Freshwater Turtle

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  • Words: 760
  • Pages: 1
THE BLACK SPINE-NECKED SWAMP TURTLE, Acantochelys spixii, IN THE “CERRO VERDE” COASTAL-MARINE PROTECTED AREA AND ZONES OF INFLUENCE Alejandro Fallabrino1, Andrés Estrades1 & Sabrina Clavijo-Baquet2 1Karumbé, Av. Giannattasio 30.5, El Pinar, Uruguay. [email protected] 2Secc. Zoología Vertebrados, Fac. de Ciencias, UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay. [email protected]

Introduction Map 1

The black spine-necked swamp turtle, Acanthochelys spixii, is one of the five freshwater turtles that inhabits Uruguay (Achaval & Olmos 2003). In the region, it is found in Argentina (Paraná River, Corrientes Province) and south of Brazil. In Uruguay is distributed in the northeast and east area (Map 1), in the departments of Rocha, Rivera, Tacuarembó and Treinta y Tres (Carreira et al 2005). Rocha has the highest number of records for this species. Study area





From 2003, the organization Karumbé has worked throughout the coast of Rocha to increase knowledge on the biology, ecology and conservation status of the marine and freshwater turtles. This research brings up to date the information for the A. spixii in the newly created Cerro Verde Coastal-Marine Protected Area (CMPA – Map 2) and zones of influence (33º 56´ S; 53º 30 W). The area is part of the Bañados del Este y Franja Costera Biosphere Reserve established in 1976 and is a RAMSAR site since 1982. It encompasses a wide variety of ecosystems, such as rocky shores, sand beach arcs, sand dunes, native woody and sandy vegetation, wetlands (e.g., lagoons, streams, creeks), islands, and the coastal oceanic shelf.



Map 2

Turtle data The turtles from this research (December 2003/march 2007) were found in small, permanent or temporary ponds; burrowed (Photo 1-2-3), crossing pathways and roads inside the area. Straight carapace length was measured from the nuchal notch to the posterior tip of the supracaudals (SCLn-t) using a caliper measure (± ± 1mm) (Photo 4). Other data collected is the tissue samples for future genetic studies. From a total of 25 turtles examined, 17 were adults (males and females – Photo 5), 6 were juveniles and 2 were hatchlings (Photo 6) (Table 1).



Some 3 hatchlings were found in clean water ponds with a mean of 10 centimeters of profundity. All present their carapace covered by algae. Others were found caving in hard substrates, near the surface to a maximum deep of 50 centimeters. Two observations of reproductive biology has made. One female was found dead in march 2005, with several developing eggs inside (Photo 7). Only one nesting activity was recorded, a specimen maintained in Turtle Center laid five eggs on April 2005, but no development occurred.



In Uruguay this species is included in the “Official List of Species of the Wild Fauna” (Decree 514/001), protected by law (Decree 164/996) and categorized in the recent Red List of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Uruguay with as Near Threatened (NT) species (Canavero et press; IUCN 2006). The principal threats on freshwater turtles of this region are the illegal trade (export and pet – Photo 8), habitat destruction (coastal development) or degradation and being killed on roads (Photo 9). Lack of information about this specie makes of vital importance its investigation (ecology, biology, genetic, etc.) and to develop conservation strategies. The area of Cerro Verde was highlighted as a region of great importance and diversity of critical habitats for this species. The recent creation of this protected area (category "Habitat/Species Management Area" described by the Decree 52/2005), the development of an effective management plan, the future integration of other coastal areas to the National System of Protected Areas (SNAP), are the first steps towards the reduction of the present threats in the most important reproduction, developmental and foraging habitats for the black spine-necked swamp turtle in Uruguay. Acknowledgments This work would not been possible without the collaboration from many Karumbé members, in specially Carlos Romero, and all the volunteers from Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, USA & England. We would also like to thank Luciana Alonso for assistance with translation. Bibliography Achaval, F., and A. Olmos. 2003. Anfibios y Reptiles del Uruguay, 2da edición corregida y aumentada. Graphis, Montevideo. Uruguay. Canavero A., S. Carreira, J. A. Langone, F. Achaval, C. Borteiro, A. Camargo, I. da Rosa, A. Estrades, A. Fallabrino, F. Kolenc, M. M. LópezMendilaharsu, R. Maneyro, M. Meneghel, D. Nuñez, C. M. Prigioni and L. Ziegler. In press. Red list of the amphibians and reptiles of Uruguay. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. Carreira, S., M. Meneghel & F. Achaval. 2005. Reptiles del Uruguay. Sección Zoología de Vertebrados, Depto. de Biología Animal. Facultad de Ciencias. Montevideo, Uruguay. 639 pp.

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