Flyer Swine Flu 2

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 551
  • Pages: 2
Swine Flu Facts Fact 1: Statistics As 2009 comes to an end the mainstream media hyped Swine Flu (H1N1) has claimed the lives of less than 500 people worldwide. Regular influenza claims between 500,000 – 1000,000 people annually according to the World Health Organization. Fact 2: Immunity Barack Obama, Gordon Brown and Stephen Harper (Canadian Prime Minister) have given their governments and vaccine maker’s FULL LEGAL IMMUNITY from people seeking damages caused by side effects from the vaccine. Fact 3: Ingredients The H1N1 vaccine contains many toxic chemicals some of these include; Thiomerosal (mercury) which causes autism in children especially boys, squalene (adjuvant) responsible for Gulf War Syndrome, formaldehyde (carcinogen) and MSG (excitotoxin) which studies prove causes Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Fact 4: Side Effects The vaccine package insert has a long list of side effects some of these include; StevensJohnson Syndrome, Guillain Berre Syndrome, neuropathy and myelitis. Fact 5: Federal Grants The U.K and U.S governments have been rewarding employers (HealthCare) who vaccinate all staff (doctors, nurses) with the vaccine federal grants and cash bonuses. Those who refuse have been FIRED despite the fact there is NO LAW stating you have to vaccinate. This is carried out with the FULL KNOWLEDGE of Barack Obama and Gordon Brown. Fact 6: Parental Rights Violated Thirty-six children were taken into government custody in the state of Arkansas by the Department of Human Services after parents refused vaccination based on religious grounds. Attorneys for the parents filed a motion to stop the vaccination of the children, which Judge Griffin of Miller County sat on for six weeks. During this period the children were vaccinated and some parents were stripped of parental rights. Fact 7: Unsafe/Untested Swine flu is an unsafe, inadequately tested (i.e experimental), “fast tracked” vaccination that’s being forced on the populations of the world. The injections deliver genetically engineered viral recombinants that intoxicate the immune system with Swine, Avian, Spanish and regular Flu proteins and toxic chemicals. Foreign genetic material from various species is included, as is Squalene-a deadly auto immunogenic oil responsible for hundreds of thousands of cases of Gulf War Syndrome. It causes a slow and painful death via injection. Fact 8: Preparation The pharmaceutical giants have made HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS by selling THEIR drugs to the governments of the world. Mean while the United Nations has been quietly looking for ways to prepare countries under its charter for MANDATORY VACCINATIONS. If carried out this operation will constitute a gross human rights abuse on an international scale and is in DIRECT VIOLATION with the Nuremberg Code. Read the code know your rights. Summary: Banking Elite Domination The drug companies producing the vaccine (Bayer, Baxter, and Novavax) are financially tied to the mainstream media (Associated Press, Reuters) that’s promoting the “safety” of this vaccine. These two financial interests are owned by the very same central banks (J P Morgan, Chase Manhattan, Goldman Sachs) directly responsible for the financial crises we’re in and the looting of TRILLIONS of dollars from the world’s financial resources.

The private share holders of these central banks (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Morgan and Schiff) are now openly calling for world government under THEIR control with a unified world currency. If you trust them take their vaccine. If not don’t. But inform yourself at: and

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