From Vinu P.v Amritha, Tilleri, Kannur Kerala-670001.
To The Registrar Kerala state Pharmacy council Trivandrum-695035
Sub: Renewal of B.Pharm Provisional Registration (Reg No-………).
Respected sir, Iam a B.Pharm graduate passed out from Kannur University in March 2008. I have registered in the Kerala state pharmacy council at 12th July 2008 using my B.Pharm provisional certificate (Reg No-………). I was told to renew my registration certificate with the original B.pharm degree certificate within 6 months of registration from your office. But the University didn’t issue the degree certificate of our batch since yet due to some matters. So I request you to extend my provisional registration to 6 months. I promise you that I will submit my Original degree certificate as soon as it gets issued from the University.
Yours faithfully Place Date
Signature Name