F.4 CIT – HTML – Frame
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Introduction In many cases, when the content of a document is too long to be viewed in one window, we need to scroll the document. By doing so, other elements are scrolled as well, thus making some no longer visible to the user. This may not be a desirable result of scrolling. For example, a navigation bar may go off the screen and can no longer be immediately accessed. By dividing the window into frames, different elements can be placed in different frame. When one frame is scrolled, others remain static within their own regions. At their simplest level, frames provide multiple separately scrollable areas within one user window. When implementing frames, a separate web document that defines the frame layout as well as individual documents which actually occupy the frames are requires. A frameset is created like other HTML document, except that its content is limited to frame-related tags. This is to say, element is not found in a frameset and is replaced by