In this section we set up the content to be placed dynamically on the page. Customize movie tags and alternate html content below.
if (!useRedirect) {
if dynamic embedding is turned on
if(hasRightVersion) { if we've detected an acceptable version var oeTags = 'OBJECT CLASSID=clsidd27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' + 'WIDTH=620 HEIGHT=410' + ' ersion=7,0,0,0' + 'PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=DisneyVisa_120204_ad3.swf' + 'PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=true' + 'PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=false' + 'PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=high' + 'PARAM NAME=MENU VALUE=false' + 'EMBED SRC=DisneyVisa_120204_ad3.swf' + 'WIDTH=460 HEIGHT=390' + 'PLAY=true' + 'LOOP=false' + 'QUALITY=high' + 'MENU=false' + 'TYPE=applicationx-shockwave-flash' + 'PLUGINSPAGE=httpwww.macromedia.comshockwavedownloadindex.cgiP1_Prod_Ver sion=ShockwaveFlash' + 'EMBED' + 'OBJECT';
embed the flash movie
} else { flash is too old or we can't detect the plugin NOTE height, width are required! var alternateContent = 'a href=httpwww.firstusa.comcgibinwebcgiwebserve.cgipartner_dir_name=disney_none_ddm&page=cont&mkid=6R GK06IMG SRC=DisneyVisa_120204_ad3.jpg WIDTH=460 HEIGHT=390 border=0a';
document.write(alternateContent); insert non-flash content } }