Four Naacp-coast Petitions

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 11
^ G ^ A ^ J ? ^ National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

August 20, 2008

Dear Board of Election:

I am writing to let you know that the attached petition in my opinion should be counted. The citizen signed where the circulator should sign. The circulator crossed off the citizen's name and legally wrote their name. Thank you for your consideration. I can be reached at the Cincinnati NAACP office at 513-281-1900.


C Christopher Smithe: President of the NAACP

4439 Reading Road, Suite 202 Cincinnati, Ohio 45229 • 513.281.1900 voice 513.281.4454 fax • [email protected] website

^~ NOTICE ^ Whoever knowix-^iy signs this petition more than once, Sv^s a name other than his own, or signs when not a legal voter, is liable to prosecution.

PETITION FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHARTER To the Council, the legislative authority of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio: We, the undersigned electors of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, petition your honorable body to forthwith provide by ordinance for submission to the electors of the City of Cincinnati the following proposed Amendment to the Charter o f the City.

AMENDMENT TITLE: AN AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CINCINNATI REPEALING EXISTING SECTIONS 5, 5a, 7, 8, 11, AND 12 OF ARTICLE LX AND ENACTING NEW SECTIONS 5, 5a, 7, 8, 11, 12, AND 13 OF ARTICLE IX, TO PROVIDE FOR THE ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL BY PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION. TEXT: Be it resolved by the electors of the City of Cincinnati that existing Sections 5, 5a, 7, 8, 11, and 12 of Article LX of the City Charter are hereby repealed and replaced with new Sections 5, 5a, 7, 8, 11, 12, and 13 of Article IX, to state as follows: Section 5. Ballots used in electing members of the council and the mayor shall be without party mark or designation. Each elector shall be entitled to vote for one candidate for mayor and to vote for candidates for the council by ranking the elector's preferred candidates in accordance with the instructions printed on the ballot. Section 5a. Except for the names of the candidates and date of the election, the ballots for election for the members of the council shall be in form substantially as follows: Regular Municipal Election Election for Members of the Council November , Directions to Voters Rank your choices for Council candidates from first to ninth. Rank your first choice by making a mark in the first column following the name of your first choice candidate. Rank as many other choices as you have up to nine; that is your second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth choices by making a mark in the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth columns following the names of your second- through ninth-choice candidates. You may rank fewer than nine candidates. Do not rank more than nine Council candidates. Do not rank the same candidate more than once and do not give the same ranking to more than one candidate. Your vote will be counted for your first-choice candidate if it can be used to help elect that candidate. If it cannot help elect your first-choice candidate, it will be transferred to the highest of your other candidate choices whom it can help.


rNOTICE r-Whoever knowk. 0 iy signs this petition more than once, s^_ .3 a name other than his own, or signs when not a legal voter, is liable to prosecution. necessary to exhaust the surplus. The number one shall be regarded as the next number following the highest number marked on any of the candidate's first choice ballots, for the purposes of this section. Without limiting the generality of Section 11, if the Council provides for the use of mechanical, electronic or other devices as provided in Section 11, it may provide for transfer of surpluses by transferring a fraction, not exceeding one, of each transferable ballot, the numerator of which fraction is the respective surplus of each candidate and the denominator is the total number of transferable ballots of that candidate. (i) "Transferable ballots" means ballots from which the next choice of the voter for some continuing candidate can be clearly ascertained. (j) A "continuing candidate" is a candidate as yet neither elected nor defeated. (k) The votes standing to the credit of each candidate shall be added and a tabulation of results made whenever a comparison of the votes of the several candidates is necessary to determine the next step in the procedure. (1) After the transfer of all surpluses (or after the first count if no candidate received a surplus) every candidate who has no votes to his or her credit shall be declared defeated. Thereupon the candidate lowest on the poll as it stands shall be declared defeated and all his or her transferable ballots transferred to continuing candidates, each ballot being transferred to the credit of that continuing candidate next preferred by the voter in accordance with rule (m). Thereupon the candidate then lowest shall be declared defeated and all his or her transferable ballots transferred in the same way. Thus the lowest candidates shall be declared defeated one after another and their transferable ballots transferred to continuing candidates. (m) Whenever in the transfer of a surplus or of the ballots of a defeated candidate the vote of any candidate becomes equal to the quota, he or she shall immediately be declared elected and no further transfer to him or her shall be made. (n) When candidates to the number of seats to be filled have received a quota and have therefore been declared elected, all other candidates shall be declared defeated and the election shall be at an end; or when the number of continuing candidates is reduced to the number of seats still to be filled, those candidates shall be declared elected whether they have received the full quota or not and the election shall be at an end; but in such event, the ballots of the candidate last declared defeated shall be distributed among the candidates last declared elected up to the amount of their quotas according to the rules herein set forth. (o) If when a candidate is to be declared defeated two or more candidates at the bottom of the poll have the same number of votes, that one of the tied candidates shall first be declared defeated who was credited with the fewest votes at the end of the count next preceding, and any further tie shall be decided on the same principle. Except as otherwise provided, any tie shall be resolved in accordance with the general election laws of Ohio. (p) Any recount of the ballots shall be made by the election authorities in accordance with this section except that the reference to voting precincts may be disregarded. In any recount every ballot shall be made to take the same course it took in the original counting, unless there is discovered a mistake that required its taking a different course. In such case any required changes shall be made in the course taken by the ballot. These principles shall apply also to the correction of any error that may be discovered during the original counting. (q) To permit an independent count of the ballots, the rankings cast shall be made available upon public request. Section 13. If any provision of Article IX is amended or held unconstitutional or in violation of state law, this shall not affect the validity, force or effect of any other provision of Article IX. COMMITTEE TO REPRESENT PETITIONERS The following persons are designated as the committee who shall be regarded as filing the Petition: Christopher Smitherman Joshua J. Krekeler Monica R. Williams Arthur F. Slater Michelle Edwards

1000 Lenox Place 3027 Beaver Ave. 2542 Moorman Ave., Apt. # 1 2402 Raleigh Lane 7309 Scottwood Ave.

Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, t)H


45229 45213 45206 45215 45237


Shareholders Christopher P. Finney, Esq.* Jeffrey G. Sfagnaro, Esq.f 'PeterA.Saba,Esq.*t PaulT. Saba, Esq. • William J. Patterson, Esq.

Also admitted m Kentucky o admitted in Florida

Y QF fr\

JB CLERK 0 r 4•nptbyhfefl't&w t a , r i , Specialist Emfi/c

Attorneys/ Sharon J.{ ,Esq. A Sean P. Donovan, Esq.* Julie M. Gugino, Esq. Isaac T. Heintz, Esq. Rehecca N. Algenio, Esq. James K. Keller, Esq. Jessica A. Nielsen, Esq. Jessica F. Dressman, Esq. Patrick R.Veith, Esq.* R. Tony Martina.Esq. * Susanna L. Fai, Esq. Of Counsel Mark H. Klusmeier, Esq. James W.Thompson, Esq. Terrence M. Veith, Esq. *

Office Locations

Hyde Park 2623 Erie Avenue Cincinnati OH 45208 Anderson 7373 Beechmont Avenue Suite 100 Cincinnati OH 45230 Downtown 830 Main Street Suite 200 Cincinnati OH 45202 (513)533-2700 (513)533-2999 fex

August 20, 2008

Christopher P. Finney, Esq. E-Mail Address: CFlNNEY6b.FSSP-MW.COM Direct Dial: (513) 533-2980 Direct Fax: (513) 533-2990

VIA HAND DELIVERY The Council of the City of Cincinnati, Clerk of Council, and City of Cincinnati 801 Plum Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Re:

"Red Light Camera" Petitions

Dear Sir/Madame:


Delivered to you in person today are &&Hpart petitions containing 4^MTtotal signatures to place this issue on the November 4, 2008 ballot. Please process these expeditiously and let me know if you need any more information from me. Sincere

CPF/err cc: Mr. Dan Regenold Mr. Christopher Smitherman



PETITION FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHARTER NOTICE Whoever knowingly signs this petition more than once, signs a name other than his own, or signs when not a legal voter/is liable to prosecution.

PETITION For submission of Proposed Amendment to the Charter of the City of Cincinnati To the Council, the legislative authority of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio: We, the undersigned, Electors of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, petition your honorable body to forthwith provide by ordinance, for submission to the electors of the City of Cincinnati, the following proposed Amendment to the Charter of the City.

AMENDMENT TITLE: AN AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CINCINNATI TO LIMIT USE OF PHOTO-MONITORING DEVICES TO DETECT CERTAIN TRAFFIC LAW VIOLATIONS. TEXT: Be it resolved by the people of the City of Cincinnati that a new Article XIV of the Charter is hereby added as follows: Section 1. The City, including its various Boards, agencies and departments, shall not use any traffic law photo-monitoring device for the enforcement of a qualified traffic law violation, unless a law enforcement officer is present at the location of the device and personally issues the ticket to the alleged violator at the time and location of the violation. Section 2. Definitions. As used in this Article XIV: a) Law enforcement officer" means any law enforcement officer employed by the City or any other political jurisdiction in Ohio, including the State. The City may from time to-time and in its discretion, by ordinance or resolution, designate which City employees are, "law enforcement officers" for purposes of this Article XIV. . b) "Qualified law traffic violation" means a violation of any of the following: (1) any state or local law relating to complying with a traffic control signal or a railroad crossing sign or signal; or (2) any state or local law limiting the speed of a motor vehicle. WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE





NOTICE Whoever knowingly signs this petition more than once, signs a name other than his own, or signs when not a legal voter, is liable to prosecution c) "Ticket" means any traffic ticket, citation, summons, or other notice of liability (whether civil or criminal) issued in response to an alleged qualified traffic law violation detected by a traffic law photo-monitoring device. d) "Traffic law photo-monitoring device" means an electronic system consisting of a photographic, video, or electronic camera and a means of sensing the presence of a motor vehicle that automatically produces photographs, videotape, or digital images of the vehicle, its license plate or its operator. Section 3. Any ordinance enacted prior to the passage of this Amendment that contravenes any of the foregoing is void. After the enactment of this Amendment, the City shall not enact or enforce any ordinance that contravenes any of the foregoing. In the event that any provision of this Article XIV is found to be unconstitutional or impermissibly in conflict with state or federal law, only such provision found to be unconstitutional or impermissible will be stricken, and the remainder of this Article XIV will remain in full force and effect. The following persons are designated as a Committee to represent the petitioners in all matters relating to the petition or its circulation. Christopher Smitherman, 1000 Lenox Place, Cincinnati, OH 45229 Adam Conway, 514 Corporation Alley, Cincinnati, OH 45202 Monica R. Williams, 2542 Moorman Ave., Apt. #1, Cincinnati, OH 45206 Arthur F. Slater, 2402 Raleigh Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45215 Michelle Edwards, 7309 Scottwood Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45237 Instructions: You You You ~ You

must live in the City of Cincinnati and be registered to vote. must use ink. must sign your name, date of signing, and give your voting residence. must not sign anyone else's name.

Signatures of Petitioners written in ink

Place of Residence Street and Number

1. j^^Mr^^—^^ - v









3. 4. 5.


Date of Signing



PETITION FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHARTER NOTICE Whoever knowingly signs this petition more than once, signs a name other than his own, or signs when not a legal voter, is liable to prosecution.

PETITION For submission of Proposed Amendment to the Charter of the City of Cincinnati To the Council, the legislative authority of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio: We, the undersigned, Electors of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, petition your honorable body to forthwith provide by ordinance, for submission to the electors of the City of Cincinnati, the following proposed Amendment to the Charter of the City.

A MENDMEN T TITLE: AN AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CINCINNATI TO PREVENT THE EXPENDITURE OF MONIES BY THE CITY FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR PASSENGER RAIL TRANSPORTATION (e.g., a trolley or streetcar) WITHOUT FIRST SUBMITTING THE SAME TO A VOTE OF THE ELECTORATE AND RECEIVING A MAJORITY AFFIRMATIVE VOTE FOR THE SAME. TEXT: Be it resolved by the people of the City of Cincinnati that a new Article XVI of the Charter is hereby added as follows: The City, and its various Boards and Commissions, may not spend any monies for rightof-way acquisition or construction of improvements for passenger rail transportation (e.g., a trolley or streetcar) within the city limits without first submitting the question of approval of such expenditure to a vote of the electorate of the City and receiving a majority affirmative vote for the same. The following persons are designated as a Committee to represent the petitioners in all matters relating to the petition or its circulation. Christopher Smitherman, 1000 Lenox Place, Cincinnati, OH 45229 Monica R. Williams, 2542 Moorman Ave., Apt. #1, Cincinnati, OH 45206 Alfred L. Williams, 119 Calhoun Street, #3, Cincinnati, OH 45219 Arthur F. Slater, 2402 Raleigh Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45215 Michelle Edwards, 7309 Scottwood Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45237



NOTICE Whoever knowingly signs this petition more than once, signs a name other than his own, or signs when not a legal voter, is liable to prosecution. Pet. # 09-1999 Page 1





J2. /


PETITION For submission of Proposed Amendment to the Charter of the City of Cincinnati To the Council, the legislative authority of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio: We, the undersigned, Electors of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, petition your honorable body to forthwith provide by ordinance, for submission to the electors of the City of Cincinnati, the following proposed Amendment to the Charter of the City. AMENDMENT (regarding transfer of assets to a Regional Water District) TITLE: AN AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CINCINNATI TO PREVENT THE TRANSFER OR SALE OF ANY ASSETS OF THE CITY OF CINCINNATI, OR ANY OF ITS BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS, TO ANY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT, OR ANY REGIONAL WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, FORMED PURSUANT TO OHIO REVISED CODE CHAPTER 6119 WITHOUT FIRST SUBMITTING THE QUESTION OF THE APPROVAL OF SUCH TRANSFER OR SALE OF ASSETS TO A VOTE OF THE ELECTORATE OF THE CITY AND RECEIVING A MAJORITY AFFIRMATIVE VOTE FOR THE SAME. TEXT: Be it resolved by the people of the City of Cincinnati that a new Article of the Charter is hereby added as follows: The City, and its various Boards and Commissions, may not transfer or sell any assets of the City of Cincinnati, or any of its Boards or Commissions, to any regional water district, or any regional water and sewer district, formed pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Chapter 6119 without first submitting the question of the approval of such transfer or sale of assets to a vote of the electorate of the City and receiving a majority affirmative vote for the same. The following persons are designated as a Committee to represent the petitioners in all matters relating to the petition or its circulation. Christopher Smitherman, 1000 Lenox Place, Cincinnati, OH 45229 Monica R. Williams, 2542 Moorman Ave., Apt. #1, Cincinnati, OH 45206 Alfred L. Williams, 119 Calhoun Street, #3, Cincinnati, OH 45219 Arthur F. Slater, 2402 Raleigh Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45215 Michelle Edwards, 7309 Scottwood Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45237


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