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  • Words: 1,436
  • Pages: 16
Life’s Secret Th er e’s a Se cr et t o L ife that al low s you to . . .      

Build a wall of resistance against over 150 degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromialgia and more! Provide a fertile bed for your body to heal itself from adverse conditions! Shed pounds rapidly and naturally without pills, supplements, weight-loss products or expensive meals! Quickly achieve, and then maintain, your IDEAL weight! Feel extra energy and experience a true sense of “well-being”! Physically be the best that you can be FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!

So un d i nt erest in g? The following information explains Life’s Secret. Follow it and your life, and the lives of those you love will be blessed. Deny it and you will suffer the consequences of others who are experiencing physical pain, suffering, fatigue, a shortened lifespan and the constant battle to achieve and maintain their ideal weight.

DISEASE & ILLNESS If you could choose your life as a high risk for over 150 degenerative diseases including cancer--or as a low risk or no risk for disease-which would you choose?

Kidney Disease Breast Cancer

The answer is obvious, but what are YOU doing about it? Cancer rates are soaring for the first time in Asia. Even vegetarians are getting cancer and other diseases. Why? Lung Disease

Skin Cancer

ACIDITY & DISEASE Disease and Cancer THRIVE in an Acidic Environment Our entire environment promotes acidity. • The air we breathe

• The soil in which our food is grown • The liquids we drink, the food we eat • The stressful society in which we live In fact, scientists and doctors have found that over 150 degenerative diseases are linked to acidity, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, gall and kidney stones, and many more. All diseases thrive in an acidic, oxygen poor environment. Almost everything we do, including our life styles and our diets, push us into the acidic range: proteins, carbohydrates and fats are all digested down to acids. Even metabolic functions and exercise create acids.

ACIDITY & YOUR BLOOD Acidity vs. Blood Our blood and other fluids - 70% of our body - MUST maintain a slightly alkaline level (7.34 – 7.45 pH) or WE WILL DIE!

Keep in mind that a drop in every point on the pH scale (water neutral at 7.0 pH) is 10 times more acidic - from 7 to 6 is 10 times, from 7 to 5 is 100 times, from 7 to 2 is 100,000 times more acidic! Note: sodas are in the acidic range of 2 pH – the same as hydrochloric acid! So how does our blood deal with excess acid to prevent death? Two things . . .

1. It robs alkaline minerals from our bone tissue which can cause osteoporosis, arthritis and other bone diseases AND . . . 2. It deposits acids into other parts of our body which become “hotbeds” for cancer and 150 other degenerative diseases

What does YOUR blood look like? . . .

Healthy Alkaline Blood

Unhealthy Acidic Blood

. . . In less than 30 minutes!

Our product turned this . . .

Into this 


 Exclusive  Patented

What can you do to alkalize YOUR body? Xooma’s Xtreme X2O packets (measuring a mere 2” x ½”) transform your water into a powerful alkaline beverage: 9.9 pH - 1,000 times the alkalinity of ordinary water!

A properly balanced alkaline body eliminates toxins, harmful bacteria and neutralizes acidic conditions that lead to potential long term illness, disease, and premature death! Make the RIGHT choice – right now – and transform your water into the healthiest water on the planet!

 All Natural  Odorless  Tasteless  9.9


 -564 ORP Rating Contains: Calcium, Magnesium, 70+ Trace Minerals

The Product

Companion Product!  Flavors your X2O water!  0 Calories per serving!  No sugar!  No high-fructose syrup!  100% All Natural!  Kids now LOVE water!  Antioxidant ORAC Value of 3,000+!

Lemon · Grape · Tropical Fruit

(ORAC comparisons: Eniva Vibe™ 2100, YL Berry Young Juice™ 1000, Xango Juice™ 530, Goji Juice™ 380, EB Tahitian Noni™ 165, Sea Silver™ 90)

Bottled Water . . . Anyone? Here are the facts: No laws require it to be purer than tap water: In 1991, the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Commission did a study on bottled water with the following findings: A) 25% of "gourmet" waters (i.e. Evian, Perrier, et al) draw from the same sources as cities!! B) 31% exceed tap water limits for microbiological contaminants! C) 25% could not document their water sources! D) Any bottled water sold strictly within state borders is not subject to regulation by the Food and Drug Administration!

The Answer? Xtreme X2O!  Calcium, Magnesium, 70+ trace minerals



Look & Feel Perfect! How would you like to ACHIEVE and MAINTAIN your ideal weight for the rest of your life, without . . .

Weight-Loss Products Diet Pills and Supplements Expensive Meals YOU CAN! . . . by eating 70-80% Alkaline foods!

That means that for every 1 serving of Acid foods, you must eat at least 3 servings of Alkaline foods. But there’s a BIG PROBLEM – most of the foods people enjoy are Acidic! Acidic

Acidic foods are sugars, cocoas, tea, coffee, dairy products, eggs, fish, fowl, meats, most grains, beans, most nuts and oils, and some fruits and vegetables. Alkaline foods are mineral water, sea salt, most fruits and vegetables and a few grains.

For example, if we eat 5 servings of Acidic foods, we would have to eat at least . . . 15 SERVINGS OF ALKALINE FOODS Who wants to eat 15 servings of fruit & vegetables PER day?


•Xtreme X2O is the ANSWER! •All you have to do is substitute the pH neutral water you now drink for 9.9 pH Xtreme X2O: each cup of X2O counts for 1 Alkaline serving!

You can achieve and maintain your ideal weight . . . Forever!

Acidic (before)

Alkaline (after) lost 80 pounds in 90 days!

Compare the Cost . . . Which is the best value? Popular Organic Salad Mix Approximate pH: 7.5 Number of servings: 16 Cost: $3.79

Cost Per Serving 23.69¢

Xtreme X2O Approximate pH: 9.9 Number of servings: 240 Cost: $25.00

Cost Per Serving 10.42¢

The Product Commit Yourself! Since it takes approximately four months for your blood supply to replenish itself - for old blood cells to be replaced with new ones - make an Xtreme X2O commitment for AT LEAST four months. For those with health challenges, it is recommended that you use at least 2 X2O packets per day. You will be amazed at how your body will perform and heal itself when excess acid is buffered from your system. We therefore urge you to read some of the testimonies of X2O users found on our website, as well as to talk personally with other X2O partners – some of their stories are quite amazing!

Think About It . . . If your body is over 70% fluid, doesn’t it make sense to care for the 70% before you think about caring for the other 30%? What about the vitamins and nutrients you provide to your body . . . Will they be more effective BEFORE or AFTER you choose to enhance your water with Xtreme X2O?


Stable, 14-year old company in 40,000 square-foot NASA-Langley Research Park

 In 25 countries worldwide and expanding  Expected to grow 500% within the next year  Free personalized website and upgrades  Free sophisticated back office

Congratulations! You have completed the presentation . . . Please choose one of the following based on how you feel: # 1 “I am ready to get started – tell me how I can order product!” # 2 “I am interested but I would like some more information.”




Register as “Preferred Customer” (Be sure to also ask for the free charts and forms to Look & Feel Perfect!)

For product testimonials, weight management information and alkaline / acid food charts go to: We are also seeking to train individuals who are interested in significant extra income.

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