Flowerdale Community Recovery Plan Final

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  • Pages: 34



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 3 COMMUNICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 4 FIRE SAFETY ................................................................................................................... 7 EDUCATION.................................................................................................................... 10 SUSTAINABLE BUILDING ............................................................................................. 12 COMMUNITY HOUSE ..................................................................................................... 15 TRANSPORT .................................................................................................................. 17 ENVIRONMENT .............................................................................................................. 19 RECREATION ................................................................................................................. 21 COMMUNITY HALL ........................................................................................................ 23 ECONOMY ...................................................................................................................... 25 PUBLIC FACILITIES ....................................................................................................... 27 MEMORIAL ..................................................................................................................... 29 RECREATION RESERVE ............................................................................................... 30 ARTS PRECINCT ........................................................................................................... 32 FLOWERDALE/HAZELDENE COMMUNITY PRIORITIES ............................................ 34


Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009

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Executive Summary

On February 7, 2009 the worst bushfire event in Australian history effectively destroyed the town of Flowerdale. 13 people died, 224 houses were destroyed and of the houses that weren‟t destroyed most were damaged. Many other buildings, fencing, livestock and wildlife were destroyed or perished. A group of townspeople fought and managed to save the school, the hall and the hotel. The general store and recreation reserve also escaped the fire. These circumstances mean the town has some core infrastructure that has brought people back to the community. There is still a long way to go to bring people back and we see “population flight” as a key risk for the long term future of Flowerdale, which adds both a sense of urgency and the need to provide the necessary infrastructure, for people to want to return. The Community Recovery Plan takes a long term view for the rebuilding of Flowerdale. Given the scale of the destruction, the community has an opportunity to start again and deal with many of the issues that have plagued Flowerdale for years. Flowerdale is in a very different situation to most fire affected communities due to the scale of the destruction. The community spirit and the resolve to build back safely and sustainably are what guides this plan. The community has expressed its desire to maintain those things which made Flowerdale a great place to live but use this opportunity to make Flowerdale safer, more sustainable, liveable and prosperous. The most basic, services, taken for granted in cities, such as water, modern communications, education and transport, are seen as fundamental to both safety and sustainability and as such are at the centre of the recovery plan. The inputs to the plan have been gathered from the many Community Meetings, the safe and Sustainable Workshop with CSIRO in April, the Future Flowerdale Forum in July and general feedback received by the FRC via the blog or discussions within the community. It is our aspiration that the Flowerdale community, working in partnership across all levels of Government and the Corporate and Philanthropic sectors, can deliver outcomes for future generations in Flowerdale. In addition, we can together demonstrate how to recover from a disaster in a way that contributes to the future and provides a model for other disaster affected communities. The top 6 priority resulting from community consultation are listed below: 1. Communications 2. Fire Safety 3. Education 4. Sustainable Building 5. Transport 6. Environment

Submitted by the Flowerdale Recovery Committee on behalf of the Flowerdale/Hazeldene Community

Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009

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Communications Historically, communications in the Flowerdale valley have been dangerously poor and patchy, and insufficient and unsafe for a modern community. The Federal government have made it quite clear regarding the introduction of National Broadband Network. The Flowerdale and the Hazeldene communities would consider themselves to be a priority to receive this service, as it would allow the community access to the services listed below. The Flowerdale/Hazeldene community want the town only to be known as FLOWERDALE. Key Issues and Projects      

National Broadband Network Mobile phones T.V. Radio – free-to-air and two-way – Country Fire Authority (CFA) Early Warning System One postcode for Flowerdale/Hazeldene township

What are our key objectives?      

Make the community safer Create a well-informed and empowered community Provide access to information needed for rebuilding Educational opportunities (Prep to Uni) Job opportunities/work from home Make the community more attractive to return and for new community members to arrive

Support and involvement to date      

Total community support as fundamental priority CFA Telstra OPTUS VicUrban Federal Government (Fran Bailey)

Who else needs to be involved?  Current list of those involved to date  Federal Government (Senator S Conroy, Minister National Broadband Network (NBN), Communications and Digital Economy)  State Government (J Landers, Minister Information and Communications Technology)  Murrindindi Shire Council (MSC)

Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009

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How can this project be funded or resourced? Item


Funding to Date

Additional funding required


National Broadband Network




 User pays  Federal Govt  Telstra

Mobile phones




 User pays  Federal Govt  Telstra

Digital T.V.




 Federal Govt  Telstra

Digital radio – free- Unknown to-air and two-way



 Federal Govt – NBN

Early Warning System




 MSC  State Govt  CFA

One Postcode




 Federal Govt (Fran Bailey)  MSC  State Govt


Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also

Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines Michael Chesworth Fiona Henson Kerry Sullivan

Colin Edwards Henry Kielbasila Sandy Keath

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Connections to:

Sustainable Rebuilding



Connected to Transport

Fire Safety


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Fire Safety The Flowerdale/Hazeldene community has recognised for some time the need for additional fire fighting equipment. We have negotiated with CFA and Philanthropic sectors, and have been successful with an Ultra Light Tanker due to be delivered to Flowerdale/Hazeldene by October 2009. In relation to the remaining items listed below, we need to work to develop a suitable space for a Fire Refuge (which may form part of the Community House depending on its location), and additional shedding at the current CFA to house all appliances. For Flowerdale/Hazeldene to recover and become a vibrant community again people need to rebuild and re-settle. For this to happen in hindsight of the recent bushfire disaster they need to feel safe. Therefore, we need to provide a safe, natural and built environment to ensure no possible repetition of Black Saturday. A Township Safety Plan will need to be developed, and will need to encompass the accessibility and fuel load issues. Key Issues and Projects       

CFA appliances Fire Refuge Warehousing/parking appliances Township Safety Plan Early Warning System Accessibility: o Roads o Bridges Fuel loads

What are our key objectives?  

Minimise impact of any future disaster Establish an environment where people feel safe

Support and involvement to date    

Total community support as fundamental priority Flowerdale CFA Darley Stud Newman‟s Foundation

Who else needs to be involved?            

Current list of those involved to date Victorian Bushfire Recovery & Reconstruction Authority (VBRRA) CFA (Region and State) Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Community Work Engine MSC Municipal Fire Prevention Committee (MFPC) Department of Sustainability & Environment (DSE) Goulburn Murray Water (GMW) Upper Goulburn Catchment Management Authority (UGCMA) Parks Victoria Community Fireguard

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How can this project be funded or resourced? Item


Funding to date

CFA appliances


$60K (Newman Foundation) $60K (Darley)




Additional funding required Nil


 Fully funded

 House within Community  House structure

Warehousing and $50K parking



 House at/near CFA shed

Township Safety Plan

In kind

In kind


 Pro-bono services  Flowerdale/Hazeldene CFA  Region 12

Accessibility road networks




 MSC  VicRoads

Fuel loads




 Flowerdale/Hazeldene CFA  Region 12  DSE  GMW  UGCMA  Parks Victoria


Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also

Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines Ric Stubbings Tracie Hanna Judy Baker

David Nelson John Colaiacovo

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Connections to:



Connected to



Sustainable Rebuilding

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Education “Linking early Childhood Services and School education recognises that children‟s development is a continuous process from birth to adulthood, and government services must reflect this to provide each child the best opportunity.” John Brumby 2 August 2007 Discussions are underway with key relevant stakeholders. The process is moving in a positive direction, to decide where the Flowerdale/Hazeldene Kinder will located. This is as the result of quality community consultation, and community partnering with government and agencies. Key Issues and Projects   

Kinder Early childhood Primary School facilities

What are our key objectives?      

Make school/kinder/Early Childhood facilities more attractive Integrated Learning Hub Provide extra education/health facilities for young children Create an exemplar for sustainable living for education Build a culture of sustainability Reduce costs

Support and involvement to date      

Total Community and Flowerdale Recovery Committee Department of Education & Early Hood Child Development (DEECD) Mitchell and Murrindindi Shires VBRRA Bushfire Relief Fund (Red Cross) Primary School and Kinder Committees

Who else needs to be involved?  

Current list of those involved to date State and Federal Student Exchange programs

How can this project be funded or resourced? Item Kinder/Early Development & Primary School

Cost DEECD advise $1.1M

Funding to date $500k from insurance

Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009

Additional funding requires $600k

Options  Support & Involvement to date

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Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also

Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines Sally Abbott-Smith Karen Gunter Ross Davis

Raelene Eason Rein Kamar

Connections to:



Connected to:

Fire Safety



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Sustainable Building We want to rebuild so that not only will people love to live in Flowerdale but our children‟s children will love to live here too. The community has shown extreme interest in integrated solutions for Water, Renewable Energy and Waste Management. We believe that to have a sustainable town would be a major catalyst for the population to build back to our pre fire numbers, as it would attract families that would want to exist and share in a sustainable way. The Flowerdale/Hazeldene community sees the need for an Integrated Planning Office the FRC and partners have worked tirelessly on this project, and have designed a software solution to assist fire affected communities, which will be up and running by the end of August. Flowerdale/Hazeldene is a ribbon development and consists of four dense housing areas. These are known as: 1. Silver Creek/Silver Parrot 2. Riverside 3. Creekside 4. Long Gully/Broome Rd In 2002 and 2006, community consultations identified concerns with the water quality of the King Parrot Creek due to the number and close proximity of septic tank effluent and the quantity of water being extracted from the creek. With two thirds of the houses destroyed in Flowerdale/Hazeldene it is a golden opportunity to address these issues and re-build the community in a sustainable way. We understand that VBRRA have commissioned various companies to conduct surveys in relation to water and renewable energies and we anticipate the outcome. Key Issues and Projects   

Integrated Planning Office (sourcing town-planning, building surveyors, builders, financing) Use of local sourced fire damaged timber for construction Infrastructure to be efficient and suit small residential clusters ◦ Water supply – elevated storages for fire emergency supply (domestic supply if feasible) ◦ Cluster/community secondary treatment of septic effluent ◦ Renewable energy (both private and community possibilities) ◦ Retrofitting existing buildings Finance and affordability

What are our key objectives?      

Get displaced people into homes as efficiently and hassle free as possible. Accelerate rebuilding process, providing jobs and a sustainable community Create a community that is safe both in perception and reality. Enable the community to create a character and lifestyle in keeping with the environment Provide a built environment in which the residents to interact as a Community Take pressure off the environment, especially waterways

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Support and involvement to date                

Total Community MSC VBRRA VicUrban Victorian Building Commission (VBC) Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) ANZ CSIRO Greencross Green Building Council of Australia Parsons Brinckerhoff Engineers Australia Australian Consulting Engineers URS University of Melbourne (Department of Physics) Various renewable energy suppliers

Who else needs to be involved? 

Current list of those involved to date

How can this project be funded or resourced? Item


Funding to date

Additional funding required


Funded by Darley, Nil DHS, Peter Williams

 Fully Funded

300 tonne of timber Nil



 Nil


$5 - 7M


$5 - 7M

 VBRRA to advise

Finance and accountability




 Nil

I.P.O. & Website


Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also


Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

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Work Engines Flowerdale Recovery Committee to form work engine when specific projects are identified

Connections to:


Connected to



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Community House This is a place for the community to come together in a relaxed comfortable atmosphere to socialise and participate in an activity, learn a new skill or just drop in and share a cuppa. Programs will be developed for all needs and age groups – from the very young to the more senior community members. The current Community House utilises the Community Hall, and has outgrown this facility. The community has always seen the Community House as a strong community asset and have continued to utilise the new and existing services offered there. Key Issues and Projects  

     

Child Care Centre Health Centre ◦ Aged ◦ Maternal ◦ Mental ◦ Dental ◦ General Practice Crafts Clubs (Yoga, Cooking, Arts) Education and Training (Home Care, Disability Care, Computer Classes) Playground Community Workshop Space Needs to be easily and safely accessed

What are our key objectives?      

Will become focal point of/for the community Improve health and wellbeing Provide flexible space for community to develop post-fire objectives Exemplar for bushfire safety, sustainable building and renewable energy Create an iconic building Provide „Youth Space‟ – access services and information

Support and involvement to date        

Total community VicUrban CSIRO VBRRA MSC DPCD Australian Neighbourhood House Committee (ANHC) Greencross

Who else needs to be involved?     

Current list of those involved to date Federal Government (Jobs Fund) Department of Human Services (DHS) State Government Departments of Health Other Shires – based Community Houses - Networking

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How can this project be funded or resourced? Item


Funding to date

Additional funding required


Applications to Job Fund Grant

Child Care Centre Health Centre Crafts Clubs Education and Training Playground Community workshop space Total Cost Category

Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also

1.76 m


Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines Kim Fawcus Fiona Morris Beverley Pritchett Tricia Thomas

Liz Mival Rickie Nuske Louise Reed Odette Hunter

Connections to:


Connected to

Fire Safety


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Transport Transport is a big cost for Flowerdalians, as 95% of employment is off the mountain. Approximately 70% of vehicles operate on LPG, yet the closest gas refilling station is in excess of 30 kilometres away. The benefits to the community of the acquisition of a community bus, car pooling and/or electric vehicles would not only save householders money now, but would continue to ease the pain as the price of fuels rises into the future. Utilising new technology would also reduce the carbon footprint. Key Issues and Projects       

Community Bus Bridges Car pool online Electric vehicles LPG at store (or in Flowerdale/Hazeldene) Sealed roads Zero emissions

What are our key objectives?        

Minimise difficulties created by Flowerdale/Hazeldene's ribbon development Accessibility for non-car owners Safer transit for community and visitors Access employment/education/training/recreation facilities Reduce costs ($'s/emissions) Improve quality of life Solve long-term problems for the community Employment

Support and involvement to date       

Total Community State Transport Department MSC Department Planning & Community Development (DPCD) VBRRA VicRoads Better Place (Evan Thornley)

Who else needs to be involved?  

Current list of those involved to date Greencross

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How can this project be funded or resourced? Item


Funding to date

Additional funding required


Community Bus




   

Bridges and Sealed Roads




 VicRoads  MSC  VBRRA

Car Pool Online




 User pays

Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations

$20K ea. for 3 $10K for station



 Corporate  User pays  State Govt

LPG at store




 Store owner  Gas supplier  User pays

Zero Emissions




 CSIRO  Corporate


Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also

Pro bono Corporate VBRRA Bushfire Relief Fund

Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines Caroline Cornelissen Julie Bateman Liam McCarthy

David Nelson Judy Pay

Connections to:

Communications Connected to Fire Safety

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Environment It is a prerequisite, with the amount of clean up occurring, to ensure that replanting occurs to assist in reducing the town‟s carbon footprint which will allow us to get closer to zero emissions target. Our roadsides and creeks must be sustainably maintained, by removing excess logs out of the waterways, controlling weeds and an ongoing beautification program to see Flowerdale/Hazeldene regain the ambience which has been destroyed by the February fires. Key Issues and Projects      

Planting Maintenance Weeds Creek Roadsides Zero emissions target

What are our key objectives?      

Create a safer environment Aesthetics Long-term sustainability of flora and fauna Clean water Waste Treatment Reduce erosion

Support and involvement to date    

Total community support Strath Creek Landcare Flowerdale Primary School Junior Landcare Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA)

Who else needs to be involved?     

Parks Victoria DSE MSC State Government (Grants) Federal Government (Grants)

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How can this project be funded or resourced? Item


Funding to date

Additional funding required


Planting Maintenance Weeds Creek Roadsides Zero emissions target $500K Category

Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also




Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines Peter Auty Rein Kamar Vivian Phelan Ric Stubbings

Anna Burgess Paul Michael Sal Phillips

Connections to:


Sustainable Rebuilding Connected To

Fire Safety


Recreation Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009

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Recreation Leisure is an essential and integral element of a high quality of life, promoting social cohesion and healthy individuals and communities. The need for a bike link to the Spring Valley Recreation Reserve, allowing safe transit for push bike riders as it‟s our main sporting facility. Possibly, if the land that housed the existing community centre (Jarara), could be transformed into a recreation area to accommodate all ages, as our main population resides in this part of town. Lions Club Altona have agreed to partner Flowerdale/Hazeldene in providing and funding Eco-toilet, Rotunda and BBQ‟s at the Moores Road Reserve. Hoof over Hills (held each October) is the biggest event held in Flowerdale and we would encourage funding as the profits of this event gets shared with community committees and enables other events to be held. Australia Day and our first anniversary of Black Saturday will need to be commemorated and celebrated. Key Issues and Projects    

Bike track extension Picnic ground Moore's Road Reserve Insufficient recreation space, including public toilets Events: o Hoof over Hills o Australia Day o 7th February

What are our key objectives?       

Safer movement for under-18's Health and wellbeing outcomes Tourist attraction Additional recreation space for community and visitors General amenity and attractiveness Safer environment for outdoor activities Community celebration space

Support and involvement to date     

Total community and negative tourist feedback Tennis Victoria State Government (Department of Sports and Recreation) MSC (Original bike/walking path) Service Clubs (Rotary and Lions)

Who else needs to be involved?   

Current list of those involved to date DPCD Regional Development Victoria (RDV)

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How can this project be funded or resourced? Item


Funding to date

Additional funding required


Bike track extension




 VBRRA to advise

Picnic ground Moore's Rd Reserve


Altona Lions


 Fully Funded




$30K submission to Pipeline Grants

 Pro-bono  Corporate

Insufficient recreation space




 VBRRA to advise


Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also

Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines Debbie Bourke Emma McGivney

Vicki Gidding Kerry Sullivan

Connections to:

Recreation Reserve

Connected to

Public Facilities Transport

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Community Hall The Flowerdale Hall is the iconic building in Flowerdale and must be retained. Like most old buildings, it requires repairs and maintenance, which are well overdue.

Key Issues and Projects 

Renovate and improve the hall

What are our key objectives?    

Focus for community events and activities Maintain iconic building Carry out repair and maintenance to existing building Develop renewable power options ($22K for geothermal)

Support and involvement to date  

Community MSC

Who else needs to be involved?   

RDV DPCD Grant Submissions

How can this project be funded or resourced? Item Renovate Hall


Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also

Cost $200K

Funding to date Nil

Additional funds required $200K

Options  VBRRA to advise

Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? September 2009 Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines To develop.

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Connections to:

Sustainable Rebuilding Connected to



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Economy Traditional economics takes no account of friendship, social networks, family, community, church, or neighbourhood, unless they produce goods and services that are exchanged directly for money. Yet clearly without these we are impoverished in many senses. We require professional consultants to undertake a study of the Flowerdale/Hazeldene community to identify key assets or attributes that we can use a springboard to provide employment for the people who live in this community. Key Issues and Projects       

Community Store Employment Business opportunities Tourism Agribusiness Green/Sustainable Training

What are our key objectives?     

Encourage young people to stay/return Sustainable population Meet the desire to work near/at home Reduce travel – increase family time Reduce costs/increase income

Support and involvement to date 

Strong community support

Who else needs to be involved?      

Professional consultants VBRRA MSC State Government – DPCD Federal Government– Jobs Fund Bushfire Relief Fund (Red Cross)


Funding to date




How can this project be funded or resourced? Additional funds required


Tourism Agribusiness


Business opportunities




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Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also

Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines Flowerdale Recovery Committee to form work engine when specific projects are identified Connections to:


Sustainable Rebuilding

Connected to



Fire Safety

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Public Facilities Please refer to the Recreation project on page 21 and also Community House project on page 15. Key Issues and Projects   

Skate Park Playground BBQ facilities

What are our key objectives?    

New recreation area at high density population part of community Community health and wellbeing Enable all-ages participation As per Recreation Reserve

Support and involvement to date  

Community and Clubs VBRRA

Who else needs to be involved?     

DPCD VBRRA Bushfire Relief Fund (Red Cross) Philanthropy Corporate

How can this project be funded or resourced? Item


Funding to date

Additional funding required


Skate Park Playground BBQ facilities $200K


Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also



 VBRRA to advise

Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

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Work Engines Kim Fawcus Fiona Morris Beverley Pritchett Tricia Thomas Debbie Bourke Emma McGivney

Liz Mival Rickie Nuske Louise Reed Vicki Gidding Kerry Sullivan

Connections to:

Recreation Connected to

Transport Recreation Reserve

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Memorial Through community consultation it will be decided appropriate Memorial for the Flowerdale Township. Key Issues and Projects 

Community to decide

What are our key objectives? 

To provide the community and visitors a place or places to remind all of the events, loss of life and hardship that was a result of Black Saturday.

Support and involvement to date 

We are aware that funds are available MSC for this project.

How can this project be funded or resourced? Item Renovate Hall


Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also

Cost $50K

Funding to date NIL

Additional funds required NIL

Options  MSC

Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines Community consultation

Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009

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Recreation Reserve The Spring Valley Recreation Reserve became the obvious site for the relief village in Flowerdale, and has been the centre of activities since the fires. We have seen houses erected, 15 transportables set up and a communal kitchen built onto our current club facility. A consultation committee was formed consisting of people housed in the village, and it has been recognised that the village residents and the broader community have a need for a men‟s shed and art studio. The reinstatement of the cricket oval is a major concern for our cricket teams and our community. We would welcome assurance that this will occur and that funding has been set aside to ensure this can happen. Some funding has already been received towards building 4 new lit synthetic tennis courts. The number of members of the Tennis Club has increased since the fires.

Key Issues and Projects       

Community kitchen Communal laundry Tennis courts Recreation Club Art Studio/Cultural Precinct (including Men‟s Shed and Communal Garden) Reinstatement of the cricket oval Cricket nets

What are our key objectives?        

Tourism Community sport and recreation facilities Diverse range of activities Improved community health and wellbeing Create community connectivity Provide employment Education and training Healthy produce

Support and involvement to date       

Total community Village residents VBRRA DHS Tennis Victoria MSC State and Federal Governments (Department of Sports and Recreation)

Who else needs to be involved?    

Current list of involved to date Sporting bodies State Government Federal Government

Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009

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How can this project be funded or resourced? Item


Funding to date

Additional funding required






 In place





 In place

Tennis Courts




 See already involved

Cricket Field






Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also

Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Work Engines Spring Valley Recreation Reserve Committee of Management Connections to:

Recreation Connected to

Public Facilities Transport

Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009

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Arts Precinct The Community House already conducts arts classes which consist mainly of painting, patchwork and quilting and has approximately 25 active members. Within Flowerdale there are a number of artists (approximately 20) practicing their own artistic interests. Through community consultation including the residents of the relief housing facility located at the Spring Valley Recreation Reserve (SVRR) we have identified other residents whose interests include painting, sculpture, pottery and Maori basket weaving. The community garden and men‟s shed will provide points for social interaction and promote well being. Key Issues and Projects   

Arts studio Men's shed Community garden

What are our key objectives?       

Contribute to local economy Maintain and build community Provide opportunities for local artists to work together Place for visiting artists Contribute to community health and wellbeing Record the community's history Provide a training space

Support and involvement to date    

Wide community support VBRRA Whittlesea Lions Club Regional Arts Victoria (RAV)

Who else needs to be involved?    


How can this project be funded or resourced? Item


Funding to date

Additional funds required


Arts studio Men's shed Community garden $120K


Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009



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Infrastructure / Community Facility / Rebuilding People / Wellbeing / Welfare Economic / Business Natural environment / parks / wildlife Community wellbeing and community strength Highest Important Medium Lower Urgent / Now As soon as practical Medium term Long term And any specific date or timeline to note? September 2009 Straightforward Effort required, but can be done Longer term and more complex Aspirational – a big picture idea Something we can do locally – would be good for us.

Priority Timeline Difficulty Rating Notes / See Also Work Engines Peter Byrne

Sharon Collins

Connections to:


Recreation Connected to Community House


Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009

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273 6.2 4

265 6.0 3

186 4.2 2

11 8 4 14 13 14 10 9 11 7 6 6 10 3 9 11 11 10 7 7

6 5 10 8 8 13 5 13 9 8 8 11 11 14 8 11 9

7 13 11 9 13 12 12 9 8

9 12 7 13 12 14 11 6 13

9 12 12 11 9 12 13

11 13 9

183 4.2 2

287 6.5 5

368 8.4 6

3 14 4 2 5 6 7 10 1 5 6 4 4 7 3 5

Flowerdale/Hazeldene Initial Recovery Plan – August 2009

10 14 14 12 10 14 12

13 9 13 9 11 11 14 3 11 10 12 8 13 5 8 11 12 10 12 11 9 5 8 6 11 6 12 7 11 6 12 12 9 11 2 2 9 11 13 8

10 12 8

12 10 14

8 9 10

428 9.7 10

407 9.3 9

403 9.2 8


14 12 12 13 14 13 12 13 12 11 14 10 14 11 9 12 14 12 13 13 5 13 10 11 10 12 14 10 8 13 11 14 10 12 13 13 12 14 8 10

5 13 14 5 12 12 9 5 14 14 3 13 7 13 11 13 10

13 14 11

4 4 4 10 13 9 8 11 13 13 8 9 12 4 7 2 11 5 7 9 13 12 4 12 9 8 10 14 11 10 5 11 11 13 8 8 8 13 7 3 3 9 7 12

509 11.6 11

384 8.7 7

411 9.3 9


140 3.2 1

6 10 10 14 10 5 10 10 9 12 13 6 5 9 13 14 1 13 14 14 14 14

Community Hall

141 3.2 1

12 11 9 4 6 4 11 12 4 8 4 1 4 8 12 8 13 7 9 12 11 8

2 6 4

11 7 6 11 7 10 7 7 3 7 7 5 3 10 4 7 7 8 6 7 6 9 5 4 6 9 5 9 4 4 8 6 6 7 10 10 5 4 6 5 4 4 5 6

Arts Precinct

6 4 3

2 1 2 3 1 1 1 6 2 2 10 4 2 7 5 6 2 9 2 5 10 2


1 3 1 1 5 3 2 9 5 6 1 3 11 3 6 10 3 6 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 5 7 2 1 8 4 4 3 5 6 6 6 7 3 14

Public Facilities


3 5 3 7 9 8 4 8 8 5 2 11 10 5 9 9 8 4 5 8 12 11 6 8 7 7 4 4 2 3 2 5 4 4 7 7 3 6 9 4 2 9 3 5

Recreation Reserve

Community House

8 8 7 6 8 6 6 4 6 4 9 12 1 12 2 5 6 3 4 4 1 10 7 5 7 1 6 6 7 9 7 7 7 3 3 3 4 5 10 11 5 7 8 13



10 6 5 2 3 7 3 1 1 3 5 2 9 2 1 1 5 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 5 5 2 2 4 6 6 1 2 2


Fire Safety

9 2 8 12 2 2 5 2 7 1 6 1 8 1 3 4 4 2 10 2 2 1 3 10 3 2 1 1 5 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1

Sustainable Rebuilding


Flowerdale/Hazeldene Community Priorities

8 6 8 6 9 13 8 13 11 11 9 14 14 10 12 14 9 9 10 12 2 7 5 11 7

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