Framing Issues - Effective Iwb Integration

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  • Pages: 15
Framing Issues – Effective IWB Integration Submitted by: Susan Wilson University of British Columbia ETEC 533

Effective IWB Integration Susan Wilson

2 Abstract

The intent of this paper is to review literature on the effective implementation of Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) technologies in educational settings. Schools around the world are installing expensive systems without planning an effective process of implementation. This review summarises research based on identifying best pedagogical practises and effective professional development strategies. It also looks to current research in an attempt to conclude whether IWB integration has a positive effect on student achievement.

Effective IWB Integration Susan Wilson


I have always been interested in technology and I have always felt that my exposure to computers, calculators and even video games has helped prepare me to problem-solve, to think logically, and to persevere. In the past few years, I have become very interested in teaching through technology. As my colleague (the subject of my ethnographic interview) stated, it is much more powerful to teach using technology than it is to teach about technology. Small schools in rural Saskatchewan have limited human resources. Each year, as our populations decrease, so does our staffing making it more and more difficult to maintain quality programs and complete academic offerings. As schools decrease, questions of school viability arise. I have taken steps to maintain viability by becoming an online teacher and by focussing on improving the technological skill and application of all members of our staff. Our school, Wawota Parkland School, has entered into a partnership with a local oil company for the purpose of maintaining or improving viability through technology integration. The oil company has committed between three and five thousand dollars per year for five years to help us follow our vision. It has been our choice to accept the funds and to purchase one interactive whiteboard (IWB) and data projector combination in each of the last two years. Currently, we have one IWB set up in our computer lab to aid in delivery of online courses, and the two purchased by the oil company are located in our grade 3/4 split classroom and our grade 7/8 split classroom. To ensure that we are making good use of the monies donated to us, I intend to provide a review of professional literature concerning effective IWB integration. This information will be shared with the

Effective IWB Integration Susan Wilson


school, the community, and our benefactors and it will be used to improve current use of the IWBs. Introduction Interactive whiteboards (IWB) like those offered under the Promethean or SMART brand names are becoming more prevalent in our education facilities. In the United Kingdom, IWB technologies have been implemented in the schools at a phenomenal rate; an estimated average of six per elementary and sixteen per secondary school (Kennewell & Higgins, 2007). These boards are showing up in classrooms all across Canada amidst uncertainty about their pedagogical value. The purpose of this paper is to examine the literature on the effective implementation of IWB integration in educational institutions. Specifically, I will explore the following problems: 1. What pedagogical practices make the most effective use of IWB technology? 2. What professional development practices best support teachers in the integration of IWB technology? 3. Does the integration of IWB in education have a positive effect on student achievement? For the purposes of this review, interactive whiteboards are those that are touch sensitive and connect the projected image of a computer screen to the computer through a user's interactions. These IWBs are able to project the image of any application that is available through a computer such as software or internet-based, or it can interact with the designer or user through accompanying software. This review will include implementation of the software that accompanies IWB purchases.

Effective IWB Integration Susan Wilson


Resources used for this review were selected through library search applications such as ERIC. In particular, I have decided to focus on several peer-reviewed articles published in the September, 2007 issue of the Learning, Media and Technology journal that was dedicated to the study of IWB in education. The first article provides a general review of literature on IWB, the second focuses on pedagogical strategies that foster student participation in science and the third is concerned with professional development experiences of secondary math teachers in IWB integration. Branching out to other sources, I will use a science resource published by the Australian Science Teacher's Association journal that examines the use of IWB for teaching for scientific literacy. To satisfy my interest in Physics education through technology, I also decided to include a publication of The Physics Teacher journal that describes the process of using IWBs to create physics tutorials. A more local resource, this article was written by a professor at the University of Saskatchewan. IWB Affordances and Pedagogical Uses The software that accompanies IWB hardware allows users to generate interactive learning experiences that can include drag and drop, highlighting or spotlighting important information, hide and reveal, animation, sorting games, interactive devices such as dice rolling and spinners, integration of audio and visual learning objects and motivational games (Kennewell & Higgins, 2007). Apart from the capabilities of the software, the IWB can be used with any digital learning experience created by the teacher, shared from an IWB resource repository, or authentic internet-based resources such as Google Earth.

Effective IWB Integration Susan Wilson


Responding to touch, IWB makes content tangible. Students can use a plastic stylus, their finger, or even a tennis ball (for those with limited coordination) to interact with content. The board focuses the entire class on the activities, providing opportunities for whole-class presentation, individual attention, or team or class collaboration. Initially designed for business applications, IWB technology came into education when teachers began to realize the potential of such technology. Since the IWB technology was not designed with education in mind, it is not surprising that its effectiveness as an educational technology is in question. Kennewell & Higgins, point out that it is not the IWB itself, as a piece of technology, that ameliorates learning, it is the way teachers use the technology that makes a difference (2007). “Good teaching remains good teaching with or without the technology; the technology might enhance the pedagogy only if the teachers and pupils engaged with it and understood its potential in such a way that the technology is not seen as an end in itself but as another pedagogical means to achieve teaching and learning goals" (Higgins, Beauchamp, & Miller, 2007). The pedagogical applications of IWB technology transcend teaching and enter into student learning. The software that accompanies IWB hardware purchases can be loaded onto student computer terminals allowing them to create multi-media, interactive presentations that showcase their knowledge. The IWB allows for collaboration in reasoning, testing hypotheses, and interpreting where students can articulate scientific knowledge publicly using graphs and simulations (Hennessy, Deany, Ruthven, & Winterbottom, 2007). Considerations in integrating IWB technology in schools involve cost, proper placement (lab vs classroom, height for students), teacher preparation, lesson preparation

Effective IWB Integration Susan Wilson


time. Access to an IWB and the affordances it holds does not ensure effective use or even interactivity. In their analysis of various research reports, Higgins, Beauchamp and Miller conclude that without on-going IWB training and support, the boards may actually promote a teacher-centred mode of lesson delivery instead of a more desirable cooperative learning situation. Best Practices In their investigation into pedagogical strategies for IWB integration, Hennessy et al. (2007) point out that some teaching practices may actually be detrimental to student achievement. Citing numerous information sources, they explain that the use of the IWB as a presentation medium may encourage faster-paced lessons that do not include meaningful participation, collaboration, and knowledge-building. Focussing student attention on the IWB can increase the sage on the stage mentality where the teacher is in control of the content and of the students' learning (Hennessy, Deany, Ruthven, & Winterbottom, 2007) Taking part in a larger research project, Hennessy et al. examined pedagogical approaches of three science teachers, in separate schools, who were identified to be successful, quality teachers who integrate IWB lessons into their practice. Interviews were also held with six students to identify what they perceive to be effective pedagogy. Data collected from interviews, lesson plans, observations and teacher reflections indicated positive effects of IWB use. Researchers cautioned that emphasizing teacherpresentation of material was not an effective use of IWB technology. Results also showed that hands-on and student-centred use of the IWB was beneficial in motivating

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students and in promoting student learning (Hennessy, Deany, Ruthven, & Winterbottom, 2007). Through reflection, the participants of the study identified two possible reasons for overuse of teacher-led lessons involving the IWB; lack of time (caused by contentladen curricula) to allow students to experiment and interact, and the priority placed on maintaining student-engagement. Unless student participation is meaningful and productive, calling students up to take their turns becomes a mundane chore instead of an engaging activity (Hennessy, Deany, Ruthven, & Winterbottom, 2007). Teachers must also be responsible to create a risk-free environment where students will feel comfortable in coming up to the board. Some students interviewed expressed dissatisfaction at being asked to perform on the board in front of their peers. However, student perspectives identified a feeling of inclusion and participation in the lesson. One of the teachers in the study described the increased support that students gave each other; especially when one was put in the position of running the whiteboard. One example included in the research findings was of a student interacting with the board in a hide and reveal activity. The teacher noted the level of engagement as the others gave directions to the student at the front of the room; arguing about whether answers were right or wrong and supporting their choices with rationale (Hennessy, Deany, Ruthven, & Winterbottom, 2007). Karen Murcia (2008) identifies positive pedagogical practices in incorporating IWB technology into science classes as they were presented to pre-service science teachers. Murcia showed teachers how to perform basic tasks using an IWB and the accompanying software. She also provided rationale for each practice. In summary, Murcia promoted the use of visual information, current and authentic information,

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interactive activities, virtual models and simulations, and student creation of interactive resources. Murcia continues to provide questions that can be used to analyse IWB integrated activities maintaining that they should be student-centred, interactive, and that they should compliment other activities, not replace them completely. Andrew Robinson describes a very different, but useful, application of IWB in his first-year physics classes. Because of student numbers (80 to 100 students per class), Robinson has been motivated to find a way to provide problem-solving tutorials for his students. Using IWB technology and screen recording software, Robinson creates audio and visual representations of worked examples; then uploads them to the internet for easy access by his students. Admitting that this method has been used in the teaching of secondary math, Robinson states that it has rarely been used in post-secondary courses that require math applications (Robinson, 2008). Professional Development Glover and Miller (2007) provide information based on research that took place in seven English secondary schools over the course of two terms following IWB installation. A minimum of 5 IWB/data projector combinations were installed in each school and participants were studied for the purpose of charting pedagogic change and participant perception to see what impact IWB inclusion had on classroom practice. Participating schools agreed to equip mathematics classrooms with the necessary hardware and software, identify staff leaders to be trained in using the whiteboard, keep records of decisions, uses of technology, impact of technology, and their experiences. They also had to agree to cooperate with national and local support staff and with the evaluation of the project.

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One nominated math teacher from each school spent two days of professional development with the responsibility of sharing knowledge attained with other math teachers in the school. After each day, as an additional catalyst for professional development, individual schools were sent interim reports detailing the project results as well as school-based results. Additional professional development was arranged by the individual schools and they had access to a consultant for support (Glover & Miller, 2008). Initial reports from participating teachers were of the considerable anxiety they felt. There were concerns about the use of the hardware and the learning associated with the software. Glover and Miller point to the lack of recognition (on the part of the teachers) of the need to change their teaching style. One teacher reported an appreciation for a "text-book like" resource that could be projected on the whiteboard. Many comments focussed on the need to involve the students in the implementation and the grace with which they helped their teachers work through the technical issues (Glover & Miller, 2007). Significant changes were noted in most participants in the second term. Comments suggested that departments were working together to produce appropriate materials and that comfort levels had increased. Schools showing the highest level of change were those that identified that they had someone on staff who provided leadership and support. Glover and Miller posit that an effective school expert may promote more effective professional development (2007). They also suggest that traditional professional development is of limited benefit; whether because of the lack of trained and

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experienced teachers or because of the disconnect between off-site learning and authentic practice. In conclusion, Glover and Miller state that appropriate training is required to make full use of educational technologies like the IWB. They suggest that the implementation of technology and pedagogic change needs an induction phase followed by a period of expert support tailored to the needs of individual staff members. Once there is technological fluency, then there needs to be support for sharing of resources. Professional development plans need to be created before IWB technologies are installed. A mentor system should be set-up connecting experienced users with novices. Teachers will need time to explore, learn, and develop materials and, of course, to reflect and to share (Glover & Miller, 2007). Impact of IWB In their literature review, Higgins, Beauchamp, & Miller (2007) reference a largescale study of the effectiveness of IWB integration in the UK. The 'Embedding ICT' project (researchers Higgins, Falzon, Hall, Mosely, Smith, Smith and Wall) involved the placement of IWBs in grade 5 and 6 classes in more than 70 elementary schools in the UK. The evaluation investigated classroom interaction through structured observation, teacher reflection and student perception through interviews, records of teachers' IWB use, and achievement results attained through student performance in national Key Stage 2 tests (assessment examples can be found at Descriptive data was recorded over the course of two separate six-week periods, one year apart.

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Results showed an increase in use of IWB technology from 66% of lessons to 74% of lessons (Higgins et al., 2005). Within those lessons, teachers reported more involvement in developing or adapting resources used indicating increased ability and confidence. The research found higher occurrences of whole-class teaching (as opposed to group work), more open questions, more answers (although briefer) and more evaluation. A decrease in lessons involving student presentations was also found (Higgins et al., 2005). Interestingly, the final report shows that no significant increase in student achievement can be attributed to IWB integration. However, student and teacher perceptions are very clearly affected; believing that IWB use promotes positive results, particularly in the area of student enjoyment and engagement. In addition to reporting increased comfort and confidence in integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) in their teaching, educators also reported more positive classroom interaction (Higgins et al., 2005). Conclusion Interactive whiteboard use needs to be just that; interactive. Conscious efforts must be made to ensure that IWB integration does not reinforce the teacher as sage on the stage. Teachers need to reflect on their teaching practice and need to spend time developing engaging, interactive learning activities that make meaningful use of the affordances of IWB technology. It is important that all involved recognise that the technology is nothing without effective learning experiences created by competent, professional educators. It is also important to be aware of the many affordances of the technology in question and of the innovative applications educators are developing.

Effective IWB Integration Susan Wilson


In order for teachers to be able to create and implement engaging, interactive lessons, they must be comfortable working with the technology. All too often, technology is purchased and installed in schools, and few people know how to use it effectively. Glover and Miller caution that professional development strategies should be planned in advance of IWB installation and that traditional professional development experiences may not be the most effective in developing competent IWB users. Instead, they suggest an initial orientation, followed by long-term individual support by a resident expert, a professional consultant, or an experienced mentor. In their Embedding ICT research project, Higgins et al. (2005) concluded that IWB integration can alter the way learning takes place and that it can increase teacher and student motivation. It cannot be concluded at this time, based on the limited research done since IWB technologies have been integrated in schools, that student achievement is increased because of IWB implementation. However, the positive perceptions offered by both teacher and student participants of the study provide rationale supporting implementation of IWB technologies in schools. It is my hope that identifying best practices and effective implementation procedures can help schools transition into learner-centred, interactive learning environments that use IWB technologies to their potential. Perhaps improving implementation will result in higher instances of improved student achievement. At any rate, effective implementation, best pedagogical use, and increased student interest and engagement may help to draw or retain student population in our school.

Effective IWB Integration Susan Wilson


References Hennessy, Deany, Ruthven, & Winterbottom. (September, 2007). Pedagogical strategies for using the interactive whiteboard to foster learner participation in school science. Published in Learning, Media and Technology Volume 32, Issue 3. Pages 283 - 301. Retrieved from 40928 Higgins, Beauchamp, & Miller. (September, 2007). Reviewing the Literature on Interactive Whiteboards. Published in Learning, Media and Technology. Volume 32, Issue 3. Pages 213-225. Retrieved from 40928 Higgins, Falzon, Hall, Mosely, Smith, Smith & Wall. (April, 2005). Embedding ICT in the literacy and numeracy strategies; Final report. University of Newcastle. Retrieved February 14, 2009 from _whiteboards.pdf Kennewell & Higgins. (September, 2007). Introduction. Published in Learning, Media and Technology Volume 32, Issue 3. Pages 207 - 212. Retrieved from 40928 Miller, Dave & Glover, Derek. (2007). Into the unknown: the professional development induction experience of secondary mathematics teachers using interactive

Effective IWB Integration Susan Wilson


whiteboard technology. Published in Learning, Media and Technology. Vol. 32, No. 3. pp. 319-331. Retrieved from 13240928 Murcia, Karen. (December, 2008). Teaching for scientific literacy with an interactive whiteboard. Published in Teaching Science - the Journal of the Australian Science Teachers Association, Vol. 54, No. 4. (December 2008), pp. 17-21. Retrieved from Robinson, Andrew. (2008). Easy Implementation of Internet-Based Whiteboard Physics Tutorials. Published in The Physics Teacher, Vol. 46, No. 8. pp. 456-459. Retrieved from

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