Frede rick Wi ns low T ay lor (1 85 6-1 91 5) An Am er ican m echanical engineer By:Ignacio Inchausti Daca Franco Martinangeli
Bibliography He was born in 1856 to a wealthy family in Germantown, Pennsylvania, USA. He wanted to attend Harvard University but his poor eyesight forced him to consider an alternative career. In 1874, he started working in a industrial company. He became a professor at Dartmouth College. He believed that the best results in a company would come from the partnership between a trained and quailified managment and a cooperative workforce. He died in 1915 in Philadelphia.
The theory 2. 3. 4. 5.
Taylor wrote a monography called “Th e P ricipales of Sci en ti fic M ana gm en t” His scientific managment consisted of fou r pri nci pales : Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks. Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than passively leaving them to train themselves. Provide "Detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the performance of that worker's discrete task" (Montgomery 1997: 250). Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks. Each side of the company needed each other, and there was no need for the Tra de Un ion s. If you pay people more, they work more.
Why is this important to business? • • • • •
This is important for business because: Moti vate s e mpl oyee s by convincing them that they have the same rights that the manager have. Impr ove wor k me tho ds. It ma de th e e mpl oyee wo rk , be cause i f th ey wor k mor e th ey woul d be pa yed mo re . It pl anned th e e mpl oy ee´s wor k. Ea ch empl oy ee i s c ontro lled by a ma na ger .
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