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The Stetson University Greek Life

Foundations of Excellence

Created and adopted in September 2008 by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs in conjunction with the Stetson University Office of Campus Involvement in order to enhance the quality and success of the Greek community at Stetson University.

The Stetson University Greek Life

Foundations of Excellence Table of Contents 3………...

Foundations of Excellence Introduction


Foundation Area I: Campus Involvement

4………... Foundation Area II: Community Engagement 5………... Foundation Area III: Education & Intellectual Development 5…………Foundation Area IV: Leadership & Values Integration 6…………Foundation Area V: Chapter Operations 7…………Foundation Area VI: Punitive Measures 8…………Submission Information Adopted September 2008


9…………Achieving the Foundations of Excellence 10………..Greek Life Advisory Board 11………..Annual Chapter Report & Awards Packet

The Stetson University Greek Life

Foundations of Excellence The Foundations of Excellence In order to enhance the quality and success of the Greek community at Stetson University, the following Foundations of Excellence were created in 2008 to serve as a framework to measure success. Thus far, the former Standards of Accreditation have served as a means to establish the University’s expectations as well as to recognize the accomplishments of our chapters. The year-end Greek Awards Show has also been established to recognize Greek chapter and individual success in a variety of areas. The Foundations of Excellence will serve the purposes of 1) establishing standards for each organization, 2) serve as a basis for the year-end Greek Awards show, 3) bring the Stetson Greek community in synch with all National Panhellenic Conference Standards and North-American Interfraternity Conference Standards, and 4) create an environment conducive to the future success of makeup of Greek Life at Stetson University. Along with the new program, a new reporting system will eliminate the need for large binders with extensive documentation that have been turned in for the former Standards of Accreditation and Greek Awards in the past. Minimum Foundations in a variety of areas will show the contributions and developments of each chapter and help us to work toward our goal of 40-50% of the student population being involved in the Stetson Greek community by 2012. Each organization will be held accountable for meeting the Foundations. Those chapters that exceed the Foundations will be recognized for their achievements Adopted September 2008


at the Greek Awards Show as well as other means. Those chapters that fall below the Foundations will be given the opportunity to improve. Those chapters that do not improve and fail to meet the Foundations may be subject to loss of recognition. We cannot afford to have sub-standard chapters within the Greek community jeopardize the long-term success of fraternities and sororities at Stetson. Why now? The stability of the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs, the recent reorganization of the Office of Student Involvement, as well as the renovation of Fraternity Row here at Stetson, make this the ideal time to create the new Foundations of Excellence. As these new University initiatives develop and prosper, we will be asked the question - what positive contribution has the Greek community made to Stetson and DeLand this year? These Foundations will allows us to proactively address this question by providing measurable outcomes, indicating a chapter’s contribution and viability to the Stetson community and their ability to contribute to the overall college experience.

The Stetson University Greek Life

Foundations of Excellence Foundation Area I: Campus Involvement 1.) At least 75% of chapter membership is involved in at least one other campus organization or activity at the University or has an on-campus part time job. This should be documented by listing members on a spreadsheet with the other campus organizations and/or campus jobs they are involved in next to their name by OCTOBER 31 of each year. †

2.) & 3.) Each chapter must co-sponsor one event or program with a non-Greek organization each semester. This should be documented by registering the event using the Stetson Event Registration process followed up by a one page summary of the significance and success of the event to be turned in by NOVEMBER 30 and MARCH 15 of each year.

Foundation Area II: Community Engagement Adopted September 2008


4.) Chapter must average a minimum of 5 community service hours per member each semester to be completed by no less than 100% of the active chapter membership. Chapter documents by listing members on a spreadsheet with the community service hours they completed and the appropriate corresponding agencies or organizations along with the amount of philanthropic money they have raised on a monthly basis to the appropriate council official and a summary of the entire year to the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs due by MARCH 31. †

5.) Chapter plans and executes at least one hands-on community service project each year that is completed by approximately 75% of the chapter membership Examples include but are not limited to park restoration, Salvation Army, Meals on Heals, and Habitat for Humanity. Chapters are encouraged to work with the Center for Service Learning to develop ideas for community service. This should be documented by registering the event using the Stetson Event Registration process followed up by a one page summary of the significance and success of the event to be turned in by MARCH 31 of each year. †

6.) Chapter plans and executes at least one philanthropic project/event each year, involving approximately 75% of the chapter membership raising money for a local or national charity

Examples include athletic tournaments, benefits, bar-b-ques, etc. This should be documented by registering the event using the Stetson Event Registration process followed up by a one page summary of the significance and success of the event to be turned in by MARCH 31 of each year. †

7.) Chapter participates in the yearly Hunger Banquet, an educational event held by the Center for Service Learning about hunger issues locally, nationally, and globally, involving approximately 65% of the chapter membership in the activity. This should be documented by each member signing in at the Hunger Banquet event followed up by a one page summary of the significance and success of your chapter’s participation in the event to be turned within one week of the event, which will be held on SEPTEMBER 15. †

8.) Chapter participates in Greenfeather, the campus-wide community service and philanthropic event held each year, involving approximately 65% of the chapter membership. This should be documented by members signing in at each Greenfeather event followed up by a one page summary of the significance and success of your chapter’s involvement with Greenfeather to be turned in within one week of the conclusion of activities which are OCTOBER 27 – NOVEMBER 8. †

Foundation Area III: Education & Intellectual Development Chapter organizes, facilitates, attends, and participates in five different educational programs covering the following topics (90% attendance required): 9.) Drug/Alcohol Awareness Adopted September 2008


10.)Relationships/Sexual Harassment/Assault & Rape 11.)Sexually Transmitted Infections 12.)Risk Management 13.)Multicultural/Diversity Issues Chapters are responsible for organizing, facilitating, attending, and participating in one program per month, in any order, throughout the year. This should be documented by each member signing in with the facilitator at the program followed up by a one page summary of the significance and success of your chapter’s participation in the program to be turned in to the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs by the deadline each month. Chapters may also attend campus-wide programming within these areas. Programs must be completed by SEPTEMBER 30, OCTOBER 31, NOVEMBER 30, and FEBRUARY 15, and MARCH 15 of each year. All facilitators must be approved in advance by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs. †

14.)Each chapter shall strive to achieve a quality comprehensive new member education program. Chapter shall submit New Member Education Program to the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs by SEPTEMBER 30 for approval. This includes a written outline for the new member education programs of the local chapter and national organization, a detailed new member education calendar, and a signed hazing statement.

15.) & 16.) Chapter GPA shall meet or exceed a 2.75 GPA each semester. This will consist of a cumulative GPA of active and affiliated members. Each year, the semester grade point average of the previous Spring semester (evaluated by JUNE 15) and Fall semester (evaluated by FEBRUARY 15) will be evaluated by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs.

17.)Chapter maintains an active scholarship program on file with the Office of Greek Life that asks members to establish academic goals, develop time management skills, provides support for members who fall below an established chapter minimum GPA and recognizes members for high academic achievement and for improvement. Chapter submits program to the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs by SEPTEMBER 30.

18.) Chapter hosts/plans at least one event or program to build positive relationships with faculty members each year. This should be documented by registering the event using the Stetson Event Registration process followed up by a one page summary of the significance and success of the event to be turned in by MARCH 15 of each year.

Foundation Area IV: Leadership & Values Integration 19.) Chapter attends the Annual Recruitment Workshop put on by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs. 90% attendance is mandatory. This should be documented by members signing in at each Workshop event. The Recruitment and Greek Life Workshop will be held from OCTOBER 4. †

20.)At least one chapter member attends all leadership opportunities afforded by their national organization where it is expected that every chapter send at least one member. Examples include but are not limited to national conventions and leadership schools. Chapters should also document attendance at specialized leadership opportunities Adopted September 2008


such as Leadershape, the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI), etc. Documentation of attendance should be submitted to the Office of Fraterntiy & Sorority Affairs by MARCH 31.

21.) All new members must attend a Greek-wide New Member Retreat that is educational in nature. This retreat will be facilitated by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs and attendance is mandatory for 95% of your fall new member class. This should be documented by members signing in at each Workshop event. The Recruitment and Greek Life Workshop will be held on NOVEMBER 15. †

22.)Chapters must facilitate a Leadership Retreat each year that serves as a strategic planning session as well as transition for new officers. This retreat must by a completely DRY event and be held within one month of officer elections. This should be documented by registering the event using the Stetson Event Registration process followed up by a one page summary of the significance and success of the event to be turned in by JANUARY 31 of each year. ‡

23.) Chapter uses ritual at all prescribed times according to the national organization. Chapter should only document the times it uses ritual and not anything specific about the ritual. For example, at chapter meetings, in goal setting, in creating the chapter calendar (balancing social activities with service, leadership and non-alcoholic events), etc. Documentation of these ritual ceremonies must be turned in to the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs, along with a one-page summary of how ritual strengthens your chapter by MARCH 31 of each year.

Foundation Area V: Chapter Operations 24.)Chapter maintains facility to University and House Corporation standards. Chapter facility is maintained to all standards written in applicable housing documents, including the lease, Memorandum of Understanding, and/or Greek Facility Management Program. Along with these housing-related forms, a 3 page-minimum yearly House Improvement Plan shall be due on OCTBOBER 31 to be developed by the chapter and compiled by the Chapter President and House Manager and shall include: plans or strategies for disposal of cans, cups, party decorations, and daily household trash in a timely manner; facility improvement projects as deemed necessary by chapters and house corporations, etc.; and plans to beautify the outdoor landscape of the premises.

25.) Chapter maintains an updated website that communicates within and outside the membership. Website is updated a minimum of one time per year with chapter events and information about the organization as well as information that benefits both potential new members as well as alumni. Chapters must e-mail the active link for the updated website to the Coordinator for Fraternity & Sorority Affairs by SEPTEMBER 30.

26.)Chapter must have both an active Chapter Advisor, who is a member of the Greek organization, and a Faculty/Staff Advisor, who is either a faculty or staff member at Stetson University (Faculty/Staff Advisor does not need to be a member of the Greek organization). The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs must be notified of the yearly designated advisors by SEPTEMBER 30 of each year.

Adopted September 2008


27.)Chapter hosts at least one event for or with alumni/ae each year. Examples include but are not limited to a Homecoming event or Founder’s Day Celebration that is publicized and open to all alumni/ae. This should be documented by registering the event using the Stetson Event Registration process followed up by a one page summary of the significance and success of the event to be turned in by MARCH 31.

28.) & 29.) Chapter communicates with chapter alumni/ae via newsletters or enewsletter at least once each semester. A copy of the newsletter(s) from each semester is to be turned in the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs by NOVEMBER 15 and FEBRUARY 28 of each year.

30.)Chapter turns in Annual Chapter Report & Awards Packet. Annual Chapter Report & Awards Packet to be submitted to the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs by APRIL 10 of each year. See attached documents for more information on the packet.

Foundation Area VI: Punitive Measures The Punitive Measures section of the Foundations of Excellence serves the purpose of ensuring each chapter is taking the appropriate measures to ensure the safety and proper conduct of its members. The following two situations will result in the loss of points in the Foundations of Excellence program: 1.) Chapter hosts an event that is unregistered with the university (minus 1 point for each violation). An event is defined as anything that is planned by the chapter, with 50% or more of the members planning to be in attendance. Events that must be registered include, but are not limited to: socials, parties, philanthropic projects, service projects, brotherhood events, and recruitment events.

2.) 20% or more of the chapter are found in violation of the university Student Code of Conduct within a given year (minus 2 points). At the end of each year, the Office of Judicial Affairs will work with the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs in assessing the conduct of each chapter.

† Many events require a certain percentage of chapter membership to attend a particular event. Although attendance at these events is certainly mandatory, there may be situations that are excusable such as illness, class, or other extenuating circumstances. The Coordinator for Fraternity & Sorority Affairs will make the final determination as to whether a particular situation is excusable. Regardless, the percentages for these events are minimums and each chapter should strive for 100% attendance at all mandatory events. ‡ Most chapters will already have held officer elections and had time to facilitate the annual Leadership Retreat by the January 31 deadline. However, chapters that hold elections that do not coincide with this deadline must provide Adopted September 2008


documentation by January 31 of the scheduled election date as well as the scheduled Leadership Retreat date. The onepage summary of the success of the retreat will be due one week after the date of the scheduled retreat.

Adopted September 2008


Greek Life Foundations of Excellence Submission Schedule FOUNDATION 1 5 Previous Spring Chapter GPA 7 Hunger Banquet 2 4 House Improvement Plan Educational Program (choose one from 9 five areas) 1 7 Scholarship Program 1 4 New Member Education Program 2 Updated Website with Appropriate 5 Information 2 6 Chapter Advisor, Faculty/Staff Advisor 1 9 Annual Greek Recruitment Workshop 8 1 1 0 2 1 2 8 2 1 1 1 6 2 2 1 2 2 9 3 1 3 1 8 4 5 6 2 0

Greenfeather Campus Involvement Educational Program (choose one from five areas)

DEADLINE N/A September 15* September 15 September 30 September 30 September 30 September 30 September 30 October 4 October 27 - November 8* October 31 October 31

New Member Retreat

November 15

Alumni Newsletter 1 Co-Event with Non-Greek Organization 1 Educational Program (choose one from five areas)

November 15 November 30

Previous Fall Chapter GPA


Leadership Retreat Educational Program (choose one from five areas)

January 31

Alumni Newsletter 2 Co-Event with Non-Greek Organization 2 Educational Program (choose one from five areas)

February 28 March 15

Faculty Relations Event Community Service Hours Chapter Community Service Project Chapter Philanthropic Event National Organization Leadership Opportunities

March March March March

Adopted September 2008

November 30

February 15

March 15 15 31 31 31

March 31


2 3 Ritual Documentation 2 7 Annual Alumni/ae Event 3 0 Annual Chapter Report & Awards Packet *Summary due within one week.

March 31 March 31 April 10

Submission Information Chapters will be able to achieve each Foundation from April 15 to April 15 each year. This date is selected to coincide with the Greek Awards Show and the turnover date for many of our chapter officers. The Chapter Report will be reviewed by the Greek Life Advisory Board to establish if the chapter has met the Foundations of Excellence. Each of the Foundations must be reported in the appropriate manner listed by the deadline. Deadlines are FIRM and no exceptions will be made for those who do not meet the Foundation by the given deadline. We will expect for chapter leaders to be honest in their evaluation of chapter performance in regards to meeting the Foundations. In addition, chapter advisors and the Coordinator for Fraternity and Sorority Affairs will take care to ensure that the most accurate information is being submitted at each deadline. Achieving the Foundations of Excellence Stetson University is committed to supporting fraternity and sorority chapters that work diligently to accomplish all 30 Foundations of Excellence within the 6 areas. However, we realize that chapters will, from time to time, not accomplish every Foundation statement. It is our expectation that chapters meet at least 27 out of 30 Foundation statements. Chapter meets 27 or more Foundation statements: If a group meets 27 or more Foundation statements, that group will create their own strategy for improvement within these areas. Chapter advisors and the Coordinator for Fraternity & Sorority Affairs will help the chapter in achieving the goals that they set out for themselves in this strategy. This is an informal process that will help the chapters establish a plan to meet those Foundations the following year. Chapter meets 26 or fewer Foundation statements: If a group meets 26 or fewer Foundation statements, the chapter will be placed on Action Plan status for the following year. Chapter leadership will work with the Greek Life Advisory Board, chapter advisors, the national organization, and respective governing council officers (as appropriate) to develop a formal Action Plan to address all Foundation deficiencies. This will provide the chapter an opportunity to demonstrate how it plans to meet the Foundations throughout the following year. There will be a mid-semester review with the Greek Life Advisory Board in October to gauge the progress of the chapter. This will be done in collaboration with chapter advisors and the national organization.

Adopted September 2008


Chapter meets 26 or fewer Foundation statements for two consecutive years: If this occurs for two consecutive years, the chapter will be placed on Probation status for the following year. This may include curtailment of activities, especially as they relate to the deficiencies. The Greek Life Advisory Board will meet with chapter leadership on a monthly basis to review progress in each Foundation. This will be done in collaboration with chapter advisors and the national organization. If at any time the Greek Life Advisory Board believes the chapter is not demonstrating progress, the chapter may be referred to the University or governing council for further disciplinary action. Chapter meets 26 or fewer Foundation statements for three consecutive years: A chapter that meets 26 or fewer Foundation statements for three consecutive years may be suspended for one year. This would mean that all activities of the chapter must cease. The national organization and local alumni may continue activities prudent to the continuation of the chapter after the suspension. The national organization will then be given the opportunity to re-colonize the chapter with full support of the Greek Life Advisory Board, University and governing councils.* *It is not the goal of the Greek Life Advisory Board, Stetson University, or governing councils to suspend any organization. We have demonstrated within this document the high level of support that will be provided to chapters before this occurs.

Greek Life Advisory Board The Greek Life Advisory Board will be comprised of the following members: Coordinator for Fraternity & Sorority Affairs Associate Director of Health & Wellness Initiatives Dean of Students Stetson University Faculty Member at Large Stetson University Staff Member at Large IFC Fraternity Chapter Advisor at Large Panhellenic Sorority Chapter Advisor at Large IFC President Panhellenic President

Adopted September 2008


The purpose of the Greek Life Advisory Board will be to work toward supporting and strengthening the Stetson Greek Community. Duties of this board will include, but are not limited to: • Meeting two times per semester to discuss and plan improvements for the Stetson Greek Community. • Creating a yearly action plan to strengthen alumni/ae as well as parental involvement in the Greek community. • Reviewing the Foundations of Excellence submissions at the end of the academic year, identifying chapters that met or did not meet the Foundations of Excellence criteria. • Reviewing the Foundations of Excellence submissions at the end of the academic year, selecting the Panhellenic and IFC “Chapter of the Year” and “Most Improved Chapter” based on the Foundations of Excellence submissions. • Meeting with chapters that fail to complete at least 27 Foundations, with the help of chapter leadership and advisors to create an action plan to improve upon each Foundation statement that is not met. • Working with the deficient chapters as needed and reviewing their progress mid-semester each fall.* *While it is not the responsibility of the Greek Life Advisory Board, chapters that are not striving to meet the Foundations may be referred for judicial action.

Annual Chapter Report and Awards Packet On April 10th of each year, the Annual Chapter Report and Awards Packet will be due. This packet shall include: • •

Fraternity/Sorority Name Officer List (including Name, Cell Phone, Student ID, Campus Box, E-mail)

Adopted September 2008


• • •

Current Chapter Roster o Actives o Affiliates o Graduates o Dropped o Past Year Members Abroad o Following Year Members Abroad Copy of Chapter Risk Management Policy Copy of Chapter Insurance Policy Event Calendar for the coming Academic Year The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs will host a Greek event planning session sometime in March of each spring semester to collaborate on planning dates for the following year. This will ensure that each organization’s activities do not overlap as well as allow for the ability to list all of the events on the various campus calendars.

• • •

10 Minute “Year in Review” Video highlighting the success of your chapter during the past year (to be used in judging Chapter of the Year and Most Improved Chapter) 2 Minute Video Summary highlighting your past year (to be shown at The Greek Awards Show) All Award Applications (you may nominate more than one person in your chapter for each award)

The Recognition Process and The Greek Awards Show Adopted September 2008


Each year, the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs, in conjunction with the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils host The Stetson Greek Awards Show, an event dedicated to recognizing the achievements of Greek organizations and individuals. Chapter of the Year and Most Improved Chapter The Foundations of Excellence program is one of the primary tools in determining the “Chapter of the Year” awards, as well as the “Most Improved Chapter” awards. Chapters that meet 27 or more Foundation statements will be recognized at our Greek Awards celebration and be considered for Chapter of the Year or Most Improved Chapter. All eligible Chapters will be interviewed by the Greek Life Advisory Board prior to the Greek Awards Show. The following are the criteria upon which these awards are chosen by the board: • • •

Evaluation of the Foundations of Excellence submissions from the past year Evaluation of the content of the 10 minute “Year in Review” Video Interview with members of each chapter (chapter may bring up to 8 members)

Chapter Awards AWARD Panhellenic Chapter of the Year IFC Chapter of the Year Panhellenic Most Improved Chapter IFC Most Improved Chapter Etta Turner Service Award (Panhellenic) Chancellor Cup Service Award (IFC) Scott Miller Fraternity Philanthropy Cup Scott Miller Sorority Philanthropy Cup Stetson Cup (Panhellenic GPA) Highest Active GPA (Panhellenic) Highest New Member GPA (Panhellenic) Most Improved GPA (Panhellenic) Adopted September 2008

DETERMINED BY: Greek Life Advisory Board Greek Life Advisory Board Greek Life Advisory Board Greek Life Advisory Board Service & Philanthropy Report Service & Philanthropy Report Service & Philanthropy Report Service & Philanthropy Report Stetson Grade Report Stetson Grade Report Stetson Grade Report Stetson Grade Report 15

University Cup (IFC GPA) Highest Active GPA (IFC) Highest New Member GPA (IFC) Most Improved GPA (IFC) Christensen Trophy (Panhellenic Sports) President's Cup (IFC Sports) Greek Week Champions (Panhellenic) Greek Week Champions (IFC)

Stetson Stetson Stetson Stetson

Grade Grade Grade Grade

Report Report Report Report

Intramural Points System Intramural Points System Greek Week Point System Greek Week Point System

Individual Awards AWARD Greek Woman of the Year Greek Man of the Year Sorority Advisor of the Year (Panhellenic) Fraternity Advisor of the Year (IFC) Female Philanthropist of the Year Male Philanthropist of Year Greek Female Scholar of the Year (Panhellenic) Greek Male Scholar of the Year (IFC) Greek Female Athlete of the Year (Panhellenic) Greek Male Athlete of the Year (IFC) Greek Life Male Dedication Award Greek Life Female Dedication Award First Year Studies Greek Female of the Year First Year Studies Greek Male of the Year

DETERMINED BY: IFC & Panhellenic President's Council IFC & Panhellenic President's Council IFC & Panhellenic President's Council IFC & Panhellenic President's Council IFC & Panhellenic President's Council IFC & Panhellenic President's Council IFC & Panhellenic President's Council IFC & Panhellenic President's Council IFC & Panhellenic President's Council IFC & Panhellenic President's Council Chosen by Greek Advisor Chosen by Greek Advisor Chosen by First Year Studies Chosen by First Year Studies

The individual awards determined by the IFC and Panhellenic President’s Council will be chosen after a meeting of all chapter Presidents and a thorough review of each submission. Each Adopted September 2008


nomination will be read aloud, followed by a brief discussion about the nominee (2 minutes or less). When all submissions for an award have been read, an open discussion about the award will be held (10 minutes or less), followed by a silent vote via paper ballot to be collected by the Coordinator for Fraternity & Sorority Affairs. Winners of the award will be announced at The Greek Awards Show.

Stetson University Greek Awards Show Individual Awards Nomination Form Greek Woman of the Year

Greek Man of the Year

Greek Female Philanthropist of the Year

Greek Male Philanthropist of the Year

Greek Female Scholar of the Year

Greek Male Scholar of the Year

Greek Female Athlete of the Year

Greek Male Athlete of the Year

Nominee: Chapter: Major:

Adopted September 2008



Service Related Activities:

Chapter Involvment:

Campus Involvement:

IFC/Panhellenic Involvement:

Nominated by: With this nomination form, please include a recommendation essay of 300 words or less stating why you are nominating this person for the award. Please submit all nomination forms and essays along with the Annual Chapter Report and Awards packet due on April 10. Additional nomination forms are available in the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs.

Stetson University Greek Awards Show Advisor of the Year Nomination Form Sorority Advisor of the Year

Fraternity Advisor of the Year

Nominee: Chapter: Occupation:

Years as Advisor:

Chapter Involvment:

Adopted September 2008


Community Involvement:

University Involvement:

Nominated by: With this nomination form, please include a recommendation essay of 300 words or less addressing why the nominee should win the award. Please submit all nomination forms and essays along with the Annual Chapter Report and Awards packet due on April 10. Additional nomination forms are available in the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs.

Adopted September 2008


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