French Revolution

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  • Words: 2,002
  • Pages: 13
French Revolution Causes of Revolution  Burden of debt  Burden of taxes, fees, and services on peasants  Urban poverty and unemployment  Resentment of privileges of nobles and clergy  Poor harvests  Enlightenment ideas  Failure of reform efforts

Cardinal de Fleury was brains behind French economy

Louis XV was weak and fun loving

Things fall apart when Fleury dies

Madame de Pompador was Louis XV’s mistress

She spent a lot of Treasury money

She was called “Mistress Power”

Louis made a prophecy o

“Apres moi, deluge”


Means- “After me, the flood”

Louis XVI succeeds the throne

He was poorly educated, shy, indecisive, and had bad political judgement

Marries Marie Antionette (Hapsburg Dynasty Austria)

She is young, immature, and unpopular with the French

Debt starts building when France supports America in American Revolution

French society divided into three estates o

Estate determines status and rights under the law 

First estate: Catholic clergy (1% of pop.) higher clergy (bishops and cardinals) lower clergy (local priests)

Second estate: Nobility (2% of pop.) high positions in government and military

Third Estate: (97% of pop.) peasant, artisans, bourgeoisie, no political power

First and second estates did not pay taxes

Estates were based on birth and third estate could never move up

Population pressure, inflation, financial crisis was occurring

Louis XVI needed money

Robert Turgot tells him to tax the 1st and 2nd estates

Louis XVI fires Robert

Jacques Necker is new financial advisor

He is a swiss banker of the third estate

He misrepresents credit and gets huge loans

Eventually he tells king to tax 1st and 2nd estates

Crops are failing at the time

For the first time in 175 years French king calls the Estates General together in May 1789

1st estate: 300 seats, 1 vote in total

2nd estate: 300 seats, 1 vote in total

3rd estate: 600 seats, 1 vote in total

3rd estate wants a head count vote but the king refuses

They get locked out of Estates General and go to Tennis Court and make Tennis Court Oath o

They will not disband until they write a Constitution

1st and 2nd estates agree with 3rd estate and all now want a constitution

King allows them to become National Constituent Assembly


Want a constitutional monarchy, king does not so he brings in troops


People of paris are afraid and begin to riot

July 14, 1789 riot breaks out, “storm” the Bastille o

Bastille was a prison and armory which represented Old Regime 

They kill Governor (leader of prison) and find no weapons

Spark of the French Revolution

“The Great Fear” was the spread of the Revolution from the City of Paris out into French countryside

Peasants revolt against nobles at manors o

Wanted to burn up debt records

Peasants refuse to pay taxes and fees known as feudal dues

Royalists want absolute monarchy

Moderates wanted limited constitutional monarchy

Radicals wanted republic and to end monarchy

Leader of moderates was Marquise de Lafayette, fighter in Am. Rev. who fought with colonists

Radicals controlled Paris

Nobles vote to remove their privileges

Feudalism in Franc is over in 1789

Nobles can now be taxed

National Constituent Assmebly creates Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Olympe de Gauges was journalist who called for equality for women

Women were allowed to inherit property

Louis XVI doesn’t sign the Declaration

King and family held at Palace of Tuillenies

Held by anti-royalists against the king’s will

King agrees to sign Declaration

New government will be: o

Constitutional monarchy


Problems with the church 

Confiscate church lands, angers pope, makes church a branch of government

Lands were used to pay off debt o

Assignats were government bonds 

Didn’t work because government made too many

Civil Constitution of the Clergy •

Cements church as branch of government

Forced king to approve

Clergy must take oath to support Civil Constituion

Half sign it, half do not

Half that don’t sign are called “refactory”

Punishment is removal from office

Pope condemns civil constitution

Splits France in half

Clergy that don’t take oath called “refactory clergy”

Develop Constitution of 1791 o

Clarifies constitutional monarchy


Still have king


Legislative Assembly acts as Congress


745 representatives

Representatives decided/biased towards wealthy

All male citizens get same rights


Over 25 to vote, and mandatory tax

Moderates support current system, limited constitutional monarchy

Radicals want a republic o

Divided into 2 categories 

Girandists want middle class

Jacobins support of peasantry, city people •

Wanted universal male suffrage

Wanted king’s head

Called each other “citizen”

3 key Jacobins: o

George Jacques Danton “The Mouthpiece of the Revolution” who denounced king as traitor


Jean Paul Morat “A friend of the people” known as “the pen”


Maximillion Robespierre “the incorruptible” known as “the leader” who started Committee of Public Safety which triggers reign of terror

Louis XVI and family try to escape France but escape fails which shows disloyalty to France

Austria and Prussia threaten France that they will save monarchy and absolutism

France goes to war, declares on Austria which radicalized the Revolution

Sept. 1792, Paris Commune kills 1200 people in jails

Want universal male suffrage, election, and a new assembly

Write a democratic const. which creates a radical leg. body known as “national convention”

It existed from 1792 to 1794

Convention meets in sept 1792 to declare France a republic

Convention made of Jacobins and sans rulottes

Sans rulottes made of artisans, workers, blue collars

Wanted price controls on food

Resented social inequality

Hate aristocracy and even some less radical leaders of Revolution

Anti monarchy and suspicious of government

Jacobins wanted an unregulated economy

Special group of extreme Jacobins known as “The Mountain”

Mountain and sans culottes teamed up and pushed Rev. war effort

The Plain acted as swing voters/independents

1792 Louis XVI goes on trial

He is convicted of conspiracy against state and beheaded in Jan 21 1793

The Reign Of Terror •

Months of execution and murders of internal enemies

Jacobins are in control of government

Committee of Public Safety weeded out any suspicious people

CPS created Law of Suspect which allows CPS to go after anyone

They went after Girondists, clergy, etc.

Maire Antionette was executed in Oct. 1793 via guillotine

George Danton stands up against reign of terror and gets executed

Made people look at Robespierre

Ends reign of terror with his execution

Robespierre establishes cult of supreme being

40 thousand died in reign of terror, mostly peasants and sans coulettes

War with Austria •

Starts off bad, improves at the end

“feelings of revolution had consumed enough of its own children”

Thermidorean Reaction •

Establishes new government

Thermidorean Constitution: o

Driven by wealthy middle class


Replaces sans culottes


Privded legislative government favoring property owners


Executive body had 5 people known as The Directory


Elected by legislator

Thermidorians Favors/Actions •

Repeal price controls made by Sans culotte which caused food riots in the winter

Napoleon Bonapard disperses the crowd with motto: liberty, equality, fraternity

Austria, Prussia, Spain, Britain, Netherlands, Sardinia unite against France

France has a draft: Levee en masse

Jan 21, 1793 Louis XVI is executed

France at war with all of Europe

Olympe de Gouges opposed Reign of Terror and beheaded as result

Pros of Revolution •

Abolished serfdom

Racial/ethnic discrimination ended

Slavery abolished

Disturbance to old order

All other liberal movements to come


Cons of Revolution •

Legal gains by woman were reversed by Napoleon

Economic disatster, many lower-middle class were worse off after F.R.

Napoleonic Age •

Napoleon was born in Corsica, Jacobin, went into army, became general

In 1797 he crushes Austrians which results in Treaty of Camp Formia-got Austria out of war

Great Britain was the only true enemy left

Egypt was part of Ottoman Empire

Napoleon goes to Egypt to cutoff British communication with India

Invasion of Egypt was a failure

But they find Rosetta Stone, trilingual translation

British admiral Horatio Nelson destroyed French fleet

Army stranded in Egypt

Napoleon calls it scientific expedition when he returns

1799, Coup, overthrows directory

Issues a new constitution called The Consulate

Brings stability and peace with Treaty of Amiens

Issues a Napoleonic Code o

Does not offer ful equality for all


Extended political and legal equality to all men but not women


Rights of worker is limited


Labor unions are illegal


Religious tolerance is permitted

1804 Napoleon crowns himself emperor

Britain declares war on France

Napoleone fails to invade England

Major Battle of Trafalgar

Horation Nelson dies in the battle

Trafalgar guarantees British Control of seas

Napoloeon puts relatives into power in conquered lands

Puts brother Joseph on throne in Spain

Berlin decree forbids allies and conquered nations to import British goods

Economic warfare against Britain

Ports of Europe closed to Brisih goods

Napoleon saw Britain as “nation of shopkeepers”

Backfires, starts to hurt European economies

Russia breaks decree, breaks from continental system

Napoleon uses this as a reason to attack Russia

However, France was breaking continental system because Britain made French army coats

Napoleon takes Grand Army (600,000 soldiers) to invade Russia

Russia retreats and executes scorched earth policy o

They burned everything they couldn’t take with them

Napoleon retreats as winter comes

They face Russia’s two best generals: General Mud and General Winter

5/6 of French Army dies

Coalition against Napoloen:Britain, Prussia, Russia, Austria

Battle of Nations-Leipzig, Napoleon loses

Coalition Army marches into Paris

Napoleon is exiled to Elba

Napoleon escapes Elba

Treaty of Chaumont restores Bourbon dynasty

Congress of Vienne, almost all European nations sent delegates

Led by Prince Metternich of Austria

Goal: restore Europe to the state it was before French Revolution in order to establish stability

Guiding Principles of Meeting o

Compnsation- all countries should be repaid for expenses occurred while fighting French


Legitimacy-restore to power royal families that ruled before Napoleon


Balance of Power- no country ever again dominate continental Europe

What Congress of Vienne actually did: o

Redrew map of Europe


Forced to pay indemnity, but did not over punish France


Ultimately agrees upon treaty called Vienna Settlement

Napoleon took over France again, ruled for 100 days

June 1815, Battle of Waterloo

Napoleon was defeated by army of Europe, Napoleon exiled again to St. Helena, dies there

Legacy: legal equality for men of all social levels, religious tolerance, advancement by merit, Napoleonic Code

Enlightenment Thnkers John Locke-wrote Essa On the Origins of Human Understanding, believed in tabula rasa-blank slate, experiences of life written on tablet which creates thinking and judging human beings, wanted little government and big people “best government is government that rules the least”, government based on social contract Voltare- wrote Candeed, philosopher, used satire Montesquie wrote Spirit of the Laws, rights of individual Rousseau distrusted science, distrusted reason, he is Romanticist, liked impulse, emotion, intuition, social contract, felt purpose of government was to maintain order, protect property, defend against foreign enemies, protect the natural rights of its people, limited view of government role

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