Friend Poems

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 34
Best Friends I never had a best friend like you When I had a problem you'd know what to do 1,2,3 they would disappear Around you I'd wash away my fears Now were so apart but apart of you is still in my heart It's going on two years me having a best friend like you Many more shall appear you have friends I have friends But no matter what we are still best friends at the end I always told you I had your back Don't let anyone tell you any different because we both know that it's a fact I am so happy I have someone as sweet as you All these others need to get a clue I just tell there's no one who can replace you. Bernadette W. Age 16 South Bend, Indiana

That's A Friend Friend are people who care for each other who share their secrets together who talk on the phone who play that's a friend Friend are people who say I will always be there for you Friend are people who say I love friend that's a friend Erica Age 11 Birmingham , Alabama

Friendship Friends are the people who help you when you're down, They have the ability to turn your frown upside down. They wipe away the tears from your eyes, To destroy your woes and cries. To help you see the new day ahead,

A day full of happiness and joy instead. Friends are the one you can depend on, One you trust forever long. Friends. Thuy H. Age 13 Arlington, Texas

Friends Friends are those who keep your secrets, Friends will always be there for you, and you will always be my friend. written for Danielle Shenk By Bekah Age 10 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Friends Friends are great, Friends are cool, Friends are people who are there for YOU. BY:Rose W. Kimberly Wi. My Friend Danielle My friend Danielle is weird, She has slimy green skin, Her eyes bolting at me, Just Staring at me, She has no ears, where are her ears don't ask me, she only has holes for ears, She loves to swim in ponds, She's the fastest swimmer in our school, She Collects lily pads,

100 or more then that, she makes a weird sound when she's hungry, like a croak in the back of her throat, she's weird i tell you, just plain weird, Me friend Danielle is weird! Alexis M. Age 12 Johnson City, New York

Friends A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift, A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy, and grace And makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place. Camille Age 12 Chicago, Illinois

Best Friend Forever It seemed you were my friend we would always joke and play until she came along she was your new best friend to stay She sat by you at lunch and wrote you notes in class it seemed I was invisible I had gone from first to last She called you every night you went shopping every day I felt like such a nobody how can I make you stay I miss the way it used to be both me and you together

but then I think how you traded me for another best friend forever. Katie R. Age 11 Indiana

My Very Best Friend When I wake up in the morning, I have courage and hope. Hope that the day ahead, will be better than the last. But every day, it's the same. It seems everybody knows my name. It's like the taunting will never stop. I wish my head would just pop. Every day the same old strain, my hopes and dreams are always slain, It just keeps getting worse and worse, Maybe it's a curse. People treat me like a rat, All because I'm a little fat. Suddenly my life goes down, Everyday I wear a frown, I slowly begin to fail my classes, People taunt me about my glasses. My parents are always angry at me, Why can't they just let me be? I seem to make everyone mad, is criticizing me becoming a fad? What do I do? What can I do? Then suddenly I think of you. You who were always their for me, Who got in trouble because of me, But you were never ever angry at me, My very best friend, you'll always be.

Leah G. Age 12 Katy, Texas

Best Friend Written with pen sealed with a kiss if you are my friend please answer me this are we best friends or are we not you told me once but I forgot so please answer this so I know that I can always be there for you my one and only best friend. Veronica T. Age 12 Escanaba, Michigan

A Friend One in which you find understanding and trust. One which you always have a good conversation with. One with which you share your laughter and tears with. One at which you can only stay angry at for a small amount of time. One that when you loose you never forget. Midget Age 17 (14 when it was written) Dallas, Texas

Friends friends are there... friends are there when you need them friends are there hot or cold friends are there new or old friends are there when you cry friends are there to wipe your eye friends are there when you go on a cruise friends are there when you win or loose

friends are there through thick and thin friends are there until the end! Nelly Age 14 Cincinnati, Ohio

Friends Friends are forever Keep them in your heart ‘cause you never know If that day comes to part If they’re your friend You will know By the way they smile, And the way they glow Every day is a book of memories A smile to show A tear of love And a laugh to grow This day will leave Another to come, But your friends will stay, Until you’re done. Kara F. Age 13 Stamford, Connecticut

Friends Friends are people who hang out together who don't care what people think and let the public see them together. Friends are the ones who make others mad because of where they stand. Friends are the ones who care for one another the ones that will not talk about the other. Friends always talk to each other discuss old crushes and new crushes old friends and new friends.

Friends are the ones who always keep secrets. Kaitlyn G. Age 13 Evansville, Indiana

Friends Friends are the best, they never break up because there always friends forever Aisling Age 12 Bedfordshire

A Friend in the Ocean Deep in the ocean and under the sea Lay a pair of eyes staring at me I am very breathless and scared to death I can’t swim away, but I try my best Just as I turn to swim to the top This creature grabs my leg and I desperately flop Just as I thought that I might die I’m suddenly at the top and I let out a sigh I wonder how I got there, I know I didn’t swim When I turn around to look, there’s a fin The fin is big, and fork shaped, too Just when I thought to swim away, I hear “Hi, how are you?” I’m too scared to talk, what should I do? Should I respond “I’m fine, how are you?” So I answer and ask in a shaky voice “Would you like to play? It’s your choice” So she answers “yes” and we start to play We played underwater almost all day

We had a lot of fun I was sad to be done I had met a unique friend But our day had to end So we both said good-bye And I tried not to cry It thought that I would never see her again I hoped that I did, she was a great friend So that night I went home And I talked on the phone About my day at the beach But I never did reach The part about my friend Whose friendship with me, would never end. Chelsea Age 12 Moro

People people big people small some little some tall some nasty some kind some can see but some our blind our you kind or is it all just in the mind Laura F. Age 11 Anfield, Liverpool

Sleep-Over This is a poem, for you to keep. Does sleep-over, equal sleep?

Daniel H. Age 12 Darlington

A Friend A friend is a person who makes you laugh makes you feel happy & 3 A friend is a person it's who you are to me As well as my aunty Sasha Age 10 Manchester

Friendship In the best of friendships There is an acceptance of weakness As well as strengths, and a suffocating forgiveness of both. Friends are born not made. The only Way to have a friend is to be one. A friend is somebody who knows all about You and likes you anyway. Time and lost of it, is the essence Of real friendship. Always take time TO say what is in your heart. I know in my heart that Friendships is so dear that money Cannot buy it. Jesse O. Age 15 Langley, British Columbia

Sarah and Skyler

I have a friend named Sarah she likes Christina Aguilera. I have a friend named Skyler and WOW is she such a miler. Sarah is athletical She likes to put stuff in Alphabetical. Skylers a Beauty Queen and she's got the rooting team. Sarah is cool because she stays in school, and Skyler can rock because she is the cool kid on the block Alissa Age 11 Fresno, California

My Friendship My friendship is a precious gift my friend I want to thank you for being in my life to share the good times and bad times together. My life is nothing without you in my life. I would like to thank you for the experience and the things that I have done with you. Summer H. Age 15 Escondido

Best Friends Best friends are people who are always there for you and you never get into a fight with them You go to the mall with them you take pictures with them You stay the night with them they always stand up for you no matter what And how you can be a best friend is to do everything they do for you, You do in return for them Tiffany G. Age 16 Joaquin, Texas

Friends Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss if you are my friend please answer this are we friends or are we not?¿

you told me once, but I forgot so tell me now and tell me true so I can say I'm here for you of all the friends I've ever met your the one I won't forget and if I die before you do I'll go to heaven and wait for you I'll give the angels back their wings I'll risk the lost of everything there isn't a thing I wouldn't do to have a friend just like you Tara Age 11 New York, New York

Friends My friend Jamie is weird, She has hairy blue skin, Her eyes staring at me, She has no nose Where is her nose don't ask me, she only has space for a nose she loves to swim in swamps she's the fastest swimmer in school she collects insects 250 or more than that, she makes a weird sound when she's hungry like a crow in the back of her throat she's weird I tell you just plain weird My friend Jamie is weird Richelle Age 10 Nevada

Kids Kids are cool Kids are neat Kids are people that everybody needs!

Jennessa Age 10 Julesburg

You're the Best! You're my best friends in the whole wide world, Alexia and Natasha I am going to be your friend forever and ever, I love you! Carly Age 6 Resivior

A True Friend Friends are people who are there for you in every single way, They are people who always make you smile with the things that they say. When times get rough they are there, And also help you to decide which way to do your hair. A friend is someone whom you could never doubt, She's someone who guides you in life, down the right route. She is someone who dries the tears from your face, She's someone whom which you could never replace. From sports to school she keeps you in line, She's someone whom which words simply can't define. Alyssa Age 13 Staten Island, New York

Best Friends B-Is for the best of times we had E-Is for everything you have made easier S-Is for making me smile day-after-day T-Is for the trust we shared F-Is for the friendship we have R-Is for the real events we have to face I-Is for helping me intake a lot of pain over the years E-Is for the endless time we talk on the phone N-Is for not being such a pain at times

D-Is for the dumb things you say S-Is for the sharing the perfect friendship with me Sheretta Age 13 Union Springs

Great Friendships There are gold ships, There are silver ships, But the best ship Is friendship. Alex Age 14 East Bentleigh

My Best Friend My best friend it true to heart, As loyal as can be, She is truly my BEST friend, And her best friend is me! Mariah Age 14 Barrie, Ontario

It's Not Just Out With the "Old" Make new friends But keep the old; New friends are silver, Old friends are gold Alex Age 14 East Bentleigh

Friends Some friends can be nice, Some can be mean.

Some friends will forgive, Some will just act like they are queen. Will you forgive me, Please say yes. Or will you be mean, Or will you please guess. Think please, please, Just think of me as a piece of Swiss cheese. Jiana Age 10 Arvada, Colorado

Good Friends My Friends are always there for me When times are hardest that they can be I’m always there for my friends, too Isn’t that what good friends do? When it’s rainy and not sunny Friends are worth so much more then money You can never trade good friends away Not today, not in any way Cause good friends stick with you forever You and your friends are always together Vanessa Age 12 Okinawa, Japan

What Would You Do? What would you do to have a friend? I would go to a planet somewhere

Arielle Age 7 New York

What a Friend Is A friend is someone who cares for you. Someone who is there when you are feeling blue. Someone who will stick by your side. Someone who will be with you through the rough ride. Someone who knows you really well. Someone who knows your secrets and won't tell. Someone who you will never doubt. Someone who really understands what you are all about. Someone who is always in close range. Someone who never wants you to change. Julia Age 14 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

I'm Here for You I'm here for you when you need me* I'm here for you when you cry* I'm here for you when you all alone* I'm here for you when you feel scared* I will always be here AND I JUST DON'T KNOW WHY -* I CARE THAT WE WILL ALWAYS BE BEST FRIENDS! MJay Age 13 Englewood, Florida

Best Friends We've been great friends Ever since day one Stood by each other's side And always had fun We shared so many memories From pizza, the mall, and even home

Some happy, and some sad Remember when we played with the foam? We shared many secrets Cried on each other's shoulder Trusted each other a lot Talked about us getting older We hung out at Papa's Just went wild Play many games Broke the bench that was tiled We never fought Always got along Liked the same music Knew when something was wrong Will we be like this forever? Always there to defend You'll always be in my heart Best friends till the end Angelica Age 14 Honolulu

Friendship I have a friend a really good friend and I hope our friendship will never end. We talk about a lot stuff that no other people would understand. Our friendship is to strong for us to kick it in the can. She is the best friend I never had and I hope it stays that way. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!!! Amanda Age 13 Pennsylvania

What Are You to Me?

I am a rose, you are my thorns, clutching me, protecting me, I am the sun; you are my rays, helping me to shine and to be all that I can. I am a lake; you are my water, filling me with ideas, dreams, and hopes for the future. I am a tree, you are my leaves, sharing who and what I am and becoming an important part of my life. I am a heart; you are my beat, beating rhythmically to my happiness, my fear, my sadness, my excitement. I am me and you are with me, to share all that I am, to share life, love, and happiness Cindy Age 13 Christchurch

Something More Than Just a Friend You came into my life when I really needed a friend You are one who I can talk to And I know you’ll always care My love for you is like one of family You’re like a little sister to me And so I will always protect you Our bond is never ending It’s only going to get stronger With every hard time And memory we share If you call me I will come To lend a helping hand Or just an ear I will guide you in direction As you do me This is my soul solemn promise To with my heart yours to keep I promise to always be here Forever and to the end

You are the true definition of My Very Best Friend! Nicole G. Age 17 Plainfield

Kourteny L. Kourteny's fun Kourteny's cool Kourteny's great Kourteny's nice Kourteny it's me your neighbor Kourteny says "who in the world are you?" Sandy Age 12 Texas

What Is a Best Friend? What is a best friend how can I describe this? Is best friend someone who cares? no what is a best friend? Is best friend is someone who is always there? no what is a best friend? is it someone who helps you through your boy problems? no How can I describe what a best friend is better than you? I know I can explain it cause I have so many so what is a best friend? its you Jeanette Age 13 San Bernardino, California

Never Forget Your Friends You may forget the friends you laughed with. cause they weren't always there But you will never forget the friends you cried with there the best don't ever let them go!!!!!!! Jeanette Age 13 San Bernardino, California

Kaylie K is for kind and caring in all that is true. A is awesome in everything you do. Y is young and definitely clever. L is for laughter whenever, wherever. I is the inspiration we'd all like to know. E is everything written in this poem. Kaylie is a best friend soon to be, maybe even for eternity. She is the one I have been searching for unlike the one I'd lost before. We'll be there for each other when we marry, hearts filled with memories we each will carry. When my first child is born, this is no time to mourn. She'll ask the name of my new born baby and I will reply to her, her name will be Kaylie. Kaylie is something great, that's what she'll forever be, I'm grateful to be one of her true best buddies. She'll tap her way to the top, while I repair her shoes at the shop.

Thinking of her makes me want to cry cause on the inside I know I'll have a true friend till the day i die. She looks so cute when about to cry, so cute it even makes me get watery eyes. She is a rainbow beautiful in color, every time I see her I think man gotta love her. She is sunshine she shines down in need, this is why I miss her my good friend Kaylie. Kaylie, the love I have for you is truly immeasurable, the way you do that thing you do is something very treasurable. So this is my promise to you that i will always be true and there for you. Olivia Age 13 Pleasanton, California

My Very Best Friend I have a very best friend, her name is Kaylee K.! She has always been there for me, even when I didn't deserve it. Sometimes I think, "Hey are we long lost sisters?" Yet, she might not be a true sister to me, I always call her one! I love her a whole lot! Having a very best friend like her is any dream come true! This poem is for you, "KAYLEE K.", you are MY VERY BEST FRIEND! Tabi Age 16 Vinny

I Am Your Friend Color is color A name is a name Friends are friends Even through pain I am your friend And you are mine We will be friends Until the end of time I will wait for you And you for me

I hope you see That I am your friend And always will be! Mariah G. Age 13 Danbury, Texas

Friends Friends are friends And together they never end Near or far Together or apart You will always be deep deep down in my heart trust in me and I'll trust in you Then we can always be true Like sisters You hear me and I'll hear you Thank you God for this miracle Kimberly Age 13 North Carolina

Llio My best m8 Llio she is the best she doesn't forget me like the rest she shines like the moon and is glowing like the sun she is my best m8 I love you hun. Lisa Age 14 Wales

Best Friend God in heaven, God above,

please protect the friend I love, sent with a smile, sealed with a kiss, I love my friend who's reading this Kimbo Age 12 London

Thank You Best Friend I look at you and know you understand me you talk to me and I smile just because I am crying but not for very long you let me be me and I know it because you are you to me your presents may be small but always meaningful you make me want to be me and let me love me and for that.... I want to say to you thanks for being my best friend.......I love YOU. Bianca R. Age 13 Willows, California

Best Friends A best friend is someone you trust. So one friend will know not to do, anything bad like cuss. A best friend is someone who doesn't lie. someone who cheers you up, when you are crying A best friend knows right from wrong. Whenever you don't have money you will always be there to lend me a dime. A best friend is someone who is there until the end of time a best friend would never ever let you down no matter what. A best friend will always be there for you no matter what's going on that is a true best friend. Nora M. Age 16 Sheridan

I Never Had the Guts to Say I never had the guts to say that your the one I think about each day. and though we are so far apart you'll always stay here in my heart. I know I lost you once but I won't lose you again not now or never, cause I know we'll be best friends forever. Sarah Age 13 Cairns

Roses and Friends Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I don't know what kind of person I would be If I didn't have a friend like you. Lauren Age 13 Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Roses Roses are red Violets are blue You are, too! Kate Age 9 Nags Head, N.C.

A Friend When a tear glistens down your cheek A friend is always there to offer you a shoulder to cry on When a tear glistens down your cheek A friend is always there to wipe them away When a tear glistens down your cheek A friend is always there to hold you in time of pain

They hold you tight in a hug offering a kind word or two If your day is overcast in grey and you can't seem to find the light A friend is always there trying to help you find the sun again They give encouragement and support every step of the way A friend is there to put a smile on your face seeing you frown They crack a light hearted joke in hopes of seeing your face light up in a smile When you're having problems a friend is always there They open there arms for comfort and their ears trying to understand They offer a prayer in hopes that everything will be okay When your world seems so far upside down and there seems like there is no hope and the world seems so dark a friend is there When the clouds threaten to over come your life A friend brushes them away showing you the goodness of the sun They always encourage you and never put you down no matter how stupid the question They always find ways to uplift you in the simplest When it seems no one truly cares or no one seems to understand your pain A friend shows up to be with you in your time of need They may not always know what to say, or they may not even relate, but they feel your pain The painful secrets and lies that tear at your heart A friends sits with you as you pour out your pain A friend is someone you can trust to keep your secrets without having to double guess They have your best interest at heart They want to see you happy and succeed as someone great When you have no one else to talk to A friend is always there for you willing to listen If you call in the middle of the night needing to talk They will always be there for you, there to listen When rain threatens to fall into your life Know that a friend will always be there for To protect you from the hurt and pain When it seems like you're about to drown Call on a friend they will always be there to pull you out of the raging water When it seems like you can no longer hold Know that a friend loves you Know that you have a friend who will supports you When it seems that you're about to loose your faith Run to a friend They will always be by your side praying for you Encouraging you to see God in times of pain Through all the hard times life throws at you A friend is always there for you A friend is always beside you holding your hand when you shake in fear. They hear your cries when no one else seems to hear them. They see your pain when no one else takes the time to notice. Friends are there for you in the good as well as the bad They love to see you smile

To see you laugh at the sillies things and to act like a little kid again Friends gossip together in their little groups Talking about the hottest guy in school Or making plans to hang out at the mall or see the latest Orlando Bloom movie Friendship is like a tight sisterhood secrets are told and kept your always there for each other no matter what A friend; A friend is someone who is always there for you in the good and bad They bring out the best in you A friend rejoices with you in your joy and cries with you in your pain They can keep the darkest of secrets Share a laugh or a memory A friend is always there for you in good and bad A friend is always there Tiffany H. Age 15 Colorado Springs, Colorado

Friends Make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the other's gold. A circle is round, it never ends . That's how long I want to be your friend. Sarah Age 11 Pennsylvania

My Best Friend Her eyes are bright stars, her hair shines very far. she walks like a queen, so beautiful in those jeans. I wonder if she's a angel from the sky , maybe if she was, I could see her starry eyes, see that maybe I one day can be her guy. But in the end she is still... My best friend.. Nykky Age 13 Cleveland, Ohio

To Tamara Kenna

You are my best friend And always will be until the end You are always there for me I am able to be me From when we were little We were inseparable Whatever happened back then I think we did something right Coz now we are closer than ever Never Will someone take your place You will always stay in my heart Your face Engraving itself and making memories Never to be forgotten You were my first friend And now you are very special to me Parking yourself into my brain You must have a big parking fee We have never had a real fight Just turned up our noses to a few things I just want to know I am always here for you 'Til eternity Jessica Age 13 Adelaide, Australia

There for Me I adore, friends who are there, when in need. They understand things I don't see. They know just how to Comfort me. Especially when I am in need, In my life they will always be there for me. Rachael Age 14 Ballston Spa, New York

We Have Friends We have friends Because they care Because when we need them they are there In darkness or light They stay up with you all through the night In the thin and the thick They send you flowers when you are sick We trust are friends no matter what They would give you a band aid to heal your cut Without friends What would we do? I am very lucky to have a friend like you! Danielle W. Age 13 Lolo, Montana

A Friend A friend is someone by your side A friend will take you for a ride A friend will be there through good and bad a friend will be there when your sad No matter what you say or do A friend will always believe in YOU ! That's how I think a friend should be, don't you? Boots Age 12 Hawaii

A Friend I have this great friend We'll be together 'til the end We make each other laugh She is my other half We have so much in common That sometimes it's scary We talk to each other all the time Everyday until nine

I never knew a friend could be so great I wish I had 28 But nobody could take her place The place she holds in my heart Lindsay Age 13 Franklin

My Best Friends My best friends are always there My best friends always care My best friends are true to me My best friends make me laugh hehe I'm proud to have such friends , 'Cause I know they'll be there till the end! Boots Age 12 Hawaii

When We Were Younger When we were younger you loved me, When we were younger we were meant to be, When we were younger we laughed and played, When we were younger you moved away then I moved FAR away. When we are here today we think and think all the way of how we were when we were young and how much we have changed through the time. Lexi Age 10 Turnersville

Together Together forever whatever the weather is how we will remain. No matter the struggle or hardships that have ever came. Together we stand as a wall long and hard hard and tall. I'm here for you, you're there for me and that's how it will always be. Together we can do anything cause in TOGETHER, all alone there is no me.

Myalli'yah Age 14 Vallejo, California

Thank You Thank you for listening, Thank you for sharing, Thank you for caring. Thank you for everything you do, Thank you for advice, Thank you for being true, Thank you for being you. Thank you for your trust, Thank you for keeping secrets, Thank you for being there when I needed you. Thank you for helping me through my problems, Thank you for being a true friend. Brianna Age 15 St. Paul, Minnesota

My Best Friend BreAnna B-Is For The Best We Had! R-Is For The Rough Times We Had E-Is For EveryBody That Will Always Be You A-Is For The Acting We Did N-Is For Your Bestest Friend Nicole N-Is For How Nice You Are A-Is For Applause I Do For You Nicole Age 11 Texas

Best Friend 'til the End I have this best friend

We are there till the end But we have been in fights What's a friendship if its perfect We've had good and bad times I miss the long phone calls about everything I will always be there for her I hope she will be there for me I love her to death as you may see I just hate that she has new friends I feel that she forgot about me I know I will never ever forget her I know if I was at a party or over a friends house And a family member of hers was hurt or in the hospital I would be there for her no matter where I was I love you and that's all you should know Just don't ever forget me please. Karrine Age 13 Pennsylvania

Friends Some friends can be important, some friends can never say, that a friend is someone who cares, every which way. Ashley A. Age 9 Morris Plains

Miss Ya Miss ya in the morning Miss ya at night You seem so far as a satellite Miss ya like crazy Miss ya completely Miss ya from my head down to my feetly Miss ya so much and its a big fat bore

Just missin' and missin' ya until my missers get sore Samantha Age 16 Seldon, New York

My One and Only From the day that I was born I could always tell that you would be my best friend. Yes we have had our up and yes we have had our downs... but we always managed to get through the good and bad times. We need each other now... more then ever because you are so sick.... and we care so much about each other. Thank you for always being *My One And Only* Whitney Age 14 Whitehall, Ohio

Friends Friends are always there for you, They will share with you The good and the bad The hurtful and the sad Joanna Age 9 Hertford, North Carolina

A Smile for Friendship A friend is a gift you get by a smile, That smile is the starting of a friendship, That smile is the one that doubles your joy and divides your sorrow, That smile is the only thing that shared everything of me, That smile will give you a great friend as it did for me, Friendship is in that smile.

Priya Age 16 Malaysia

Best Friends I have a Best Friend She can't wash away like ink We have so much in common Like how we both love PINK Our Sleepovers are fun We do make-up and hair And the one game we love most Is the original Truth-or-Dare But now we are young And soon will grow old What will I do than when the nights are scary and cold I hope were friends forever And never grow apart For if we do, I will be missing a place in my heart Kaitlin Age 12 Orlando

Best Friend To help me when I'm down. To take away my frown. To make me smile every day. To listen to the things I say. To share my crazy ideas with. To copy homework when I didn't do it. To lean on when I feel like balling. To catch me when I start falling. To be there till the very End. To just plain be My Best Friend!

Sarah M. Age 15 Laval, Quebec

Best Friend Best friends will be there until the end, No matter how far away they are. They will call you whenever they can. They will tell you about their problems and help you with yours. I know this because my best friend is like this! Lina Age 12 Canada

Me I am glad to be me I am happy to be me I am huge to be me Why don't you be friend with me Friends share Friends care Friends hope And for each other Friends sob Beril Age 12 Izmir, Turkey

My Angel I believe in angels the kind that heaven sends I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends Gabriela Age 11


Best Friend Friends are people how are always there for you and not friends that say that their your best friend when you take them places. A best friend is a friend that has your back always no matter what. That's a best friend!!! Daniela F Age 13 Bovina, Texas

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