Foreclosure Offenses

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Foreclosure Offense: Quiet Title and Rescission (TILA and otherwise) June 2, 2008 HERE IS AN OUT-OF-THE BOX OFFENSIVE PROCEDURE WE PROPOSE. YOUR COMMENTS APPRECIATED. IT IS BASED UPON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE LENDER ASSIGNED OR TRANSFERRED OR SOLD THE MORTGAGE AND NOTE RIGHT AFTER THE CLOSING ON YOUR TRANSACTION. LOGICALLY THEN THE PERSON TO WHOM YOU WOULD ADDRESS YOUR TILA, FRAUD, AND DECEPTIVE AND UNFAIR PRACTICES CLAIMS WOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE NEW OWNER OF THE MORTGAGE AND NOTE. BUT YOU DON’T KNOW WHO THAT IS. AND IN THE TILA AUDIT, IF IT IS DOEN PROPERLY, THE DOCUMENTS ARE REQUESTED AND USUALLY IGNORED. SOOOOOO…… QUIET TITLE: In essence the reverse of a traditional foreclosure where the owner of the property forecloses the claim of the people against whom he he has filed suit claiming the property free and clear of all encumbrances. The significance in foreclosure OFFENSE is that the loan has been assigned, sold and transferred multiple times and broken up into thousands of pieces along with many others that were intermingled in portfolios, sometimes with cross guarantees from one portfolio to another. This process started before the first payment was due on the mortgage loan and before the victim/borrower came to know the real facts of the loan withheld from him in an asymmetric information environment (see asymmetric information) in an inter-temporal transaction (see inter-temporal transaction). Thus the true owner, against whom rescission could be claimed became unknown to the victim/borrower. The quiet title action sues “John Doe” identified as all persons having an ownership interest in the mortgage lien on the subject property. The allegation is made that while the victim/borrower has been notified of a transaction, the victim/borrower, petitioner has not been advised of who the entities or people are who own this interest. And since there are TILA and other fraudulent violations, the victim/ borrower/petitioner wishes to rescind. Efforts to determine the true owners have led the Petitioner to determine that there may be thousands of entities or owners, none of whom have been disclosed to Petitioner despite attempts to secure said information (contained in the TILA report and demand). SERVICE OF PROCESS IS BY PUBLICATION.

If the court demands that the mortgage servicing company be named as nominal Defendant or Respondent, the mortgage servicing company has only one job: to produce information and proof of ownership of the loan. It is doubtful that anyone, least of all the mortgage servicing entity will be able to fulfill this condition. Thus the default judgment will be entered, the victim stops paying the mortgage, and has a recorded judgment relieving his property of any mortgage lien and offsetting the note with the refunds and damages payable to the victim, thus satisfying the entire principal of the note and awarding attorney fees to the victim/petitioner. RESCISSION: The right to reverse the transaction. Ordinarily rescission involves giving back everything you received in exchange for getting back everything you gave. In this setting it means the right to get back ALL the interest, points, closing costs and attorney fees and other costs at or after closing that you incurred as a result of the transaction. Rescission rights exist under Federal Statutory Law (Truth in Lending Act - TILA, State Deceptive Business practice Acts, and at common law. Remember that rescission doesn’t mean you give back the house. It doesn’t even mean you have to give back the money to the lender against whom you are rescinding — THAT obligation commences AFTER the lender admits to the rescission or it is otherwise decreed and then it is reduced by the refunds of points, interest, closing costs you paid plus damages and attorney fees you suffered as a result of the issues raised in this post. Rescission might not even mean you owe any money at all to the lender. It could mean that the mortgage lien is extingunished and so is the note. It could convert a secured debt, non-dischargeable in bankruptcy to an unsecured debt wholly dischargeable in bankruptcy. And unless the party coming into court or the auction as a “representative” of the lender can prove that they have received their instructions and authorization from a party who is authorized to give those instructions, then they lack authorization, they lack legal standing and they are probably committing a fraud on you, the court and everyone else. companion tranche A specific tier or segment of REMIC security. A REMIC tranche that is structured to absorb a disproportionate amount of the volatility caused by variations in the prepayments of the underlying collateral. Companion tranches are created to be more volatile so that other tranches in the same REMIC, called PAC or TAC tranches, may have more stable cash flows. Hence the name companion. Also called support tranches. The significance in Foreclosure defense is that this is one of the devices used in the covenants or indentures of ASBs that assures payment to the holder of the security. Since the holder of the security is the “owner” of the mortgage and note, it is reasonable to assume that either the holder of the mortgage has been paid by a third party or that a third party assumed the liability. compliance risk

One of nine risks defined by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The risk to earnings or capital arising from violations of or nonconformance with laws, rules, regulations, prescribed practices, or ethical standards. This risk is incorporated in the Federal Reserve definition of legal risk. Participants in the Mortgage Meltdown of 20012008 were virtually all out of compliance and upon filing of an administrative complaint to the OCC, could be prosecuted for violations. conventional mortgage A mortgage loan based solely upon the value of the mortgaged real estate and the creditworthiness of the borrower. A mortgage loan without insurance or guarantees from a government agency. The significance is that with securitization of the loans there is (a) insurance to the holder of the CLO (b) guarantees of payment from third parties and (c) in practice, guarantees from the Federal Government (witness the Federal Reserve bailout of Bear Stearns and the Federal Reserve policy of allowing investment bankers who are holding CLOs to use those CLOs for loans at the Fed window). The securitized transactions thus converted the original transaction from a conventional loan to a complex consumer credit, insured, guaranteed, pooled security transaction falling far outside of the TILA exemption regarding residential home mortgages eligibility for rescission. INTER-TEMPORAL TRANSACTIONS: Transactions in which the commencement of the terms at the execution of the deal contains terms, risks or provisions that differ from a later time. The significance of this insider term in the MORTGAGE MELTDOWN is a classic real story: the victim is a black man with a perfect (800) FICO score has lived in his house many years and has only 5% left to pay off on his mortgage. He is approached by carefully trained predatory salesman for subprime lender — a lender that the victim had no need for because his credit, finances and personal reputation were excellent. Victim could therefore have qualified for any conventional loan on conventional terms. Victim does not know because it is not disclosed to him that he is being approached with a subprime lending program and that he qualifies for much better terms that are being offered to him — nor that he would be better off NOT refinancing since he is so close to paying off his house. He is convinced to get a new mortgage for interest only payments set at 1% while another 9% accrues. $20,000 in mortgage broker and yield spread premium rebates (kickbacks) are paid up front along with the mortgage proceeds. Within a few months he starts getting notices of increases in his payments which eventually are larger than his entire income. Qualification of the loan by the “lender” was at the payment rate at 1% interest, not at the future rates that would be applied, for which his income would NOT qualify. Victim ends up with risk of foreclosure and blemished credit score. Happy ending. Legal aid stepped in and unwrapped the deal. Many borrowers are seduced into accepting these deals believing that the extra money they are getting out of the mortgage proceeds will help them indefinitely to make future payments. It is the lender’s obligation to disclose that this is not the case, that the borrower’s income does not cover the amount of future

payments which the lender understands and the borrower does not (see asymmetric information). MORTGAGE MELTDOWN: An series of events (stemming from the 1983 introduction of derivative securities) created by a tacit cartel of investment bankers and other financial institutions in which borrowers were (approved) “loaned” money on purchase money mortgages based upon false appraisals in the context of contemporaneous securitized transactions where the investment capital was procured by fraud in unregulated security offerings to “qualified” investors, based upon false assurance, false ratings, false insurance backing, and false appraisals of underlying property, income of borrowers and many other factors. The logistics of this scam were revealed in pieces and have threatened the very existence of many financial institutions and the financial markets themselves. Indexes, such as LIBOR, were indirectly manipulated by U.S. financial institutions to hide the true facts. Despite a brief period in which certain arcane “auction markets” froze up (in places and events unknown to the public, business has resumed as usual. The lack of regulation from a responsible, accountable agency or group of agencies has spawned hundreds of lawsuits and millions of foreclosures, many producing counterclaims for far more than the original mortgage and note. No immediate fundamental change is in process in the regulatory scheme, hence it may be expected that the mortgage meltdown will replay in one form or another shortly. NINJA LOAN NO INCOME, NO JOB, NO ASSETS: NO DOCUMENTS, NO VERIFICATION, NO REVIEW BY RISK ANALYSIS COMMITTEE.


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