Forex Sinhala

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 245
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fudllao fï Forex lshkafka¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Forex lshkafka w¨;a fohla fkfjhs¡ Thd úiajdi lrkjo fïl ;uhs f,dafla osklg jeäu uqo,la yqjudre jk f,dafl f,dl=u ìiakia tl¡ tA uqo, weußldkq fvd,¾ á%,shla ú;r¡ wkak tA ìiakia tl .ek ;uhs wms fï l;d lrkak hkafka¡¡¡¡¡ Forex lshk jpfka f;areu Foriegn Exchange lshk tl¡ tA lshkafka úfoaY uqo,a yqjudrej¡ wfma .fï f.dfâ NdIdfjka lshkjkï Buying & Selling lrkakhs ;sfhkafka¡ we;a;gu fyd|g lrkak Buy & Sell lrkak mq¨jxkï f.dv hkak mq¨jx fyd|u l%uhla ;uhs Forex lshkafka¡¡¡¡¡¡ wms ir, WodyrKhla .uq¡ weußldjg ìka ,dvka whs;a fndaïnhla .eyqj lsh,¡ t;fldg weußldju fy,af,kjd¡ USD(US Doller) tl wmaiÜ hkjd¡ wms ys;uq tA w;fr ì%;dkHfha /lshd úhqla;sh wvq fjkjd¡ tA lshkafka tA f.d,a,kaf.a wd¾Ólh k.skjd¡ t;fldg GBP( Great Britai Pound ) tlg fy|hs¡ oeka wmsg fmakjd fï ;ks ;ks isÿùï fol¡ wms fudlo lrkafka¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ rhsÜ wms lrkafka GBP wrf.k USD j,g oS, odkjd¡ tAl yßhg weußldjg" ì%;dkH mjqï úl=Kkjd jf.a jevla¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ^ wms f,dl= ìiakialdrfhda jf.a fkao¡@ & Tkak ál fj,djla hkfldg GBP jeä fjkjd t;fldg wms .;a; ^Buy& GBP j,g GBP jeä m%udKhla wmsg ,efnkjd¡ b;sx lõo wlue;s úkdä 5 lska remsh,a 50"000 ^ wdikakj fvd,¾ 500 la& la tfyu;a ke;a;ka remsh,a 100"000 la ^ wdikakj fvd,¾ 1000 la & ú;r fydhkak¡ ;du l,n, fjkak tmd iïmQ¾K l;dju wy, jefâg nyskak¡ l,n, jqkdu wr fudllao tfla w; od .kak neye lshkjfka¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ tAl ksid fï fjí msgq ish,a,u lshj,d fjf<|dug nyskak¡ u;l ;shd .kak fïflka wïndkl=;a ;j;a álla fydhkak;a mq¨jx¡ tA ke;sfjkak;a mq¨jx¡ yßo¡¡¡¡¡ @

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