Freemasons In A Nutshell

  • May 2020
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Freemasons, a word which I first encountered while talking to my cousin almost 10 years back. He told me Madonna is a Freemason. I said, ok but who are Freemasons??? He replied a group of people who worship evil and the group is gaining popularity in Europe and America. On this, I said what??? and started thinking about the video of Madonna’s song “Frozen” in which she acted abnormally wearing a black suit and the whole video was mysterious. After this I wondered why Madonna is worshiping an evil??? Why is she in Freemasons??? I wanted some details for which I searched internet. There was no you tube at that time☺. Any way the text which I got was not showing any clear explanation about Freemasons. I just remember a few words from that text like black magic, dark ages, evils, devils, some mysterious symbols etc which passed over my head. So I left it.

MADONNA: An Active Freemason

Later, I heard and read some of the prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) related to the end of times. It’s theme is that the One eyed Dajjal (Antichrist) will rule the world with the supreme tyranny and injustice, there shall not be any unaffected human being from his evil rule. He will visit an opposing Muslim, kill him and raise him alive and will ask him look I killed you and gave you life again, so I am the true Lord, worship (follow) me. On this the Muslim will reply, previously I had doubts about you but now that you killed me and raised me alive I became dead sure that you are the Dajjal (Antichrist) about which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prophesized and I will never ever follow you, you lead to hell. Finally, the Antichrist will kill him again. From this hadith (tradition of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)), I started inferring that Freemasons are linked with the above mentioned prophecy and Dajjal (Antichrist) is the one whom Freemasons worship. After this, almost 5 years back I watched two very special TV programs. The 1st one was a movie called “The Sixth Day” based on cloning. The bad guy in it was involved in the cloning business and used to clone humans within 2 hours. Watching this movie I was shocked and thought how close I am to the bad times of Dajjal (Antichrist) where he will kill and give life back. Cloning is a fact and leads to the same work of Dajjal (Antichrist). There are several hidden projects going on for human cloning, they are eager to reduce the time period of human cloning of a dead or alive person. The second program was a documentary of History Channel which gave me the detailed account of Freemasons, New World Order and the Great Seal on one dollar bill and I was really stunned. The One dollar bill is there with most of the citizens of the world and it insisted me to link it with the prophecy which mentioned that there will not be a single human being on earth near the end of time who remains unaffected by the evils of Dajjal (Antichrist). The above 2 programs reassured me the evil objectives of Freemasons HUMAN CLONING: If a scientist can and the rise of Antichrist. This triggered me to find about the history of reproduce the same human being, why Freemasons, who was the first of them and so on??? So, these can't Allah reproduce them 100% the same on the day of judgment. curiosities lead me to search the internet again and I found Global Freemasonry, Protocols of Zion and speeches of some actual members of Freemasons. To understand this true secret we will go though the following chain.



ANCIENT EGYPT: You will be astonished to hear that the Theory of Evolution, Humanism and Materialism are not the product of so called modern and advanced Europe and America rather these are legacy doctrines of Ancient Egypt; The Egypt which is famous of its pyramids; one of the famous wonders of the world. The Elite of Ancient Egypt comprised of two major groups Pharaohs and Magicians, Pharaohs were the ruling class where as Magicians were the advisory or consulting body to Pharaohs. These ISMs based doctrines in Egypt were the false one based on the Pagan doctrines of Ancient Asia specially comprising of old China and India. So, let me make it very clear that Humanism or Materialism kind of things are not invented by westerner rather it can easily be date back to Ancient Egyptians through celebrated history.

HELICOPTER RESEMBLENCE The Egyptians were totally based on the knowledge of magicians even Pharaoh consulted them for different issues. The baseline for their knowledge and education was related to the concepts of secret knowledge, magic, mysticism, rituals, humanism, materialism, mathematics, astronomy, fortune telling etc. Even they were interested in the coming period, near end of time when their ultimate "nature" or "great architect of the universe" or "god" will arise as Anti Christ - One eyed Dajjal and rule the whole world which Egyptians were not able to do so. Today, archeologists found some other wonders within these pyramids which were their magicians' wall crafting 100 % resembling a modern day helicopter, amazing, isn’t it??? The westerners couldn’t hide the pyramids but did hide and does not give any hype to these amazing wall craft within these pyramids. They try to find out how the Egyptians made pyramids but are not interested in how they made 100% helicopter shaped wall sketch at that time. Humanism and Materialism were the basic ideologies around which their regime was run by Pharaohs just as our so called open minded westerners are running the whole world under these ideologies which gives us the fruit of making rich more richer and poor more poorer. Same was the situation in Ancient Egypt where the children of Israel (chosen people of God - Jews) were get caught and were subjected to immense labor and struggle by the hands of Pharaohs. These doctrines have got no concept of the creator and 100% resembles the current theory of evolution, materialism and humanism. These ideologies also base that it's the great architect of the universe = nature = god (with small g) which is to be praised not God-Allah-Creator. Further they praise humans and give no credit for the Creator who created these humans. Darwin is really unaware of the mess he had left behind. Despite that Darwin himself was against his theory yet the Freemasons took it as a golden opportunity to disguise people and bring back the false doctrines of Ancient Egypt under the developing arms of a scientific theory which they expected to be proved in near future but in vane. 200 years have been passed, yet they are promoting and spending our hard earned money on this theory of rubbish just to gain their personal evil objectives which ultimately fulfills the Egyptian Magician's dream of ruling the world with the nature=great architect of the universe=god=Antichrist (Dajjal). The foremost evidence that the greatest Egyptian magicians were involved in dark mysticism, black magic and other same things is that when the magicians made their sticks into snakes in front of Pharaoh Remesses II, the stick of Mosses (peace be upon him) also turned into a snake by the will of God but ate all of the snakes of magicians resulting in their eyes wide open with wonder and terror. When Mosses (pbuh) took the children of Israel from Egypt, they rested in a certain place near the Mount Sinai. While Mosses (pbuh) was up on the Sinai for 40 days to have the 10 famous commandments, almost half of the Jews (bearing natural inclination towards idolatry and Ancient Egyptian false beliefs) behind him forgot the mercy of Allah and Mosses (pbuh) and changed their way again towards the Ancient Egyptians'. They thought Mosses (pbuh) to be dead on Sinai and demanded an image of god to praise which ultimately resulted into the creation of a golden calf resembling the cow and bull gods of Egypt despite they were being constantly knocked and warned by their un deviated fellows yet they did not left their way of ignorance.


After Mosses (pbuh), Jesus (pbuh) came for these chosen people of Allah but what Jews (not all) did with him is also the same as that of their past relationship with Mosses (pbuh) and ultimately rejected Jesus (pbuh) as a whole. Finally, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came, not only for them but the whole of mankind and for all the seasons and territories up until the end of time and after that. Jews also rejected him just on the basis of personal jealousy as they were expecting the last Prophet from within their community and family but Allah did the opposite to their will and chose him from Arab in order to test them and ultimately most of them failed in this test and rejected Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as well. From that very point, Jews started evil machinations against Muhammad (pbuh) and used to make evil plans against him from Khyber. Khyber was a Jewish run territory just as the Israel of modern world. After bringing down the evils from Khyber, Rome, Iran and other places one by one, people took a sigh of relief and get rid of evil governments of Jews, Romans and Iranians led by the evil rules of Paganism. Due to this very scenario the Jews become scattered again as were they previously after the death of Mosses (pbuh) and from that very point some of them (not all) started building evil plans to gather against Muslims for final crush. Here an important thing to mention is, when ever Jews (not all) have gathered together and got a territory to rule, they bring the world to suffer with great misery and injustice just as they are doing right now from Israel. Their evil formulas are the same as those of Khyber and Rome.

CRUSADERS: The Crusaders was the fulfillment of their evil dreams in 1095 which came into existence with the above mentioned case and for removing the just rule of Muslims from Palestine (Jerusalem - a sacred place for both), The well known documented dark history of Crusaders is evident that they butchered ruthlessly almost each and every innocent Muslim and Non Muslim alike in Palestine in the name of holy war. This greedy mass of poor slaughtered every one, in hopes of finding gold and jewels. In the Temple and entrance of Solomon, Crusaders rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins. Here a question raises that if the place is sacred for both then it's the Jewish right as well to rule Palestine. The answer is that, look at the themes of both group of people, look at the invasions and the after effects of both, look at the rule of the both. The problem is, Jews and Christians did all this with WRONG and personal jealousy with the last Prophet (pbuh). In contrast, look at the invasion of Sultan Salahudin Ayubi after 100 years, how he pardoned each and every Jew and Christians alike, how he let them chose whether to live with us or leave in peace, what ever CRUSADERS you like, how he ruled Palestine with justice and equality and without a single drop of blood shed of any innocent whether it be Jew or Christian, how the residents of Palestine, Christians and Muslims alike took a sigh of relief and thanked God with tears of joy for sending in an angel of justice and peace. After this comparison and the above mentioned position of Ancient Egyptians, you decide who has the right to rule on Palestine.

KNIGHTS TEMPLARS: When Crusaders established authority in Palestine, they made different military orders whose members came from Europe to Palestine. The purpose was to maintain their position in the Middle East. One of these orders in particular, was different from the other. It underwent a transformation which influenced the course of history. This order was the Knights Templars formed in 1118, that is, some 20 years after the crusaders took Jerusalem.


The reason Templars = poor fellow soldiers of the Temple of Solomon named themselves after the temple of Solomon was because the place they had chosen as a base was the temple mount where the temple Prophet Solomon had built is believed to have been located. This same location was where the Dome of the Rock (Qubbet as-Sakhrah) stood. At first there were almost 9 members and the founders were two of them as French knights, Hughes and Godfrey. Their job was to give security to the pilgrims of Palestine. These poor soldiers became very rich with in no time by the pilgrims money as they were under complete control of this order, even they started the cheque and credit system for the first time. Behind the curtains they started extensive excavations on their horses in search of treasures, relics and manuscripts which contain the essence of the secret traditions of deviated Jews and Ancient Egypt. This was the ultimate goal for creating this special order in delusion of protecting pilgrims and as per history, there is also no such evidence of giving protection to the pilgrims by Knights Templars rather Archeologists found traces of digging and excavation under the foundations of the Temple, done by the tools that belonged to Templars. Now the ultimate treasure which they found basically constituted the false doctrines, procedures and practices of Ancient Egypt compiled and deposited from time to time by deviated Jews before and after the time of Mosses (pbuh) here in the territories of Middle East. This treasure, as a whole is also known as Kabbalah which changed the way Templars saw the world.

KABBALAH: The Kabbalah, which is derived from the Hebrew root meaning "to receive, to accept," is one of the main Judaic texts. According to Judaic belief, only people over the age of 40 and who have already studied the Torah and the Talmud can receive instructions in the Kabbalah. Certain Jews (not all) particularly called as Zionists and Freemasons claim that there are a number of secrets in Kabbalah which accelerates the coming of the awaited Dajjal (Antichrist) and win back for them the Holy Lands supposedly promised to them in the Torah. Naturally, these secret plans of Freemasons based on their misconceptions and delusions do not include Jewish Society as a whole. Even there are Jews in USA and Europe who are totally against Freemasons and Israel as a state. Take for example 6000 Iranian Jews who rejected the offer of permanent residency in Israel. In France, Provence is the place where the oral traditions of the Kabbalah were made into a book. So Kabbalah is now in the form of book consisting of false doctrines and practices of Egypt, primarily involving Humanism, Materialism, Mysticism, Satanism, Magic, Sorcery, Rituals, Secrets, Symbols, Signs, Codes, etc. It’s a kind of sacred religious book for Freemasons. They use to study, practice and preach the dark and secret knowledge of Kabbah. The basic false dogmas of Kabbalah include Humanism, Materialism and Evolution (ignoring the fact of creation) that is, at first, they totally negate the concept of One True God-Allah and follow the contrary which according to them is nature=the great architect of the universe=god=Antichrist (Dajjal). The Jewish historian, Theodore Reinach, says that the Kabbalah is "a subtle poison which enters into the veins of Judaism and wholly infests it." Salomon Reinach defines the Kabbalah as "one of the worst aberrations of the human mind." For thousands of years, the Kabbalah has been one of the foundation-stones of every kind of magic ritual. Also, many non-Jews have been influenced by the Kabbalah, and have tried to practice magic by employing its doctrines. Let us go through the basic common concepts of Ancient Egyptians, Kabbalah (Freemasons) and Modern Westerners and the scientific reasoning which proves them false. Humanism: Humanism, as per laymen's interpretations is an idea which brings the notions of love, peace and brotherhood. Philosophically, Humanism revolves around the concept of humanity as its only focus and goal is to call human beings to turn away from Allah (God) their Creator. In short, Humanism


SPENCER TUNICK'S NAKED WORLD- All in the deception of art, love and humanity

is a system of thought that is based on the values, characteristics, and behavior that are believed to be best in human beings, rather than on any supernatural authority (Allah - God) Moreover, humanists maintain that modern science supports these claims. However, they are totally off the beam and irreverent. The erroneous idea that the universe is eternal was invalidated by a series of astronomical discoveries made when the first Humanist Manifesto was being written in 1933. Discoveries such as the fact that the universe is expanding, of cosmic background radiation and the calculation of the ratio of hydrogen to helium, have shown that the universe had a beginning, and that it came to be from nothing some 15-17 billion years ago in a giant explosion called the "Big Bang." As a result of the scientific evidence that has come to light, the scientific community has finally accepted the Big Bang as a fact, that is, the universe had a beginning, and therefore humanists / atheists are left with no other choice except to become embarrassed and humiliated. Due to this very reason, an upgrade of Atheism has been developed recently known as Agnosticism whose general statement is that “ok … well … we accept there is a Creator – God but He has nothing to do with our lives”. May be in the near future, they become finally agree and say “ ok God … we can not clear up the mess we created so please give us guidelines (religion) to lead our lives peacefully”. Moreover, Humanists have claimed that the removal of religious belief would make people happy and at ease, however, the opposite has proved to be the case. Six years after the first Humanist Manifesto was published, the Second World War broke out, a record of the calamity brought upon the world by the secular fascist ideology. The humanist ideology of communism wreaked, first on the people of the Soviet Union, then on the citizens of China, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba and various African and Latin American countries, unparalleled savagery. A total of 120 million people were killed by communist regimes or organizations. It is also evident that the Western brand of humanism (capitalist systems) has not succeeded in bringing peace and happiness to their own societies or to other areas of the world. The recent Credit Crunch is evident on the tyranny, injustice, cruelty and wickedness working behind in the Capitalist World. The Freudian myth, a corner-stone of the atheist dogma since early twentieth century, has been invalidated by empirical data. Patrick Glynn, of the George Washington University, explains this fact in his book titled God: The Evidence, The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason in a Post secular World : The last quarter of the twentieth century has not been kind to the psychoanalytic vision. Most significant has been the exposure of Freud's views of religion (not to mention a host of other matters) as entirely fallacious. Ironically enough, scientific research in psychology over the past twenty-five years has demonstrated that, far from being a neurosis or source of neuroses as Freud and his disciples claimed, religious belief is one of the most consistent correlates of overall mental health and happiness. Study after study has shown a powerful relationship between religious belief and practice, on the one hand, and healthy behaviors with regard to such problems as suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, divorce, depression, even, perhaps surprisingly, levels of sexual satisfaction in marriage, on the other hand.

Materialism: Is the belief that matter is eternal and uncreated. Consequently, it becomes illogical for Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Freemasons to think of a God making something out of absolutely nothing. Their view is that the world began when order came out of chaos on the basis of probability and that ever since there has been a battle between the forces of organization and disorder. Pythagoras, Plato and Cicero were initiated into these false doctrines and were influenced and trained under a school of thought known as “Hermeticism” in the cities of Thebes, Helipolis (The Sun City) and Memphis. Karl Marx, Engels, Lenin, Politzer, Sagan, Manod, all of them accept the basic materialist myth that • • • • •

the universe has existed for ever, matter is the one absolute existent entity, human beings are composed of matter and are without spirit, matter evolved in and out of itself, and life appeared as a result of positivist science and reason.


All these views have been invalidated by modern scientific discoveries, for instance, the BIG BANG, accepted in scientific circles as proven, shows scientifically that the universe was created from nothing millions of years ago. The Laws of Thermodynamics show that matter does not have the ability to organize itself and that the balance and order in the universe is the result therefore of a conscious creation. By demonstrating the extraordinary structure of living things, biology proves the existence of a Creator, in other words God, Who made them all. Similarly, many researchers are of the opinion that human consciousness / soul / spirit comes from an unknown source beyond the neurons in the brain and the molecules and atoms that form them. Wilder Penfield, a famous researcher reached the conclusion that the existence of spirit is an undeniable fact. He said “After years of striving to explain the mind on the basis of brain-action alone, I have come to the conclusion that it is simpler (and far easier to be logical) if one adopts the hypothesis that our being does consist of two fundamental elements [brain and mind (or soul)]. …Because it seems to be certain that it will always be quite impossible to explain the mind on the basis of neuronal action within the brain… I am forced to choose the proposition that our being is to be explained on the basis of two fundamental elements. [brain and mind, or body and soul] " Another common expression of the superstitious tenets of Masonry and its materialism is the notion of "Mother Nature." We encounter this expression in documentary films, books, magazines, comics, cartoons and even commercials; it is used to express the belief that the lifeless matter that composes nature (nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, etc.) has a conscious power, and that it has by itself created human beings and all living things. This myth is not based on observation or logical reasoning, but is intended to win people over by means of mass indoctrination. The purpose is for people to forget Allah (God), the real Creator, turning instead to paganism, in which "nature" is regarded as the creator. In the Qur'an, God refers to the irrationality of paganism. In the stories of the prophets, the spuriousness of pagan beliefs is especially emphasized. For example, it is revealed in a Qur’anic verse that the Prophet Abraham asked his father, "Father, why do you worship what can neither hear nor see and is not of any use to you at all?" (Qur'an, 19: 42) It is clear that, to attribute divinity to lifeless matter, that cannot hear or see, and has no power, is evidently very foolish. Nevertheless, Freemasons and Humanists have not abandoned their philosophy, but rather, in fact, have tried to spread it throughout the world through methods of mass propaganda. Especially in the post-war period there has been intense humanist propaganda in the fields of science, philosophy, music, literature, art and cinema. The attractive but hollow messages created by humanist ideologues have been insistently imposed upon the masses. The song "Imagine," by John Lennon, soloist of the most popular music group of all times, the Beatles, is an example of this: … Imagine there's no heaven … It's easy if you try No hell below us … Above us only sky … Imagine all the people … Living for today ... Imagine there's no countries … It isn't hard to do … Nothing to kill or die for … And no religion too ... You may say I'm a dreamer … But I'm not the only one … I hope someday you'll join us … And the world will be as one This song is a good indication of the sentimentality with which humanism, lacking any scientific or rational foundation, is imposed on the masses. Humanism produces, and can produce, no rational objection to religion or the truths it teaches, but attempts to employ suggestive methods such as these, which it regards as efficacious. However, Freemasons and Humanists’ irrational and illogical claims regarding faith in God and monotheistic religions are nothing new; they are a restatement of a mistaken claim that has been made for thousands of years by those who reject God. In the Qur'an, God explains this age-old argument propounded by the unbelievers: Your God is One God. As for those who do not believe in the hereafter, their hearts are in denial and they are puffed up with pride. There is no doubt that God knows what they keep secret and what they make public. He does not love people puffed up with pride. When they are asked, "What has your Lord sent down?" they say, "Myths and legends of previous peoples." (Qur'an, 16: 22-24)


Evolution: The theory of evolution rests on the claim that living things were not created, but arose and developed due to chance and natural laws and man is the descendant of a lower animal. Erasmus Darwin was the true pioneer of the theory we know of as the theory of evolution that has been propagandized throughout the world over the past 200 years. You will be amazed to hear that Darwin, his father If Humans are evolved from monkeys then and grandfather were all Freemasons. Darwin remained as one of the highest ranking masters of the famous why the current monkeys are still monkeys??? Canongate lodge in Edinburgh, Scotland. According to Pope Leo XIII in 1884, “what Masonry tried to do with the help of Darwinism was to produce a morally degenerate society that recognized no divine law, had no fear of God, and was susceptible to commit every kind of crime.” As soon as Darwin's theory was published, a group of volunteer propagandists formed around it. The most famous of whom was Thomas Huxley who was called Darwin's "bulldog." Huxley, whose enthusiastic advocacy of Darwinism was the single factor most responsible for its rapid acceptance. Huxley was a member of the Royal Society, one of England's most prestigious scientific institutions and, like nearly all the other members of this institution, was a senior Mason. Throughout the history of the world no one has ever witnessed lifeless matter giving birth to a living being. In his famous experiments in the 1860's, Pasteur proved that even bacteria, the most basic form of life, did not come to be without a predecessor, that is, it is not possible for lifeless things to produce life. Darwin attempted to describe the origins of life, about which he knew little, wherein he stated that life must have first appeared "some warm little pond," but evolutionists that followed him became concerned about elaborating on this matter and with the passage of time a great number of evolutionists were found to be against this theory. Even Darwin himself made confessions that were later collected in the book Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, edited by his son, Francis Darwin. Most of the letters written by Darwin to close friends or eminent scientists of his time are full of his confessions regarding his theory to full of doubts. Indeed, Darwin even had no qualms about expressing his ignorance of the relevant subjects. Only one scientist, Miller, in 1950s tried to prove through an experiment that the universe was made of certain gases which by a matter of chance converted into an orderly formed universe seen around today. Later the same scientist admitted that his experiment was unsuccessful as the gases which he used in his experiment were totally different in nature as compared to the gases before the creation of universe. And the whole money spent on that rubbish was wasted. The Miller experiment failed to produce LIFE. This theory is constantly being misused by Freemasons, Atheists, Capitalists and Zionists to keep the lay men in the dogmatic legacy illusions of materialism, humanism and evolution. Why they are spending our hard earned money on this rubbish repeatedly for 200 years besides there are 100s of other useful theories to work on??? In short, Freemasons are evolutionists just because they do not accept the existence of God and human being is the highest creature that exists. Masons, who are constantly accusing those who believe in God of being dogmatic, are themselves dogmatic.

FREEMASONS: When Knights Templars were caught by Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi, who defeated the crusaders' army in 1187, in the Battle of Hattin, some of them managed to escape and fled towards France. In France around 1307, when Pope Clement V recognized their increasing influence, the French King Philippe le


Bel arrested almost all of them and executed the leaders of the Templars called "grand masters" in 1317. The remaining became successful in escaping and deposited themselves in Scotland. This was the only place left behind whose king, Robert the Bruce did not accept the authority of Catholic Church and welcomed Templars in his region. Here in Scotland they joined the wall builders club and soon took over the authority of this club. Later they called it the Wall Builders Lodge (Scotish Rite) whose name is changed by modern day Freemasons to Masonic Lodges of different countries. The existence of Masonry was first officially announced in England in 1717 but between the period of 14th and 18th century these Templars worked secretly in several dispersed societies and clubs. One of these so-called secret societies, responsible for planting the roots of Masonry, was the Rose-Cross (Rosicrucian) order, a sort of meeting point between the Templars and Masons. This order, first heard of in the fifteenth century, created a fury of interest in alchemy, especially in Europe, of which its members were said to possess secret knowledge, it’s members were widely engaged in alchemy. The Mason Dergisi (Journal of Freemasonry), No. 48-49, p. 67, (emphasis added) declares that the roots of Masonry go back to the Templars and the Rosicrucians. Almost, at the same time in the Islamic world there was a counterpart of Masonry called the Ikhwan as-Safa' [The Brethren of Purity]. This society originated in the Ismaili sect, founded in Basra in the time of the Abbasids and published an encyclopedia composed of 52 large volumes. 17 of these dealt with natural science and it contained scientific explanations that closely resembled those of Darwin. These found their way even to Spain and had an influence on Western thought. Though it developed in the Islamic world, this society distanced itself from basic Islamic tenets. It was influenced by Ancient Greek philosophy, which it expressed by means of an esoteric symbolism. As Masonry's ultimate goal is to destroy religion completely, and establish a humanist world based on the "holiness" of humanity. That is, they want to establish a new order of ignorance, in which people reject Allah (God) Who created them, and consider themselves divine… So this goal is the purpose for the existence and survival of Masonry. In the Masonic magazine called Ayna (Mirror), this is called as "Temple of Ideas": Masons have changed the goal of the old Masons to build a physical temple into the idea of building a "Temple of Ideas." The construction of a Temple of Ideas will be possible when Masonic principles and virtues are established and such wise people increase on the earth. Peasants Revolt: Therefore, with the intension of building “Temple of Ideas” they started a socio – political struggle against Mankind. In 1381, Templars started a social change in Europe. The Peasants Revolt in England was fanned to flame by Templars. It was a planned assault on the Catholic Church in addition to civil uprising. Half a century after this revolt around in 1430 a clergyman in Bohemia by the name of John Huss started a rebilion against the Catholic Church and behind the scenes were again the Templars. French Revolution: The French Revolution was basically a revolution against religion. In the determined effort of the revolutionaries to get rid of the clergy, as well as the aristocracy, many clergymen were killed, religious institutions destroyed, and places of worship ruined. The Jacobins who set the stage for the revolution, and became its leaders, were lodge members, wanted even to destroy Christianity completely, and replace it with a pagan belief they called "religion of reason." But, within a short time, they lost control of the revolution and France was thrown into total chaos. Masonry's mission in that country did not stop with the revolution. The chaos that came as a result of the revolution was finally settled when Napoleon came to power. But, this stability did not last long; Napoleon's ambition to rule the whole of Europe only brought an end to his power. Afterwards, the conflict in France continued between the monarchists and the revolutionists. In 1830, 1848 and 1871, three more revolutions occurred. In 1848, the "Second Republic" was founded; in 1871 the "Third Republic" was established. Masons were very active throughout this period of agitation. The Catholic Encyclopedia provides important information about the anti-religious mission of the Grand Orient, as French Masonry was known


Italian Revolution: The Masons in Italy were founded as an extension of the French Masons, and began to exercise an influence in Italy from the beginning of the nineteenth century. Masonry began its struggle against religion in Italy by means of another secret society that it founded and controlled. This society was known as the "Carbonari." Two cardinals by the names of Consalvi and Pacca issued an announcement on August 15, 1814 accusing the Masons and the Carbonari of being organized for socio-political interference and the fomentation of hostility toward religion. Later the "Young Italy" movement was founded by Guiseppe Mazzini. Mazzini with the support of two other prominent Masons, Garibaldi and Count di Cavour, founded the Italian Union in 1870. Mazzini’s slogan "every nation a state" was the spark that ignited minority rebellions, which were to be the cause of the fall of multi-ethnic empires, such as the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman Empires. It was a call that pushed them into ethnic conflict with one another and inspired them to fanatical rage. According to lodge publication 10,000 Famous Freemasons, in 1867, Mazzini was chosen Master Mason of the Italian Grand Orient. All this prepared the foundation of Mussolini’s fascist dictatorship in 1920’s. Kulturkampf: Previously there was no such country as Germany. The present territory called Germany consisted of a number of principalities. The largest of these was Prussia, which occupied the eastern part of today's Germany and a large part of Poland. In the 1860s, Prussia began to annex other small German states and founded the German Empire in 1871. The ruler of this new state was the Prussian Prime Minister and Chancellor of the new German Empire, Otto von Bismarck. Encouraged by the National Liberals, Bismarck embarked on an anti-Catholic campaign known as the Kulturkampf, or "culture war." It was also described as a struggle to control the minds of Germans. During the Kulturkampf, Catholics, especially in the southern Germany, suffered oppression. Moreover, after Germany, the wave of this Kulturkampf encompassed Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland, causing a great social tension in these countries. The interesting thing to note that it was the Mason intellectuals who lured Bismarck into this policy and The Catholic Encyclopedia presents useful information in this regard. The bitterest fruits of this struggle were reaped in the 1920's: the Nazis, who aimed to convert the German nation back to their pre-Christian paganism, gradually gained strength and came to power in 1933. One of the most important actions of the Nazis was their initiation of a second Kulturkampf against religious authority. The American commentator Elbridge Colby explains that "the Nazis opened a new Kulturkampf against the Catholic Church, jailing priests and deposing bishops; unlike 1874, however, Hitler also moved against the established Protestant." In short, the activities initiated by Masons to alienate society from religion gave rise to one of history's most brutal dictatorships, the Nazi "Reich," and drew the world into the World War Two in which 55 million persons lost their lives. Decembrists: Masonry came to Russia in the second half of the eighteenth century. The first to take notice were the priests of the Orthodox Church. The priests sent the information they had obtained to Tsar Alexander I, whose relationship with the Church was good, telling of a Masonic plot to topple the Tsar's regime. In response, the Tsar issued a law in 1822 to shut down all the Masonic lodges in the country and outlaw the organization. Nevertheless, this failed to eliminate the Masons; they merely went underground. Three years after Tsar Alexander I outlawed the lodges, he became ill and passed away. He was succeeded by Tsar Nicholas I. Certain individuals who had wanted to bring stability to the situation by toppling the regime had planned a coup against the new Tsar. They had many supporters in the army. Confident in this support, a number of revolutionary soldiers, together with a number of civilians, marched into the Tsar's palace, in the capital of St.Petersburg, on the 14th of December 1825. There was an armed encounter between the revolutionaries and the forces of the Tsar in which the revolutionaries were defeated. This group was called the "Decembrists" because of the month in which they attempted their revolution. The Decembrists were none other than Masons…The officers, intellectuals and writers who made up the group were members of the lodges outlawed


by Tsar Alexander I three years earlier. One of these revolutionary Masons was the prominent writer Count Pushkin. The venture of the Decembrists ended in failure, but the Masons did not give up their intent to topple the Tsar. Masons always played an important role in those groups organized in the nineteenth and first quarter of the twentieth centuries against the Tsarist regime. In the 1917 February Revolution, the leader, Alexander Kerensky, and nearly all his close supporters were all Masons. And the majority of the new government was composed of Masons. The only contribution to history that the short-lived Kerensky Government made was to deliver the country into the hands of Lenin and the Bolsheviks he led. Masonry is not charitable: The following quote of the Master Mason Necdet Egeran clarifies the misconception or myth that Masonry is a charitable organization: “Some Masons even understand Masonry as only a kind of half religion, half charitable fraternal institution where they can establish pleasant social relationships and treat it accordingly. Others think that the purpose of Masonry is only to make good people better. Still others think that Masonry is a place to build character. In short, those who do not know how to read or write the sacred language of Masonry understand the meaning of its symbols and allegories in this way or some such similar way. But for a few Masons who are able to go deeply into it, Masonry and its goals are quite different. Masonry means a revealed knowledge, an initiation and a new beginning. It means leaving an old way of life and entering a new and still nobler life….Behind Masonry's elementary and basic symbolism there is a series of revelations that helps us to enter a higher inner life and to learn the secrets of our existence. So, it is in this inner life and the entrance into it that it is possible to reach the Enlightenment of Masonry. Only then does it become possible to learn the nature and conditions of progress and evolution.” Also today, when we look within Masonry itself, which is constantly pronouncing its ideas of "service to society" and "sacrifice for humanity," we do not find a very clean record. In many countries, Masonry has been the focus of relationships for ill-gotten material gain. In the P2 Masonic Lodge scandal of Italy in the 1980's, it came to light that the Masons maintained a close relationship with the mafia, and that the directors of the lodge were engaged in activities such as arms-smuggling, the drug trade or money laundering. It was also revealed that they arranged assaults on their rivals and on those who had betrayed them. In the "Great Eastern Lodge Scandal" of France in 1992, and in the "Clean Hands" operation in England, reported in the English press in 1995, the activities of Masonic lodges in the interests of illegal profit became clear. The Masons' idea of "humanist morality" is only a sham.

Women and Freemasonry Since the adoption of Anderson's constitution in 1723, it has been accepted as fact by regular Masons that only men can be made Masons. Most Grand Lodges do not admit women because they believe it would violate the ancient Landmarks. While a few women, such as Elizabeth Aldworth, were initiated into British speculative lodges prior to 1723 [ The Hon. Miss St. Leger and Freemasonry, by Edward Conder, Ars Quatuor Coronatorum vol viii (1895) pp. 16-23, 53-6. vol. xviii (1905) p. 46, and reprinted on the website of the Grand Lodge of BC&Y.] While women cannot join regular lodges, there are many female orders associated with regular Freemasonry and its appendant bodies, such as the Order of the Eastern Star, the Order of the Amaranth, the White Shrine of Jerusalem, the Social Order of Beauceant and the Daughters of the Nile. These have their own rituals and traditions, but are founded on the Masonic model. In the French context, women in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries had been admitted into what were known as "adoption lodges" in which they could participate in ritual life. However, men clearly saw this type of adoption Freemasonry as distinct from their exclusively male variety. From the late nineteenth century onward, mixed gender lodges have met in France.


In addition, there are many non-mainstream Masonic bodies that do admit both men and women or are exclusively for women. Co-Freemasonry admits both men and women, [ ] but it is held to be irregular because it admits women. The systematic admission of women into International CoFreemasonry began in France in 1882. In more recent times, women have created and maintained separate Lodges, working the same rituals as the all male regular lodges. These Female Masons have founded lodges around the world, and these Lodges continue to gain membership. Also the Kabbalah Centers in different countries serve both the genders. Symbols: One of the most important things that establish the relation between Ancient Egypt and the Freemasons is their symbols. Symbols are very important in Masonry. There are a range of meanings and stories behind these symbols but sex is the subject not forsaken in almost any of the symbols. This shows their supreme level of sickness in their heads. THE PYRAMID UNDER THE EYE The eye insignia first appeared on the dollar bill in 1935. It has been claimed that the eye symbolizes God watching over all things. "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3, Revised Standard Version). However, the mystic eye appears inside a triangle, forming the capstone of the pyramid. The eye cannot represent God because God cannot be contained. Furthermore, the obverse and reverse (containing the eye) of the Seal appear on either side of the phrase, "In God We Trust". God is not speaking of Himself. The eye represents someone who trusts in God. The triangle around the eye may have come from the two triangles forming the Star of David, thus representing one of the two messiahs. Whereas, Jesus was the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:19-22) of the spiritual temple, the Antichrist is the capstone of the mystic pyramid. The capstone is not joined to the Pyramid. Only when the New World Order is established in all nations and the world leader is enthroned will the plan be complete. Other contender concepts are the Eye of Providence, the Evil Eye, and the All-Seeing or All-Knowing Eye.

THE COMPASS AND SQUARE Masons look at the compass as the male phallus and the square as the female vulva. As you look at the Masonic Emblem here, you can see the obvious penetration of the female square point by the points of the Compass. One point of difference here is that the Satanist generally reverses the sex roles of the Compass and the Square. However, whichever way you look at it, the Compass and the Square are thought of as depicting the heterosexual sex act. Listen to Albert Pike explaining this fact to members of the 32nd Degree. "The Compass, therefore, is the Hermetic Symbol of the Creative Deity, and the Square of the productive Earth or Universe." [Morals and Dogma, p. 850-1].


THE SIX POINTED STAR Masonic author, Albert Mackey, tells us of the sexual connotation of this hexagram. "The triangle pointing downward "is a female symbol corresponding to the yoni and the upward pointing triangle is the male, the lingam ... When the two triangles are interlaced, it represents the union of the active and passive forces in nature; it represents the male and female elements." [Mackey, The Symbolism of Freemasonry, 1869, p. 195, 219, 361; also Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, 1871, p. 13; also Wes Cook, Editor, Did You Know? Vignettes in Masonry from the Royal Arch Mason Magazine, Missouri Lodge For Research, 1965, p. 132] To Masons, the interlacing triangles of the hexagram depict sexual intercourse. SEX IN THE “G” The letter "G" figures prominently in Freemasonry. In the lower degrees, the initiate is told that this letter stands for "God" and for "Geometry", which the Supreme Architect of the Universe used to design this wonderful Cosmos. However, occultist, and 33rd Degree Mason, Arthur Waite, quotes Eliphas Levi [also 33rd Degree], telling us that the letter "G" stands for Venus, and that Venus' symbol is a lingam, a stylized phallic. The greatest Masonic author of all time, Albert Pike, agrees. He states [page 631-32 in Morals and Dogma ] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the Duad [#2] is female. Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is "represented by the letter 'G', the generative principle". This term, "generative principle", is code for the sex act. OBELISKS When Freemasons wants to depict the female sexual organ, they commonly use the circle. Now consider the obelisk, depicted here by the Washington Monument, probably the most famous of all the obelisks in the world. Freemasons believe that the spirit of the Egyptian Sun God, Ra, resides within the obelisk, and they pray to it daily three times, if possible, and facing East. The obelisk is the most recognized of all phallic symbols. When the obelisk is depicted within a circle, the Freemasons are depicting the sex act between male and female. In Washington, D.C., the Washington Monument is sitting within a circle. Freemasonry planned, designed, and created the Washington Monument. The obelisk is greatly revered in Masonry. SEX IN MASONIC TEMPLE -- AND THE POMEGRANATE "The lodge is a representation of King Solomon's Temple and the Temple was calculated to symbolize the maternal human body, wherein the candidate must enter to be born again. The uterus and vagina represent the porch of the Temple, the pillars of the porch represent the fallopian tubes, the network, the broad ligament with its accompanying blood vessels ... and the pomegranate, the ovary and its exuberant seeds, the ova cells." [Rollin C. Blackmer, The Lodge and the Craft: A Practical Explanation of the Work of Freemasonry, St. Louis, The Standard Masonic Publishing Company, 1923, p. 249; Emphasis added] It is found highly pagan to realize the obsession Masons have about sex, when they depict it in so many of their symbols and even in their own Lodge. Can you imagine a Mason thinking about entering a woman's vagina as he goes through the porch of the Masonic Temple? Unbelievable!


Bush is flashing the Horned Owl symbol with his right hand, it is Satanic. Take note of the look on his face too.

Today’s Masonry: Silent and Deadly: In the 20th century, Freemasons had accomplished a lot in order to pave the path for New World Order in which religious institutions and religious faith were eradicated, related to normal Christianity and Islam (Ottoman Empire). According to the English historian Michael Howard, “Masonic lodges concentrated their efforts in the second half of the nineteenth century to overthrow the two remaining important Empires: the Austro-Hungarian and the Russian Empires, and were able to achieve their goal as a result of the World War One.”. After World War Two, it appears that Freemasons are silent and hibernating; in fact, they had become more deadly under the guise of art, media, literature, music and want to achieve the intended ultimate revolution over the longterm. An American Mason sums up this method as follows: Freemasonry does its work silently, but it is the work of a deep river, that silently pushes on towards the ocean. According to Voice magazine, published by the Grand Lodge in Chicago, "So, silently but surely and continually, it [Masonry] builds into the great fabric of human society"

The Mason's dream carved in stone in the form of George Washington: 'AS ABOVE, SO BELOW' the bringing to Earth of Satan's kingdom. Satan is at the moment the prince of the power of the air, according to Yahweh's Word. All high ranking Mason's dream of him becoming King of kings and thus, ruler of the Earth!

In this great enterprise of deception, the Masons continually play a leadership role. But, there are also many other groups and individuals engaged in the same work. Masons accept them as "Honorary Masons," and count them as their allies because they are all one in their shared humanist philosophy. The most interesting aspect of this silent and remote strategy is that those Masons who are carrying it out almost never reveal that it is being done in the name of Masonry. They do their work under different identities, titles and in different positions of power, but they impose a commonly espoused philosophy they adopted through Masonry, on society. One of Turkish Masonry's Master Masons, Halil Mulkus, explained this matter in an interview a few years ago: “Masonry as Masonry does not do anything. Masonry guides individuals and individuals who are trained here, and Masons who contribute to the production of intellectual development are at various levels in their careers in the places where they live in the world. They are rectors of universities, professors, ministers of state, doctors, head administrators in hospitals, lawyers, etc. Wherever they live they are zealous to spread to society the Masonic ideas in which they have been trained.”

However, these ideas, which Masonry persistently studies and tries to indoctrinate to society are nothing more, as we have seen in earlier sections, than deceit. Masonry's philosophy stems from sources such as the myths of Ancient Egypt and Greece, and in their eagerness to transmit these myths to society, wrapped in the package of science and reason, Masons deceive both themselves and others. In an age of globalization, this is


the role of "Global Freemasonry." One verse in the Qur'an about the unbelieving people of 'Ad and Thamud indicates the situation of Masons: "Satan made their actions seem good to them and so debarred them from the Way, even though they were intelligent people." (Qur'an, 29: 38) In the 21st century, Freemasons are impatiently working for the present and most importantly the near future. In the next couple of years may be they become completely successful in establishing the ultimate New World Order at its zenith but the only thing which irritates them is the final rise of ISLAM (this final ascend will resemble the rise at the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)) before end of time. It’s the only art of living they suppressed almost completely in 1922 with the fall of Ottoman Caliphate, which has the guts to tear apart the evils, which has it’s scriptures intact (unchanged) and will rise in around 100 years time period, approximately in 1920s (Allah knows best) just as Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi recharged after the worst 100 years of Crusades. When Muslims undertake this duty, with God's permission, the following pronouncement will become obvious: “Nay, We hurl the Truth against falsehood, and it knocks out its brain, and behold, falsehood doth perish! Ah! woe be to you for the (false) things ye ascribe (to Us). “(Qur'an, 21:18). Therefore, the twenty-first century will not be the century of "Global Freemasonry" as the Masons had hoped, but the century of Islamic morality.

EXTRACTED FROM: Global Freemasonry, Morals and Dogma, Royal Arch Mason Magazine, Lodge and the Craft. There are around 200 references of eminent Historians including Master and 33rd Degree Masons through out in these books and articles. (Famous Masons from around the World) (Madonna - A Kabbalist) lated (New World Order Revolution) (Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi against Crusaders)



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