Football Book

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,663
  • Pages: 9
The ******** Football Mission Statement The ****** football team supports our mission by providing student-athletes with educational and athletic opportunities. We are committed to leadership, excellence and the highest ethical standard within the state of Delaware. We will sustain a strong financial and community base of support by presenting outstanding football teams which provide quality entertainment and a positive identity for the school.

Values & Commitments 1. Education & Enrichment of Student Athletes- The football program values athletic and academic experiences that build self-esteem, a sense of responsibility, effective communication skills and an appreciation for life-long learning. 2. Integrity in All Aspects of Behavior- The highest sense of integrity shall encompass every aspect of our program. All participants within the ****** Football Program shall exemplify impeccable integrity- both student-athlete and coaches. 3. Excellence Through Organization- Seeking excellence is crucial to the development of our players. It is imperative that high expectations characterize our behavior on the field and in the classroom. 4. Respect for the Individual- At ******* we need to recognize the individual’s self-worth. Respect is a value of our program, and understanding diversity is crucial to our success. We will never discriminate or demean a player because of his diversity. 5. Tradition of Leadership- At ******* we want to foster the belief of leadership, pride, loyalty and commitment to the community. We want to enhance and build upon our rich tradition so that current ******* football players can continue our proud legacy. 6. Development of Spirit and Pride- The ******* football program is dedicated to developing pride, spirit, and work ethic in our student-athletes.

The ******** Football Coaching Philosophy As head coach at ******** High School, my objective will be to develop responsible, respectful, and successful young men. The student-athletes will develop: 1. Academically 2. Socially 3. Physically I will try to make their high school experience as rewarding as possible. Through goal-setting and performance evaluations in the three above-mentioned areas, the studentathlete will be able to grow and mature. Below is an outline of how we will accomplish these goals: 1. Academics • Reinforce the requirements of graduation and being a productive member of our society. • Assist players in their academics whenever possible. 2. Social Life • Help players develop skills like cooperation that can be utilized on and off of the field. • Lead by example- Be a positive role model. 3. Physical Development • Utilize my knowledge and expertise in strength training and metabolic conditioning. • Teach athletes the essential sport skills associated with football. My coaching philosophy is very simple. The development of our football players into productive students and citizens is our number one priority. Winning records and playoff runs can only be made by programs that maintain this strong foundation. Without holding our standards high, we will open our program up to future ethical and behavioral problems. Any action I take while coaching at ******* High School will always be in the best interest of our student-athletes. I believe that success on the playing fields cannot be achieved without positive progress in the classroom. It is my responsibility to be a positive role model for the players. I will help reinforce basic principles like honesty, hard work, courage, and perseverance. These are basic beliefs that are essential to the student’s development.

The ******** Football Head Coach’s Philosophy Ideology-

Our team’s needs always come before those of the individual. Our goal is to help the students who choose to receive our help. Our success is not only measured on the football field but also with our students’ academic and social development. Our ultimate goal is to help our players have a positive high school experience, go onto college and other endeavors, and eventually become a positive, productive member of society. Through the development of these characteristics, winning will take care of itself.


What do people see when they think of ******* Football? 1. Treat people with honesty and fairness. 2. Our program has direction and leadership. 3. Players, coaches, and fans demonstrate the highest level of sportsmanship.


Every aspect of our program must be beyond reproach!


We must be loyal to each other and our program. 1. We must always be together once a plan of action or policy is decided. 2. All problems and conflicts must be aired. 3. Locker room gossip cannot and will not be tolerated. 4. Never second-guess a coach’s decision on or off of the field. 5. Commitment to all that you do.


Changes must be made to improve the program. Expressing your thoughts and ideas through the proper channels.


Sportsmanship and class must be reflected in all areas of ****** by coaches and players (in town, travel to and from games, on the field, etc…)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Establish high standards and expectations. Develop positive work habits. Remember the little things. Emphasize organization and preparation. Consistency is vital The Head Coach’s word is ALWAYS final.

The ******** Football Five Essential Qualities for Successful Coaching 1.

Strong Ethical Beliefs a. Foundation of the program b. Do not cut corners to achieve c. Consistency d. Fairness


Leadership a. Have a vision b. Lead by example c. Be mature d. Outline acceptable behavior and reinforce principles


Communication a. Motivation b. “Good Listener” c. Appreciate players’ individuality d. Relate to the players e. Convey knowledge of football to the players


Courage a. Cannot be afraid of challenges b. Stand up for beliefs even in adverse situations c. Players feed off of the courage and perseverance of a coach


Knowledge of Sport a. Strong understanding of rules b. Strong understanding of skills

The ******** Football Views on Coaching To succeed in any profession one must work at it; you must devote a lot of time! Coaching is teaching and you must carefully prepare for practice as you would in preparing a lesson plan for the classroom. Coaching is not just a 4-month season; you must work hard at it during the offseason to be effective. The day that you know everything about the game of football is the day that you should retire! Learn everyday. Enhance your coaching by: - Attending Professional Clinics - Read Books - Utilizing Technology Watch and tape football on TV. This is a great way to learn about the nuances of the game. Work Summer Camps. They are great opportunities to learn from others and exchange ideas. Review game tapes thoroughly. Go to games. See first-hand what others are doing. Contact college coaches- you will be surprised at how cooperative they can be. Ask for drills, tapes, cut-ups, workouts, practice plans, or just ask questions. In dealing with the media, always be positive and humble, win or lose. Always display good sportsmanship; never use profanity! Don’t get complacent by running practices short, being inflexible, using the same old drills all of the time, giving extra days off, or not working at improving your game. It is your job to make it happen!

The ******** Football Coaching Priorities Attitude- Develop a Championship Attitude • Desire to win • Willingness to work and be dedicated • Maximum effort, hustle, 110% • High standard of character, team first Develop and maintain discipline • Squelch problems before they spread • Hold players to high standards Build confidence and a winning attitude • Provide opportunities for all to be successful • Reward achievement • Never rationalize losing • Officials are never scapegoats Develop relationships with players • Rapport and mutual respect is crucial Appearance

Dress, appearance, and actions should reflect the ideals of the program

Professional relationships • Support and take interest in other programs • Do not criticize other coaches • Maintain athletic standards established by school • Don’t place yourself above other faculty members • Have a cooperative spirit with administration and staff • Be responsible with keys and equipment • Always put athletes’ safety first Develop and maintain community relations • Get to know the parents but maintain a professional relationship • Maintain proper sideline decorum during games • Be a consistent supporter of the booster club and its efforts

The ******** Football Captain’s Code You are a leader. Your teammates have selected you as such. There are different degrees of leadership: excellent, good, average, or poor. What kind of leader are you? The ability to lead is a wonderful gift, and is not something to be taken lightly. It is not turned on and off like a water faucet. It is there all of the time. It is in every move that you make, every word that you say. Leadership is not something you take out for special occasions like during a game. Your leadership ability has a telling affect, not only during competition, but during practice, in the locker room, in classes, and when you are among the people of the community. You represent the team, the school, the coach, your family and yourself. Conduct yourself in a manner befitting a leader of men. Have kind words for your teammates. Relax with them but do not horseplay in a way that will affect your game or practice. Don’t discuss team affairs with outsiders. If a player is violating a team rule or loafing, talk to that player in private. Do not scold your teammates; this will only cause problems among your men. If a player is not responding to you, advise the coaches and we will take care of it. A captain should be proud and confident. He should not be cocky and boastful. He should be loyal to the team, school, and himself. Live by the standards that your team has adopted. Believe in them and your teammates will believe as well. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead; you are a distinctive part of this program’s history and will be mentioned among the great names of captains past.

The ******** Football

Offensive Playbook Mike Judy ******* High School Address 1 Address 2 Phone #

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