted three teams from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan from Redeemer Lutheran of Marquette, Sion Lutheran of Chatham and Saints Peter & Paul Lutheran of Hancock. The teams held nine medical-dental clinics, and saw 1857 patients with 178 commitments for Christ. We constructed a church in Carrizal Lunes and a medical clinic in Mata Palo. Our time in Mata Palo was clearly one of the highlights of ministry in Honduras. The Christian village, located in a beautiful valley and home to some of the finest people on earth, can only be reached by a fivehour drive by four-wheeler and then another three-hour walk. They are planted amidst ten non-Christian villages and have not been able to reach these villages for Christ due to generational feuds. They wanted a medical clinic (the nearest one is a twelve-hour walk) in order to serve the other villages, share Christ's love, and plant churches in all ten villages. While we were there, 31 people from other villages accepted Christ. The blessing has begun. We were not able to finish the building during our stay due to cost overages and time constraints. We need another $3000 to finish the building correctly. Originally, we were going to build a smaller building in another village but had to change plans three weeks prior to the trip because they were unwilling to help us. Mata Palo began working before the first visit by the Honduran leaders. They also fed us, all 42 of us, and hauled in all of our supplies exuberantly. Our Honduran partners, along with Frontline, look forward to helping the Church in Mata Palo fulfill their dreams in the Lord.

GUYANA: LIGHT IN THE MIDST OF DARKNESS Pastor Mohammed Fizul Hack of Living Fountain Ministries of Mahiaca, Guyana, honored Alan by asking him to bring the Easter dedication message for their newly finished church building. This service promised to be an unusual one. Pastor Hack's family moved to the area in 1908 and were responsible for starting the two Islamic mosques in the area. He is the only believer amongst his Muslim family who are highly influential in government, Islam, and business. After serving the Lord faithfully for forty years, Pastor Hack has recently received the honor of being called "The Pastor of Mahaica" by both the Christian and nonChristian community. Reporting from Mahaica, Guyana, Alan brings back great news about this service! The congregation of Living Fountains Ministries is normally about 100 to 125 people, but for this service all 500 chairs were filled, with 50 or so more people standing! Other curious people, most likely Hindu or Muslim, were lingering outside the door. It was said that half of the people attending were those whom Pastor Fizul, through the years, had prayed would receive salvation in Christ. Over 25 pastors of various nearby locations were among the crowd. A few came from Venezuela. Since Alan was concerned about the service lasting too long, he only preached for around 30 minutes (that's short for Guyana) and brought the service to a close. Numerous people came up to him afterwards, telling him he should have preached longer and asking him to please come to their services to preach or dedicate their churches. The Guyanese hold a very grand celebration in times like these; not only did the service last nearly four hours, but the believers at that church fed everyone afterwards! Can you imagine cooking chicken and rice for 500?

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All of us at Frontline are rejoicing in what the Lord has done! He has blessed us beyond measure in Brazil by connecting us with a foundation to see that work explode. He has opened so many wonderful doors of ministry in all locations that we are seeing the Lord glorified in every turn. Abundant THANKS for your prayers and support that are ever constant. We couldn't do this without each and everyone of you! Please join with us as we seek the Lord for an increase in Frontline's general finances. God is our source and our high tower, the One we run to in time of need! "Now FAITH ..... "

Dr. Joanna Grimcs (Wintcr) Medicinc Woman'

June 7-15 -Honduras New River Community Church Medical and Dental-Alan June 17-26 -Alaska Ministers Conference Alan & Heidi June 21-28 - Guyana Dogwood Church Medical & Construction - Save-RKids Children's Home - Harry & Dr. Hoffler July 5-15 - Brazil Peachtree Christian Fellowship Construction & Evangelism Alan & Heidi

July 18-27- Honduras Beulah Baptist Church, Medical & Dental - Harry & Dr. Vautin July 26-August 2 - Brazil Manna Church North Carolina, Construction & Evangelism Alan & Heidi August 2-12 - Guyana St. James Episcopal Church Construction & VBS-Alan & Harry

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