Format -- Project Report

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 6




TITLE OF THE PROJECT REPORT (Title in Bold Capital, Properly centered, and in 6 mm size letters or 24 font size)

FULL NAME OF THE CANDIDATE (SEPCIALIZATION) (In Bold Capital, Properly Centered, and of 3 mm size letters)

NAME OF THE INSTITUTION, YEAR OF SUBMISSION (Bold Capital of 3 mm size letters and properly centered) 2


2 BLANK SHEETS – One for binding and one to be left blank


TITLE SHEET – Same as the front cover sheet. Numbering begins. Number in Roman numbers in lower case i.e. i





Tilak Maharashtra University Certificate (number of the page ii)


IBSAR Certificate (number of the page iii)


Company Certificate (number of the page iv)


Certificate from the Guide (number of the page v)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/ABSTRACT (number of the page vi) a. Summary immediately follows the certificates attached and appears on a separate page. b. It should be a self-contained document in which you •

Briefly state the problem, and

Summarize the important conclusions of the study

NOTE: The summary should contain minimum amount of information that it takes to communicate the essential message of the report. The summary shall not exceed 500 words •

Do not include unnecessary introductory or background material that the readers do not need.

Get to the essentials, fast!!

Write the summary last (after all the study has been done and recorded)

It is the first (and often the only) part of the report that people read, so make a good impression.

The purpose of the report is to give the reader “get to the point” option. 6.

TABLE OF CONTENTS (number of the page/s vii…) The table of contents should indicate the chapter number, title of the chapter and the page number. Under the main title of the chapter the title of the subsections of the chapter should be indicated and their corresponding page numbers. 3


LIST OF TABLES (continue from the number of last page of Table of Contents) The table number shall be in decimal notation indicating the chapter number and table number in that chapter. For example, the fourth table in chapter two will be indicated as Table 2.4. The table should also be given a title and page number. Example: Table 2.4

Difference between Training and Development


When you want to refer to any specific table in the report, you could indicate by giving the chapter number and table number – for example, Table 2.4 could be referred to as “Figure 4 in chapter 2”. 8.

LIST OF FIGURES (continue the page numbering from the last page of List of Tables) After the List of Tables comes the List of Figures and follows the same format as the tables. The figure should have number, title and corresponding page number. When any reference is made to a particular figure in the report it could be referred in the same manner as the table.


NOMENCLATURE This refers to the symbols and abbreviations used in the report. This should be arranged in alphabetical order.

NOTE: a.

PAGE NUMBERING Starting from item number 3 to item number 9 the page should be numbered in Roman numbers in Lower Case, example i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii and so on. These numbers should be 15 mm from the bottom center of the page.


Note that the page on which a chapter begins does not contain the page number. Therefore, Introduction chapter begins with page number Arabic number 2, which is the second page of Chapter 1.


The numbers for the chapters should be at 15 mm from the top and centrally located.


INTRODUCTION This section can also be titled as “Background” or “Project Statement”. In this section you should include: 4

a. Relevant history – how the study came about; background details about client organization. b. A precise statement of the problem, including any limitations or assumptions that were imposed upon the project by the sponsor. It should contain an overview of the purpose and scope of the study, which gives the specific objective of the study and any major assumptions or constraints that were imposed by the project team. 11.

REVIEW OF LITERATURE This shall be Chapter 2, which will consist of a description of the theory that the study is based up on. For example, if a person is doing a project report on Advertisement, then this chapter should have material on the theoretical aspect of advertisement. Or if a person is conducting a research on Mutual Funds, then this section should have material on the history of Mutual Funds, players in this industry, and so on. Or, for example if a person is studying the Recruitment and Selection then he/she should write the various theoretical aspects of Recruitment and Selection.


ANALYSIS SECTION This section should consist of the following: • A careful description of method and techniques that you employed. In other words, a description of methodology used for the study. • Details of assumptions that you made in order to make your analysis possible. • A presentation of the data collected and the analysis of the data • A description and explanation of the results of the analysis. This means how do you interpret the data that is analyzed.


CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In this section or chapter, you need to include the following items: • A list of your specific conclusions − paralleling the list you gave in the Summary, but with more detail. • An explanation of how your analysis supports your conclusions. • Recommendations for putting your conclusions into practice. • Suggestions for further analysis or study or research. 5


REFERENCES In this section the student shall list down all the books, articles, magazines, journals or any other published or unpublished material that was used in writing the report Do not use material from published books without giving reference to that author of the book. Doing so will amount to plagiarism, which means stealing someone else’s thought. Some manuals for writing style are given below: 1. Turabian’s Manual 2. American Psychological Association Manual


APPENDICES All the important and necessary material, which the writer finds as helpful in supporting and understanding the report, could be included in this section.


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