Fmm Cia 2 2019.docx

  • Uploaded by: Vinay Korekar
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 517
  • Pages: 2
Note: Maximum of 4 sub questions are allowed. 1

2 3

4 a.

b. 4. a



Define the terms a) Venturimeter b) List Parts of venturimeter c) Dimensional analysis d) Dimensional homogeneity e) Model analysis f) Reynolds number g) Laminar flow h) Cd i) CV j) Friction losses Derive the flow of discharge expression through an orificemeter. Using the method of dimensional analysis obtain an expression for the discharge Q over a rectangular weir. The discharge depends on the head H over the weir, acceleration due to gravity g, length of weir crest L, height of the weir crest over the channel bottom Z and the kinematic viscosity v of the liquid. A horizontal venturimeter with inlet and throat diameters 300 mm and 100 mm respectively is used to measure the flow of water. The pressure intensity at inlet is 130 kN/m2 while the vacuum pressure head at the throat is 350 mm of mercury. Assuming that 3 percent of head is lost in between the inlet and throat, find: Cd and Q. Derive the chezy’s formula for loss of head due to friction from Darcy Weisbach expression (OR) A 300 mm X 150 mm venturimeter is provided in a vertical pipeline carrying oil of specific gravity 0.9, flow being upward. The difference in elevation of the throat section and entrance section of the venturimeter is 300 mm. The differential U-tube mercury manometer shows a gauge deflection of 250 mm , Calculate: Q, (P1-P2), take Cd = 0.98 and SHg =13.6 In a pipe of diameter 350 mm and length 75 m water is flowing at a velocity of 2·8 m/s. Find the head lost due to friction using : (i) Darcy-Weisbach formula; (ii) Chezy’s formula for which C = 55 Assume kinematic viscosity of water as 0·012 stoke. (a)The thrust T of a screw propeller is dependent upon the diameter D, speed of advance V, revolutions per second N, fluid density ρ and the co-efficient of viscosity μ. Experiments were performed with various models of propellers. What are the dimensionless groups to which the data should be plotted? (b) The characteristics of a propeller of 4.8 m diameter and rotational speed 120 r.p.m. are examined by means of a geometrically similar model of 600 mm diameter. When the model is run at 480 r.p.m. by a torque of 30 Nm the thrust developed is 300 N and the speed of advance is 3 m/s. Determine the following for the full scale propeller: (i) Speed of advance, (ii) Thrust, and (iii) Torque (OR) ST the power developed in a water turbine can be expressed as: P = ρN3D5




1 X 10

















D ρD2 N

φ( , B



ND √gH

) Where, ρ = Mass density of the liquid, N = speed in rpm,

D=diameter of the runner, B=Width of the number and µ= Co-efficient of dynamics viscosity. Under what conditions it can be used to determine the characteristic of similar machine?

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