Calle del Mov 11 17493 Pedret i Marzà Girona, Spain 15th December 2006 The Principal of IES Castelló IES Castelló d’Empúries 16 Rentador Street Castelló 17486 Dear Madam, We are dissatisfied with some parts of your education system in IES Castelló d’Empúries. First, we think that the students should be able to decide if they want to go to a theater or to a museum because a lot of them are really boring. Moreover, subjects like Art, Music, EF and Philosopy are useless, they should also be able to decide if they want to do some of this subjects. Another thing is the start time from Batxillerat, it should be changed to nine o’clock. An estetical problem building are the walls: they should be painted. We also think that the computers aren’t fairly distributed. Somer classes like Aula d’Acollida have got more PC’s than the normal students. And to finish we think that we should got more Christmas Holidays. Yours faithfully, Pascal Straube