Form 5 - Revision Unit 17

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 395
  • Pages: 1
Revision Unit 17 1. Kirjuta tabelisse puuduvad sõnad Olevik / Present Simple Get Hear Own Leave Know Buy Begin Fall Sleep Think Wear Speak Break Cut Hurt Keep Find Bring Read Shut Throw Sell

Minevik/ Past Simple Got Heard Own Left Knew Bought Began Fell Slept Thought Wore Spoke Broke Cut Hurt Kept Found Brought Read Shut Threw Sold

Tõlge Saama Heard Omama Lahkuma Teadma Ostma Alustama Kukkuma Magama Mõtlema Kandma Rääkima Katki tegema, murdma Lõikama Haiget tegema Hoidma Leidma Tooma Lugema Sulgema Viskama Müüma

2. Kirjuta lünka sobiv eessõna : out / on /round/ in / at /by /off 1. Children made postcards at the workshop. 2. He cut his finger by accident. 3. There’s no toilet paper in the bathroom. 4. Put a name tag on your bag. 5. Red and yellow leaves fall off the maple trees. 6. What did you have in your pocket? 7. The man turned round and came back. 8. Look at my dress. These spots didn’t wash off. 3. Kirjuta küsimus, vasta sellele ja lisa veel üks lause. Kasuta be going to, kus võimalik. 1. Steve / do his homework? No / watch television. – Is Steve doing his homework? No, he is watching cartoons. He is going to do them later. 2. You / go shopping? Yes/ go to the library after that. – Are you going shopping? Yes, and I’m going to library after that. 3. Sally and Gina / play tennis? / No / have a swim.- Are Sally and Gina playing tennis? No, they are having a swim. They are going to play tennis tomorrow. 4. It / be rainy tomorrow? / No / be warm and sunny – Is it going to be rainy tomorrow? No, it is going to be warm and sunny. I will go hiking tomorrow. 4. Täida lüngad tegusõnade minevikuvormiga kas jaatavalt või eitavalt nii, et lause oleks sinu kohta tõene. Have / buy / give / be / go 1. I didn’t have an earache yesterday. 2. My granny gave me a hug last week. 3. Mother bought food yesterday. 4. Our English teacher gave us much homework last week. 5. My family went on a holiday last summer. 6. Some of my classmates weren’t happy after the test. 7. I went to the library last week. 8. Our teacher didn’t have red hair 2 weeks ago.

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