Food Technology

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,880
  • Pages: 14
Food technology:Stage 4 Technology Mandatory Unit title:Food in Australian Culture Unit Description:

Unit of work: Food in Australian Culture Outcomes: A student:

Food is an important part of any culture; it has shaped the multiculturalism in Australia today. In the unit students will examine the traditional foods of Indigenous people in Australia and how they were resourceful with what they had around them. Then students will examine the multiculturalism of the foods on offer in Australia at the present time. Students will investigate bush foods of the Aboriginal peoples, and also the influence of European food influences in Australian cuisine. Students will then submit and proposal for a recipe that shows the influences of either Aboriginal people or European food influences, that then will be made in the practical class. Students will submit from their research into the recipe selected, a report on the country/countries that influenced their choice.

4.1.1 applies design processes that respond to needs and opportunities in each design project 4.1.3 identifies the roles of designers and their contribution to the improvement of the quality of life 4.2.1 generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutions 4.2.2 selects, analyses, presents and applies research and experimentation from a variety of sources 4.3.1 applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects 4.3.2 demonstrates responsible and safe use of range of tools, materials and techniques in each design project 4.5.1 applies management processes to successfully complete design projects 4.5.2 produces quality solutions that respond to identified needs and opportunities in each design project 4.6.1 applies appropriate evaluation techniques throughout each design project

Jacqueline McAlister


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Focus Area: Length of unit: 10 weeks/ 3 hours per week/ 1 hour per class/ 2 hours of practical/ 1 hour theory in computer labs Resources: Useful Websites: Blake, G. (2004). Food technology First. Pearson Education Australia. Dengate, B. (1995). Focus on Junior Food Technology. Jacaranda.

Recipes from Food technology First.

Worksheets On Guard Safety Tests Video:

From Bush Tucker to Bruschetta The bush tucker Man Multicultural Food Jacqueline McAlister


pg. 2


Students Learn about:

Students learn to:


-risk management strategies

-manage risk when developing design projects

-responsible behaviour in working environment

Integrated learning experiences, instruction and assessment: Teacher:

Evidence of learning:


-Discusses with students safety rules for the kitchen

-Participating in safe practises in the classroom

-Oral Feedback given to students in class on safety issues

-Gets students to complete On guard safety testing

-Occupational Health and Safety practices

Student: -Complete On guard safety tests

-the safe and responsible use of materials, tools and techniques in each design project

-maintenance of tools and equipment Jacqueline McAlister

-use tools, materials and techniques in a responsible and safe manner in each design project

-Students remember safety rules in practicals and in theory classes

-Print of the -Complete worksheets on safety test identifying equipment and how to certificate of handle it safely passing (On guard)

-Oral feedback given also once all safety tests are complete

-Written feedback on worksheets

-maintain tools and S00069055

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equipment including computer equipment 4.3.1

-specific tools related to food technology

-the functions and correct and safe use of a variety of contemporary food utensils and appliances used for - cutting - measuring -preparation, processing and cooking

-recipes including the format and abbreviations commonly used

-presenting food for visual appeal Jacqueline McAlister

-select and correctly use appropriate utensils and appliances to prepare quality food items for a design project

-select interpret and/or modify/develop recipes for a design project

Teacher: -Discusses with students the correct usage of food utensils and appliances

-Teacher demonstrates how to accurately measure ingredients

-Discusses worksheet on kitchen hygiene and safety hazards and kitchen equipment

-Completed sheets are correct and in practicals students know what utensils are to be used etc

-Hygiene and safe food handling is always used

-Written feedback on worksheets is given

-Oral feedback at the end of practicals is given on how everyone went and issue to raise

-Discussion on kitchen terms

Students: -Complete worksheets on safety in the kitchen and hygiene

-Discuss the correct usage of kitchen appliances S00069055

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-Worksheet on kitchen equipment

-Complete worksheet on kitchen terms 4.1.1

-design processes including; analysing needs, problems and opportunities

-establish a design process that responds to an identified need and opportunity

Teacher: -Discussion on design cycle: -Investigate -Plan

-communicating ideas -apply a design process when developing quality solutions for each -risk assessment design project

-record design processes and decision making

Jacqueline McAlister

-Recipe sheet evaluation and questions at the end of each practical

-Teacher Provides written feedback on the question sheets

-Create -Evaluate

-Demonstrates recipes

-Discusses student assessment task- researching a particular culture that has had an influence on Australian cuisine. Finding a recipe for the chosen culture and preparing recipe S00069055

-Students can automatically think about the design cycle and for it to be evident in work they hand in

-Assessment tasks recipe and research

-Teacher will provide written feedback on an assessment marking criteria sheet

-Oral feedback on pg. 5

-Discussion on culture. What is culture?

Students: -Take notes on the design circle

-Prepare and present recipes

-Students- oral feedback on what they learnt in the theory lesson about different countries influences on Australian Cuisine

food presentation

-Research assessment: research a chosen culture and prepare a meal for that culture

-Create a collage on foods they enjoy that come from a different culture

Practical Activities: -Damper -Scones -Spaghetti Bolognaise Jacqueline McAlister


pg. 6

-German chocolate Cake -Greek salad with fried battered squid rings -Tortilla’s -Recipe assessment/ presentation of foods


-Different design specialisation

-The nature of the work of designers as individuals and as collaboration

Jacqueline McAlister

-identify a range of design specialisations relevant to each area of study

-apply group work and collaborative strategies to project development

Teacher: -Leads brainstorming activity on different chef’s

-Divides students into groups of 2-3 students and gets them to research a chef

Students: -Brainstorm chefs


-Students are thinking and contributing to the discussion and brainstorming

-Oral feedback for the brainstorming activity will be given

-Students report back to the class task shows how much they have learnt from researching

-Oral feedback on the presentation will also be given pg. 7

-create a mind map of career opportunities using or Microsoft word

-In groups of 2-3 students research on chef and look at: -Their influences on Australian food -Some of their favourite foods to cook -One recipe

-Work opportunities in the food industry

-students report their findings to the class


-methods used to generate creative design ideas including

Jacqueline McAlister

-use a variety of methods to generate creative design ideas for creating and

Teacher: -Discusses traditional bush foods -Brainstorming ideas shows a general idea of S00069055

-Oral feedback is given to pg. 8

-Mind mapping

presenting food

-Brain storming

-using ICTs to plan, develop and document design projects

-use word processing features including page numbering and page breaks, find and replace, word count, spell check and thesaurus, columns and sections, inserting text/objects/images

-Discusses multicultural influences on Australian cuisine

-shows video: “The bush tucker Man”

-Gives students computer application to do using http://indigenousaustralia.frogan



-Discussions, student participation

-Written feedback given on completed worksheets

-Completed worksheets on the website

-Brainstorm with students what life in the colony would have been like. Discussion on food eaten by early settlers

Students: -Note take and discuss what they know about traditional bush foods.

-Note take on multicultural influences Jacqueline McAlister


pg. 9

-Take notes on video

-Complete worksheet using website

-Discussion on what was learnt from the website

-Brainstorm ideas on what life would in the colony would have been like 4.2.2

-experimentation and testing of recipes

-research methods -needs analysis Jacqueline McAlister

-apply results of experimentation to designing and making when developing each recipe/design project

-use effective research methods to identify needs and opportunities and locate information

Teacher: -Demonstration of contemporary and traditional damper

-Teacher discusses computer applications with students

App1- Bush foods App2- Indian Cuisine S00069055

-Evaluation of the -Written damper feedback given on the evaluation -The creation of a recipe that reflects their -oral selected culture feedback given when students talk pg. 10

-surveys and interviews -searching techniques including the use of the internet

relevant to the development of each design project

-use the internet when researching

App3- Greek Cuisine

with teacher about their recipe suggestion, then written feedback is given on the completion of the recipe

App4- Moroccan Cuisine

Students: -Prepare and evaluate traditional and contemporary damper

-Complete computer applications

-Create and compare recipe for selected culture 4.5.1

-Resource availability including -time -money -materials, tools and techniques -human resources including skills and expertise

-identify resources availability and apply realistic limitations to each design project

Teacher: -Provides students with worksheets that go with the Multicultural Food video

-Oral feedback given on discussion

-Discussion on video content

-Discusses activities on multiculturalism

-other resources Jacqueline McAlister

-Discussion from the video will show whether students paid attention or not


-Group exerciselets each student individually gain knowledge but

-Oral feedback given to each pg. 11

-Discussion on social factors affecting food selection

-Discussion on religious influences on food selection


reporting back to the group lets all members gain the knowledge also. This method works so that all members contribute and learn something new

group and its members on how they worked together and the content they found through research

-Watch Multiculturalism Food video and answer questions

-Discussion on what was learnt from the video -Complete activity on how multiculturalism has changed Australian Cuisine

-Complete activity on social factors affecting food selection and discuss these factors

-Students are placed in groups Jacqueline McAlister


pg. 12

of 4 each student is allocated one religion -Judaism -Islam -Buddhism -Hinduism

-Individually research the religious beliefs that affect food selection and report back to their group 4.5.2

-suitable materials tools and techniques for design project

-skill development refinement

-identify suitable materials, tools and techniques for each design project

-practice and refine skills needed for design projects

-produce solutions -relationship of quality reflecting quality Jacqueline McAlister

Teacher: -Discusses with students the appropriate use of appliances, materials and equipment

-Students can go on with practicals with minimal help

-Through demonstrations of practical activities discuss the equipment students will need to use

-Students can use an appliances, material or equipment without having to ask what they

Students: S00069055

-Oral feedback given in discussions

pg. 13


solutions to needs and opportunities and the criteria for success for each design project

standards appropriate to each design project

-ongoing evaluation of design ideas and decisions

- apply criteria for success in decision making during the development of each design project

-Select appropriate equipment to use during practical activities

-Select appropriate recipe to create for their chosen culture Teacher: -Provides students with selfevaluation sheets

Students: -final evaluation considering -design process used -design solutions -reflection on learning

Jacqueline McAlister

should be using for particular steps.

-self-assess and peerassess design solutions

-Self-evaluate their practical work

-How they selfassessed themselves in relation to how you as a teacher thought they went.

No feedback given

-evaluate prior to, during and at completion of each design solution


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