Food Plants Weeds And Other Management Aspects Of Protected Wetlands In Uttar Pradesh Northern India

  • November 2019
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FOOD PLANTS, WEEDS AND OTHER MANAGEMENT ASPECTS OF PROTECTED WETLANDS IN UTTAR PRADESH, NORTHERN INDIA Kaushalendra Kumar Jha 1 Chief Conservator of Forests UP Forest Department, Lucknow, India [email protected], [email protected]


One of the northern states of India, Uttar Pradesh, is situated in the south of Himalaya along the Indo-Nepal Border. This state is divided into three zones, landscape wise. Tarai-landscape and Vindhyan-bundelkhand landscape primarily possess the moist deciduous forests and dry deciduous forests, respectively. Gangetic plain forms the agriculture dominant landscape and is situated between these two forested landscapes. There are plenty of wetlands scattered through out this plain. Out of several recorded wetlands 12 are declared as Protected Areas. Under the provisions of Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, these protected wetlands are declared Wildlife (Bird) Sanctuaries for the sole purpose of conservation of wildlife. These Wetlands (Wildlife Sanctuaries) were surveyed for the presence of food plants and weed species. The local experts were consulted for collection of relevant information on plants and animals. Direct observation was made on phenology of plants. Presence of birds in the sanctuary was also recorded. Different categories of birds, local as well as migratory, residing in these sanctuaries are Storks, Ibis, Egrets, Herons (wading), Pintail, Wigeon, Gadwall, Shoveller, Common teal, Brahmny duck, Coot, Pochard, Comb duck (dabbling) and Darter, King fisher, Tern (diving) etc. Some of the important fish species are Cirrhinus mrigla, Channa punctatus, C. marulius, Clarias batracus, Heteropneustes fossilis, Mystas cavaceus, Wallago attu etc. Red Data Book species of the Bird sanctuaries are greater spotted eagle, swamp francolin, Bengal florican, sarus crane, Dalmatian pelican, Indian skimmer, bristled grass warbler, yellow weaver, Palla’s sea eagle etc. These birds mainly survive on the plant species which form the part of wetland.


Correspondence: Regional Manager, UP Forest Corporation, 21/475, Indira Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India 226016


Major food plant species are Azolla pinnata, Spirodela polyrhiza, Wolffia globosa, Jussiaea






indica,Solanum nigrum, Trapa natans bispinosa, Najas major, Potamogeton amplifolius, Potamogeton nodosus, Ceratophyllum demersum, Hydrilla verticillata, Polygonum limbatum, Ipomea aquatica, Eliocharis dulcis, Cyperus alocuroides, Neptunic oleracea, Oryza rufipogon, Evolvulus alsinoides. However, the useful plants in these wetlands are facing threat of being replaced by certain weeds (Calotropis procera, Ipomea carnea, Eicchornia crassipes, Oryza rufipogon, Cyperus alulatus, Limnophyton obtusifolium, Pistia stratiotes). Both the types of plants fall in the category of marginal, emergent, submerged and floating hydrophytes. Some of the important terrestrial weeds found in the close vicinity of the wetlands are Argemone mexicana.Parthenium hysterophorus, Ageratum conyzoides, Cannabis sativa and Cassia tora.

The objectives in these Wetlnads are to protect and preserve the habitat, plants and animals (predominantly birds). Therefore, the management emphasis is on the issues related to maintenance of habitat; ensure availability of food plants and, of course, eradication of weeds if any. Among other management activities are promotion of ecodevelopment and ecotourism, control on illegal killing and trapping of birds and fishes. As the part of habitat improvement, landscape of the wetland is managed in such a way that heronries are increased by tree planting. Tree planting is also done at the shore to contain the population of otherwise harmful hydrophytes. Restricted walking trails are provided to the human visitors to reduce the disturbance to the birds. Ecodevelopment works in the vicinity are effective in reducing the pressure on wetland resources. As weed eradication strategy, manual cleaning of the water body was done. Silt removal indirectly helped in eradication of the propagules of harmful species. These management efforts showed positive impacts on the conservation.

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Correspondence: Regional Manager, UP Forest Corporation, 21/475, Indira Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India 226016

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