Free Cebuano Book: An Introduction To Cebuano

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 789
  • Pages: 14
Introduction to Cebuano

A free e-book in beginning Cebuano

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An Introduction to Cebuano This FREE e-book allows YOU, the learner to familiarize yourself with the Cebuano Language This is an excerpt of the online course

An Introduction to Cebuano

Which you can access by going to To start familiarize yourself with Cebuano Now scroll down below or Hit the Page Down Button

Meeting People •• English

•• Cebuano / Bisaya

1. Good morning to you

1. Maayong buntag kanimo

2. What is your name?

2. Unsay imong ngalan?

3. How are you?

3. Kumusta ka?

4. Where are you from?

4. Taga-asa ka man?

5. Where do you live?

5. Asa ka man nagpuyo?

6. How old are you?

6. Pilay imong edad?

7. What’s your job?

7. Unsay imong trabaho?

8. Where’s your friend?

8. Asa ang imong higala?

Asking for Directions •• English

•• Cebuano / Bisaya

1. Where is the church?

1. Asa ang simbahan?

2. Where is the bank?

2. Asa ang bangko?

3. Where is the toilet?

3. Asa ang kasilyas?

4. Where is the hotel?

4. Asa ang hotel?

5. Where is the bus station?

5. Asa ang terminal sa bus?

Asking Questions •• English

•• Cebuano / Bisaya

1. What are you doing?

1. Nag-unsa ka man?

2. What time is she coming?

2. Unsang orasa siya moabot?

3. What can I do for you?

3. Unsa may ato?

4. Who is this?

4. Kinsa kini?

5. Can I ask you a question?

5. Mahimo bang mangutana?

6. May I use the telephone?

6. Mahimo bang mogamit sa telepono?

7. Excuse me, are you John?

7. Tabi usa, are you John?

Days of the Week •• English

•• Cebuano / Bisaya

1. Sunday

1. Domingo

2. Monday

2. Lunes

3. Tuesday

3. Martes

4. Wednesday

4. Myerkules

5. Thursday

5. Hwebes

6. Friday

6. Byernes

7. Saturday

7. Sabado

Numbers •• English

•• Cebuano / Bisaya

1. One

1. Usa

2. Two

2. Duha

3. Three

3. Tulo

4. Four

4. Upat

5. Five

5. Lima

6. Six

6. Unom

7. Seven

7. Pito

8. Eight

8. Walo

9. Nine

9. Siyam

10. Ten

10. Napulo

Telling Time / Dates •• English

•• Cebuano / Bisaya

1. One o’clock

1. Ala una

2. Two o’clock

2. Alas dos

3. Three Forty

3. Alas tres kwarenta

4. Eight o’clock sharp

4. Alas otso impunto

5. Nine eleven

5. Alas nwebe onse

6. The second ( of the month )

6. Petsa dos

7. On the 20th

7. Sa petsa baynte

8. Date today

8. Petsa karon

Money •• English

•• Cebuano / Bisaya

1. Five centavos

1. Singko

2. Ten centavos

2. Dyis

3. One peso

3. Piso

4. Twenty pesos

4. Baynte

5. Fifty

5. Singkwenta

6. One thousand pesos

6. Usa ka libo ka pesos

7. One hundred twenty-five pesos

7. Siento baynte-singko pesos

8. Five hundred ninety-two

8. Kinientos nubentaidos

Expressions •• English

•• Cebuano / Bisaya

1. It is here

1. Nia ra

2. I don’t know

2. Ambot lang

3. Have you eaten yet?

3. Nakakaon ka na ba?

4. Hurry!

4. Pagdali

5. Give me that

5. Ambi kana

6. I’m still sleepy

6. Katulgon pa ako

7. I will always love you!

7. Higugmaon ko ikaw sa kanunay

8. Are you afraid of dogs?

8. Mahadlok ka ba sa iro?

Body Parts •• English

•• Cebuano / Bisaya

1. Head

1. Ulo

2. Hair

2. Buhok

3. Eyes

3. Mata

4. Nose

4. Ilong

5. Lips

5. Ngabil

6. Cheeks

6. Aping

7. Chin

7. Suwang

8. Neck

8. Liog

9. Tongue

9. Dila

Eating / Food •• English

•• Cebuano / Bisaya

1. Food

1. Pagkaon

2. Breakfast

2. Pamahaw

3. Lunch

3. Paniudto

4. Supper

4. Panihapon

5. Cooked Rice

5. Kan-on

6. Fried Rice

6. Sinanglag

7. Porridge

7. Lugaw

8. Beef

8. Karneng Baka

9. Chicken

9. Manok

10. Fish

10. Isda

Share this e-book •• What to do with this e-book? If you liked it feel free to share it by clicking here. •• If you feel that you’ve learned something and want to learn more, enroll in our online course for beginning Cebuano: An Introduction to Cebuano at *the course comes with audio

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