Folly Current - August 7, 2009

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Vol. 1 Issue 21

Folly Beach’s Newspaper

August 7, 2009 w FREE

Traffic cones


Staff Report

efore there was trash, there was traffic. Although, to make that statement true, one has to consider what constitutes trash, and of course there is the concept of traffic as well. Does a group of Neanderthals tromping through a prehistoric, Canadian rainforest constitute traffic? I guess that depends on whether they were following ice age interstates, or, at least, if they walked in single file. In either case, in early 2009, Folly Beach was talking about traffic problems before they were talking about trash. The City hired Wilbur Smith & Associates to consult on the matter and they provided long-term solutions at a public meeting, while simultaneously taking suggestions. However, they also promised short-term solutions that could provide immediate relief. The traffic issue may have been put on the back burner of the public’s consciousness between July 4 and Labor Day, as the trash issue cast a shadow on every other issue of concern for Folly. However, Labor Day will roll around and both residents and the City Council will be reminded that Folly Beach needs to do something about traffic. Some may wonder what happened to the short-term solutions. For those who attended the consultant’s public hearing, most came away with a sense that the City would receive some strategies that could be implemented immediately and would provide some relief. The City received those strategies, but residents may not see any relief during this year’s tourist season. Mayor Carl Beckmann stated that he expected the Council to discuss the short-term solutions at the August work session, which is scheduled for August 11. It is unsure whether or not the City plans to implement any of the suggested short-term solutions before Labor Day, which falls on September 7. The Folly Beach Traffic Study Committee met on July 23 to discuss the “draft” options presented by Wilbur Smith & Associates. The Committee evaluated the options and should be presenting their conclusion to the Council in the near future as another Traffic Study meeting has not yet been scheduled.

Traffic relief on the horizon...

photo by Allisyn Miller:


Economy series part II on page 3

No more sandbags on page 7

Can you hear the music on page 10


August 7, 2009

Folly Beach City Council Staff Report No dogs allowed Melissa Bimbi of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service appeared before the City Council and conducted a presentation that explained how keeping dogs from Lighthouse Inlet beach in the area of the old Coast Guard Base would protect some shorebird populations that need our help. In particular, she discussed the American Oystercatcher, Willet, and Wilson’s Plover. “Keep in mind that we share the beach with these birds,” she said. As their habitats continue to decrease because of human influence on the shoreline, the areas of Folly Beach that are used become increasingly important. According to Bimbi, many shorebirds use Folly Beach as a resting and/or nesting spot. Some travel upwards of 20,000 miles during their migration which makes those moments of rest especially important. These birds do not generally consider human beings a threat and can relatively co-exist. However, they are threatened by dogs regardless of whether they are on a leash or not. They will take flight in order to avoid being in the same area as a dog. Birds that have to constantly fly

away from dogs can have a very difficult time gathering enough energy for their migration. Furthermore, some of these birds nest in the sand of the dune areas. The eggs and chicks are both susceptible to curious or aggressive dogs putting future populations at risk. As a result, Mayor Carl Beckmann announced that dogs would no longer be allowed in the old Coast Guard Base area in order to protect the birds. “Folly Beach is a bird sanctuary. We have to do our part,” he said. Board and Committee appointments Members of City Council voted on the various candidates that had applied for the seats that had come up for appointment. While some had just enough candidates for the vacancies, others had plenty to choose from. For example, there were only two vacancies on the Planning Commission but six candidates. The Parks and Recreation Board had one vacancy and only one candidate. However, Council members Eddie Ellis and Laura Beck acknowledged that there were a couple of residents of whom they were aware that wanted to serve but did not

know the application process. As a result, the City Council agreed to postpone the vote for the Board of Zoning Appeals as it was the only one that did not have specific membership requirements and could use more candidates. The remaining Boards and Commissions were appointed as follows:  Accommodations Tax Advisory Board: Paul Chrysostum, D.J. Rich, Cliff Harvey, John Davis.  Parks and Recreation Board: Mary Ohl.  Design Review Board: Gary Brown, David Bishop.  Tourism and Visitors Promotion Board: Adam Killerman, Ron Hill, Danielle Hartley.  Board of Zoning Appeals: Postponed.  Planning Commission: LaJuan Kennedy, Millard Smith. Karen McNamara as Mayor’s appointee. The City’s Boards and Committees address relative issues and make decisions in those fields. They may also make suggestions to Council on other actions. Falling on deaf boots Recently, Folly Beach has taken on what some could describe as an overzealous tow/boot company. As a result, the City has crafted a couple of ordinances to protect people in the public domain as well as provide guidelines for the tow/ boot companies. Towing and booting became an issue when a private company was given permission to use some public property for parking during business hours. The company contracted a towing service to patrol the lot. However, the towing service began booting vehicles after business hours. Richard of R&B Towing was reluctantly allowed to speak to Council and attempted to explain that by booting and towing vehicles, he is actually protecting residents by educating lawbreakers through negative reinforcement. “Tourists”, he said, need to

be directed on appropriate parking habits. Booting apparently teaches people when they do something wrong. Mayor Beckmann was obviously uninterested in his discussion and quickly waved him off without much consideration. The City unanimously passed reading of a couple of ordinances which outline proper booting and towing practices. The tow ordinance prevents the towing of any vehicle on public property without permission from the Public Safety department. It also requires all tow truck operators to have a permit in order to conduct any business in Folly Beach. Keep it coming CARTA The College of Charleston student government was able to get CARTA to run a bus (Route 31) to Folly Beach during the spring on a temporary basis. They felt the test was successful and would like CARTA to consider a permanent Folly Beach route that would run five times a day on the weekends from March-May and August-October. The Council passed a resolution supporting the permanent Folly Beach route. The student government was expected to present the resolution during a meeting with CARTA on July 29. Who’s transient The City Council unanimously passed a reading of Ordinance 11-09 which is intended to “limit commercialism” on Folly Beach. The ordinance is designed to restrict transient vendors without catching the “brick and mortar” businesses in the net. The transient vendors are those that operate with temporary or mobile bases such as the Italian Ice carts and the new Tokyo Crepe business on East Ashley. They also tend to operate during tourist months only. “Brick and mortar” refers to businesses that tend to operate for the majority of the year, if not year round, and are stationed in actual buildings with a foundation.


August 7, 2009 FOLLY ECONOMY SERIES: The rental industry

In a land far, far away By Lindsey Conklin


n most fairytales, the beautiful princess and the handsome prince ride off into the sunset, destined to travel to faraway lands. In our fairytale, Folly has become that dream destination, but an evil shadow has been cast over the royal couple’s sunset dream. The economy has been cast as the villain, but is it a powerful enough foe to threaten and destroy the magical Folly Beach? Our ne’er-do-well is desperately working to limit a favorite American pastime: summer vacations. Outsmarting the evil forces, however, people have discovered that Folly Beach is a great place to seek a summer sunshine getaway. Folly has not seen the dramatic decline that similar local areas have witnessed in terms of summer rentals. This could be due to the fact that people accustomed to visiting Kiawah and Isle of Palms are finding a refreshing retreat in Folly Beach as you not only have a place to relax, but a way to do it at a more affordable price. Dawn Goldman, Manager of the Water’s Edge Inn, noted that they have experienced a positive increase in business this year. While occupancy seems to be maintaining a steady pace, the Realty companies (Avocet, Fred Holland, and Dunes Properties) have noticed changes in demand patterns. For instance, renters are now looking at vacation homes two or three streets back from the once highly sought after ocean front to cut back on expenditures. People are finding smarter ways to travel and are making efforts to

decrease expenses by restraining their luxury purchases instead of eliminating them. Another trend, according to local realtors and hotel proprietors, is last minute shopping. Instead of making reservations six months in advance, travelers are waiting to book their trips to ensure that the vacation can fit in their budget, and with the hopes of snagging a last minute deal. Matt Barba of Avocet noted that, rather than booking in January or February, “People are waiting until March or April, or even May” to inquire about a summer holiday escape. Online travel sites, TV talk shows, news networks and magazine tips all play a role in the way people are travelling today, transforming vacationers into quintessential bargain hunters. Headlines on internet websites and newspaper columns which read “Ten Ways to Recession Proof your Vacation” and “Recession Friendly Vacation Rentals” tempt us to indulge in a much needed vacation at a better price, with tips on how best to accomplish it. Obviously, these tips have had an influence on vacationers.

 PetsPetofHelpers the Week Wentworth I am yet another black cat passed over for years simply because of the color of my fur….and an ugly wart on my head. I am a 4 ½ year old male who loves kitty treats. I may seem shy at first but after first contact with me I will be your instant buddy. I know I am not the prettiest cat but don’t judge a book by its cover, I have a lot to offer. Come and see what I can offer you. 

According to LaJuan Kennedy of Fred Holland Realty, “People are looking for more discounts and deals” in their rentals. Incidentally, prices have dropped a little this summer as rental prices are being negotiated, but not by much. On the other hand, some hotels on the island have not noticed a difference at all in their average daily rate. Folly Beach’s Holiday Inn is experiencing consistent business while rates have remained steady when compared to previous years. However, there have been more last minute bookings and walk-in traffic. Sarah Irving, Director of Guest Services, has noticed the fairytale anomaly working in the hotel. “The industry itself is down, but we’re doing better and we’re staying on par,” she says. Ken Merkel, General Manager, adds, “I think Folly Beach, based on location and the connotation of it being lower priced, has benefited. A lot of resorts are down 40-50 percent. We are a predominately social and transient hotel and have been able to experience a growth partially due to the renovation, the ‘stay-cation’ theory, and also the added four to five restaurants on Folly to keep it interesting.” So is this economic villain truly a foe revealing our best kept secret: the fabulous Folly Beach? Obviously, Folly is not completely recession proof as rental rates have dropped in some instances. However, occupancy is strong. This recession has produced an abundance of summer travelers searching to get the best bargain for their buck and Folly Beach has been a financial beneficiary. While much of the country seems to be suffering, Folly Beach, which is financially dependent on tourism dollars, is that fantasy land which seems to remain just out of the reach of our economic antagonist. Perhaps our villain is actually a hero in disguise, saving a small town from the dangers of a bad economy and making our story a classic Folly-tale.

Johnny 5

I am quite the conversation piece with my groovy ears...and you’ll be the talk of the town at the dog park when you and I go for a stroll in the sunshine. Sometimes my ears choose to pop up - and then the next thing you know they are down and floppin’. I am a Terrier and less than a year old, so I’m yours for the training. Come take me home and let’s get the town talking about my cute self!!!

Pet Helpers is located at 1447 Folly Road, James Island. Hours: Mon – Fri from 11am – 6pm and Sat from 11am - 5pm. Closed: Sundays and Holidays. Call Pet Helpers at 795-1110. Adoption fees: $125 cats & dogs (6 mo. or younger), $100 for 6 mo. or older. $55 for rabbits. Includes spaying/neutering, shots, heartworm check, leukemia check, deworming, microchip, collar and tag. Visit

Lynn Pierotti Publisher [email protected] Ali Akhyari Editor [email protected] Kristin Hackler Managing Editor [email protected] Swan Richards Graphic Designer [email protected] Brittany Urbach Reporter [email protected] Richard Brendel Advertising 843-478-0896 [email protected] Interns Chris Marchewka Dylan Sharek Micah Brown Ellien Smith • Contributors Megan Carroll Lindsey Conklin Joel Flores Vince Perna Smoky Weiner Lara Wittstadt Published by Lucky Dog Publishing of South Carolina, LLC P.O. Box 837 Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482 843-886-NEWS Future deadlines: August 12 for submissions. The Folly Current, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lucky Dog Publishing of South Carolina LLC, is a free, independent newspaper published every two weeks and is for and about Folly Beach. Copies are mailed free of charge to every active mailbox in our coverage area and are also available at area businesses and by subscription to non-islanders. Subscriptions are $30 per year for non-residents and are available by sending a check to Lucky Dog Publishing, LLC, P.O. Box 837, Sullivan’s Island, SC 29482. Contributions of information, pictures and articles are welcomed and are used according to space limitations and news value and cannot be returned except by special request. Our editorial content is primarily dedicated to the area of distribution; ad space is open to all businesses who want to reach the Folly Beach market. Complete ad creation is $50, however, changes of up to 30% of the original ad are included at no extra cost. All advertising rates are listed at www. under “advertising”.

Lucky Dog Publishing, LLC

Publishers of The Folly Current, The Island Eye News and the Island Connection.


August 7, 2009

Into the great unopened


By Smoky Weiner

More and more people are coming to the island and trying to stay. We are running out of room. Where can we put them? What can we do as a society or at least as a municipality? The answer: R-2 ½ , or two point five zoning. Call it what you like. As I lay deep under a house one day, I thought about how the place above me used to be a one story house, which eventually had a second floor added and was later knocked down and replaced with the present day thirty nine foot, eleven inch tall building with thirty five percent lot coverage. “What are they going to do next?” I thought. I was sprawled out on my work blanket, which was on top of a plastic vapor barrier laid on the ground. I had my radio nearby playing the news on NPR. I had a diet coke and plenty of lights and it was the only cool place to be on this really hot day. Where else can you get that outside of being in the water? Some folks are afraid of the creatures that might be under a house, but will just jump right into water teeming with sharks and Portuguese Man of War. I don’t

Letters to the Editor

generally easier to convince or coax good behavior by asking nicely than threatening. We propose to hire a couple of young girls to travel the beach on a golf cart on weekends in the season. We want them to stop by each and every person they see and offer garbage bags for their trash. They would also inform people of the cup laws and implore people to not only pick up their trash, but to pick up a little extra. They should warn of the crack down on underage drinking, as well as call the police when appropriate. These people are there to be friendly ambassadors for our City and our cause. 4. Two or three UNDERCOVER officers should be dispatched on and around the beach. These officers are there to enforce the law, write tickets, and provide a heads up to other officers of problems in the making. 5. The Mayor should go to all media outlets and make it known that the Folly Beach that didn’t enforce much is now the Folly Beach that is planning to derive as much of our public safety revenue as possible from the fines and enforcement assessed to the “day trippers”. In addition, the Mayor should follow up weekly with gleeful reports on how many dollars in fines were written that previous week. 6. We are actively looking into putting together a volunteer group to help facilitate these ideas, as well as fill in where public safety can not, including possibly managing the beach sweeps manned by our newly found community service volunteers. (See #1)

Island Editorials

here’s an area of Folly that only I and a few select others know. I don’t mean to sound like a know-it-all or anything, but it’s true! The size of this area is probably about twenty five percent of the entire Folly Beach area and yet not one of us has ever seen all of it. It is an amazing wonderland of wildlife and nature, and yet also one of human technology, engineering and creativity; sometimes quite a bit of creativity. Yes, I’m talking about the deep unseen catacombs of Folly, where the air is cool and dank, even in the heat of a summer’s day. “Caves?” you say, “But there are no caves on Folly!”. Yes, there are. Listen carefully on the right day, usually in the late afternoon, and you can hear a tapping sound followed by a soft whirring, and every once in a while a little “barking” sound, like steam escaping with a sudden halt on the final “sst”. Yes, it’s me or one of my brothers. We are under your house. I mention this large and largely undiscovered area because of our pressing demographic problems.

Send your letters to the editor to: [email protected]

Note: Be sure to sign your letters. Anonymous letters will not be printed.

Dear Folly Beach, I am writing this letter on behalf of a selfappointed committee determined to RESOLVE the garbage/litter issue and underage drinking problems on the beach, as well as the island in general. We want the world to know that we will no longer put up with people’s trash and illegal behavior on Folly Beach. We believe that any workable solution will require both the will and ability of our City and its citizens to enforce the laws and abide by them. Additionally, in order to be permanently workable, it must be cost effective. We believe the following should be implemented ASAP: 1. The city should immediately adopt the State litter law. This law not only charges a fine of $1000 for littering, but also mandates MANDATORY community service, cleaning up litter (We do not need to adopt it in order to enforce it as it stands). 2. The judges on Folly Beach work for and are answerable to the City. The practice of dropping all or most fines to the smallest level must stop immediately. If the judges can not see their way to enforcing the fines that are meant to dissuade poor behavior, then they need to be replaced. 3. The Folly Dolly program: Simply stated, it is

mind the sub-domicilian creatures. They are not harmful, but are rather hiding from those who would do them harm. I feel exactly the same way about the underneath of a house. When I’m under there, I feel safe. Capital One may call, but they are damn sure not coming down there. Even big bad burly cops with divorce papers won’t come after you down there. In this world of nagging wives, fighting kids, unpleasant bosses, deceitful co-workers and unrelenting telemarketers and collection agencies, it is actually pure bliss under a house and the nastier it looks to the untrained eye, the safer I feel. The spiders will not bother you, they enjoy the occasional lighting. I hardly ever see live animals down there, either. I guess when they see me, they figure I’m there to eat them so they leave. Some day, the real estate people will discover this new area and convert it into naturally cool, energy efficient living areas (and then it will be taxed). Just remember where you heard it first.

Respectfully submitted by Paul Hume on behalf of SMACC +P (SamMikeAnnaCarolChris+Paul)

Dear Editor, There is an answer to the trash problem on our beaches and it is not limiting alcohol. When I was a kid, we use to go out to the construction sites at the end of the day and collect all the coke bottles and take them to a local store, turning them in for two cents a piece. This old policy could be brought back, only with five cents on all canned drinks in SC, and allow aluminum cans only on the beach. Why add cups to the formula, when everyone has to pour their drinks from a can or bottle into a cup, increasing the amount of trash? If the purchaser didn’t return his 18 pack back in for the 90 cents, some energetic kid looking for money in his pocket would. Any money left over from the additional five cents per can could be used to fund beach cleanup. This is not a new idea. I think this is still done by some states in the Northeast. This would also set up a good way to recycle most of our aluminum cans in SC at a time when our landfills are overfilled with recyclables. It might also help kids understand that by collecting cans for money, they are doing something good for the planet and their future. Neal McCann Folly Beach


August 7, 2009

not necessarily the opinion of the Folly Current


The anti-youth movement By Joel Flores


f you are a member of the 18-25 age group, your days of “getting folly” on Folly are numbered. Let’s face it. There’s more white hair on the combined heads of the Folly Beach City Council than there are on a herd of aging polar bears. So it came as no surprise when an exchange was overheard between three of the Council members at their recent July 15 meeting, suggesting police officers walk the beach checking for various sorts of violations with a focus on the 18-25 crowd, seeing as how they were responsible for most of the problems on the beach. “10th block is one beer away from Girls Gone Wild,” one of the Council members reiterated. Apparently this Council member has never witnessed one of the countless bachelorette parties that frequent our Town. Another recommendation that got some attention from the Council members was the possible creation of a Citizens Patrol. Rumor has it that the Mayor and his band of kill-joy Council-folk were turning to areas like Isle of Palms, Sullivan’s Island and Utah for inspiration and examples on how to resolve some of the issues involving our beach, but now it seems we are such a crime ridden community that we are tearing a page from the City of DelRay, Florida’s crime prevention manual.

DelRay, a town with a population of over 60,000 (compared to our 2,200 or so), appears to have a good thing going with their Citizens on Patrol (COP) program. Good for them, I say. But is it something a Town of approximately 2,200 really needs? And of the 2,200 here on Folly, who’s actually going to do the patrolling? I know who’s not going to do it; people in the age group of 18-25. Why? Because they are going to be doing what anybody in that age group would be doing when on the beach; enjoying it! While it was refreshing to hear that our City’s representatives would like to encourage more community involvement in curbing the rabble-rousers that do have a tendency to spoil it for the rest of us, couldn’t we just use our City resources of communication to encourage our citizens to utilize their cell phones to report suspicious happenings, as opposed to making our City by the sea look like it’s on the verge of a decaying 1920s Chicago? A few observations developed as the meeting ended. First, our City Council seems to strongly represent the agenda and holds an exclusive ear for those who share demographic similarities with most of those sitting on the Council; The 50 and over, white haired, male, “if-it’s-tooloud-I’m-too-old” genre. Perhaps that is

a reflection of the poor 49 year old and younger voter turnout when elections were held. Still, it’s their job to represent the entire City, regardless of voter turnout. Surfers, barflies, all age groups and yes, even members of political parties other than their own should all receive equal billing from our elected representatives. Our Council seems to fall short in meeting that particular requisite. The second observation was that it took a moderator to conduct the meeting. Really? Are our elected officials so incapable of holding a forum or meeting, regardless of the weight of the issue, with so little confidence of agreeing that a referee had to be brought in to assure effective communication? The moderator, by the way, successfully guided the Mayor and Council members to some excellent possible solutions concerning the issue of littering on and off the beach. Still, watching her work her magic, you had to wonder, “Where did the funds for this moderator come from exactly?” Another observation is how this Council seems to be under the impression that a great majority of this City’s litter problems and inappropriate behavior issues seem to stem from the conduct of anyone younger than the age of 30. It’s almost as if everything from the lack of parking to beach erosion to the ATM in City Hall running out of money is clearly the fault of anyone too young not to appreciate the comfort and fashion sense of plaid golf

pants. Here’s an idea for the Council: try hanging around the Front Beach Inn on Arctic sometime. I can almost guarantee a plethora of misconduct and drunken behavior by so many of those over the age of 30 that it’s bound to convince even the most narrow- minded of the Council members that perhaps the young adults who frequent our beach aren’t solely responsible for the majority of our beaches problems. Finally, it seems like the nightmare of a Folly Beach transformation from an original, hip, peaceful surfing village into a McMansion riddled, cookie-cutter, Bishop Gadsden retirement community is not too far from evolving into reality. With the present City Council paving the way, coming soon will be weekends filled with out of control Grandparents Gone Wild. Skateboards will no longer have a place on our island. However, mobile scooters presently used by lazy, heavyweight shoppers and the elderly will frequent our sidewalks. Live music and Thursday night trivia will be replaced with the return of shag music and silent bingo. Instead of a pizza at Woody’s with friends, a 3pm blue plate special will be the preferred meal on the island and everyone will be comfy in their beds as the City Council will enforce their latest City wide ordinance; a-lightsout-by- 8:30pm policy. And then of course, there’s still the whole “banning alcohol on the beach” issue that’s yet to come up. Oy vey.

August 7, 2009



August 7, 2009

Houses built on sand


ately, rescue personnel have related the stories associated with many victims who found themselves at the mercy of the sea while swimming out to exposed sandbars on Sullivan’s Island. Whatever their reasons for attempting such hazardous swims, those who know better can only shake their heads. But, to look at it from another perspective, what are our tiny barrier islands if not glorified sandbars? For that matter, are property owners any less foolhardy if they purchase island property, especially on the beach front, without being aware of the associated risks? Erosion is a common occurrence on barrier islands. After all, it is the ebb and flow of nature that amassed the sand and shaped it in the first place. It is only in recent history that nature’s course has been viewed as problematic on our Lowcountry beaches as the American right to property is argued in Neptune’s court. But nature does not care for our logic. In order to preserve their right, property owners have taken to using erosion control measures such as sandbags in order to fight nature’s will and preserve their ocean front views. However, the State is making it more difficult for property owners to put up that fight.

By Ali Akhyari

Photo by Barbara Bergwerf

Here, sandbags are being used to protect homes on the Isle of Palms from erosion. However, property owners in South Carolina may no longer be able to use this option to protect themselves.

Sullivan’s Island Mayor Carl Smith along with Council member Mike Perkis recently criticized the State’s Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) department after attending a related workshop where OCRM Project Manager Bill Eiser announced that sandbags would no longer be permitted for chronic erosion problems. Mayor Smith suggested that the State was taking a hardened stance on their “retreat policy”, which suggests people move farther away from the actual tide lines instead of trying to fight a force as persuasive as the Atlantic Ocean. Furthermore, he questioned a policy that

doesn’t allow residents to protect their property, but simultaneously allows the State to protect their roads. He wondered how the Town could possibly explain this to an effected property owner. Bill Eiser says that the OCRM’s stance is not a new regulation, but a more literal interpretation of the term “emergency”. Sandbags will only be used to protect property in the event of an emergency as defined and interpreted by the State. According to State law: “Emergency” means any unusual incident resulting from natural or unnatural causes which endanger the

health, safety or resources of the residents of the State, including damages or erosion to any beach or shore resulting from a hurricane, storm or other such violent disturbance. “We do not consider a chronic erosion problem that has persisted for years, or decades, to be an emergency,” he says. Eiser also points out that not all State property is exempt from the hardened erosion policy; just State roads. The logic behind the exemption is that these threatened roads may provide access to properties that are not being subjected to erosion. The loss of such a road would create an erosion-induced hardship for property owners that would not otherwise have been effected by the erosion. Furthermore, Eiser says that any highway owned by the State, County or even a local government can be protected in the same way for the same reason. Property owners and local governments have been quick to ask for sandbag protection to provide fast, temporary relief from erosion in the past. Although OCRM has permitted the sandbags, they have sometimes been reluctant, often attaching a metaphorical wag-of-the-finger in the form of warnings, strict guidelines, see Sandbags on page 15


August 7, 2009

Folly Curren August 7 Friday, August 7

Tuesday, August 11

Folly Farmers Market At the Folly River Park every Thursday – Sunday from 10 am until … Only South Carolina produce will be sold at the market. For more info, call Christine Wilkerson at jcbdw@

Surfer’s Healing At the Folly Beach Pier. Surfer’s Healing seeks to enrich the lives of children with autism and the lives of the families by exposing them to the unique experience of surfing. The Folly Beach ESA will be volunteering at this event. For more information, please call Nancy Hussey at 843-343-4047 or email [email protected].

Rural Mission Sea Island Celebration and Blues From 6 to 9pm at the Freshfields Village Green with blues by Shrimp City Slim. Come and support the outreach ministry and volunteers of the Rural Mission.  Enjoy wonderful Sea Island cuisine, drink, an enjoyable evening out on the common with soulful blues by local favorite Shrimp City Slim and exciting auction and raffle items. Tickets: $25 adults - $5 under 12 ! For tickets, visit, go to Etix. com, drop by Freshfields Guest Services or call 768-1720.

Saturday, August 8 Folly Farmers Market At the Folly River Park every Thursday – Sunday from 10 am until … Only South Carolina produce will be sold at the market. For more info, call Christine Wilkerson at jcbdw@

Sunday, August 9 Folly Farmers Market At the Folly River Park every Thursday – Sunday from 10 am until… Only South Carolina produce will be sold at the market. For more info, call Christine Wilkerson at jcbdw@ Surfrider beach sweep Meet at the Folly Pier. Leader- Mike Arendt ([email protected]) Meet at the Washout. Leader- Carrie Manson ([email protected]

Folly Beach City Council The Folly Beach City Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm. Folly Beach City Hall, 21 Center St., (Folly Beach), (843) 588-2447.

Wednesday, August 12 Pour House Crafters Market Selling original handmade artwork by local starving artists with live music on the deck. Every Wednesday from 4 – 8pm at The Pour House, 1977 Maybank Hwy. 571-4343, www.

Thursday, August 13 Folly Farmers Market At the Folly River Park every Thursday – Sunday from 10 am until … Only South Carolina produce will be sold at the market. For more info, call Christine Wilkerson at jcbdw@

Friday, August 14 Folly Beach Moonlight Mixer Dance the night away under the stars at the Folly Beach Fishing Pier with the return of the popular Moonlight Mixers. From 7pm – 11pm, local DJ Rob Duren will spin the hottest oldies and beach music around.  Advance tickets are $10 and $8 for Charleston County residents.  If available, tickets purchased on-site are $10.  Only 600 tickets will be sold for this event.  Call 795-4FUN or visit

August 7, 2009


nt Calendar August 21 Folly Farmers Market At the Folly River Park every Thursday – Sunday from 10 am until … Only South Carolina produce will be sold at the market. For more info, call Christine Wilkerson at jcbdw@ Folly Beach County Park Bird Walk Birding experts from CCPRC and the South Carolina Audubon Society explore Folly Beach in this partnership program.  This walk focuses on the southern shoreline of Folly Beach.  We hope to see early migrants returning from northern breeding grounds and large flocks of terns and skimmers preparing to migrate south for winter! Pre-registration required. Ages 12 & up. Fee: pre-registration is required. 7:30am9:30am. For more info, call 795-4386.

Saturday, August 15 Folly Farmers Market At the Folly River Park every Thursday – Sunday from 10 am until … Only South Carolina produce will be sold at the market. For more info, call Christine Wilkerson at jcbdw@

Sunday, August 16 Folly Farmers Market At the Folly River Park every Thursday – Sunday from 10 am until … Only South Carolina produce will be sold at the market. For more info, call Christine Wilkerson at jcbdw@ 7th Annual First Day Festival At Liberty Square in front of the SC Aquarium and Maritime Center. Celebrate the upcoming first day of school with kid’s games, boat rides, exhibitors, food court and more! Lowcountry Food Bank will also be accepting non-perishable food items during the festival. For more info, call 965-4190 or visit mocyf.

Monday, August 17 Folly Beach Design Review Board The Folly Beach Design Review meets the third Monday of the month if there is an applicant. Please call ahead to confirm whether or not a meeting will be held for the month and at what time. The Folly Beach Design Review Board meets at the Folly Beach City Hall. For more info, call DRB Chair Peter Fennelly at 425-0186.

Tuesday, August 18 Folly Beach Community Promotions Committee The community promotions committee meets the third Tuesday of the month if there is an applicant.  Applicants turn in their application to the municipal clerk by the Thursday before the meeting. Please call to verify meeting time before attending: Mary Cunningham at 588-7000 ext. 4.

Wednesday, August 19 National Aviation Day Pour House Crafters Market Selling original handmade artwork by local starving artists with live music on the deck. Every Wednesday from 4 – 8pm at The Pour House, 1977 Maybank Hwy. 571-4343, www.

Thursday, August 20 Folly Farmers Market At the Folly River Park every Thursday – Sunday from 10 am until … Only South Carolina produce will be sold at the market. For more info, call Christine Wilkerson at jcbdw@

Friday, August 21 Folly Farmers Market


Jupiter’s Garden at the Pourhouse By Vince Perna


am amazed by every Jupiter’s Garden show I see, but the one on this past June 30 at the Pourhouse took the title of “Best I have ever seen”. If you have not seen the band, do yourself a favor and check out one of their shows; you will not regret it. The sound is incredible, with broad strokes of jam after enjoyable melodies and tunes that make you dance. You can’t help but move out to the dance floor and shake your stuff while the band blows your mind with their incredible rhythms. The night started well enough with the band playing a healthy dose of originals with a few covers mixed in. After a monumental jam, which usually signals the end of the first set, lead vocalist Justin Burke told everyone that they weren’t finished yet, and busted out a version of Michael Jackson’s “Don’t stop ‘til you get enough”. Nice vocals, Justin. The whole dance floor was packed in a well deserved homage to the King of Pop. The second set was even better with the jams flowing like wine. A few guests helped charge up the sounds. Jesse Prichard contributed a few blistering guitar solos, and Rusty Cole from Sol Driven Train came out from behind the bar to lend some soulful bass to the sound. Rusty was having so much fun that bassist Andy Lassiter had to wrestle the bass out of his hands to continue the set. You could tell everyone was have a great time and the sounds proved it. “We have so much more to play,” Burke had to tell Cole. Thank god they did! I can’t wait until next time.

Once you pop


fter attaining a loyal fan base and performing with renowned artists such as G. Love, Brett Dennen, and Matt Nathanson, John Pringle is releasing his much anticipated first full length alum, Midnight Mass on the Williamsburg Bridge. He has dubbed the album “as honest as it gets” and it plays like an emotional opus with candid lyrics which seem lifted from his diary. With raw vocals and simple chord progressions, Pringle’s multi-layered lyrics express despair without depression and it is this sincerity which has gained him such a solid following. Pringle’s musical journey has not been an easy or typical one. Pringle, a South Carolina native, spent most of his youth growing up in Georgia as the youngest in a loving family with four older sisters. Even at a young age, Pringle had an undeniable passion for music. His life long admiration for songwriters Eddie Vedder and Bob Dylan is evident in his music today, in which traces of Vedder’s deep voice and Dylan’s defeatist lyrics echo throughout his every song. His fans have been quoted saying, “He’s the next American David Gray, someone you can listen to and smile while enjoying the beauty in each of the songs”. Even while working on Wall Street as a commodities broker, Pringle continued

Folly music scene Woody’s Mondays – Jerry Cooper Wednesdays – Malin Wagnon Drop-in Deli 8/7 - Jessie Prichard 8/8 - John Pringle 8/11 - Open Mic 8/13 - Stratton Lawrence 8/14 - Campbell Brown (of Gaslight Street) 8/15 - John Pringle 8/17 - Mac Leaphart 8/18 - Open Mic 8/20 - Kevin Church Chill and Grill Thursdays - The Hawkes 8/7 - Sho Enuff 8/8 - Mark Dye Trio 8/14 - Remote 8/15 - Reid Stone and Friends 8/21 - Elise & the Freeloaders 8/22 - Graham Whorley Planet Follywood Fridays and Saturdays - Dan Clamp 8/15 - Shakin Martinis

August 7, 2009

to feed his musical soul, performing at open mic nights throughout New York City. Pringle developed an international following when his brokerage career took him across the pond to Europe. While there he overcame his fear John Pringle of stage fright playing at local pubs and won the hearts of some of the world’s harshest critics; the London working class. Pringle’s ability to honestly convey his thoughts, emotions and experiences enables him to connect in a way few artists can. The honesty in his music is a reflection of this sincere young man who “tells it like it is”, and in the greatest display of self candor, walked away from a successful business career to pursue his dream. Whether performing in front of large or intimate crowds, Pringle invites you into his life and emotions. The simplistic sincerity of his music and lyrics causes others to reflect on their own lives and to teach us to learn from all challenges. John will be playing the next three Saturday nights (August 8, 15, and 22) at the Drop In Deli on Center St. Show’s will be 8:30pm till 11:30pm. Folly Beach Crab Shack Mondays - Live Local Music Tuesdays - Trivia Wednesdays - Dave Grunstra Thursdays - Island Duo Friday - Folly Dogs Saturdays - Sara Smile Surf Bar Sundays - Dangermuffin The Roadhouse Thursdays - Folly Beach Bluegrass Society BLU 8/7 - Emekris Trio (9pm-12am) 8/8 - Larry George (2-5pm) Triple Lindy Trio (9pm-12am) 8/9 - Graham and Kris (2-5pm) Jay Miley (8-11pm) 8/14 - Island Duo (9pm-12am) 8/15 - Soulfish Duo (2-5pm) Tropicools (9pm-12am) 8/16 - Larry George (2-5pm) Hugh Price (8-11pm) 8/21 - Larry David Project (9pm-12am)

Vince Perna is a Folly Beach real estate expert who also loves music. If you want to know if you can live on Folly, you can find him at 31 Center Street or by calling 588-3800.

August 7, 2009


By Megan Carroll


’ve never been a worshiper at the J.K. Rowling alter. That type of fantasy never captured my interest. But I had the opportunity to see the most recent Harry Potter movie with some “Potterhead” friends who persuaded me to come along. So there I was, a non-believer amongst the throngs of fans swept up in the first week’s release, and I actually found more to like than dislike about the experience. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince begins with Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) closing in on the Muggle and wizarding worlds, and even Hogwarts isn’t as safe as we thought. Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) is the only one who suspects that dangers may even lie within the castle. Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) confuses Harry by being more intent on readying Harry for an unseen future battle than protecting himself from the present demons. Together they work to find the key to unlock Voldemort’s defenses. Through hiring his old friend and colleague Professor Horace Slughorn (Jim Broadbent), Dumbledore believes he has crucial information and insights into the dark Lord’s childhood. Along with fighting dark forces, the students at Hogwarts also seem to be haunted by another dark and confusing force; raging teenage hormones. So goes the Potter saga. This installment in the Harry Potter series was considerably darker and less exciting than the others. There have already been five films based on Rowling’s books: Sorcerer’s Stone, Chambers of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire and finally, Order of the Phoenix. With five films, it was bound to happen that one of them would stumble. This film was rather dull, and I had a difficult time sitting still. Even though I squirmed in my seat, I could see what this film was doing -- it was preparing us, just like Dumbledore is preparing Harry for the final battle. The disconcerting part of this understanding, for me, is that David Yates, the same man behind the camera for Phoenix and this film, is set to be in charge of the upcoming two-part finale, Harry Potter

and the Deathly Hallows. I hope better things are in store for us for the epic end. Sadly, other than setting the scene for the next film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was a look at the sexual awakening of Harry and his friends. I don’t know if it was all the press or the knowledge we have about the characters personal lives, but this film seemed to be filled to the brim with sexual innuendoes which made it almost laughable at times. A sub-plot involving Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and his emerging sex appeal was upsetting to me because it takes the strong female character, Hermione Grainger (Emma Watson), and turns her into a whimpering afterthought.

Spoiler alert: If you haven’t read the books, this is the book where a major character says goodbye near the end of the film, but Yates treats it as if this character meant nothing to the films’ legacy. The scene in which we say goodbye seemed to be rushed and hollow. Another aspect overlooked in this film is the dynamic presence of the enemies of Harry and Hogwarts. We never see Voldemort, but we do see who he has sent to do his dirty work. Helena Bonham Carter plays one such enemy, and with such an amazing character to develop and such a remarkable talent as Carter’s, you would think Yates would capitalize on this, but he does not. Carter captivates us and surpasses every actor around her with her amazing talent. Since I have not read the books, I decided to check and see what the “Potterheads” were saying and heard much of what I saw echoed by them. Part one of the Hallows is set to come out next year. Let’s hope that this film was a small misstep for Yates and that he will finish this epic tale on a strong note, which would make any true “Potterhead” happy and leave the rest of us feeling completely entertained.

Harry Potter and the Full-blooded Prince of raging teenage hormones. The newest Potter release is little more than a bridge to the next film.


August 7, 2009

Gromfest ‘09

The Southern South Carolina division of the Eastern Surfing Association (SSC-ESA) held its fourth contest, the DJ McKevlin Gromfest, on July 18 and 19 at the Washout. There was a small wave in the water along with plenty of sunshine for competitors and beachgoers alike. Below is a list of the winners in each of the 25 categories. For the complete list, visit 1A Menehune: Gunner Perry 3A Menehune: Seth Pulsifer 1A Boys: Zach Fryer 3A Boys: Evan Tanner Junior Men: Bryant Thomas Mens Shortboard: Ted Melchers Masters Shortboard: Shaun Ducker Sr. Mens Shortboard: Todd Youngblood Grandmasters Shortboard: Todd Brazell Legends Shortboard: Rick Lawson Girls Shortboard: Grace Muckenfuss Jr. Womens Shortboard: MT Bourque Womens Shortboard: Kristin Tanner

Ladies Shortboard: Liz Chirles Open Shortboard: Anthony Osment Menehune Longboard: Dyer Askins Jr. Men Longboard: Dylan Morone Mens Longboard: Alfred Noe Masters Longboard: Kai Dilling Legends Longboard: Rick Anson Womens Longboard: Kristin Tanner Ladies Longboard: Jewel Napier Menehune Bodyboard: Max Cook Open Bodyboard: Walt Watson Grom Open: Bryant Thomas Photos by Lindsey Conklin


August 7, 2009

Lara’s Top Ten As the weather begins to cool off and Charleston eases into fall, there’s no better time to lace up the sneakers and head outside for a workout. Leave the office for some fresh air, grab the running stroller, bring along the dog and choose from any of these locations for a refreshing and beneficial workout. Charleston is home to numerous parks which are excellent venues to get in a variety of workouts throughout the week.  White Point Gardens at the Battery: With the cool breeze off the river and ample plush grass, there are many possibilities for exercise.  James Island County Park: This park has it all: running trails, enormous grass fields, playgrounds, a dog park and plenty of water activities.  Hampton Park: There is a series of workout stations around the lake at

B e st plac e s to s w e at i n C h a r l e sto n By Lara Wittstadt

Hampton Park. Each station has instructions and is guaranteed to give you a great strength training workout.  Folly Beach: Leave the sneakers at home and hit the sand for a great workout that tests your balance. Venture ankle deep into the ocean and do movements against the water for an excellent resistance workout.  Colonial Lake: Complete with benches and curbs, a jog around the lake in combination with exercises on the benches will leave your heart pounding.  Cooper River Park: Check out the brand new park under the Cooper Bridge. Complete with a breezy pier,

plush grass, benches, and ample parking, I definitely recommend a visit.  West Ashley Greenway: Whether you desire to run long distance or go on a brisk walk, this trail, which starts at the Ashley River but is most easily accessible from the Earth Fare parking lot, goes on for miles and is always shaded.  Brittlebank Park: Enjoy the gorgeous Charleston sunset on the river while working up a sweat in the field or on the playground with your kids.  Waterfront Park (Pineapple Fountain Park): This touristy downtown park not only has spectacular views, it also has plenty of grass and benches for finding a spot to sneak in a few exercises.

Folly B each T i d e Ch a rt Date

High Tide

Low Tide

Aug 7 Aug 8 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 11

9:17am/9:43pm 9:53am/10:15pm 10:29am/10:47pm 11:06am/11:22pm 11:48am

3:15am/3:15pm 3:49am/3:54pm 4:23am/4:34pm 4:59am/5:17pm 5:37am/6:05pm

Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 17 Aug 18 Aug 19 Aug 20

12:03am/12:36pm 12:52am/1:33pm 1:50am/2:37pm 2:56am/3:45pm 4:06am/4:52pm 5:14am/5:56pm 6:19am/6:55pm 7:19am/7:50pm 8:16am/8:41pm

6:21am/6:59pm 7:11am/8:01pm 8:09am/9:09pm 9:13am/10:17pm 10:19am/11:21pm 11:24am 12:20am/12:25pm 1:14am/1:23pm 2:06am/2:18pm

 The Cooper River Bridge: The Charleston running hotspot. Conquer the bridge one section at a time. Make a goal to run/walk halfway and soon enough you will be able to do the entire run. Take advantage of the beautiful parks and weather that Charleston has to offer. If you have questions about locations or need ideas on exercises, please feel free to contact me. Happy exercising! Lara Wittstadt has been a personal trainer in the Charleston area for over two years. She is the owner of Beach Bella Fitness, which offers in-home and outdoor personal training, boot camps, and beach circuit classes. Join Lara for a free class! Go to or e-mail lara@ for more information.


August 7, 2009

Police Reports The following is a summary of police reports originally provided by the Folly Beach Public Safety Department. Reports are from July 13- 26. July 13- A woman reported that her husband, from whom she was currently separated, had stolen her credit card information and attempted to use it to make a purchase without permission. July 13- A resident reported that approximately $100 worth of quarters were stolen from his dresser. July 13- A woman reported that several items had been stolen from her residence over the course of a couple of weeks including a phone, iPod, $100 cash, jewelry and a flute. July 13- Two teenagers stole two bicycles from under a person’s house. They were chased but got away. The bicycles were recovered three days later by police. The suspects are still unknown. July 14- A man reported that his cell phone had been stolen from the Roadhouse Cafe. He checked the phone records and gave police a number that had been called from his phone after it was stolen. July 15- A man reported that an unknown person stole his identity to obtain a Kohl’s credit card and used it in January. July 15- Officers responded to a woman being passed out at the corner of East Cooper and Center Street. She was verbally vulgar and slurring her speech. She was eventually arrested and taken to the hospital when she started hyperventilating. She was issued a citation for public intoxication at the hospital. July 16- A man was grossly intoxicated and making a lot of noise. After being asked to be quiet by neighbors, he broke the rear glass door of the complainants home. He was being held down by three

males when officers arrived and was out of control; spitting, biting, and cursing even family members. He had to be restrained and a mask put over his mouth in order to be transported to the hospital. He was cited for disorderly conduct and malicious injury to property. July 16- A Coast Guard helicopter responded to the Morris Island Lighthouse when a caller reported a dog swimming toward the lighthouse and was concerned it might be caught in the tide. Upon arrival, the dog had made it across. The helicopter lowered a basket and actually got the dog inside. It was lowered onto Folly Beach where a police officer was waiting and the dog was delivered to its owner. July 16- A man was attacked by another male when he was invited back to a girl’s apartment. The girl’s boyfriend was home and phycially let the victim know that he was unwelcome. No charges were pressed as of the writing of this report. July 17- Two men got into a fight at a local Inn. One had already been placed on trespass notice and the other was placed on notice after the incident. The former was given a citation for trespassing. July 17- A woman on a bicycle was questioned by police after a witness reported that he suspected her of breaking into some cars. She admitted to breaking into several vehicles only after her cell phone, which she identified as her phone, was found in a victim’s vehicle. Police recovered most of the stolen property from her home, although several items were missing. She was arrested for the offense. July 18- A bicycle rider ran into two people carrying surfboards at the Washout and was knocked off his bike by one of the surfboards. He got angry and instigatied fights with several nearby people. No persons involved wanted to press charges. July 18- A man refused to press charges after a woman drove away with the man

on the hood of his car, reaching about 40mph before he fell off. She drove back, threw a shoe at him and punched him in the head before fleeing the scene. The victim refused to press charges, however, and while the responding officer was giving the victim a ride home, it was discovered that he was wanted by North Charleston Police. Instead of going home, he was delivered into the custody of the North Charleston Police Department. July 18- A boy had his fake ID taken at the Kangaroo convenience store when trying to buy beer. He was placed on trespass notice after trying to come back in while police were still there. July 19- A woman shoplifted three bracelets worth a total of $15 from the pier store. When approached on the beach by police, she denied being in the store. However, video surveillance proved otherwise. She admitted to the theft and the three bracelets were recovered from a child that was with her. She was arrested for the offense. July 19- An officer pulled over a vehicle for driving over the “fog” line while leaving Folly Beach. There was a male driver and female passenger and the officer believed he smelled alcohol. After observing “criminal behavior” from the driver, which included his lips quivering and hand shaking “uncontrollably”, the officer conducted a physical search of the driver and discovered eye drops, “a possible indicator of smoking marijuana”. Both driver and passenger gave permission to search the vehicle which turned up nothing illegal. The driver was arrested when he refused to conduct a field sobriety test. He later refused to take a breathalyzer and urine test (officer believed the driver had been smoking marijuana). July 19- Officers responded to a fight. Upon arrival, one man was found in an apartment, bleeding with two swollen eyes. He refused medical attention and would not say who had done the damage, but claimed he “fell”. He refused to give any useful information. July 20- Two men were cited for drinking beer on the street while leaving a bar. July 20- A drunk individual asked several strangers if they wanted to fight and then pulled out a box cutter and swiped at them. They got away unharmed and called police. The man was located and arrested for disorderly conduct. The victims did not want to press charges. July 21- An underage male hit another male in the Surf Bar. The victim took the guy to the ground and he was restrained. The suspect was extremely intoxicated and had no identification. He was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.

July 22- An officer observed what appeared to be underage individuals with a cooler of alcohol. One took ownership of the cooler and was cited for underage possession. Furthermore, a pot pipe and pill bottle containing marijuana was seen on the beach blanket in plain view. Another individual took ownership of that and was cited. When asked if there was anything else illegal, three other individuals admitted to having marijuana and/or paraphernalia in their vehicles. The items were seized and all individuals were cited accordingly. July 25- Two intoxicated members of the U.S. Air Force were wrestling naked on the beach with several other Air Force friends sitting nearby. One wrestler took off running when the officer approached, while the other simply covered his genitals with sand. His pants were given to him by a friend and the one who ran off came back with pants on. A non-intoxicated friend said he would take them back to where they were staying and keep them off the streets. The two wrestlers were cited for disorderly conduct and released. July 25- A 20 year-old male was cited for underage possession of alcohol when an officer saw him with several cans on the front beach. July 25- Two unsecured pieces of luggage were stolen from the bed of a pickup truck between 4:50-7:30pm at 1 Center Street. July 26- Four individuals had a campfire going at the old Coast Guard Base after hours. An officer informed them that they needed to leave and observed a bag of marijuana being packed up as they left. When they got back to the vehicle he asked all of them for identification and noticed several bulges in one of the suspect’s pockets. He patted him down and located a pipe and grinder. The officer then asked for the bag of marijuana he originally saw. Another individual gave up the bag, which weighed 15 grams. Every individual surrendered paraphernalia and was charged accordingly, with one being charged with possession of marijuana.

August 7, 2009


Pedal to Properties of Charleston expands to Folly Beach


dam Killermann of Dunes Properties, has joined the Pedal to Properties of Charleston team on Folly Beach, bringing to the island a new way for home buyers to see properties and homes from the unique view of a cruiser bike. Kristin Walker led the charge in June, introducing the service to Downtown Charleston when she partnered with the original Pedal to Properties of Boulder, CO, which has been featured in Fortune, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Pedal to Properties agents help meet a growing desire to live a more wellbalanced and active life. In the process of choosing a home, Pedal to Properties enables a buyer to get out of a car in order to see, hear, and get a true sense of homes and neighborhoods. “We are excited that Adam is now a Pedal to Properties agent,” said Kristin Walker, leader of the Charleston Pedal to Properties team. “His unparalled knowledge of Folly Beach, his experience in real estate and his enthusiasm for the biking lifestyle makes him the perfect match for our team. Many agents want to speed up the process of buying a home, but people appreciate a way to slow down the experience and truly familiarize themselves with the area they may live in. Adam will help buyers to get a great feel for the Folly Beach and the island lifestyle.” “Folly Beach is the perfect environment for finding a home by bike. It’s flat, with beautiful views around every corner, and what better way to get a sense of our island’s architecture and unique culture than from the seat of a bicycle rather than from within the confines of a car?” said Killermann.

photo provided by Pedal2Properties

A new way of searching for real estate is coming to Folly Beach.

Pedal to Properties of Charleston is building a team of agents to cover the Charleston Metro Area so that homebuyers can benefit from having a neighborhood expert along with them on their search. The team will maintain a fleet of Electra Townie bikes that will become distinctive in the Charleston area and will not only assist buyers in finding their new home, they will also help promote a biking lifestyle. “There has been a fundamental shift in the way people think about buying homes. Real estate agents and industry surveys indicate that homebuyers are placing more importance on cutting their gas bills and commute times, and finding homes near urban centers that allow for multiple transportation options like walking or biking,” said Matt Kolb, President of Pedal to Properties of Boulder.


Trudy’s turns 70

s the longest running dance studio in South Carolina, Trudy’s School of Dance will be celebrating 70 years at it’s Folly Road location, with special commemorations and open enrollment later this year. Trudy Oltmann established Trudy’s School of Dance in 1939. Both of Trudy’s daughters have been instrumental in running the studio in more recent years. Linda Oltmann Walker, along with her sister Judy, co-directed the studio Trudy Oltmann until Judy retired in 2008. The studio is currently operated by Linda, along with Trudy’s granddaughter Tiffany Oltmann Gauch. There is no shortage of dancing talent in the Oltmann family. Linda was recently inducted into the Shagger’s Hall of Fame. Perhaps that has been the key to success for this long standing dance studio: tight family ties. Trudy’s has a unique ability to make its students and their parents feel like a part of the family. Teaching from the heart and with a love that only comes from deep-seeded roots is the treasure and allure of dancing at Trudy’s. Boasting two fully equipped dance studios, Trudy’s offers an array of classes, not only in dance, but also in yoga, pilates and fitness. Catering to dancers of all levels and ages above the age of three, classes span from classic tap, jazz and ballet regime to Hip Hop, Rap Tap, Broadway Jazz, Lyrical, Pointe, Creative Movement and, of course, Shag. “We feel that our family has been very blessed over these past 70 years, having been able to continue this legacy started by Ms. Trudy in 1939. She instilled our passion for dance in us at early stages in our lives and taught us that sharing that passion with others is a very rewarding experience,” says Linda Walker. 2009-2010 promises to be an inspiring year at the historically treasured Trudy’s School of Dance. Classes begin on Monday, August 17, and will culminate with a 70th celebration at its annual year-end recital held at the Gaillard Auditorium in June of 2010. Trudy’s is thrilled to open its doors to any aspiring dancers for this special season. For class schedule and enrollment information, contact the studio at 795-8660, visit their website at or visit the studio during open enrollment at 830 Folly Road on August 5 and 6, beginning at 5pm. Sandbags from page 7 and headache inducing bureaucracy. No more. Folly Beach property owners have reason to worry as they are no stranger to the erosion cycle. Recently, 10th Block East, the new popular beach spot, received a fair amount of news coverage when a throng of visitors left a copious amount of trash on the beach. Paid parking has been blamed for the transition of people moving from the Washout to 10th Block. However, a more practical reason might be that there is no beach to sit on at high tide. Despite receiving a facelift in the form of a renourishment band-aid a couple of years ago, the

high tide is once again cutting into the dunes at the Washout. Furthermore, City Administrator Toni Connor-Rooks says that the City is not permitted to conduct another renourishment unless a particular percentage of the total beach is eroded. Residents of Charleston’s barrier islands certainly have much to think about. The State’s take on erosion gives many island residents a new reason to feel uneasy about the ocean view that had previously provided solace. As one stands at the shoreline and a receding wave pulls the sand from beneath their feet, that potential must remind us that, in the end, nothing is permanent.

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