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Fluid and Electrolytes: Acids and Bases Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:42 PM

• Fluid and Electrolytes Acids and Bases • Julie Mann, RN, ACNP • Some New Terms ○ Total body water  Sum of all the water or fluids within all of the body comparments in the pt. makes up 60% of body weight. ○ Intracellular fluid (ICF)  Within cells 2/3 of total body water. ○ Extracellular fluid (ECF)  Outside of cells 1/3 of total body water.  Additionally there is sweat, urine. ○ Interstitial Fluid  Fills the space around the cells and outside of blood vessels. ○ Intravascular Fluid  Fluid in the blood vessels (plasma) • Osmolarity and Osmotic pressure ○ Osmolality: concentration of a solute per kilogram of water  Primary electrolyte is sodium. ○ Osmolarity concentration of solute per liter of a solution.  Creates osmotic pressure. ○ Osmotic Pressure: the pulling power of a solution for water. ○ Isotonic Solution: physiologically equivalent to blood plasma (no osmotic diff, no shifting of fluids occurs) and other body fluids, stay in ECF space. e.g. Normal Saline, ringers, lactated ringers.  Replacing water. ○ Hypotonic: less concentrated solution  Pull water out of vessels into cells. Increased cell water and decreased vascular fluid. e.g. given if cells are dehydrated, renal failure. D5 (5% dextrose) half normal saline, D5 water (5% dextrose with water), drives water into cells. Contraindicated for fragile neural cells, we don't like swelling brains (cerebral edema). Have to be monitored. ○ Hypertonic: A more concentrated solution  Given for drastically low sodium level or hypoglycemic given D50 (50% dextrose), D10 (10% dextrose) newborn with diabetic mother. Have to be monitored.

 e.g. high percentage saline ○ Hypotonic: A more dilute solution • Oncotic Pressure ○ Oncotic pressure (colloid oncotic pressure): the pulling force exerted by colloids in a solution  Albumin - most important colloid for maintaining oncotic pressure, helps maintain adequate vascular pressure. Sits in vessels and pulls fluid into blood vessels.  Administered for patients with third space fluid, draws fluid back into vascular system so we can pee it out. • Capillary filtration ○ Capillary hydrostatic pressure  Pushing the water out of the capillary  Fluid moves out of capillaries into tissues. ○ Capillary oncotic pressure  Pulling water into the capillary ○ In artery CHP greater than COP fluid moves into tissues, in vein COP greater than CHP fluid moves into vessels. • Chemical Regulation of fluid balance ○ ADH (antidiuretic hormone)  acts on distal tubules of the kidneys  Secreted by posterior pituitary, regs water balance by acting on distal tubules of the kidneys  Increase in BP, rise in osmolality, kidneys get rid of more water (neg feedback loops) Blood volume low, cause renal tubules to not get rid of water. ○ Aldosterone  Secreted from adrenal gland  causes kidneys to secrete K+ instead of Na+  Water follows sodium, helps body hang onto extra water (neg feedback loop) ○ Glucocorticoids  Cortisol, promote renal retention of Na+ and H2O ○ Atrial natriuetic peptide (ANP) and Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)  released with high blood volume or blood pressure causing vasodilation, trigger aldosterone and ADH to be released.  Found in either atria or ventricles released into body when atria or ventricle is stretched.  There is a blood test for BNP ○ Thirst Mechanism

When as much as 1 milliosmol/liter decrease in amount of water needed.  Triggers aldosterone and ADH.  Depressed in elderly. More likely to experience dehydration. • Alterations in Water balance ○ Dehydration  More body water loss than taken in ○ Overhydration  More body water taken in than loss. • Alterations in Water Balance ○ Isotonic Alterations  Amount gained/loss is proportion to electrolytes gain/loss  Isotonic Fluid Loss  Lose fluid and electrolytes at same rate - wound, excessive diaphoresis.  Isotonic Fluid Excess  Gain fluid and electrolytes at same rate - over hydrate with isotonic solution. • Alterations in Water Balance ○ Hypotonic Alterations  Osmolality of serum is less than should be (normal). Low sodium level. Water and not enough electrolytes.  Water Excess --> water toxicity  Drinks too much fluid, hard to develop b/c body has several compensatory mechanisms. Neurological condition to drink large amounts of fluid, marathon runners drinking only water.  Confusion, convulsions, muscle twitching, headaches. ○ Hypertonic Alterations  Osmolality is elevated above normal, more sodium than water.  Water Deficit  Dehydration from pure water loss.  Body can't concentrate urine, ie. lose large volumes of fluid through kidneys, (diabetes) --> hypovolemia (low blood volume) 

Alterations in Sodium • Sodium ○ Helps conduct neural impulses, helps reg K+, found in all body fluids, neurological responses. ○ nml: 135 to 145 mEq/L (each lab has own normals)

Hyponatremia below 135  Causes  Renal disease  Diuretics  GI losses  Skin Losses  Wound drainage ○ Hypernatremia above 145  Causes  Decreased water intake  Watery diarrhea  Fever  Hyperventilation  Burns  Increased sodium dietary intake • What happens to people? ○ hyponatremia • behavioral changes  lethargy  confusion • depressed reflexes • seizures • coma ○ hypernatremia • thirst • fever • dry mucous membranes • restlessness • Alterations in Potassium ○ Potassium, even small changes are poorly tolerated. • Functions: maintains action potentials of muscles, assists in controlling the cardiac rates/rhythms, conducts nerve impulses. ○ nml: 3.5 to 5 mEq/L ○ Mechanisms of regulation  renal regulation  Kidneys maintain balance by excreting or reabsorbing in glomerulus (mostly).  Extra- and intra cellular shifts  Temporary shift into RBC (hemoglobin), liver muscles, bone ○

Hypokalemia  Low intake in diet, excessive loss of K+ usually in gut (suctioning), nausea/vomiting, sweating profusely, diabetes encephalitis. ○ Hyperkalemia  Excessive intake of potassium, usually body tolerates well unless a lot given quickly, renal failure, potassium sparing diuretics. • What happens to the person ○ Hypokalemia  Mild losses asymptomatic  Well tolerated  Acute Losses cause  Skeletal Muscle Weakness  Loss of smooth muscle tone  Cardiac dysrhythmias  Lethargy/Fatigue  Inability to concentrate ○ Hyperkalemia  Slow onset usually well tolderated  Mild  Restless ness  Intesting cramping  Diarrhea  Severe: (see slide) • Alterations in Calcium and Phosphorus and Magnesium ○ Vitamin D regulation  Calcitriol - form of vit D makes Ca and Phosphorus available for bone mineralization.  Helps absorb Ca in intestine.  Activates parathyroid hormone. ○ Parathyroid hormone regulation  Helps increase blood calcium levels by transporting Ca out of bones.  Aid reabsorption in kidneys  Raise serum Ca levels and lowers Phosphorus levels b/c they have an inverse relationship with one another. • Alterations in Calcium ○ Muscle contractions, clotting abil, neurological conduction, rigidity to teeth/bones. ○ Normal level 8.5-10.5 mg/dl ○ Hypocalcemia ○

 Causes  Hypoparathyroidism  Hypomagnesemia  Alkalosis  Multiple blood transfusions  Malabsorptive states  Renal disease ○ Hypercalcemia  Causes  Hyperparathyroidism  Hypophosphatemia  Hyperthyroidism  Vitamin D intoxication  Steroid therapy  Immobility  Lithium therapy • Alterations in Calcium ○ hypocalcemia  Paresthesias (muscle pain)  skeletal muscle cramps  abdominal spasms and cramps  hyperactive reflexes  Hypotension  bone pain, deformities, factures ○ hypercalcemia  Polyuria (a lot of peeing), polydipsia (very thirsty)  anorexia, n/v, constipation  Ataxia (uncoordinated muscle movements)  osteoporosis  lethargy  stupor, coma  HTN - may be due to inabil of muscle cells to relax fully. • Alterations in Phosphorus (Phosphate) ○ Inverse relationship with Ca, essential for muscular function, important for RBC function, cellular metabolism, role in formation of teeth/bones. ○ Normal level: 2.5 to 4.5 mg/dl ○ Hypophosphatemia  From decreased absorption of Vit D, intestinal loss, less skin absorption, diabetic ketoacidosis, alcoholic, poor dietary intake. ○ Hyperphosphatemia

From renal insufficiency, low blood calcium, chemotherapy, parathyroid gland is understimilated, prolonged Vit D exposure, antacids, salicylates, excessive intake of phos supplements, massive transfusions of blood. Alterations in Phosphorus Manifestations Hypophosphatemia ○ Intention tremor ○ Ataxia, Paresthesias ○ Seizures ○ muscle weakness ○ bone pain ○ Osteomalacia (softening of bone) ○ bleeding disorders ○ impaired WBC fxn Hyperphosphatemia ○ paresthesias ○ Tetany (rigidity to muscles) ○ hypotension ○ cardiac arrhythmias Alteration in Magnesium ○ Usually a function of dietary intake, role in enzymatic process in body, helps power Na/K pump (convert ATP to ADP), transmits electrical impulses across nervous system and MSK, necessary to release parathyroid hormone. ○ Normal level: 1.8 to 3.0 mg/dl ○ Hypomagnesia  Chronic alcoholism (most common)  Decreased dietary intake  Decreased absorption d/t GI pathology  Increased GI losses  Increased Renal excretion  Burns ○ Hypermagnesia  Untreated diabetic ketoacidosis  Adrenal insufficiency  Mg++ treatment in preeclampsia (pregnancy induced HTN)  Lithium ingestion  Volume Depletion Alteration in Magnesium Manifestations hypomagnesia ○ personality change 

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nystagmus tetany tachycardia hypertension cardiac arrhythmias ○ + Babinski, Chvostek, and Trousseau signs hypermagnesia ○ Lethargy ○ Hyporeflexia ○ Confusion ○ Coma ○ Hypotension ○ Cardiac arrhythmias ○ cardiac arrest Acid Base Disturbances Acid-Base Balance ○ Must be regulated in a narrow range to function normally ○ Lungs, kidneys, and bone regulate the balance ○ Hydrogen ions maintain membrane integrity and speed enzymatic reactions ○ Bicarbonate is maintained as well. ○ pH represents a power of hydrogen ○ pH < 7.4 is acidic, > 7.4 alkaline Buffers ○ Absorb excess H+ and OH○ Prevent significant change in pH ○ Exist as acid base pairs ○ Carbonic Acid Buffering (bicarb) [main system]  Lungs and kidneys  Changing rate of ventilation (blow off extra CO2 or retain)  Retain bicarb or excrete extra in pee. ○ Protein Buffering (hemoglobin)  CO2 loaded onto hemoglobin ○ Renal Buffering (phosphate)  Secreting H ions in urine and reabsorbing bicarb in renal tubules. Acid Base Disorders ○ Metabolic versus Respiratory ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

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Metabolic - produce and alteration in bicarb (hydrogen and CO2 associates and disassociates to be moves through system),  Respiration - alteration in partial pressure of CO2, increase or decrease in ventilation ○ Acidotic versus Alkalotic  pH level • Metabolic Acidosis ○ Decrease HCO3- with decrease pH ○ Causes  Diabetic Ketoacidosis, kidney failure, aggressive suctioning of the GI tract ○ Compensation in increased resp. rate (blow off CO2) Kussmaul type respiration. ○ Treatment  Treat underlying cause, replace fluid/electrolyte volume.  Supplemental sodium bicarb if severe (IV) • Metabolic Alkalosis ○ Increased pH due to primary excess of HCO3○ Causes  Increase in intake of alkalotic solution (IV, oral [antacids]), vomiting, binge purge. ○ Compensation  Decrease respiratory rate and depth  Kidneys bring down pH by excreting more HCO3 in urine (basic urine). ○ Treatment  With fluid replacements. • Acid Base Imbalances ○ Metabolic Acidosis  Early:  HA (head ache)  lethargy  Severe:  Coma  Death  Compensatory Mechanism  Kussmaul respirations ○ Metabolic alkalosis  Weakness  Muscle cramps 

Hyperactive reflexes Tetany Shallow, slow respirations Confusion Convulsions  Atrial tachycardia • Respiratory Acidosis ○ impaired alveolar ventilation and increase in PCO2 along with decrease in pH ○ Causes  Respiratory disorder (pneumonia, pulmonary edema, respiratory distress syndrome, damage muscles of chest wall, extremely obese (limited movement of chest wall), ○ Compensation  Conserve and generate bicarb in body  Kidneys excrete H+. ○ Treatment  Improve ventilation status (mechanical ventilator). • Respiratory Alkalosis ○ decrease in PCO2 producing an elevated pH and increase in HCO3○ Causes  Anxiety attack (psychogenic hypoventilation), hypoxia caused by some form of lung disease, problem with stimilation to ventilate, problem with respiratory center of brain, mechanical vent w/ incorrect vent settings. ○ Compensation  Eliminated bicarb in kidneys, conserve H+ ○ Treatment  Underlying cause, supplemental oxygenation, change ventilation settings, anxiety - reassurance. • More Acid-Base Imbalances ○ Respiratory Acidosis  First:  Breathlessness  Restlessness  Apprehension  Then:  Lethargy  Disorientation  Muscle twitching     

 Tremors  Convulsions  Coma ○ Respiratory Alkalosis  Dizziness  Confusion  Tingling of extremities  Convulsions  Coma  Deep rapid respirations are the primary symptom • Serum lab values (will be posted on Moodle)