From Me To God

  • August 2019
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Dere God,


I dont realy no wy my parents want me to mov awae frum were I

am rite now. I like it here in Californya, I hav a goood lyfe hear. I hav goud frends, I go to a goud skool, and Im happy hear. Culd yu make my pawents not taik me wit dem? It would be wealy kool if I culd go and liv wit Matt. Pweeeeeeeeeez?!? !

Also, mommy and daddy have been fiting mor den dey were befor

we decided to mov. Deyve been arguing abowt weder we shuld mov or not. Wenever I ask dem to stop fiting, dey just tell me to go and wotch TV or go play wit my toys or sumthing. I try to keep bizy wit uther thingz, but I kant help but listen to dem arguing. Pleze help dem to stop arguing. It makes me sad to listen to them. It makes me feel like I wanna cri and run away frum home. Pleze, help dem to be happe again. !

Well, dats all dat I hav for rite now. Ill rite you



! brennan wills

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