Frontier Timeline

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 23,413
  • Pages: 271
__________ FRONTIER


(Insert Artwork) Something universal


“The ball is round, the game is ninety minutes long, everything else is just theory.”


Credits: Rules Design by: Jason Palenske Melissa Palenske Roger Calver Rush Windgate Mike Fancella

Setting Design by: Jason Palenske Melissa Palenske Roger Calver Hugues Roland Rush Windgate

Playtesting by: Melissa Palenske Aaron Watson Jared Watson Jeff Musselman Leif Garretson Charles Schneider Charles Asbury Jeff Tilden Chris "Weasel" Leming Jen Boren Dwayne Dees Cindy Frick Rush Windgate

Artwork by: Antti Karjalainen Jason Palenske Rush Windgate Steve “Scuba” Chalman


Introduction: Hi, Frontier is just a game. It won't solve world problems or cure tragic illnesses. All it is guaranteed to do is give you a good time and some relaxation. We can't promise anymore than that. We don't know all the answers and we don't claim to be perfect. There are lots of different games out there, they're like soda, and you can find them all over the place and all suit different tastes. Some are better than others it just depends on what you like; each has its own flavor. What we've done with Frontier is try and design a general all purpose game system that doesn't have to go through any dramatic rules changes to play whatever flavor setting you like. The main thing is to have fun with it, stretch your imagination a little. All we want you to do is have fun simple as that. This core book has two settings provided within it as the first in a long series of the Frontier Multiverse. The first is Exodus, a science fiction setting where man has gone to the stars and can no longer call Earth home. The second is Dawn of the Magi, a sword and sorcery fantasy setting where magic is steadily returning to the world of Phoryan luring all with its promises of power. Intro to Role-playing: Now for those of you who bought this game and aren't familiar with role-playing, a little background information is in order. Role-playing has been around since the beginning of time. Children do it every time they play with their friends and pretend to be something else. Whether it's little girls playing house or little boys having amazing adventures with their imaginations, role-playing is imagination. The only difference between that and a role-playing game, or RPG's as they are commonly called, is that RPG's use a set of rules to avoid the big arguments of "I got you! No you didn't, I got you!" that can happen between children trying to figure out who one. To give a random factor to it all most RPG's use multi-sided dice to generate an outcome. Now this is not say that the use of dice is the only correct way, many games use various types of cards or other means to generate an outcome. What is important is that it fits the game. Game designers go to great lengths to provide an enjoyable game that people will have as much fun with as they do. The important thing to remember above all else is to have fun, play fair, use your common sense to resolve problems, and remember it is just a game. If you can do these simple things you will have that much more fun. Some games are simple, some more complex than others, but all strive to achieve a reasonable balance between playability and realism as you can possibly get. A special note to parents: Over the years role-playing games have gotten some bad press. Whether it was over a game promoting worship in the occult, participation in illegal acts, or just general bad behavior by troubled children, many things have happened that have been tied to RPG's. As a game designer and a parent I do not see how a game can cause these things. Growing up I played many different games and the friends I played with were generally among the brightest in school, ambitious, and all around good people. Those who did have problems didn't blame them on the game, as often times it was an escape from their troubles. Games are meant to be fun, if anything, RPG's promote the use of a person's imagination and social interaction. But, it can't replace the interaction between a parent and their child. If you care about what your child is doing, be involved. Ask to read the rules and setting material. Sit in on a game session or even play with them. It is true that some games contain and are about sensitive topics and parents should be aware of them. Communicate with your children, be aware and in some cases trusting that your child is mature enough to handle the subject material at hand in a responsible manner. If you can do this your experience with your children and role-playing games will be that much more rewarding and understanding. Jason Palenske and the rest of the Lost Horizons staff


Terms and Definitions: Director: The Game Operations Director, or Director, is the Crew member that is in charge of directing game play and introducing and arranging elements within the game. As well as trying to have as much fun as possible. Crew: The “Crew” are the other members in charge of having fun and leading their characters actions through the elements the Director introduces. They are also charged with making the Directors life as easy as possible. NCC’s: NCC’s, or Non Crew Characters, are characters not immediately controlled by the Crew and used by the Director to introduce elements within the game. Elements: Elements are specific situations or actions introduced by the Director to help the pace of the game and the Crew progress through their adventure. Effects: Effects are elements that are created by objects or powers controlled by the Director or Crew. Munchies: Various and sundry bits of liquid and solid food used to fuel crewmembers while adventuring. Munchies are also considered viable tools of bribery against Directors and other Crewmembers to get cool things.

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______________ Creation Guide In the following section you will find everything you need to know to make a basic Frontier Character, machines, species etc. You will also find tips for quick and easy non-crew character and species generation. Each setting will provide information to help create characters specific to the setting such as profession packs, extra species, and equipment. At the end of the section you will find quick creation charts that more experienced players may use to create characters more quickly. The first thing you and your group need to do is decide on what type of game you’re going to play. Are you interested in science fiction, sword and sorcery fantasy, or maybe you enjoy a good scare and enjoy a horror setting. You may even want to decide to use elements of all of the above and create your own new and unique setting. Either way, this is the main thing in which all of you need to decide first. Then should you be using a setting with alternate species, each player will want to have theirs chosen first as each species affects character creation in a different way. Step 1: Choose a Species If alternate species are not available to the setting in which you are playing all characters are then presumed to be human or the chosen species. Step 2: Backgrounds Everybody has a background, who they are and where they came from. Characters are no different. Each has a unique history to them that help define who they are. There are a few options available to help you get a quick and speedy background for your character. The first option is the simplest, you simply think up a background for your character and then pass the idea by your Director showing them any special elements about it and they decide yes or no on whether or not you can use it. The next option is you can use a background generator that uses tables in which you can roll dice on to get a random history for your character. You will find a generic background generator at the end of this section that, although vague, can give a general idea of characters' past. Also you will find specific background generators available with each setting. Now if you don't have an idea and need something quick and easy we have a list of generic backgrounds that can be used as a reference. If you already have a background you can skip ahead to Step 3.

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GENERIC BACKGROUND GENERATOR Life history is built upon a series events, you can either choose your characters history ahead of time with the Director, or you can roll on a set of rolled charts that give a detailed, yet still vague events that can help in the development of Character creation. Certain special abilities and skills can be gained through rolling on the life history tables, as well as bad ones. Ultimately, all rolls made should be at the discretion of the G.O.D. before they are confirmed. Each setting provides a specific background generator to help give more details specific to the setting. Section One: Roll #1 AGE Roll 1d20 and add to age 16 Roll#2 Family Standing 1. Slaves- 10% of starting funds, round down 2. Poor- 50%of starting funds, round up 3. Lower Class- 75% of starting funds, round up 4. Comfortable- normal starting funds 5. Middle Class- 2x starting funds 6. Well to do- 3x starting funds 7. Upper Class- 4x starting funds 8. Wealthy- 5x starting funds 9. Nobility-Extremely Wealthy- 6x starting funds 10. Royalty- 10x starting funds Roll#3 Legitimacy Roll of 1-8=legitimate. Roll of 9-10=illegitimate Roll #4 Family Head 1-3. Two parents (if illegitimate, parents not married). 4-5. Aunt and/or Uncle. 6. Older Sibling. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi = brother Lo = Sister 7. Grandparent(s). 8. Guardian. 9. None known. Change Family Standing. Roll Hi/Lo. Hi = Slavery, Lo = Poor 10. None known. Roll of 1-8 Raised in orphanage. Change standing to Poor. Roll of 9-10, Raised by species different from Character. Roll again on Species Table if applicable to setting. Roll #5 Siblings 1-2. Only child 3-4. 1d10 siblings. Roll Hi/Lo. Roll of Hi = Older. Roll of Lo = younger. Odd = sister. Even = brother. 5. Twin. Roll Hi/Lo. Roll of Hi = Fraternal. Roll of Lo = Identical. If this number is rolled more than once add up total and turn into triplets, quadruplets etc. 6. 1d10 adopted siblings 7. 1d10 +1 siblings 8. 1d10 +3 siblings 9. 1d10 illegitimate siblings.


10. Roll again. Roll #6 Life Events

One event for each year 16 and above. 1. Something good 2. Something bad 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nothing Happened RESOURCES-Needs redoing for modern earth Money-


Step 3: Character Building Ok, you've got a crew, a director, and people have chosen species and backgrounds that are appropriate, and have a blank character sheet. Now what? Now it's time to make a character. There are two ways to do it. You can either make one from scratch or purchase character packs that make the process go a little faster. Each Player receives 100 Character Points, or CP, to build their character with. Character Points are like a player’s game currency that can be used to purchase Stats, extra skills, Qualities, and Perks. Players can receive extra CP by taking flaws. Also, with the permission of the Director, players may combine CP's in order to purchase perks together. The following steps will show how to make a character from scratch. Directors also have the choice of awarding more CP if they feel it is necessary for players to make more experienced or powerful characters. Optional Character starting CP: 100 CP- Average This is your normal everyday character that may have a few things special about them but otherwise you wouldn’t be able to pick them out in a crowd. 150 CP- Intense They aren’t the normal, in fact they tend to stick out a little. 200 CP- Heroic Sticking out is an understatement. Heroic characters tend to change the world.

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STATS: There are nine Stats that are rated on a scale of 1-10. When building a character from scratch they are the first thing you will want to purchase with your character points. Stats are what make up the physical characteristics of your character. You may use up to 70 of your character points to purchase your Stats. If a director feels it is important for players to have more physically powerful characters they may allow players to use more CP to purchase Stats. The Stats are: Intelligence: How smart your character is, or plain raw brain power. This Stat is used with skills such as chemistry, mathematics etc, and is represented as INT on your character sheet. Willpower: Your force of personality and the ability to carry on against adversity. This Stat is most commonly used with skills like intimidation, persuasion, or when trying to overcome physical adversity. It is represented as WILL on your character sheet. Creativity: This represents your characters natural creative talents as well as working with physical puzzles. It is most commonly used with artistic skills such as sculpting, and drawing, but also used with construction skills such as armor making and weapon-smithing. It is represented as CREATE on the character sheet. Awareness: How well you perceive your surrounding as well as spatial perception. This Stat is most commonly used with the skill Notice and long range weapon skills such as firearms and archery. It is represented on your character sheet as AWARE. Compassion: Compassion represents how well you do things within or out of your normal moral character. Although not normally used with skills this Stat is most commonly used with spiritual attributes. It is represented as COMP on the character sheet. Attraction: This Stat represents your characters pure physical attractiveness. It is considered to be a species relative Stat but can be cross compatible in some cases. It is represented as ATTR on your character sheet. Body: Body represents your characters physical size and is the base of your characters strength. It most often used with strength skills such as wrestling. Endurance: This STAT represents your characters physical ability to endure hardship as well as representing physique and muscle tone. It is most commonly used with skills such as running and climbing. It is represented as END on your character sheet. Dexterity: Dexterity represents your characters balance and coordination. This is most often used with skills such as acrobatics and skills that require good motor and hand eye skills such as throwing and swordsmanship. It is represented as DEX on your character sheet.


SKILLS LIST SKILL levels: 1- Poor 2- Mediocre 3- Fair 4- Skilled 5- Excellent 6- Superior 7- Mastery 8- Legendary Please note skills within this list are for many different genres. Also some skills have a learning modifier showing the skill is more difficult to learn thus increasing its cost. Also it is wise to use a background generator before purchasing skills as they may be affected. * Skill requires another skill of equal or greater value. Please note some Skills can work off of an average of two STATS. This is done to shorten the amount of necessary rolls to complete an objective. Also remember that this is not a complete list, we can't think of everything. Please feel free to add to it, as you need. Skills are purchased at 1 point for 1 point basis multiplied by the learning multiplier at character creation only. Should the Director decide that a game requires characters of a beginning nature they may choose to put a cap on Skill levels that they do not wish players to exceed during character creation. The genre availability category should not be considered as a limitation, it is there purely as a reference of what type of genre a skill may full under.

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STAT Learning


A Acrobatics Acting Agriculture Alchemy - Any Ancient History Animal Handling Animal training Anthropology Appraisal Archeology Archery - Any Armor-smithing* Artistic Ability Astro-cartography* Astrology Astro-navigation* Astronomy Astrophysics Athletics


-x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x2 -x1 -x1 -x2 -x1 -x2 -x1 -x2 -x1 -x

-Requires animal handling

-Requires Blacksmithing -Requires cartography -Requires navigation

B Barter Biology Blacksmithing Blind fighting Block Boat building Botany Bowyer Brawl Brewing Business administration


-x1 -x1 -x2 -x1 -x2 -x1 -x2 -x1 -x1 -

C Camouflage Carpentry Cartography Charioteering Chemistry Climbing Cobbling Communications Composition Computer hacking* Computer programming* Computer operation Concealment Cooking Crossbow Cryptography


-x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x3 -Requires computer programming -x2 -Requires computer operation -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1


D Dancing Demolitions Demolitions disposal* Disguise Direction sense Dive Dodge Drive


-x1 -x2 -Requires demolitions -x1 -x1


-x1 -

Ecology Education Electronics Electronic security EngineeringAstro Civil Cybernetic Computer Electrical Genetic Mechanical Robotic Entomology Equestrian Etiquette


-x1 -x2


-x2 -



Faith Firearms Handgun Rifle Submachine gun Machine gun Fire building First aid Fishing Forensics Forgery


Gambling Gem cutting Genetics Geology Gunnery Gymnastics



F -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1

G -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1


H Heavy weapons Herbalism Heraldry History Horsemanship Hunting Hypnosis


Intimidation Investigation


Juggling Jumping


-x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1

I -x1 -x1

J -x1 -x1

K L Language Law Leadership Leatherworking Linguistics Local history Locksmithing Lore


Manipulation Masonry Martial art Mechanics Medicine Melee Mining Mountaineering Motorcycle Musical instrument


Navigation Notice


-x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x2 -x1 -x2 -x1

M -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x3 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1

N -x1 -x1



P Paleontology Parapsychology Physics Pick lock Pick pocket PilotAero Astro Gyro V-TOL Pottery Polearm Psychiatry Psychology Public Speaking




-x1 -x1


-x2 -x1 -x1 Q

R Reading Religion Repair Repelling Research Riding airborne Riding land based Robotics Rope use Running


-x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x2 -x1 -x1 -x1

SCUBA Scrounging Seamanship Seamstress Seduction Sewing Singing Sleight of hand Skydiving Sociology Sorcery Spear Spellcraft Spelunking Stealth Strategy Streetwise Survival Swimming Swordsmanship Short sword


-x2 -x1 -x1 -x2 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x3 -x1 -x3 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1





Long sword Great sword


Teaching Terraforming Tightrope walking Toxicology Tracking Trade Two weapon


-x1 -x1

T -x2 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1 -x1

U V Ventriloquism


Wagoneering Weaponsmithing Weather sense Wrestling Writing





W -x1 -x3 -x1 -x1 -x1

X -x2

Y Z Zero G combat* Zero G maneuvers Zoology


-x2 -Requires zero g maneuvers -x1 -x1

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FINISHING TOUCHES Health Points- Size plus Body Total health points can range from 5-110 unless modified. Size: Tiny Small Medium Average : 10 Large Extra Large Huge Giant Monstrous Gigantic Colossal

Base Health: :4 :6 :8 : 12 : 16 : 20 : 30 : 40 : 60 : 100

Base strength based on size and body: Body Stat Tiny : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Small : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Medium : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Large : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extra Large : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Huge : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Giant : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Monstrous : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gigantic : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Colossal : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Basically you’ll never find a gnome arm wrestling a dragon and winning unless they are enhanced somehow. Actions- based on speed Speed 1 : 1 action every 9 rounds 2 : 1 action every 8 rounds 3 : 1 action every 7 rounds 4 : 1 action every 6 rounds 5 : 1 action every 5 rounds 6 : 1 action every 4 rounds 7 : 1 action every 3 rounds 8 : 1 action every 2 rounds 9 : 1 action every 1 rounds 10 : 2 actions every 1 round Example: Wound levels: Scratches Light Wound Serious Wound Mortal Wound Fatal Wound

:________ :________ :________ :________ :________


Death Perks: Flaws: Experience:


Profession Pack Guide: Sometimes you just want to make a character quickly. To do that we have provided a quick method of character creation to get to up and running or to help Directors quickly make non-crew characters. Profession packs are designed to be a quick and easy means of creating a character by providing a basic framework that can be adjusted to suit the players need. Each pack takes a general occupation and fills in the blanks to show how that particular occupation may be done. These Packs are general and non-setting specific so they require slightly more work to complete. Soldier Character PT Cost: Description: A professional in the trade of combat, you know your job and you do it well. Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : Effects: Gear:

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Thug Character PT Cost: Description: Hired muscle, you may not know all the fancy stuff but you know how to hit where it hurts. Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : Effects: Gear:

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Jack of all Trades Character PT Cost: Description: A master of none, but you know a little bit about a lot of things. Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : Effects: Gear:

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Money Maker Character PT Cost: Description: You make the deals and run the business. You’re in the know and how to make the money flow. Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : Effects: Gear:

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Newbie Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


Effects: Gear:

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All Talk Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


Effects: Gear:

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The Deal Maker Character PT Cost: Description: If someone needs it you can find it, for a price. And if you can’t find it or get it done then either it doesn’t exist or you just a sweet deal, hopefully they won’t figure it out. Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : Effects: Gear:

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Physician Character PT Cost: Description: You patch people plain and simple. From a medic in the field to in the surgery you find the hurt and make it better. Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : Effects: Gear:

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Mr. Fix It Character PT Cost: Description: Machines are your people, you make them run and purr like they were brand new. Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : Effects: Gear:


Species Creation: Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

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Creature Creation: Creating creatures can be done the same as characters with creation points. Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Example:

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Equipment Creation: Description: Points: Structure Value: Example:

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Vehicle Creation: Points: Size: Personal Small Medium Average : Large Extra Large Huge Giant Gigantic Colossal

: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Personal Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Small Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Medium Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Average Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Large Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Extra Large Description: Points: Structure Value: Example:


Huge Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Giant Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Gigantic Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Colossal Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Starships Points: Size: Personal Small Medium Average : Large Extra Large Huge Giant Gigantic Colossal

: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Small Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Frame: Hull: Speed: Medium Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Frame:


Hull: Speed:

Large Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Frame: Hull: Speed: Frame: Hull: Speed: Extra Large Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Frame: Hull: Speed: Giant Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Frame: Hull: Speed: Gigantic Description: Points: Structure Value: Example: Frame: Hull: Speed: Colossal Description: Points: Structure Value: Example:


Frame: Hull: Speed:

World Creation: Description: Points: Environment: Technology Level: Example:

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______________ RULES GUIDE Now when we say rules we do not mean them in a contractually binding way, but more in a here are a set of guidelines to know how the game works sort of way. If you come across something that is contradictory or does not work for the flavor of game you are playing change it, or make up a rule that works for you. You’re not going to offend us, in fact we encourage it. Frontier is meant to be flexible. If it breaks let us know. We’ll see what we can do to fix it. Above all just be fair in the things you change. With all of that being said we can move on to explaining the basics and how you use them.

Basics: Task Checks Anytime you or your crew comes across a challenge or obstacle that can not be role played to overcome it is considered a Task. Task checks are used to make an impartial judgment to determine whether the crewmember succeeds or not. Task checks are made by adding the appropriate Stat to skill and rolling under the total on a twenty-sided die, should there be any modifications made for difficulty they are subtracted from the total before rolling. Skills can negate negative modifiers up to their total amount. Task checks: Stat + skill roll equal or under on d20 Roll of 1: critical success Equal or under to task check total: success (each point roll is succeeded by equals a level of comparable success.) Roll of 19: simple failure Roll of 20: critical failure Difficulty modifiers: 1-10 range subtract from Task check total Skills negate negative modifiers, remainder applies as a negative to task total If negative modifiers leave task check total at zero or less player must roll a 1, critical success in order to succeed. Example: Complex Tasks Sometimes a task can not be completed in one action. The director may feel it necessary to assign a success total to complete the action. The amount of successes necessary varies by the complexity of the task. Each point a character beats his task check total by counts as one success towards the complex total. Multiple characters may combine totals to complete a task faster and show teamwork. Rolling equal to your task total does not count as a success towards the task. Example: Contested Tasks There are times when to characters may come in conflict but it can’t be solved through a simple roll, such as races, building an item, or completing a task. These contested tasks are treated as if they were a complex task to show which competitor achieves the goal first. Example: Combat Sometimes within an adventure combat can be unavoidable, such as trying to escape an evil lord’s fortress, or pirates are boarding your ship, in these cases you can be forced to take action. Now this is not to say as a game design we


condone violence but we do realize that there are times when it can’t be avoided based on the setting. So as such we have supplied rules to show how these situations can be handled and how the rules work. Quick and Dirty

Damage Sometimes no matter what you do you can get hurt, take a fall, get in a car accident, someone attacks you. It can be avoided usually but other times it just happens so for the rules we have to have a way of expressing it in game mechanics. In many games to determine damage you roll lots of dice and count up points. Others you have to look at tables and charts to determine location and damage sustained. With Frontier we took a much more streamlined and narrative approach. Damage is done all in one roll and does not worry about location, instead you use your Task Check roll and use the information it gives you. Every time you make a Task Check it shows a degree of success based on how much you beat your Task total by on your roll. For wound damage you take the amount you beat your Task by and use that as a damage total applying it to the wound table. The greater the success the higher the wound. Effects from weapons or magical powers can also increase this total. Doing damage this way allows for the Director to be more narrative with their elements and show that a better Task Check achieves a better effect. Example: Personal Firearms or ranged combat: Awareness + Skill Example: Melee Dexterity + Skill Example: Hand to Hand Dexterity + Skill Example: Mass Armies These types of rolls give an overall outcome and Director uses them as a direction for their narrative. If crew characters have a direct involvement in the action what they do can be used to sway the tide of battle towards a particular end. Treated similarly to a complex or contested task. Awareness + Leadership Successes: Critical SuccessCritical FailureSimple FailureExample: Fleets Awareness + Leadership Successes: Critical SuccessCritical Failure-


Simple FailureExample:

Vehicle Starship Awareness + Leadership Successes: Critical SuccessCritical FailureSimple FailureExample: Mecha Awareness + Leadership Successes: Critical SuccessCritical FailureSimple FailureExample:

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______ FEAR Historical Modern Day Fear follows a normal BC to AD calendar year. History begins in the early Egyptian Era and includes things such as the Crusades and Salem Witch Trials. Intro-

“I’m tellin you there’s a monster inside you kid. I’m telling you. You just sittin there with that amused look on your smug face while you sit and drink your choco-cocoa puff latte but I knows. I seens it. You, me, hell that sweet lookin lady walkin that little pure bred mutt. We alls gots one, alls of us. Justs waitin to be let out. Not me though, nots me…I gots it locked up tight… cant’s let it out again…not again… You r’member kid, it’s in there, jus waitin to get out, don let it out…ever…never, never agin.” “Hey Lady! Yeahs you, don walk away…I sees what you really are…I knows…” (Insert Fear definition) Parental Advisory Mature subject matter, parental discretion is advised. Fear is all about terror, now we’re not talking the old kind of terror that a guy in a rubber suit caused in old 50’s horror flicks, but more in the it scared your Grandpa to even talk about it sort of way. Things that go bump in the night, the monster in your closet, all those things you thought you saw but are afraid to tell anyone about because your afraid someone will think your crazy, that’s what FEAR is all about. It’s about all those things your afraid of, or afraid you might become. FEAR is a supernatural setting unlike many others in the fact it is meant to leave you spooked. It’s meant to have the hair standing up on the back of your neck and you constantly looking over your shoulder. Throughout time man has tried to explain away the things that scared him, superstitions have arisen. Every culture has them, some unique, but some that are eerily similar. No matter the time period, or the culture, one fact has remained, fear is here, and it is here to stay. Nightmares, monsters, ghosts, goblins, and the boogey man, these are just a small part of the things that make up the Fear setting. Since the beginning of time for man the supernatural has made up a strong part of the foundation of all cultures. The FEAR setting plays upon those foundations to provide a unique supernatural setting different from most others.


Valley of the Kings, Egypt 1947 “Colonel are you sure we should be here?” “Nonsense Freidrich, the Fuhrer has tasked us with a great mission and we are going to accomplish it.” “But Sir, all alone with no troops or equipment? What about the Egyptians?” “Freidrich the Egyptians will do nothing! We have our plan and our orders and we will not fail in carrying them out. Now corporal…if you would be so kind as to bring your light over here so that I can see this map better.”

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________________________ Creation Guide Expansion Profession Packs:


Profession Pack Expansion: Alchemist


SKILLS: Notice:

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SKILLS: Notice:

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SKILLS: Notice:

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SKILLS: Notice:

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SKILLS: Notice:

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SKILLS: Notice:

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SKILLS: Notice:

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SKILLS: Notice:

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SKILLS: Notice:


Perks: Flaws:


Adventure Ideas


_____________________ Rule Guide Expansion Forms: Forms are different from manifestations as they are considered the natural state of the creature. Whereas a person cursed with something such as lycanthropy changes into something else these forms are considered permanent. Undead: Vampyr: Born Created Zombies Mummies Phantoms Wraiths

Manifestations: Manifestations are treated like effects, powered by a pool of points. Effects have a power up cost and possible sustaining cost associated with its activation. Examples: Inner Demon Lycanthropy Dream Manifestation Points: Will x 10 Powers:


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_________ GENOME Modern Day Near-Future Genome follows a normal A.D. calendar year. This must remain an “Unleashed upon an unsuspecting world” theme. Intro-

“This is Jed Carpenter coming to you live from downtown where we were just witness to another Genome sighting here at the illustrious…” Click… “Just in, the L.A.P.D. has just ended a four hour confrontation with a suspect capable of unbelievable feats that has left six officers dead and nineteen wounded. The countless amount of damage is still…” Click… “Well Peter, in my expert opinion we are dealing with something our society has never seen before. Where as before it wasn’t enough for police to have to deal with normal criminals, but now they must deal with…umm…uh…well beings with powers and abilities that are fairly well unbelievable. I mean really, are we to expect more of the same and have all of it be from people who seem to not have society’s best interests at heart? Or can we...” Click…

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_________________________ 55

Creation Guide Expansion Perks: Flaws: BACKGROUND GENERATORProfession Packs

Profession Pack Expansion: Hero


SKILLS: Notice:


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SPD: ATTR: Add picture here.

Tech Wizard


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SKILLS: Notice:

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Adventure Ideas

______________________ Rules Guide Expansion Powers: Ruled similar to magic and supernatural powers. Each power is considered an effect with an activation and possible sustaining costs. Power points: WILL + END divided by 2 x 10


PhysicalStrength Speed Healing Resistance Mutation MentalPyrokinesis Telekinesis Telepathy Manipulation Energy

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_____________ ASCENSCION Near Future-Mid-Future “This Echo-95 to docking control requesting clearance for approach.” “Echo-95 this is Citadel station docking control, please divert to docking collar three on a vector of 348 for docking and inspection.” “Docking control, we were inspected before leaving Nakamoto Station at Earth and are hauling food supplies for the European provisional colony.” “Sorry Echo-95 that was a different company and this a different station.” “But Control we have all our paperwork showing everything is in Order402” “Once again sorry Echo-95, divert to vector 348 to docking collar 3 and prep for inspection. If you have a problem you can file a dispute with the station master.” “Damn it


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__________________________ Creation Guide Expansion Perks: Flaws: BACKGROUND GENERATORLimited star travel Enhanced vehicles such as mecha A.D. timeframe Governing powers: Earth Mars Ganymede Proxima Corporations: Nakamoto Citadel Sikovsky Robotics


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Profession Pack Expansion: Driver


SKILLS: Notice:

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SKILLS: Notice:

_________________________ Mecha Construction Kits: Scout Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull:


Frame: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Frame: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:



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Medium Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Frame: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:


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Heavy Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Frame: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Frame: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:


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Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Frame: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:


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Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Frame: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:


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Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Frame: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:


Adventure Ideas


___________________________ Basic Starship Construction Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Frame: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:


_________________________ Basic Mecha Construction Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Frame: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:


______________________ Rules Guide Expansion Cybernetics -Use Cybernetics in and of themselves don’t have any particular abilities, instead they act as effects. -Creation Bionetics -Use Bionetics in and of themselves don’t have any particular abilities, instead they act as effects. -Creation Mecha Combat Mecha Creation


________ EXODUS Near-Future Mid-Future Exodus follows a C.A. to A.E calendar year. C.A. - Colonial Ascension C.A. is the official calendar year that was established by the outer worlds at the end of the Colonial War. Since that time the traditional AD designation for a calendar year was officially stricken from records and unused. It is unknown what the AD year was when C.A. was established. AE – After Exodus AE is the official year designation used by many Tribe Fleets and City Ships since the Final World War. AE began use as a year designation in 257 C.A. IntroEarth was overburdened; man had abused her resources and overpopulated the land. Gradually man reached for the stars to find other worlds to ease the pain of his home planet. Massive effort was used to stretch the reach of man and in time other planets were found that were, or could be made hospitable to human life. But man was still alone in the galaxy, and like a dysfunctional family, began to turn on himself. The powers that be began to argue over how new resources would be shared, and who would do the work. Those of wealth and influence began to turn their efforts towards controlling who would reap the rewards of mans endeavors. Meanwhile the impoverished and hungry citizens of Earth were to watch as the controlling powers ruled from their steel and concrete towers or from distant worlds. In time those in control of colonies would take offense at the constant demands of Earth in the needs of food and resources. Man would once again war on himself. People desperate for food would once again explore the stars searching for worlds capable of helping humanity survive. Some would leave in massive city ships, vowing never to be dependent on a planet again. But, in the end it would all be in vain. The last struggling governmental powers of Earth would battle with each other over the last aging colony ships, ships that could carry the lives of humanity cradled in their hulls to new worlds. Battle for control of yet unseen worlds, until ultimately destroying each other and countless innocent lives in an apocalypse of nuclear fire. If not for the brave acts of mutineer star pilots in the colossal ships in orbit man would more than likely have become extinct on face of his own home world. Freed of the shackles of unreasonable rulers simple men would risk everything to save their fellow man, sometimes paying with their lives. All in an effort to ensure that all that tried could reach safety. An effort to make sure that all who desired to try for a new life among the stars could join the last great ...EXODUS.

The Following contains exerts from the Encyclopedia Galactic, and independent contracting group charged with doing an impartial survey of known space. When available surveyors have provided company information and pictures or drawing whenever possible. Galactic Powers: Governing Powers and Worlds

Colonial Union- Blue Survey Performed by Colin Yu Since the war the Colonial Union has become the dominant power within human occupied space. Although their political and military dominance has recently come into question with the expansion of the Corporate States, there have been no open hostilities as of yet; the Union is taking precautions. Although things do generally take time to get passed through the bureaucracy


of the Senate, the Union is not slow to react to hostilities. Even though the Union as a government is neutral in regards to the welfare of Earth refugees, each member planet is responsible for maintaining their own immigration regulations. It is then unsurprising to find that each of the Colonial union planets does not allow immigration in general, and if they do it is highly subjective. Each Union planet is governed in its own style while provided two colonial senators per one million citizens, with a minimum of one to the Colonial Senate. The seat of the Union Senate resides at Carlisle Landing, Tau Ceti.



Corporate States- Red

Survey Performed by Malcolm Carson Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Population: 42.5million Currency: Imports: Exports: Planetary Rotation: 29hrs Year Rotation: 372 days Gravity: 1.02 Moons: 2 Immigration: Main Settlements: Description: Epsilon Eridani, or Eridani as its inhabitants call it, was the first world settled by man beyond his native solar system. Although the not the most hospitable of worlds, it was chosen as the most viable option to help alleviate overpopulation and famine increases on Earth. Although initially considered safe, the colonies first settlement met with disaster due to unforeseen meteor storms. Since that time the planet's inhabitants have adapted their dwellings to accommodate the seasonal meteor showers, Eridani Primes orbit passes within close proximity of the Epsilon systems asteroid belt occasionally causing violent impacts. As a result, Eridani dwellings are almost always built within the shelter of natural cliff faces that provide perfect shelter from the rare, but extremely possible, meteorite impacts. From its beginning, Eridani Prime has had a constant corporate influence. Since the Exodus this influence has taken on more of a dramatic role in the governing of the planet. As ties with Earth were separated, local corporate directors took it upon themselves to govern the areas of influence in which they were directly involved. As such, the planet's settlements were divided up amongst the local companies. Normal colonists were then either forced to live under the guidance of one the sets of Boards of Directors, or scratch out a living as best as they could out in Eridani Primes more frontier wilderness. Either being totally self sufficient or trading with the corporations for items of necessity. Often time colonists are taken advantage of by some of the local companies and are then forced to seek outside outlets of trade. Throughout the settlements, corporate or colonial, a respectable religious influence can be felt.


Since the Eridani Endeavor was signed, contributing religious institutions were granted colonial charters in which their members were granted endowments and land franchises. Most are highly respectable and only have the population’s best interests at heart, but since the Exodus several splinter groups have rose up promoting xenophobia of outsiders. Especially Earth refugees, for fear of the same thing happening to Eridani Prime. As trade increases between the colonies these groups have also sent their missionaries to other words to spread their word of fear. This message has also caused considerable trouble for the Tribe Fleets and City Ships as spreading concern has laid the blame of Earth's demise on their shoulders. Probably the most vocal of all these groups is the Galactic Church of Humanity, although known for their charitable acts among those in need, this charity is not known to be extended to spacers. Rumors abound about members of the Galactic Church committing acts of violence against spacers, but their excellent record of helping those in need makes such rumors difficult to believe among colonists.

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Government: Corporate States: Bio-Com: Originally a biological research and development company based out of the United States contracted to do terraforming and ecological research and improvements, Bio-Com has since become one of the leading powers on Eridani Prime. Although they do not control an extensive area of territory, almost no terraforming or ecological improvement happens without their direct influence or approval. Although highly noted for their achievements in Terraforming technology, Bio-Com is also well regarded for their achievements in biological science in regards to plants and animals. Through bioengineering, gene therapy, and other methods, Bio-com has been able to


introduce a large variety of new or modified species of flora and fauna. These new species are highly prized for their abilities to survive, and thrive, in alien environments where their ancestral counterparts could not.

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Tendric Mining: A large, multi-national, European mining and geological survey corporation contracted to survey the planet for natural resources; Tendric Mining has since grown to retain control of all of the colony's original mines and mineral rights, as well as developing several new ones. Due to the nature of their business Tendric Mining controls many remote territories over a very large area. Although these territories may seem small they are in actuality very large encompassing massive subterranean networks. Unbeknownst to the rest of the Corporate States, Tendric surveyors believe they may have recently uncovered a settlement predating the colony during the evaluation of a mineral deposit. Since its discovery, Tendric Mining has been extremely secretive about their findings. However it is unknown as to whether or not any such other settlements exist elsewhere on the planet. It is believed that they are quiet about their findings until they can discern whether or not any useful knowledge or technology can be gained from the artifacts before making them common colonial knowledge.


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Nakamoto Industries Tanto Fabrications: Born in the heart of the Empire of the Sun, the Nakamoto Industries have ruled in the development of environmental technologies for generations. From space stations to environmental domes or other vital habitation equipment for struggling colonies, Nakamoto has paved the way. With its child corporation of Tanto Fabrications, Nakamoto became the heart of the Eridani Endeavor, without their technology that made the Prime station and the first dome cities, the colony may never have reached their destination. Since that time Nakamoto Industries has ruled trade from on high within the Prime Station, placing tariffs on all goods coming to and from the planet as they control the only facility capable of supporting the colossal trade and refugee vessels that may come to perform business with Eridani Prime. Although some parties may try bypassing the station to deliver their goods, via their own shuttles, Nakamoto takes great delight in increasing prices on other necessary goods, such as fuel and coolant, only available on Prime station unless you have alternate means. Which in the case of most trade vessels they do not. As it has done since its founding, control of Nakamoto Industries, and all it's subsidiaries galaxy- wide has been handed down generation to generation. Although their business practices are not always considered equal, Nakamoto is renowned for the superior treatment of its employees no matter what their status or employment position.


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Delta Ag: A botanical research laboratory noted for its success in the farming of Earth's sea beds, as well as the development of many hydroponic varieties of plants, Delta Ag is quite likely the smallest of the Corporate States in terms of population. In terms of territory however, from their hydroponic, sea bound, or traditional farms, no two corporate states combined come close to encompassing Delta's vast land and water resources. With their extensive use of robotics, Delta Ag has been able to manage and make flourish more farmland than all other Eridani prime farmers combined. As a result, even with the tariffs imposed by Nakamoto Ind. on the transportation of goods, Delta has managed to flourish and even compete on a galactic scale. Of all the companies on Eridani, Delta Agriculture is known for being the most sympathetic to the needs of the City and Tribe ships.

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Independent settlements: Although there were many other companies involved in the Eridani Endeavor, none of them rose to the power achieved by the corporate states. Many dissolved in mergers with the states or became so small as to be considered inconsequential and little more than mom and pop local businesses. As with all things, however, there are exceptions to every rule. Military:

United Worlds- Green Survey Performed by




Coalition- green Survey Performed by


Procyon- White Survey Performed by Andre Fairmont Procyon Population: Unknown approximated at 237,000 in trade stations Currency: Imports: General materials food machine parts Exports: Starship grade alloys Recycling technology hydroponic technology Planetary Rotation: 26hrs Year Rotation: 332 days Gravity: 1.13g en Moons: Immigration: Visitors to Procyon are restricted to the Proci Space Station, or the Proci Trade posts. The reason given for this is the protection of Procyon's fragile environment and the safety of visitors. Although the Proci do not allow immigration beyond temporary stays in the trade posts, they do trade with any and all colonies, tribe and city ships. Main Settlements: Proci Space Station The Trade Posts: Far Reach Station New Holland Campbell Valley Misty Rock Trading Company Government: Unknown

Description: The third colony to be settled by man, Procyon is considered to be the harshest of the human colonized worlds if you are not privy to its environmental secrets. Floating far from most other colonies in a lazy orbit around its binary stars, Procyon appears to be a dead world shrouded in a haze of dust clouds. On the surface however a far different story is told. Beneath the low clouds lies a planet of strangely exotic and deadly beauty. Its atmosphere is made up of fine dust and constant mist of precipitation caught in a strange balance of wind and temperature. Unfortunately the water found on Procyon is toxic to humans without refinement. Also due to the airborne dust things are easily coated in slimy, silt like mud capable of permeating all but the most sealed of containers, and stopping machinery dead in its tracks. As a result colonists were forced to thoroughly study the planets ecosystem to see how man could survive on such a world. The effects of this intensive study were astounding. It was discovered that small plants dotting the surface of Procyon were discovered to act as natural filters for rainwater and ground


toxins, as well as some varieties being consumable by human beings. As a result, colonists were able to create modified hydroponic gardens capable of sustaining the colony as well as highly refined recycling techniques capable of maintaining the planets fragile ecological balance. Also, Procyon is a veritable treasure trove of mineral wealth unparalleled by any other colonial world. Among these minerals are easily refined alloys that make up the bulk of materials used for current starship manufacture. Since its colonization, the culture of Procyon has developed in a very unique way. Since the Colony War, as the demand for starship grade alloys grew, the citizens of Procyon have grown into two very distinct and intertwined cultures. Out among the eroded canyon desert you find the secretive Proci mining clans, original colonists who have adapted to Procyon's delicate environment, and trek across its surface mining important alloys without disturbing the fragile ecology. They are also the creators and developers of Procyon's highly sophisticated recycling and botanical technology. Although expensive, this equipment is highly sought after by colonials and spacers alike. In the settlements, you find the Proci Trade families, or the Face of the Proci, made up of original colonial families and some Earth refugees. It is with the Trade Families that all commerce and interaction is made between visitors and Procyon’s' residents. It is considered highly insulting to demand to consult a Proci clansman if an undesirable arrangement can not be made with a Trade Family member. As they are the Face of the Proci, their word is considered bond, and all deals are considered binding by that family and its corresponding clan's members. Native Flora and Fauna: A detailed accounting of the native Biology of Procyon is unavailable as it is held secret by the Proci.



The City Ships of Exodus As man stretched his reach to the stars to relieve his population needs a daring plan was designed, to create massive ships capable of sustaining life on their own. These city ships, once built would then be allowed to roam space in search of habitable worlds, though should they not be able to find any they would still be able to sustain themselves. Though many were built, the exact number is unknown as the records were destroyed in an attack during the war. It is also unknown how many survived afterwards or found home amongst the stars. Below is a list of the city ships known to be currently within human occupied space. Babylon Survey Performed by Population: Government: Description: Like its predecessor, Babylon is a wonder to behold. It was originally built to be the largest cruise ship ever conceived by mankind. Its inhabitants, needing a means to support them in space turned their aging ship into a wandering wonderland where all were welcome. As a result, of all the city ships, they are the welcomes throughout the colonial worlds. They travel from world to world offering casino's, carnivals, shows, and as many forms of recreation as possible in return for supplies as well as money good on whichever planet they happen to be orbiting above. Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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El Dorado Survey Performed by Population: Government: Description: As Coronado did looking for the ships ancient namesake, the residents of the El Dorado are constantly searching among the stars. What they are searching for no one knows for sure. Some believe that perhaps they are searching for other lost colony and city ships, while still others believe they are looking for habitable planets. The most widely circulated rumor is that they are fact searching for alien civilizations, or perhaps in fact, have found one. Whatever the case one this is for certain, The El Dorado is the most secretive of all the city ships. Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Olympus Survey Performed by Population: Government: Description: Hardly a home worthy of the gods anymore, Olympus has done its best to survive. Over the years it has suffered from pirate attacks, colonial hostilities, to surviving the colonial war itself. Although a large ship, the Olympus is not particularly fast often making her vulnerable. The


residents offset their tragedies by producing highly sought after electronic equipment that allows them to purchase their everyday necessities. Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Pompeii Survey Performed by Population: Government: Description: Although the ancient city it was named for was destroyed in cataclysm the ship Pompeii has prospered. Over the years they have developed a wide variety of computer and communications equipment in which they use to trade for basic necessities. Unlike many city ships, the Pompeii remains relative stationary, most commonly found in orbit of Procyon or Luytens Star where they trade for the necessary materials used in their equipment. Often times one of their cargo ships can be found at the Proxima Shipyards delivering electronics. Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:


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Maya Survey Performed by Population: Government: Description: Maya is one of the last true city ships known to exist. Its inhabitants are generally friendly and keep a regular route among the colonies. Although not particularly known for producing anything extraordinary, the inhabitants of the Maya over the last few years have become to gather a reputation for their medical knowledge and expertise. A fact that has kept them welcomed in most ports. Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Mir Survey Performed by Population: Government: Description: The Mir is one of the oldest ships known to exist. In fact, of all the city ships it has the least ship like qualities among them. It has no discernible bow or stern. After its centuries worth of repairs and additions. Some merchants have claimed that it looks different every time they see it and sometimes even wonder if it is indeed the same ship it claims to be. The only thing that can be agreed on is that it is unique and ever growing in size. Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Survey Performed by Population: Government:



Description: Built upon the frame of an aging warship, the Sparta is one of the smallest, yet oldest city ships. It has been plying the space lanes since before the colonial war. Although it is beginning to show its age after many repairs and renovations Sparta is still a formidable opponent to even the craftier and powerful pirate organizations. It is reputed to have held off every attack it has ever faced. Though it must trade regularly for everyday necessities, Sparta weaponry is highly sought after because of their superb craftsmanship. Whether handheld or shipboard, a Spartan weapon is nearly unmatched in quality. Unfortunately, available quantities are usually low and their prices high coupled with the fact they are only available for sale from the Sparta herself. Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Tribe Fleets: Starships:


Equipment Guide:


Corporations Guide: Survey Performed by Ashton Freight Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Trask Runway Mars Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secure Cargo Transportation Secondary Services or Products: Security Personnel Barstow Manufacturing Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Olympus Mons Mars Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Industrial Construction Equipment Secondary Services or Products: Bio-Com Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Red Plain COM State Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Biological Research & Development Terraforming Technology Secondary Services or Products: Blue Dragon Freight Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Level 9 Sikovsky Station Proxima Centauri Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Delta Ag Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: White Beach Delta State Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Grisham Farms Logo: Insert Logo Picture


Headquarters: Pleasant Meadow Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Hollis and Sons Ship Works Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Trask Station Mars Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: FTL and Non-FTL Capable Starships Secondary Services or Products: Hydropon Headquarters: Logo: Insert Logo Picture Procyon Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Interstellar Industries Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: i-Robot Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Fargo Valley Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products:

Kraus & Morgan Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Level 5 Montgomery Station Proxima Centauri Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Land and Sky Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Heart Valley Mars Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Land and Flight Capable Vehicles Secondary Services or Products:


Miller Manufacturing Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Mineral Wealth Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Procyon Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Misty Rock Trade Co. Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Procyon Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products:

Nakamoto Industries Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Prime Station Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Oceanology Inc. Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Summer Shores Delta State Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Ore Traders Inc. Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Procyon Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Proxima Shipyards Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Shipyard Center Proxima Centauri Regional Offices:


Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Recycler Inc Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Procyon Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products:

Sikovsky Robotics Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Level 1 Sikovsky Station Proxima Centauri Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Sparta Arms Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Tanto Arms Headquarters Logo: Insert Logo Picture New Hokkaido Nakamoto State Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Tanto Fabrications Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: New Hokkaido Nakamoto State Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Tendric Mining Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Vargas City Tendric State Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Mining Survey and Equipment Secondary Services or Products:


Tendric Mineral Resource Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Vargas City Tendric State Eridani 4 Epsilon Eridani Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products: Winfield Arms Logo: Insert Logo Picture Headquarters: Great Trench Mars Regional Offices: Primary Service or Product: Secondary Services or Products:

Exodus Equipment Catalog Personal Merchandise: Atmospheric Analyzer Backpack Bedrolls Binoculars Boots Breath mask Canteen Climbing Kit ClothingCoats Comm Unit


Compass ComputerDecontamination Kit Earplugs Electronics Kit Environment Kit Environment Tents Environmental Suits EVA Suit First Aid Kit Flashlight Foot Locker Gloves Hats Jumpsuits Kinetic Watch Mechanics Tool Kit Medical Kit Multi-tool Oxygen Bottle Pants Personal Pocket Range Finder Poncho Portable Refillable Lighter Seismic Sensor Shirts Shoes Storage Disks Sunglasses Tool Kit Utensils


Personal Weaponry: Handguns: Krause & Morgan: P-10 Caliber: 8x25mm case-less Range: Capacity: 18 standard (35 with extended magazine) Availability: Cost: WP-10 Caliber: 8x25mm case-less Range: Capacity: 18 standard (35 with extended magazine) Availability: Cost: LP-6 Caliber: 8x25mm case-less Range: Capacity: 18 standard (35 with extended magazine) Availability: Cost: MLP-6 Caliber: 8x25mm case-less Range: Short Capacity: 18 standard (35 with extended magazine) Availability: Common Cost: 2500


Tanto Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:

Sparta Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:


Winfield Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:


Rifles: Krause & Morgan: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:


Tanto Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:

Sparta Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:


Winfield Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:


Sub-machine guns: Krause & Morgan: LP-8 Caliber: 6x38mm case-less Range: Capacity: 40 Availability: Cost:


Tanto Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:

Sparta Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity:


Availability: Cost:

Winfield Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:


Assault Rifles: Krause & Morgan: GS-8 Caliber: 6x38mm case-less Range: Capacity: 40 Availability: Cost: LGS-8 Caliber:6x38mm case-less Range: Capacity: 40 Availability: Cost:


Sparta Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:

Tanto Arms:


Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:

Winfield Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:


Machine Guns: Krause & Morgan: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:


Sparta Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:


Tanto Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:

Winfield Arms: Caliber: Range: Capacity: Availability: Cost:






D.R.E.D. (Defense Reconnaissance Exploration Drone) The D.R.E.D. is i-Robot's highest selling robotic model. With its variable and durable frames, and limitless amount of customizable onboard options no two D.R.E.D. are alike and as unique as their owners needs. Just drop by any local i-Robot dealer today and choose the one that is right for you. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:

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Orion Series 5 Companion Whether on the job or in the home, the Orion Series 5 Companion can get the job done. With a variety of customizable programs available, the Companion can perform a variety of tasks with speed and efficiency. From light security roles to secretarial duties or home cleaning the Companion is up to the task. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:

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X57 "Badger" If there's something to be moved the Badger is there. From shipboard cargo duties to hauling on the farm or in the warehouse the Badgers small but intensely strong frame can handle it. With an almost one ton carry and tow capacity there are few things that the Badger can't push, pull, or carry. If you need an extra highly durable hand, or just some pure power, try out the Badger today. Int: Sensor: Frame:


Power: Dex:

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Delta Ag:

Poseidon XRD From the makers of the Galileo and Nautilus SRD comes the all new Poseidon XRD. With its wide array of onboard options and customizable poly-titanium frame the Poseidon is the ultimate choice in oceanic exploration and research. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:


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S9 Intrepid Introducing the new S9 Intrepid from Delta, the galaxies newest robotic underwater exploration drone. With the latest in communications equipment by Pompeii and its new Hydrometric power plant developed by Oceanology Inc. giving nearly unlimited range, the new S9 is the next best in underwater exploration to being there yourself. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:

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Galileo The ultimate in underwater navigational mapping, Galileo never gets lost. Whether surveying for underwater construction sites or searching for and marking mineral deposits. Galileo carries the latest in navigational software and tools. Galileo, leading the way. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:

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Nautilus SRD Since Delta Ag began farming and researching the oceans of Earth, Nautilus has been there. Although its look has changed over the years one thing has not, Nautilus' distinguished career as the premier Search and Rescue Drone. From the beaches to the ocean floor Nautilus is there. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power:



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Miller Manufacturing Miller Robotic Technologies: MRT Robot Aid

Nothing compares to MRT in price or reliability when it comes to our long line of personal Robotic Aids. With diverse programming from medical assistant to cooking, no other robot can handle as many tasks as the MRT Robot Aid. For when you need a job done right and can't do it yourself. trust it to MRT. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:


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MRT Centurion On land or aboard ship the Centurion the finest in robotic security. With its variety of lethal and non-lethal armaments and customizable security protocols the Centurion has supplied uncompromising performance for the last three years. When you rely on security, rely on Centurion. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:

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MRT Goliath In capacity and pure power the Goliath is second to none in robotic labor aids. With its carbonate steel frame and Hollis certified power plant the Goliath has more power and lift capacity than any other robot in its class. From the star docks to the agro fields, choose power, choose Goliath. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:

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Sikovsky Robotics Argonaut

Probably the most widely sold robot of its class, the Argonaut by Sikovsky has no equal when it comes to deep space exploration and research. Featuring state of the art programming and onboard tools, the Argonaut is a scientific one-robot army. From astronavigation mapping to planetary survey, Argonaut goes anywhere man can go, and many places he can't. The Argonaut


by Sikovsky, daring to go where no one has gone before. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:

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Star Knight When it comes to onboard security your belongings couldn't safer than with a Star Knight. With the finest of assortment of lethal and non-lethal countermeasures and the latest in detection software Star Knight has the greatest track record of safety than any other security robot. When safety is a concern you need a knight, Star Knight. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:


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Zodiac Sikovsky's premiere deep space assist robot, the Zodiac is the ultimate aid in zero gravity and vacuum environments. With its comprehensive set of onboard tools and superior maneuverability there is no task too big or small for the Zodiac. The Zodiac by Sikovsky, always where you need it to be. Int: Sensor: Frame: Power: Dex:

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Starships: Proxima Shipyards:

Starlifter LRF (Long Range Freighter) Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Manta Freighter Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo:


Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Stingray SRS (Short Range Shuttle) Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Pelican SRT (Short Range repair Tug) Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Osprey SRS (Short Range Shuttle) Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Hollis & Sons: Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull:

HS StarTruk


Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Jupiter Freighter Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Interstellar Industries: Gemini 6 Freighter

Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Astrolab 5 Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Copernicus LRS Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive:


Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

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Comp: Comm: Sensor: Hull: Cargo: Drive: Maneuverability: Speed: Range:

L5 Hercules


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Adventure Ideas


_____________________________ Creation Guide Expansion Perks: Flaws: BACKGROUND GENERATOR-

Advanced Starship Creation


Profession Pack Expansion:

Diplomat Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: Everyone knows politics make the galaxy go round and you're the master. If there are two conflicting parties you're there to make the peace or get your piece. Between governments or corporations or some mix in between you make policy and decide the course of the galaxy and mankind. If you happen to make your life a little better in the process so be it. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Education: AWARE: Intimidation: WILL: Notice: CREATE: Persuasion: COMP: Seduction: BODY: END: DEX: SPD: ATTR:


Add Picture here.

Doctor Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: It's pretty straightforward; you're a people mechanic. They come in broken and you fix them, but it's a rough world out there and good doctors are getting harder and harder to find. You could travel to the patients but what about the ones you leave behind? It's a tough choice and the oath can be a hard thing to follow in this world we live in now. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Education: AWARE: First aid: WILL: Medicine: CREATE: Notice: COMP: 4 science skills: BODY: END: DEX: SPD: ATTR:

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Executive Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: It's not always about the bottom line; sometimes it's the prestige or moving up the ladder of power. You're a company man and you make things happen, nothing can stand in the way of that. If a planet needs a regional office your there, if the boss needs someone to agree to his plans you convince them. Your power may not be with a sword but you always know where you can hire some good ones. You live the good life and one of these days you'll be the boss, then they'll see some real power plays. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Business management: AWARE: Education: WILL: Intimidation: CREATE: Notice: COMP: Seduction: BODY: END: DEX: SPD: ATTR:

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Explorer Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: You never did like being cooped up inside. You always wanted to be out there, looking and seeing what else there was to see. Fear was never really an option; it gets in the way. When the job came that said you got to be first to go somewhere you jumped at the chance. Let them


huddle in their domes and cramped cities, if they want someone to go and find the good places and take the risks your more than happy to volunteer. Nobody said you had to tell them all about everything you find anyway. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Education: AWARE: Notice: WILL: Pilot Astro: CREATE: Survival: COMP: 2 science skills: BODY: END: DEX: SPD: ATTR:

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Mechanic Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: Unlike your technician counterpart you never really got into the electronics side of things. You wanted gear's and motors not boards and transistors. And just like a technician or a doctor you are a master of your art and help keep the wheels turning no matter who employs you. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Notice : AWARE: WILL: CREATE: COMP: BODY: END: DEX: SPD: ATTR:


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Medic Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: You patch people up. You may not be a famous surgeon, but you can at least keep them alive long enough to make it to one if they need it. Besides, all those doctors with the delicate hands aren't as likely to go where you're willing to go. On board a ship, in some backwater town on a backwater world, maybe even on a front line you’re making a difference. One of these days you might even get that doctorate...maybe? STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: EMT: AWARE: First aid: WILL: Notice: CREATE: 2 science skills: COMP: BODY: END: DEX: SPD: ATTR:

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Pilot Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: Behind the stick you're better than the average jock. You've been just about everywhere and have made these old ships do things their designers said they couldn't. Whether it was hauling colonists out to some desolate place or in the seat of a fighter you've seen it all. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Astro navigation: AWARE: Gunnery: WILL: Handgun: CREATE: Notice: COMP: Pilot Astro (fighter, system, stellar): BODY: Survival: END: DEX: SPD: ATTR:

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Pirate Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION:


You never really did like the nine to five grind and manual labor just wasn't your thing. But you have a talent, a knack for making sure undeserving people don't get too much of the good things in life. Sure you sometimes use ships and guns but that doesn't make you a bad guy does it? It all gets redistributed anyway, who cares if you made a little off the top. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Appraisal: AWARE: Handgun: WILL: Intimidation: CREATE: Melee: COMP: Notice: BODY: Persuasion: END: Pilot Astro: DEX: Seduction: SPD: Stealth: ATTR: Streetwise:

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Scientist Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: You're an explorer, sort of? Instead of doing out in the frontiers of the world you do it in the confines of a lab. Study and creation are your means and trial and error is your method. No matter whether you work for a company, government, or work on your own you are contender in your field, whatever you have chosen it to be. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Education: AWARE: Computer operation: WILL: Notice: CREATE: 6 science skills: COMP: BODY: END: DEX:



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Ship Captain Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: Your ship and your crew are your life. Whether hauling freight or people, maybe relieving others of their possessions, you make your living from the hull beneath your feet. You take care of your ship and she takes care of you. Your crew is an extension of yourself, if you ask them to make it happen you know it will get done as well as if you had done it yourself. You live your life in the space lanes and wouldn't have it any other way. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Astro Navigation: AWARE: Computer Operation: WILL: Gunnery: CREATE: Leadership: COMP: Notice: BODY: Pilot Astro: END: Repair: DEX: Starship Engineering: SPD: Streetwise: ATTR:


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Soldier Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: Some people just don't like getting their hands dirty, or are too afraid to protect themselves. Whether it's for a government or as a freelance you fulfill an ancient and honorable profession. You are a craftsman and controlled violence is your art. Whether it's on either side of an invasion or a black bag job for some company your there. For money or the thrill, or one of a million other reasons, it's what you do and you’re good at it. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Demolitions: AWARE: Handgun: WILL: Heavy weapons: CREATE: Intimidation: COMP: Martial art: BODY: Navigation: END: Notice: DEX: Stealth: SPD: Sub-machine gun: ATTR: Survival: Tactics:

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Technician Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: You may not be as educated as the science types, but without you their fancy gadgets and gizmos wouldn't keep running. Let alone be proven they can work and be used practically. No matter where the job is you're in demand because you help keep the worlds running. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Education: AWARE: Electronics: WILL: Notice: CREATE: COMP: BODY: END: DEX: SPD: ATTR:

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Thug Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: You never really did great in school, and if you did you still never quite fit in. But you have always had the ability to make people do what they were told. You may not have as much finesse or skill as a soldier, but you can still get the job done even if it is messy. And the thing is the boss pays you for it. You may not know which dinner fork to use but you do know what bone to break to get maximum response. What else do you need to know? STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Notice: AWARE: Brawl: WILL: Intimidation: CREATE: Athletics:



Handgun: Streetwise:

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Trader Character PT COST: DESCRIPTION: If humans live there you've probably visited; maybe even hit some places where they don't. When people need the goods you get them there. No questions asked if the price is right. Through pirates, freak weather, sometimes even customs, your like the mailman and always make it through. It's your job, your business and lively hood. If they need it you'll get it to them. STAT Pack: SKILLS: INT: Appraisal: AWARE: Notice: WILL: Pilot Astro: CREATE: Streetwise: COMP: Seduction: BODY: END: DEX: SPD: ATTR:


Adventure Ideas


______________________ Rules Expansion Guide Advanced Starship Combat

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_____________________ DAWN OF THE MAGI Mid-Future Far Future Dawn of the Magi follows a Dynasty, C.L., R.M., and A.S. calendar year. C.L. - Colonial Landing (Unknown to players and directors) The Creation Dynasty is said to have lasted for two thousand years before the Reign of Ma’Jahn’fey. How the gods gauged the passage of time before creation is unknown. C.L. is often referred to by scholars as the Creation of Life. R.M. – Reign of Ma’Jahn’fey


After the God War, the Ma’Jahn’fey Dynasty lasted approximately only twelve centuries before the Sword Dynasty began. A.S. – Age of the Sword The Sword Dynasty has lasted nearly three and half thousand years with many rise and falls in between during that time. As all calendar designations precede the year, the current year according to scholars is A.S. 3427.

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IntroIn the beginning, all was clay, seething with untapped energy. The old gods saw the potential of the world, molded and shaped it into form, coaxing the energy into breathing life into it all. Phoryan was born from all this. Then, feeling that the world had matured, the gods began to create the life that would dwell upon, under, and above its surface. Forged from the very clay of Phoryan itself, each god shaping a likeness that pleased them. Then, when they were content, Phoryan breathed the breath of life into them. And so the races of the world were born. Ages would pass, great cultures would rise and thrive, magic being at the heart of them all. Throughout all of Phoryan the pulse of magic could be felt by its inhabitants, life was good. The gods would look upon their creations with happiness and pride thinking nothing could tarnish them. But, all good things come to an end. Over time, as magic became more ingrained, some would find that what they had been given was not enough. An order of magi, known as the Ma'Jahn'fey, rose to power throughout the world. Their purpose was to achieve power over magic that rivaled that of the gods. As their rule spread they drew unto


themselves all those who showed true promise and power. Those who would not join them were killed or driven into exile in fear of their own lives. Soon their rule became absolute. The gods, having been complacent for too long, and wishing to allow their creations to be uncontrolled and free to pursue their own destinies were too late to interfere. The Ma'Jahn'fey brought their war directly to the gods. The ensuing battles laid waste to a great portion of the world. When the dust cleared, the old gods were gone, and new younger gods, some of the Ma'Jahn'fey, stood in their place. The age of the Ma'Jahn'fey had begun. In their greed, and lust for power, the new gods failed to learn the true key of creation. Their powers, greatly diminished from the battle, were unable to breathe life into new creations; their abilities to answer their follower’s pleas and desires were minor. Meanwhile, the surviving people of the god war lived in uncertainty and fear. As time went on their fear would become overwhelming, and magic would be to blame. People and creatures thought to be born of, or possessing magic would be hunted to extinction or driven into hiding. Soon magic would be forgotten and the Age of the Sword would begin. Throughout the following centuries, countless empires rose and fell. The races of Phoryan would make war upon each other until uneasy balances had been made. The young gods, inept and relatively powerless contented themselves with merely interfering in the lives of Phoryan's inhabitants. As history had shown however, change was inevitable. Slowly at first, magic has begun the slip back into the world. Children, born of ordinary parents, have begun to show signs of unnatural abilities to control their surroundings. Warriors have been seen carrying amazing weapons found in the forgotten areas of the world. Adolescents have begun reading books containing an ancient language, unlocking mysteries forgotten by inhabitants of the world for ages. Old gods, once thought gone, begin to weakly answer again the cries of their children. It is a new age and the signs are clear, the world's inhabitants may have forgotten magic but Phoryan has not. The Dawn of the Magi has come.

Adventure Ideas


________________________ Creation Guide Expansion Perks: Flaws: Background Cultures:


Profession Pack Expansion Adventurer Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END :



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Alchemist Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


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Gladiator Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


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Mercenary Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


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Merchant Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :

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Pirate Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :

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Priest Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :

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Ship Master Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :

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Soldier Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills:



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Sorcerer Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP :



: : : : :

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Thief Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


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Trader Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


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Tradesman Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


Add Picture here.

Wizard Character PT Cost: Description: Stat Pack: Skills: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :

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Insert Ar’a picture


Ar’a Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:


Insert Baskan picture



(drawn) Baskan are a species of solitary reptiles, very similar to dragons, except in the fact that they walk upright dragging their tails behind them. Though solitary they are not antisocial. Baskan are highly adept at wizardry, though have trouble when it comes to sorcery. They are not a highly nimble race physically though are highly intelligent. They start character creation with a -2 in DEX and a -2 in SPD but have a 2 in INT. Average HT- Male -7'9" Female -7'5" Average WT- Male -1120lbs Female -880lbs Average Life spanSize-Huge GovernmentAppearanceCultureCultural SkillsDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD:


Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

Insert Eiko picture


Eiko (drawn) The Eiko are a simple species that live in coastal waters and swamps. They very rarely seek out for greater wealth than what is necessary to survive. They excel at being sorcerers and the use of elemental magic, especially those that deal with water. Eiko are capable of traveling over land but must attempt to keep their skin moist to avoid severe drying and cracking which can lead to debilitation if it is not taken care of. Due to their aquatic life Eiko are not as strong as other species but they are extraordinarily agile and start with a +4 in DEX, but a -2 BODY. Average HT- Male -5'5" Female -5'3" Average WT- Male -160lbs Female -110lbs Average Life span- Size-Medium Government- Eloi- Eloi form the majority of the Eiko population. They are the slaves of the Enoi. Underwater farmers and miners, Eloi rarely see the surface world. EnoiDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture:


Environment: Faith: Example:

Insert Golan Picture


Golan The Golan are large winged and tailed humanoids believed to be the result of a magical pairing of humans and dragons. Golan live in small coastal cliff dwellings and are extensive fisherman. Due to their size Golan have extremely dense muscles making them exceptionally strong. Due to their remote settlements from other species Golan find it twice as difficult to learn magic, as it is a highly unfamiliar. They begin character creation with a +3 to BODY and a +2 to END. Average HT- Male -7'2" Female -6'10" Average WT- Male -400lbs Female -300lbs Average Life spanSize-Huge GovernmentAppearanceCultures-Golanir- the Golanir are rare among the Golan. Born without wings, they are the outcasts of their kind. Although not often openly shunned, they are in a way second class citizens. Pitied for their disability that does not let them live as a normal Golan would. Cultural SkillsDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

Insert Ilema Picture


Ilema The Ilema are a hexapod species resembling six legged elongated bears. Although capable of standing up on their rear four legs they prefer to stand upon all six for comfort if it is for a long period of time. They are generally solitary though are known to travel in-groups. There are fairly skilled combatants and have some working knowledge of magic. Ilema are usually well experienced travelers and can be found wandering nearly anywhere in the world Ilema gain a +3 in END and AWARE but have a -2 in SPD and DEX when beginning character creation. Average HT- Male -5'10" Female -5'3" Average WT- Male -350lbs Female -300lbs Average Life spanSize-Extra Large GovernmentDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture:


Environment: Faith: Example:

Insert Jinn Picture


Jinn The Jinn are a culture of mercenaries. With very few females born each year the females of their species rule the Jinn. Due to the highly volatile nature of males the female ruling council hires them out in large quantities to fight wars and use as guards. The Jinn are also highly renowned for their bodyguards, known as Vaantri. Jinn are very skilled in many forms of weapons and are taught in their use from a very early age. They are also highly agile and begin character creation with a 3 in DEX and 1 in SPD. Males begin with a -2 in WILL, and females begin with a -2 in BODY. Average HT- Male -5'8" Female -5'6" Average WT- Male -160lbs Female -130lbs Average Life spanSize-Large GovernmentAppearanceCultureCultural SkillsDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

Insert Picture


Kahara Ku-har-uh Tall humanoids very similar to humans but with very distinct features. Kaharans are very adept at magic especially being sorcerers. They also are naturally psionic, born with certain innate abilities. There are four distinct varieties of Kahara. KaharanThe ruling classes of the Kahara, the Kaharans are the majority among their species. KalaranThe spiritual caste of the species, the Kalaran differs slightly from others of their race being slightly smaller of BODY. Kalaran start at -2 Body and +1 INT. KaladanWarriors by birth, the Kaladan are the weapons of the Kahara species. Larger and stronger than the rest the Kaladan are bred for combat and war. They start with a +3 to BODY and a +1 to DEX. They often employ the arts of sorcery to aid in their fighting giving a +1 in WILL. KalantaiOne with the forces of magic, the Kalantai are the sorcerers and wizards of the Kahara. They have few equals in their abilities to control the energies that make magic possible. They begin with +2 to AWARE and a +3 in WILL. But have a -2 in END. Average HT- Male -6'10" Female -6'6" Average WT- Male -260lbs Female -190lbs Average Life spanSize- Extra Large GovernmentAppearanceCultureCultural SkillsDescription:


STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example: Insert Picture


Kaharan Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:


Insert Picture


Kaladan Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:


Insert Picture


Kalantai Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:


Insert Picture


Kalenn Tamers of the mighty Draaj, Kalenn live a unique life between earth and heaven. On the backs of their great beasts they soar across the land seeing things few can imagine. Even though the Draaj were once hunted, thought to be created out of magic, the Kalenn have kept their ancient pact and delivered them from extinction. Although the Kalenn are mistrusted by some because of their ties to supposedly magical beasts they have managed to prosper in secluded settlements. They supplement their incomes as messengers when speed is of the essence, as well as scouts and deliverers of supplies to remote areas. Over the millennia they have been able to develop various breeds of Draaj for different environments and tasks. It is said that the Kalenn are highly empathic and can feel the emotions of the Draaj as well as the thoughts of those around them. It is also speculated that they were once a society of sorcerers and that they created the Draaj as a means of travel as well as protection from outsiders. Due to their quiet natures, the Kalenn are often believed to be highly secretive and not to be trusted. AppearanceCultureCultural Skills- Draajriding-4, Survival-3, Spellcraft-1, Notice-2 Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

Insert Picture



(drawn) Traders of life and goods the Kree are some of the greatest scavengers and traders in the world. Kree are human sized creatures resembling rather large insects (think praying mantis). They are capable of sustained flight and have extraordinary sight but have rather fragile but quick bodies. They have projections along their arms that can act as weapons doing 3d10 of damage. They begin character creation with a -2 in END, but have a +2 to AWARE and SPD. Average HT- Male -5'10" Female -5'6" Average WT- Male -180lbs Female -140lbs Average Life spanSize-Medium Government Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment:


Faith: Example:

Insert Picture


Mecrian As some of the sand traveled through the air some of the grains blew apart into thousands of pieces. As they grew, the pieces, desiring to be whole. Wanderers and merchants, the Mecrian wander the world in search of the next good deal. Tradesman to the core, it is a poor Mecrian indeed that is seen without trades wagon and team of bullefants pulling it. Master merchants and brokers of information, there is little that a Mecrian has not heard of or can make gossip about. Many master craftsmen can be found among the Mecrian, from mobile blacksmiths to makers of glass. Most things can be found within a Mecrian tent city for a price. AppearanceMecrian appearance varies from person to person. From their travels and the inclusion of people from many walks of life, the Mecrian come in all shapes, sizes, and colors of human beings. With their access to trade the Mecrian wear a wide variety of clothing but usually tend to wear what is practical for the climate. CultureAlthough most would tell you that the Mecrian do not have a culture of their own, nothing could be farther from the truth. At first appearances Mecrian culture would seem like a melting pot of all other human cultures, but it is founded by a very ancient code of conduct and behavior between caravan members. Cultural Skills- Trading-4, Streetwise-2, Appraisal-2, One trade skill of choice at level 2. Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE:


Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

Insert Picture


Milein The Milein are a dragon species similar to the Baskan except that they have six limbs in a centaur like body. They are scaled where as the Baskan are leathery skinned. Milein are not nearly as tall as the Baskan but are similar in length to an Ilema. Milein are highly skilled warriors and are not as skilled in wizardry. They are more a social species than the Baskan, but tend to be slightly cautious of outsiders. Milein begin character creation with a +4 in BODY but a -3 in SPD and a -1 in DEX. Average HT- Male - Female Average WT- Male - Female Average Life spanSizeGovernmentDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture:


Environment: Faith: Example:

Insert Picture



(drawn) Nasko are a small underground species. They are highly skilled in digging and mining. They resemble scaly moles with large eyes. They are capable of bipedal motion but find it uncomfortable, preferring their hunched quadruped gait. They have highly tuned senses but their eyes are sensitive to harsh light. They are slightly obsessive with their projects and find sorcery difficult. They begin character creation with a -2 in WILL. Average HT- Male -5'2" Female -4'10" Average WT- Male -180lbs Female -150lbs Average Life spanSize- Medium GovernmentAppearanceCultureThe Nasko are family and community oriented creatures. It is rare that you will find Nasko in need when there are others of his kind nearby. It is this attitude that has helped the Nasko build large productive settlements whose inhabitants rarely want for the things that make survival necessary. Naskona- NaskonaeCultural Skills- Deep under mountains or cliff faces is where you find the homes of the Nasko. They are the molders and shapers of earth. A reclusive species, the Nasko rarely travel beyond their underground cities, preferring the safety of the deep earth. The entrances to the world are not hidden, but instead, their doorways are homes to large trading posts where they can show their wares and communicate to the upper world. Most trade is conducted in late evening or at night when the sunlight is at it's least harsh to protect the Naskos delicate sight. Should a Nasko be found out in the daylight they wear goggles of darkened glass and leather to protect their eyes from bright light that would hurt their sensitive vision. Not well known to most of the surface world, deep below the earth, Nasko settlements are homes to works of art of surprising quality and haunting beauty. Due to their obsession with projects Nasko artisans spend years on their artwork until they achieve what they feel is perfection. Most outsiders would think that Nasko homes are places of darkness and cold, but quite to the contrary, they are places of vibrant color and warmth. Attention to detail is staggering, as Nasko believe that the details of a project are of immense priority. Due to their eyesight being meant for noticing details in near pitch dark environments this follows over into their art and dwellings. The use of vibrant colors


helps them see their projects better without taxing their eyes as well as conveying a sense of warmth and comfort. Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:


Insert drawing



(drawn) Resembling aardvarks in appearance with their long snouts and large eyes and ears few species take the Otan seriously. Even with their pacifist ways the Otan are not to be taken likely. They are well versed in the ways of magic and are not unwilling to defend themselves when pressured. Although not naturally endowed towards combat they are capable as well as having highly acute senses. The Otan begin character creation with a +3 in AWARE and WILL but have a -2 in SPD. Average HT- Male -4'6" Female -4'2" Average WT- Male -140lbs Female -110lbs Average Life spanSize-Medium GovernmentDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture:


Environment: Faith: Example:

Insert Picture


Rama (drawn) The Jahna essentially look like short stocky wolf men. They have a moderately nomadic culture and are very tribal in nature. They are highly into trade and gambling. They have adapted to arctic, temperate and jungle like climates but find their climate of their birth the most comfortable. All Jahna names have an "uh" sound to the end as a sign of their passing into adulthood. Jahna are a very fun loving and social people. They are also very willing to adopt children not of their species. They're merely considered to be hairless Jahna. It is not uncommon for orphaned human children to be raised as Jahna. Jahna have highly developed natural senses and begin character creation with a 2 in AWARE. Arctic Temperate Warm Hairless Average HT- Male -5'4" Female -5'1" Average WT- Male -160lbs Female -140lbs Average Life spanSize-Large GovernmentAppearanceCultureCultural Skills-


R’she R'she have no ancestral links to the Jinn whatsoever. This is part of their mystery. No one knows where they came from for sure. It is believed that they are magically created race that never fulfilled its purpose. What is known is that the R'she are highly adept at being sorcerers. They have no known culture and are drawn towards one another when the need for mating arises. They are not particularly known for their fighting prowess and said to be highly shy creatures when confronted by beings they do not know. R'she begin character creation with a +3 in WILL and a +1 to AWARE for slightly heightened senses. Average HT- Male - Female Average WT- Male - Female Average Life spanSizeGovernmentDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD:


Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

Shedrei The Shedrei are masters of the sea. They travel the waterways in search of trade routes and new lands on the horizon. Shedrei live for the water and all that she provides. It is rare to find a Shedrei inland beyond the coasts, their comfort relying on the waves to soothe them. They are often found making homes on islands and warm climate coasts. Appearance- Shedrei tend to be of dark hair and complexion. Fair hair and eyes being rare with blacks and browns being the norm. Males tend average 6' in height with women averaging around 5'8". They tend to wear clothes of light cotton, short pants and shirtless being the most common among men, with women most often wearing wrapped skirts of bright colors and patterns with haltered tops. Culture-Shedrei culture is as old as the sea itself. Each morning and evening is met with song and prayer. Cultural Skills- Seamanship-4, Fishing-2, Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment:


Faith: Example:

Skreel (drawn) Unlike their cousins the Kree, Skreel prefer to settle in an area near as many natural resources as possible. They are creators and inventors, their pursuit of knowledge is unparalleled by any other species. Although not known for their fighting prowess the Skreel are not incompetents in a fight. Having nearly as formidable natural weaponry as the Kree, Skreel will always fight when cornered. They can be quite accomplished wizards or sorcerers if they desire. Skreel have 2d10 blade like portions on their primary arms and receive a +2 in AWARE and MECH but receive a -2 in END. Average HT- Male -5'8" Female -5'5" Average WT- Male -170lbs Female -120lbs Average Life spanSizeGovernmentAppearanceCultureCultural SkillsDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR :


SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

Slavantra (drawn) The Slavantra are a very small reptilian species. Then often are renowned clerics having never forgotten the old gods, although this generally causes them to suffer distrust from other races. They are also highly adept sorcerers. They are highly intelligent and forceful creatures gaining a 2 in INT and a 2 in WILL to begin character creation. Average HT- Male -3'6" Female -3'6" Average WT- Male -80lbs Female -60lbs Average Life spanSize-Small GovernmentAppearanceCultureCultural SkillsDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE:


Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:



Description: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:


Traka (drawn) Traka are a slave race of the Vailon. They are a relatively small mammal species that resemble armadillos. They perform a large portion of the manual labor needed by the Vailon. Although small the Traka are relatively slow and begin character creation with a -2 in SPD, but gain a +2 to END due to the armored shell that covers their body also storing unused nutrition. This shell also acts as a natural 2d10 armor. Average HT- Male -4'2" Female -3'10" Average WT- Male -110lbs Female -80lbs Average Life spanSize-Small GovernmentAppearanceCultureCultural SkillsDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE:


Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

Trino (drawn) Tree-no- the Trino are a race of bipeds similar to sloth. They are mainly arboreal but are not unwilling to traverse land. Although they tend to use all four limbs when walking they are capable of standing on their legs alone. Unlike sloth they are very quick and agile species. They are capable warriors but tend to not pursue careers in magic. Trino begin character creation with a +3 in DEX and a +2 in SPD. Average HT- Male -5'9" Female -5'4" Average WT- Male -220lbs Female -180lbs Average Life spanSize-Large GovernmentAppearanceCultureTrianoTrilnoTrinaaCultural SkillsDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE: WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD :


ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

TYRRAN HORSE TRIBES (drawn) When the god Phaedren walked upon the face of Phoryan he looked upon the sands and noticed how although they remained the same, they could be found anywhere. Either sliding along the beaches, enduring the heat of the desert, or following the winding streams and rivers of the plains and mountains. Seeing this he was inspired, and began to mold and shape man from the very sand. Then satisfied with its form, he blew the sand to all the corners of the world to grow and be as they would want or need. Some would stay in one place, like the sand of the beaches, while others, would be left to be blown by the wind, all of them the same, yet very much different. The freedom of the open plain and the wind in their face is the greatest pleasure of any Tyrran. Their tribes traverse the plains year round, trading as they go. They ask nothing of anyone, except to be left free to travel where the wind takes them. Renown throughout the world for their prize war-horses, and their skill on them, little does a Tyrran need that he can not find on the plain. Their great pavilions can be found throughout the land, everywhere from outside cities trading wares from their travels to rivers along the Horse Plains, their drums echoing for miles. Although sometimes considered prey individually, few but the greatest of fools would consider challenging the might of the tribes combined. Appearance- Tyrrans are tall and lean with a golden brown tint to their skin. Their hair ranges from dark auburn to a dirty blonde. Brown and black hair is rare but not unheard of. It is said that when the sand blew from Phaedrens hands, that the wind took some of it high up into the sun, giving it some of its warmth, the warmth burned into their hair and skin. Average height for males is around 6'3" with females averaging around 5'10". Their clothes are made of a mixture of leather, wool, and some cotton. Culture-When the sand landed, it spread upon the horse plains giving birth to the Tyr. From then on they would always know the warmth of the sun, free of the constraining roofs and walls of cities, free to follow the winds and their hearts. Tyrrans live for the moment for they never know when there will not be another day. Chiefs' rule their tribes with a council of respected tribe's members who give their advice based off their wealth of life experiences. A Chief is chosen by a tribal consensus out of responsible candidates that the tribe feels that may lead them on to further prosperity. The Tyrran practice for war through the use of games designed to hone their combat skills. These games are friendly, but can often be dangerous. Lively betting can be expected before each race. Races are also often used to settle disputes between tribe members or between tribes.


Cultural Skills- Horsemanship-4, Survival-3, Trading-1, Gambling-1, Archery-2

Vailon The Vailon are strange race in that they aren't animals but sentient plants. Although plants, they are not immobile, having a roughly humanoid form. They communicate to other species through a small hole on the head portion of their bodies in which air is pushed through to create a whistling like speech. Their other senses are regulated through membranes located on the sides of their heads that monitor sound, temperature, as well as heat. Vailon communicate in a telepathic method with other members of their species and make good psionicists, although sorcerers are rare among them, They are also not known to be practitioners of magic or to have a faith in any particular god. Although tall, the Vailon are not particularly strong or fast. They begin character creation with a -1 in END, and a -1 in SPD. But they do begin with a +2 in AWARE and a +1 in WILL. The Vailon are also exceptionally good at molding natural materials into weaponry, armor, and other needed equipment. The Hive Mind Isolates-Normally all Vailon are connected to the Hive Mind and are an extension of its will but on occasion that tie is broken creating what are known as Isolates. Isolates are Vailon that have been severed from the Hive Mind and have taken full control of their abilities and have full freedom of will. Isolates do however tend to suffer from this separation and receive a form of mental instability. They begin character creation with a +2 to WILL but a -1 to INT due to mental instability. Average HT- Male -6'4" Female Average WT- Male -170lbs Female Average Life spanSize-Medium GovernmentAppearanceCultureCultural SkillsDescription: STATS: INT : AWARE:


WILL : CREATE: COMP : BODY : END : DEX : SPD : ATTR : SIZE: Base SPD: Culture: Environment: Faith: Example:

______________________ Rules Guide Expansion


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Rules of Magic Wizardry Wizards, magic users of the world, masters of unparalleled power and knowledge. Wizards create their magical effects through the use of spells that are either read directly or committed to memory. Although they are limited in the effects they can achieve due to the lack of time or the spells they know they are never limited in the amount of times they can cast them. Although they must be careful as mistakes can be dangerous. Task Checks for spells are made by rolling Intelligence + Spell Craft Example:

Sorcery Sorcerers are the rarest of all magic users as all of the magic is not performed by spells, but by force of will. Effect Points: WILL x 10 Willpower + Spell Craft Example:

Spell Creation: Spell creation is actually very easy and highly encouraged in the setting. Spells can be as creative and detailed as you wish to make them. All that is necessary is to follow the creation guidelines and provide the following details. Effects: The desire of every spell is to create an effect, or create an outcome whenever the spell is cast. When creating a spell the most important step is deciding the effect you want achieved, do want something simple


such as creating light within a certain area, or, do you want to have the spell alter something about your character. No matter what, the effect is the first step. Duration: How long does the effect of the spell last? Does it last a specific amount of time once cast, or does it last a number of rounds based on your success in casting? Casting time: How long does it take to cast the spell? Is it instantaneous once said, or is it complicated and takes time to prepare? Does it require components for its completion or just the spoken words? Side Effects: What happens if the spell goes wrong? Is it just dispelled and does not work or does it have a side effect for a critical failure? The more complicated or dramatic the effect the spell has the more critical the side effect should be. Creation Task Check: How long will it take to create the spell and many successes may be required to do it? These checks are made by rolling you INT + Spell craft but do not create an effect, they are merely used to gain successes and to show long it may take to create the spell and should be determined by an agreement with the Director of the game. Important Note: Once a spell is created its effects and requirements are set and can not be altered unless the player goes through the extra creation time to alter it. Otherwise the player must create a new spell for the new effect desired.

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Spell Books: Below you will find some basic spell books based on the amount of spell craft mastery a person may have achieved. With each spell book being more expansive than the previous one. Each book listing its spells, their effects, duration, casting time, and possible side effect. Basic Spell Books: Book 1 Spells Forever Lamp Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 2 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 3 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect


Book 4 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 5 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 6 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 7 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect

Book 8 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 9 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 10 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time


Side Effect

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Intermediate Spell Books: Book 1 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 2 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 3 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 4 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time


Side Effect Book 5 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 6 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect

Book 7 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 8 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect


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Advanced Spell Books: Book 1 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 2 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 3 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 4 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time


Side Effect Book 5 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 6 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect

Master Spell Books: Book 1 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 2 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 3 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time Side Effect Book 4 Spells Effect Duration Casting Time


Side Effect

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Basic Spell List: Bitter Wind Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Blanket Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Burning Air Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Call Down the Thunder Effect:


Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Clear Rubble Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Close the Door Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Compass Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Create Water Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Dying Breath Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Earthen Forge Effect: Duration: Casting Time:


Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Earthquake Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Erupt Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator:

Feign death Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Find a Talker Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Find Water Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Fire-starter Effect: Duration:


Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Firestorm Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Flash Flood Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Flatten Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Fog Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Forever Lamp Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Fresh Air Effect: Duration:


Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Hail Fire Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Hand of the Gods Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Hellfire Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Invisibility Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Join the Fray Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Legion of the Damned Effect: Duration:


Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Master of Puppets Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Memories of the Dead Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Mold Stone Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Money talks Effect: This is a Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Move Earth Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Nine Lives Effect:


Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Permanency Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Puppet Strings Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Purify Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Quicksand Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Ray of light Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Rift Effect: Duration:


Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Sand Storm Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Shake Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Show me the Way Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Storm Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Strength Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Sun Dragon Effect: Duration:


Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Sun Fire Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Torch Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Tornado Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Transformation Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Tsunami Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Wall of Wind Effect:


Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Water Dragon Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Whirlpool Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Wildfire Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Wind Dragon Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Wind Messenger Effect: Duration: Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator: Wind Walking Effect: Duration:


Casting Time: Side Effect: Components: Known Creator:

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Magical Item Creation: Item: Durability: Effect: Duration: Side Effect: Example: Paden’s Coin A double headed gold coin mounted on a string Effect 1 Ray of light Blow lightly on coin suspended from horse hairs in a counter clockwise direction causing to spin, the coin will begin to spin on it’s own creating a glow that will light a ten foot radius. Duration: 1 hour per success or coin is stopped from spinning Side Effect: Effect 2 Show me the way Wraps feathers in opposite ends of horsehair and suspend coin from hand, coin will gently begin to lift showing the direction of north. Duration: 1 minute per success Side Effect: Effect 3 Money talks


Suspending coin in front of your face, spin in a clockwise motion with forefinger and speak the name of the person you wish to speak to. As long as they carry a coin of the same area the face of it will speak with your voice and in return if they hold their coin to their face the face of yours will speak to you. Duration: 1minute per success Side Effect:

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Faith: Faith is a separate Attribute rated at 1-8 for rolling purposes. Each point of Faith costs ?pt. per level, each level coming with a perk. Known Religions Faith: Patron: Phaedren- God of Choice Symbol: Compass Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Faith: Patron: Solarian- God of Knowledge Symbol: Perks:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Faith: Patron: Kemnon- God of Death Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Faith: Patron: Janea- Goddess of Knowledge Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Faith: Patron: Phileia- Goddess of Magic Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8 Faith: Patron: Vorak- God of Magic Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Faith: Patron: Ragic- God of Peace Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Faith: Patron: Nesis- Goddess of War Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8 Faith: Patron: Paden- God of Choice Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Faith: Patron: Jeryk- God of War Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Faith: Patron: Tasin- God of Knowledge Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8 Faith: Patron: Avalorn- God of Magic Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Faith: Patron: Tain- Goddess of Magic Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Faith: Patron: Varkellan- God of Fire Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8 Faith: Patron: Shadrian- Goddess of Magic Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Faith: Patron: Ulianan- Goddess of Magic Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Faith: Patron: Colbin- God of Magic Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8 Faith: Patron: Noskol- God of Death Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Faith: Patron: Dearayne- Goddess of Fate Symbol: Coin Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Faith: Patron: Poularen- God of Magic Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


8 Faith: Patron: Vesia- Goddess of Life Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Faith: Patron: Waldryn- God of Creation Symbol: Perks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1-Stand Ground Helps your willpower not to give up 2- Inner Warmth Stop wounds heal some critical wounds 3- Resolve 1 Re-roll 4- Heal Compassion + faith each level beating task total by equals a health level healed requires laying on of hands 5- Visions 6- True 7- Affirmation


Instill stand ground in others 8- Mass Heal Heal in a radius; does not require contact.

BESTIARY: Draaj- dragon (drawn) Gorvok- like an armadillo Chirper- fire lizard Bullephant (drawn) Jooma- like a horse but more powerful with tusks (drawn)


City Index: Akin ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Alsa ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Amdel ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Amma ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Aniche ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Ardos ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Arett ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Arev ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Asbar ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Asgare ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Aso ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Bardan ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Barrier Keep ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Bastay ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Bemo ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Bestil ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Boro ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Cadle ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Cisum ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: City of Thieves ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Costons Pointe ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Crescent Bay ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Crescent Pointe ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Dakec Oasis ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Dark Pond ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Dego ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Demon Rock ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Dolmeg ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Dorit ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Dows ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Eastin ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Edun ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Elkhorn ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Elna ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Enoi ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Ensk ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Eok ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Esko ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Esol ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Fano ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Faye ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Fisherman’s Cove ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Freedom Pointe ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Geiri ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Gladsport ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Hado ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Helos ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Herrin ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Ilanna ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Islev ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Jaln ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Jamith ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Janna ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Jeaga ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Jelnick ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Jima ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Jograth ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Kaazra ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Karthan ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Kathan ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Kiov ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Kroll ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Lenix ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Little Dock ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Little Tree ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Locums Oasis ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Maka ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Masgere ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Masra ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Merchant Pointe ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Mesca ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Narlen ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Niat ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Niev ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Niffin ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Nijarna ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Nikotarga ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Nilna ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: North Bank ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Nosta ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Nuitan ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Odar ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Olac ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Old Road ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Oldan ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Orden ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Passway Keep ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Plain Road Inn ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Potannin ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Powd ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Quala ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Rais ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Riets ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Rivers End ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Roben ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Rown Fortress ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Saba ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Sagoi ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Salsla ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Seedo ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Shadow Port ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Shalotarsa ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Skoal ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Solay ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Solomon ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Solunn ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: South Bank ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Sun Cliff ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Table Rock ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Taeso Forest ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Tain ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Taleia ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Taril ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Tazi ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Tolnay ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Tozar Oasis ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Trail House Inn ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Trana Fortress ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Trask ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Tree fish ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Tunston ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Tyr ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Tyr Tavern ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Uopon ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Usia Castle ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Vali ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Valley of Fire ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Valstin ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Velo ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Waego ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Yentes ML: Pop. Culture: Religions: Ynos ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:


Yrsta Oasis ML: Pop. Culture: Religions:

_____________ JUPITER RISING Far Future Extended Future Jupiter Rising follows a R.J. calendar year. R.J. – Rise of Jupiter The R.J. calendar year is as accounted by the Order of the Second Sun. Intro-

“This is your first time in the Tower of the Suns is it not?” “Yes.” “Are you surprised by what you see?” “Yes.”

“Good, for the world is not what you see either. I see you do not believe me, don’t worry, you will. When you arrived I’m sure you expected to see a tower full of priests who did nothing but pray for our salvation and track the passage of events.” “Somewhat.” “This is probably the farthest thing from the truth while being the closest at the same time. If you wish to stay I will teach you what we have come to know, if not the door is right behind you.”


“I want to know.” “Want?” “Fine, I need to know.” “Good, then we shall begin, but you must be cautious for many of the things you are about to learn the rest of the world is not ready to know.” “It was known as the day of fire...”

Background The Day of Fire It all began with an eerie calm, as if the whole world took a moment of silence. Then as if the moment had passed, the waters of the world suddenly rose up and crashed upon the coastlines with a fury never seen. Leaving those whom hoped to find safety inland assaulted by the very earth itself as it rolled and quaked destroying what lay upon its surface. And as if the violence of the world turning on itself had not been enough, slowly on the horizon a small speck of light appeared and grew until a second sun flared to life altering the Earth and its inhabitants forever. Jupiter, the largest of our planetary neighbors struck by a rogue asteroid of such gigantic proportions it ignited the gas giant into Earth’s second sun. From that moment nothing was the same… The Future… “Get up you lazy wretches! This ore ain’t going to deliver itself!” the burly train leader yelled at the labor scruffs under his command with a few welled placed kicks for inflection. Normally he was a man that did not delight in cruelty but this trip along the Isevendee Road would be his most profitable ever should he make it on time. And since he was only hours away on his last day he wasn’t taking any chances. He swung another kick at a dark form in the predawn light only to be caught off balance as a hand shot and seized his ankle in a cold almost steel-like grip. “I am more than capable of rising on my on train leader, but I thank you for the offer.” A deep voice said as the hand released his ankle.


The Caravaner stared at his only paying traveler as he slowly but smoothly rose from the ground with only a rustle of clothing to signify he had moved at all. Normally he didn’t take travelers, but when the five steel coins dropped in his hand how could he refuse? Even if the man paying was a sandman. “There it is Sir, City of the Suns.” the train leader said tentatively as he pointed towards the horizon where they could see a small city. Its primary features being two towering buildings that stretched their shadows across the rest. “Gods willing we should reach there about sundown.” “Have you ever been to the Tower of the Suns?” the sandman asked. “Tower of the Suns!’ the wagon master blurted out a little too loud for comfort as some of the scruffs turned to look at him their eyes wide. He then dared to step closer to the man next him sidling up to him as close as he could. ‘Why would you want to go such a cursed place?” he asked with a tone of worry, but also excitement in his voice. The sandman looked over at the wagon leader with a slightly strange look on his face. For the scruffs nearby it was enough for them to move along to take their positions as quickly as possible, but their leader stood his ground with his own look just as intent. Not knowing he had just received several points of respect for that very fact. Suddenly without warning the sandman reached down and scooped up his pack of the ground and began to walk to the largest of the nearby wagons. “Time Jonah, time!” he yelled back the man he left behind without looking back. Then after tossing his pack on the wagon he grabbed up one of the tow lines and began to pull with a strength it would have taken four of the more burly scruffs to accomplish. “Time…”the train leader said to himself as the dust of moving wagons began to drift by him. “Time… but how does he know my name?”

Adventure Ideas


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Bone Woman


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Sun Priest


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Witch Priest


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___________________ Rules Expansion Guide Psionics


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