For Schools & Adults

  • November 2019
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how do i get diagnosed correctly? laboratory testing is mandatory to accurately assess any symptom. would a responsible doctor tell you that you have cancer and prescribe treatment without actually doing a battery of tests? of course not, that would be tantamount to malpractice. then, what about the symptoms you or you child is experiencing? could they be from toxic metals; yeast, bacteria or parasite disturbance; hormone imbalances; delayed food allergies or nutrient deficiencies? laboratory tests of hair, blood, saliva and urine help to uncover the cause of your symptoms.

schools teachers tell us that they are now spending 50% of their time disciplining students; 90% of that time is only with 10% of the students. these are the kids who would most benefit from our 12week program. how to find out about the program for schools the results project coordinators will demonstrate techniques, to teachers in their classrooms, that will raise grades, lower violence and improve attendance. in addition, we will introduce our 12week program to the staff.

what do i need to get started? this 12-week study is available to people of all ages. to get started you need a lock of hair. you can participate in the study in several ways; you can get your information on line, by email, telephone or in person. your test results will be delivered to you with an explanation of abnormal values from the lab, so you can understand where the symptoms may be coming from.

coaching success traits, not disabilities. we also offer success coaching in our 12-week program. we do not believe you are broken or have a disability, but simply a different learning style. we need to truly understand each child's learning and processing style. this requires time, patience and training in developmental, educational and nutritional areas. the easy way out, is to label a child and just give them a pill. a child who is labeled add, for example, is said to have problems with attention. the area of the brain that controls this has three systems, called; mental energy, processing and production. internal and external variables can affect each of these systems and subsequently the way a child processes information. why not, after ruling out potential causes of add-like symptoms, focus on the child’s areas of strengths? one of our success coaches is robb garrett, m.a., mcc, act. he is available to do an assessment of your assets and will help you to focus on your success traits. references: program prices and options vary from state to state and from study to study. for information about our 12-week study in your city contact; the results project a 501 (c)(3) corporation at:

steven plog – founder 702-341-0614 [email protected] learning disabilities a patient funded study for children and adults do you have these behaviors? anger bi-polar depression hyperactivity short memory attention deficit disorder oppositional defiance disorder obsessive compulsive disorder

find out how to join our 12-week medical case study for children and adults that includes lab testing for physical causes of these symptoms. the results project no teacher left behind

501 (c)(3) corporation

what is a patient funded study? a patient funded study is one where the participants pay to participate in the study. this way there is no bias or hidden agenda. studies financed by large companies that have a vested interest in the results may be jaded. especially when the threat that major funding can be withdrawn if the outcome is not favorable. the researcher’s livelihood could be heavily influenced by the funding too.

did you know that…? metal toxicity, abnormal glucose levels, delayed food allergies, hormone imbalance, ph

imbalance, refined foods like flour & sugar, food dyes and nutrient deficiencies may cause symptoms of adhd, ocd, odd, depression and bi-polar. dr. alexander schauss, author of diet, crime and delinquency. published a study with 20,000 kids from 800 juvenile detention facilities proving this.

were you ever tested? you were evaluated by a visual or written examination, right? did you even have a lab test?

do these so called tests sound familiar? impact of event scale clinician-administered ptsd scale global assessment of function scale positive and negative syndrome scale the hamilton depression rating scale assessed by clinician-administered scale daily record of severity of problems scale clinical global impression severity of illness scale family adaptability and cohesion evaluation scale

none of these are scientifically validated lab tests. they are all very unscientific evaluations. so why have years of counseling, coaching, tutors, drugs and therapy not worked? did you know that there are valid scientific tests available from doctors that can evaluate causes of the above symptoms? the national institute of health states that blood, hair, saliva, stool and urine tests will better predict symptoms if performed by a qualified laboratory.

do you even have a disease? you may not have a mental or learning disability but a real physical ailment. if you eliminate the cause of the illness, the symptoms may go away. dr. william walsh at the pfeiffer treatment center has 15,000 published studies on this.

if you could have optimal health, wouldn’t you want it? we are not talking about a cure or treating a disease, because you may not actually have any based on these symptoms. most of you were told that ad/hd, ocd, odd and bi-polar disease are caused by imbalanced neurotransmitters, dopamine or serotonin, right? have you had lab test to measure this? how about one after you started drug treatment to see if it’s working? no? so you’re taking medication in the dark? could the drugs be making your symptoms worse?








mental disease or illness: psychiatrists claim that mental diseases or illness are caused by a chemical imbalance of the brain. yet, the president of the american psychiatric association admits, “we do not have a clear cut lab test for diagnosing mental illness or chemical imbalance of the brain. steven










psychiatrists admit, “chemical imbalance” is nothing more than




“chemical imbalance, it’s a shorthand term really, it’s probably drug industry derived. we don’t have tests because to do it, you’d probably have to take a chunk of brain out of someone – not a good idea.” dr. mark graff, chair of the american psychiatric association committee of public affairs.

“patients have been diagnosed with ‘chemical imbalances’ despite the fact that no test exists to support such a claim, and there is no real conception of what a correct chemical balance would look like.” david












“for a variety of reasons, the hopes and claims for brain imaging in psychiatry have far outpaced the science, experts say. after almost 30 years, researchers have not developed any standardized tool for diagnosing or treating psychiatric disorders based on imaging studies. new york times article, “can brain scan see depression, add?” october 19, 2005.









a survey of recently trained psychiatrists found that 9 out of 10 of the children in their practice were put on drugs. stubbe de, thomas wj: a survey of early-career child and adolescent psychiatrists: professional activities perceptions. j am academy adolescent psychiatry 2002:41:123-130

according to the world health organization 2% of 2 year olds in north america are on psychotropic drugs. w.h.o. states between 1995 and 1999, the use of antidepressants in our children increased 151% for 7 to 12 year olds and up 580% for children under six. sales of psychotropic drugs to children reached 13 billion. ims health survey

in the last 10 years, pharmaceuticals have become the #1 business in the world, surpassing the oil industry. their influence is felt in schools everyday. do all those drug warnings on tv scare you? all drugs are toxic. if you need one take it, if not; find a healthier way to manage your symptoms. when your children are introduced to drugs, then drugs become very familiar and comfortable. street drugs aren’t as scary as they used to be. kids can now find out on the internet that cocaine and ritalin are both class 2 drugs. does that mean they’re both safe? drugs are drugs right? see the confusion?

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