Fluoridation Of Our Drinking Water

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FLUORIDATION OF OUR DRINKING WATER In the battle of TRUTH DECAY, we reprint-for your benefit-the follOWing article on fluoridation of our nation's fresh water supply, a fiendish practice presently making a comeback in many of our major cities, thanks to our lOVing legislators who care deeply for our docility. Who wants it? Well, we will tell you who wants it. In the manufacture of aluminum, the Aluminum Company of America ended up with a waste product called sodium fluoride. Now, this very same company tried to dispose of this waste by dumping it on open fields, but the flumide killed all the vegetation. They can't dump it in streams or lakes because it kills the fish. You see, friends, sodium fluoride is a poison, so what better way is there to dispose of it than to feed it to the public? The government brainwashing machine is set into motion and, behold, this waste called fluoride suddenly prevents tooth cavities! Of course, it may cause cancer and contribute to other degenerative diseases, but as your loved one lays there possibly dying of cancer, you may be able to say, "Oh, but what beautiful teeth you have!" The case proving the poisonous magnitude of fluoride is well-documented. Oh no, the almighty government we have today won't document it because it would love nothing better than to force-feed us all on the premise that fluoride does something for our teeth. Isn't it nice how "protective" our government is of us!

Fluoride is a Dangerous Poison It's mass medication, like it or not, but there is a strong contingent of concerned and dedicated Americans who

...there was a significant increase in cancer mortality in thefluoridated cities... do object to this purposeful infringement of our rights, and the freedom of choice. We thank God for such groups as the National Health Federation (NHF), which have made people aware of this evil scheme.

Therefore, many cities are rejecting its introduction into the public water supply, or throwing it out after trying it. Yet, here comes our dear "protective" unconstitutional government which says, "Oh, we will give your cities or your schools the money. We will pay for the initial stage of mass fluoridation of your citizens." No, the government can't guarantee that it won't harm some of your precious youngsters, but we guess they figure 'what's a human life or two'? You see, friends, it doesn't really matter if you get sick or die, so long as you go according to government-approved procedures. The U.S. Government


l6.2 million back in-1980 for the assis~ . tance to cities or schools of America to fluoridate their water supplies. The cities and schools should, of course, tell them to disappear, but unfortunately, some did not, and many still do not, and they only will not because they are not properly informed as to the dangers of fluoride. On November 16, 1978, Judge John Flaherty of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, decreed that fluoridation of water supplied to approximately 160,000 persons by the West View Water Authority be prohibited because the addition of fluoride at a level of one part per million (ppm) is a menace to the public health. Judge Flaherty wrote that he was "compellingly convinced" by the Burk·Yiamouyiannis study, which compared the cancer mortality of ten cities which fluoridated their water systems with ten cities which did not. The study condudeq that there W"aS a sJgnificant increase in cancer mortality in the fluoridated cities. In testimony before Judge Flaherty, we find the follOwing: Dr. Mohamed AIy,professor of biology at the University of Missouri, whose animal experiments proved that as little as 1 ppm of sodium fluoride in drinking water produced permanent genetic damage in mice by causing chromosomal breakage, and affecting the DNA. Dr. George Walbott followed up with uncontracted testimony that the accumulation of fluoride in humans over many years can cause cancer. He explained why by saying: first, that fluoride not only accumulate in the bones and teeth, but in EVERYCELLof

the human body; secondly, that fluoride is one of the most active of all chemicals in the human body; and finally, that since fluoride is present in every cell, the substance can cause

damage in every cell, and ifthat process continues long enough, cancer is bound to result sooner or later in certain individuals.

In same Category as Arsenic and Cyanide ... Do you really want to risk introducing a toxic poison into yours or your childrens' bodies in hope that it does something for their teeth? Kurt W. Donsbach, N.D., D.C., 13.T.S., says, "Sodium fluoride is a poison in the same category as arsenic and cyanide." Britannica World Language Dictionary of 1946 notes: "Soluble fluorides are poisonous." "Pharmacy Law" lists arsenic, cyanide and fluoride under the same category and lists them all as dangerous poisons. Thc subjection of a total population to even trace quantities of a drug such as sodium fluoride, which is as poisonous as arsenic, is without precedent in medical practice. A level of a drug having no unfavorable effects on one person may cause adverse reactions in another. There is no justification for treating the young, the old, the rich and the well for a lifetime with a "standard" dosage of a poisonous substance, yet that is what the government is determined to do when fluorides are added to the drinking water of a city or school. Mind you, ladies and gentlemen, sodium fluoride has approximately the same toxic poisonous magnitude as arsenic. Would you, as concerned parents, agree to purposely feed your children a dose of arsenic every day? What's the dIfference if its a minute amount or a large one; it is still a dangerous toxin. Please consider this: In the San Joaquin Valley (of California), many water wells are closed because of contamination from the agricultural poison DBCP. This is altogether correct. Then, the health departments and other health services turn around and inject into that very same drinking water the toxin fluoride, which is at least as poisonous as DBCP.Where is the sense in this? It doesn't make any difference what mystic magic might take place in your teeth; what in the world does it do to the rest of your body and mind if it accumulates in every cell of your body, which it does?

More and more, individual scientists, chemists, doctors and dentists are turning their attention to the accumulative effect of drinking fluoridated water over a long period. The question arises: If drinking fluoridated water is sufficient to alter the structure of the enamel of teeth during childhood, as it does when it causes brown mottling of the teeth, then what effect does protracted ingestion of fluorides have on organs and tissues of the body? Dental fluorosis, more often called "mottling," is chronic fluoride poisoning of the teeth. An article in the A.D.A. Journal, Vol. 68, 1962, revealed that Grand Rapids, Michigan, whose water was fluoridated in 1945, showed 23 percent tooth mottling among children as the result of fluoridation. As reported in an article by A. Allen London, D.D.S., writing in the 1963 journal of Medical-Dental Committee on the evaluation of fluoridation he stated "Dental fluorosis now ha; the larges; incidence of any waterborne disease in the United States. Since mottling is a permanent disfigurement, and there is an unending accretion of new cases in all fluoridated water ares, it is only with time that we can witness the full tale of this affliction. " According to G. Colbert Coner M.D. of Boston, "The Medical-Dental Committee on the evaluation of fluoridation, sponsored by over 16,000 physicians, dentists and scientists, has critically studied fluoridation and has concluded that it is not safe, that its efficiency has not been demonstrated, and that it can lead to serious chronic conditions with some people." The high courts of Holland and Sweden have struck down fluoridation while the practice has been officially banned in the countries of Austria, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, West Germany and Yugoslavia. At least 200 cities in the United States (at the time this article was originally written- Ed.) have thrown out fluoridated drinking water after they li. ·'d it. They should know, shouldn't ther Can't the people in your city learn a lesson from them? Must we make the same unfortunate mistake they did? Dr. Robert C. Olney M.D. of Lincoln, Nebraska, is one of America's greatest medical authorities. He says that many

serious diseases are caused by the cumulative effects of fluoride, and that anyone forcing this powerful poison on innocent, helpless people should be held morally and legally liable. Fluoride injures the brain and nervous system by preventing the assimilation and utilization of magnesium. A very minute amount of fluoride can do great damage to the body, and is the cause of many physical and mental defects in the newborn, including mongolism ... These minute amounts you will receive each day are cumulative in the body, and will settle in the bones and teeth and other tissues in the same way arsenic, lead and other poisons do. The storage of fluorides in the body concentrates it so that the body may be storing several thousand times the level originally present in the fluoridated water one drinks. The body cannot utilize this poison. The Humane Education Committee quotes Dr. T. Scheppel: "Inorganic fluorine is not utilized in the human digestive system. It is a poison and should be labeled as such." Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine says that fluorides do not prevent tooth decay. Dr. Charles A. Brusch B.S., M.D., Director of Cambridge Medical Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts said, 'i1.rtificial or inorganic sodium fluoride is a highly toxic protoplasmic poison, even stronger than arsenic." That's what the doctors say, friends. Are the people pushing the poisoning of your water supply trying to say that these doctors and scientific societies are all nuts or what? Are you going to believe and act on what these practitioners and scientific groups know to be true, or are you going to believe an unconstitutional government corrupt with power and controls~

A Financial Conspiracy? Shortly after the aluminum companies conned the public via the federal government into consuming their toxic waste, the chemical fertilizer manufacturers got into the act. They had a problem of polluting the atmosphere with hydrogen fluoride gas, so why not bottle it up and feed it to the public? This is precisely what is being done and, in fact, most of the fluoride is now furnished by the chemical fertilizer giants. They convert the fluoride

gas into hydrofluosilicic acid, and either dispose of it as sewage, or sell it to misguided city or school officials for the fluoridation of their water supply.

but all agree that they do damage to the teeth and that damage is serious. It can be worse than the worst neglected tooth decay. "

ticides to make them even stronger and more poisonous. Will you still consider this blatant attack upon your childrens' health?

Something more to keep in mind before you drink the stuff: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has strict restrictions on many emissions in our industrial complex. One of the most prevalent or popular pollutants coming under federal control is sulfur dioxide. Now, if you can believe this, there are no EPA restrictions or emission controls on the parent of fluoride, hydrogen fluoride, which is 1,000 time more toxic and polluting than sulfur dioxide! You're not supposed to know that fluorides are such a high poison, for that might disturb the government's plan to help the "big boys" peddle it to the public. Here we have pollutant, h.ydrogen fluoride, 1,000 times more toxic tl)an sulfur dioxide, but rather than restrict or control emissions of hydrogen fluoride, our dear government encourages the chemical fertilizer people to convert it to hydrofluosilicic acid, bottle it up, and sell it for polluting your drinking water. So, you see how "protective" our mighty government is. The big question is: WHO ARE THEY PROTECflNG?

Dentists' average income in "optimum fluoride" areas were shown to be typically higher than in low or zero fluoride areas, according to a survey published in the Journal of the American Dental Association of February, 1972. In some, if not all cities where the water bas been artificially fluoridated, the dentist population has increased faster than the general population. The dentists don't lose by fluoridation.

Now do you realize why it kills vegetation when it is spread in a fieldl Now do you know why it kills fish in a stream? Now do you see why it is such a difficult product for the aluminum and fertilizer companies to dispose oP Do you honestly want to help them dISpose of it in your body and. Iln goodness' sake, PAYTHEM I'OH H'

A film titled "Fluoridation Toxicity Research" demonstrates for anyone the disruption of the normal biological activity of body cells, which is the precur, sor or forerunner tocanc--er and-many other chronic diseases as reported by investigators.

The question is not wh\.'thcr fluoride will prevent tooth dn ~v, tl:(' question is "Are the people of ()ur ,'('Ill munity gullible enough, apal!l"lll enough, toagrel'{o fc\.'d-tlH'l'l'+hlldH41'---~ a highly toxic. accumulative, destrm-tive poison' Arc you gOlllg to sacnfice your precious children for thi, despicable evil scheme by governmellt' Please explain how our government can outlaw one poison but encourage and even pay you for usmg another. one they allow may even he more [(lXI\. than the one they banned' Do you suppose that the elite International Bankers who arc in control of our federal government 0\\;11 control!lllg interests in the major aluminum and fertilizer companies' Do you suppose then that they will go to any length to sucker the public into drinking their ugly, evil waste product, and make 11111· lions of dollars while doing itl \X'e arc not pointing our finger at precisely till.' certain companies of America and WI.' are not trying to crUCify local Individuals who we arc sure arc well-in· tentioned people. but we do most cn· tainly point our finger at the monster of governmental agencies who arc trying to fool the people enough and get themselves into a position to force the pollution of our drinking water with sodium fluoride upon every citizen of the united States, and "We, The People" must stand up and stop it while we stilI have the freedom to do so,


How toxic is fluoride? Fluoridation is the ultimate triumph of Madison Avenue advertising and public "engineering of consent." How else could the most educated people on the face of the earth be conditioned to clamor for a daily dose of cumulative enzyme poison, which the U.S. Dispensatory classified as a violent poison to all living tissue. The only guarantee the experts can possibly offer is that fluoridation will condemn one in five children to have dental fluorosis. A journal of the American Medical Association (AMA)adds its guarantee that when the teeth are mottled or fluoroxed, bones may be also. The drinking of fluoridated water guarantees that all drinkers will ingest one prescription dose (1 milligram) of what the Pharmacy Law classifies as a dangerous poison--along with arsenic and cyanide--in every quart of water, from the cradle to the grave. If fluorides are so safe, why would they be listed as a dangerous poison by the Pharmacy Law? Fr. F.B. Exner M.D., Fellow of American College of Radiology in Seattle, Washington, said, "Opinions differ as to what traces of fluoride can do,

Dr. YO. Hurme, former director of Clinical Research, Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Children in Boston, Massachusetts, "There is no disagreement about the fact that fluoride is a protoplasmic and enzymatic poison. " Dr. Ludwik Gross, renowned cancer research scientist, noted, "The plain fact that fluoride is an insidious poison, harmful, toxic and cumulative, in its effects, even when ingested to minimal amount, will remain unchanged no matter how many times it will be repeated in print that fluoridation of water is 'safe'."

Had your rat poison today? If you are still not convinced, listen to this: Fluoride is an ingredient in pesticides and rodenticides. Research references to these facts are as follows: Sodium fluoride was substituted for chlorine in the insecticide lendane to make it a FARMORE TOXIC substance (Plummer, W.J. and Well, L.H. Science, Vol. 127-1958). Another one which should make you good and mad: Fluorine is substituted for chlorine in D. D.T. to produce MORE EFFECTIVEand MORE TOXIC insecticides (Riemschneider, R.--Suddent Apoth. Ztg. 1947). Friends, do you really want your children to knowingly drink a known ingredient of insecticide? No matter what the dose is? It is added to insec-

To "prevent tooth decay": conspirators' attractive hait...

"Rinse and spit" The very last straw, we think, is the fluoride rinse program in some schools. It is unbelievable but true that the so-called Supertooth wC\'kly fluoride mouth rinse program targets our innocent children. In the first place, what business or right do schools have in administering mass

medication to students? We thought schools were for teaching reading, writing and arithmetic. In the Supertooth program, the poisonous mouth rinse is supplied in three-gram packets of powdered fluorine. Mind you, each three-gram packet contains enough poison to kill several children. The program specifies a weekly mouth rinse procedure with a 0.2 percent fluoride solution under teacher supervision. Now, this 0.2 percent fluoride solution is ten times greater than the 0.02 percent fluoride solution allowed by law without a written prescription! But this sweet "protective"government of ours says it's perfectly OK, but of course, on the packet it says that if more than the recommended dose is swallowed, a physician should be called immediately. Nice of them, isn't it?

So, how is a teacher supposed to know how much is swallowed? Or how much is absorbed into the body? Yet, the parents are told the program is entirely "safe." Safe for WHOM?The elite International Bankers who run our federal government? How can sodium fluoride be safe in any amount when it is an accumulative poison, and when it affects every single living body cell? Where is our common sense?

lar, and then accepting their rolls as mere tools or robots dictated to by the federal government. This fluoride poison fiasco is a prime example of "the truth be damned, but do it, because the almighty power of government says do it." Or, to put it another way, "Do as we tell you to do, baby, or you won't get your grant the next time around."

A non-pollution


There is one and only one common solution to the problem of tooth decay, and that is through proper nutrition, mainly to refrain from eating sugar and white nour products, cutting down on or eliminating "fast foods." Replace these items with fresh, wholesome foods. If any schools have candy or soft drink vending machines on their premises, the school boards should see to it that they are removed. That is one positive step, but to continue the ingestion of non-nutritive foods and then expect the introduction of a poisonous substance such as fluoride--with the belief it will, in some magic way, alleviate the harm of the junk foods--is like putting out a fire with a blowtorch! Before plunging into the fluoride camp, we urge you to learn all the facts before making a judgment on thishorrendous scheme.

Something else doesn't really "add up." We always thought that "health departments" or "health services" were pro-life. In other words, their duties are to support the health and life of people. Now, when a product is labeled a poison by doctors, scientists, and pharmacy law, what does that mean? Well, it means the product is anti-life, that it can kill, otherwise it wouldn't be called a poison. These health departments or health services are supporting and, in fact, encouraging that your children drink an ingredient used to make insecticides a more poisonous or a more lethal killer.

Please read the book Fluoridation and Truth Decay by Gladys Caldwell and Philip E. Zanfagna M.D., obtained from Top-Eeal Press, 3025 Highbridge Road, La Crescenta, California 91214. Also, you may write to the National Health Federation (NHF), 212 West Foothill Boulevard, Monrovia, California 91016. The NHF is a private organization working hard and patriotically helping to bring better health to the people of America. Their science director, John Yiambuyiannis, is the foremost authority in this country (and perhaps the world) on the dangers and failures of fluoridation.

Ask your local "health department" personnel if they would give their own children a dose of arsenic or cyanide every day in their drinking water. Note their responses. If they would balk at such poisoning, ask them why their department is encouraging you to give a product of similar toxic effects to your children.

The very unfortunate fact facing us today is this: the governmental brainwashing machine has been so effective in the parents who are not blessed with the facts on fluoride, that they have actually agreed, in innocence, to have their children receive this poison in their drinking water. Don't let them do it, friends.

The fact is, more and more health departments and health services are deteriorating into mere pawns of a bureaucratic monster which is reaching for that almighty "free" federal dol-

Can you imagine 55,000 pounds of poison dumped into a city water supply each and every day? That's exactly what takes place in the city of New York. Is it no wonder that New York is

"going to the dogs"? I wonder if the city health department knows about this, or are they forced to do it at the mercy of federal dictation which always comes with "bail-out money." Just what kind of pollution do you call 55,000 pounds of fluoride dumped into a water supply each day? Oh, but according to the government, it's all right, it's "safe," or so they say. Therefore, it amounts to the fact that you are only allowed GOVERNMENTAPPROVED POLLUTION which is, friends, the most stinking pollution imaginable. Controversial? Darn right it is, and will continue to be until we who are deeply concerned rid the populace of this menace to their health and wellbeing.

Sodium fluoride,as we have seen, is harmful enough, if allowed. It is being used in jails and prisons to keep inmates "docile," so the possibility exists it may have been planned to keep an entire population docile, ripe for conquest. Also, we must guard our families from a multiplicity of pollutants, at least 700 of which are identified by the EPA, which only tests for 129 of them. If your community succumbs to the fluoridation scheme in spite of your efforts, keep fighting to have it removed, but in the meantime, you may consider a pOint-of-use home water purification system, which can reduce or remove fluoride and most other pollutants. The federal government recognizes only two purification methods for its own water needs: distillation and reverseosmosis. It would be wise to look for a unit which incorporates multi-stage treatment, including activated carbon filtration. For more information, you may write to America's Promise Ministries for source material.

Additional conies of this article are available from'

America's Promise Ministries POBox 157 Sandpoint, ID 83864 (This article is condensed from an ar. originally offered by the Salwasser Manufacturing Company, Reedley, California 93654)

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