Flow Meter

  • May 2020
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Flow measurement Flow measurement is the quantification of bulk fluid movement. It can be measured in a variety of ways. •

Units of measurement Both gas and liquid flow can be measured in volumetric or mass flow rates (such as litres per second or kg/s). These measurements can be converted between one another if the materials density is known. The density for a liquid is almost independent of the liquids conditions, however this is not the case for a gas, whose density highly depends upon pressure and temperature. In engineering contexts, the volumetric flow rate is usually given the symbol Q and the mass flow rate the symbol .

Gas Due to the nature of an Ideal gas or a Real gas, the volumetric gas flow rate will differ for the same mass flow rate when at differing temperatures and pressures. As such gas volumetric flow rate is sometimes measured in "standard cubic centimeters per minute" (abbreviation sccm). This unit, although not an SI unit is sometimes used due to the additional information attached to the unit symbol, which indicates the temperature and pressure of the gas. Many other similar abbreviations are also in use, for two reasons, firstly mass flow and volumetric flow can be equated at known conditions, and secondly due to the imperial system older units such as standard cubic feet per minute or per second may still be used in some countries. It is often necessary to employ standard gas relationships (such as the ideal gas law) to convert between units of mass flow and volumetric flow.

Liquid For liquids other units used depend on the application and industry but might include gallons (U.S. liquid or imperial) per minute, liters per second, bushels per minute and, when describing river flows, cumecs (cubic metres per second) or acre-feet per day.

Mechanical flow meters There are several types of mechanical flow meter

Piston Meter Because they are used for domestic water measurement, piston meters, also known as rotary piston or semi-positive displacement meters, are the most common flow measurement devices in the UK and are used for almost all meter sizes up to and including 40 mm (1 1/2"). The piston meter operates on the principle of a piston rotating within a chamber of known volume. For each rotation, an amount of water passes through the piston chamber. Through a gear mechanism and, sometimes, a magnetic drive, a needle dial and odometer type display is advanced.

Woltmann Meter Woltman meters, commonly referred to as Helix meters are popular at larger sizes. Jet meters (single or Multi-Jet) are increasing in popularity in the UK at larger sizes and are commonplace in the EU.

Multi-jet Meter A multi-jet meter is a velocity type meter which has an impeller which rotates horizontally on a vertical shaft. The impeller element is in a housing in which multiple inlet ports direct the fluid flow at the impeller causing it to rotate in a specific direction in proportion to the flow velocity. This meter works mechanically much like a paddle wheel meter except that the ports direct the flow at the impeller equally from several points around the circumference of the element, where a paddle wheel normally only receives flow from one offset flow stream.

Venturi Meter Another method of measurement, known as a venturi meter, is to constrict the flow in some fashion, and measure the differential pressure (using a pressure sensor) that results across the constriction. This method is widely used to measure flow rate in the transmission of gas through pipelines, and has been used since Roman Empire times.

Dall Tube The Dall tube is a shortened version of a Venturi meter with a lower pressure drop than an orifice plate. Both flow meters the flow rate of Dall tube is determined by measuring the pressure drop caused by restriction in the conduit. The pressure differential is measured using diaphragm pressure transducers with digital read out. Since these meters have

significantly lower permanent pressure losses than the orifice meters, the Dall tubes have widely been used for measuring the flow rate of large pipeworks.

Orifice Plate Another simple method of measurement uses an orifice plate, which is basically a plate with a hole through it. It is placed in the flow and constricts the flow. It uses the same principle as the venturi meter in that the differential pressure relates to the velocity of the fluid flow (Bernoulli's principle).

Pitot tube A Pitot tube is a pressure measuring instrument used to measure fluid flow velocity by determining the stagnation pressure. Bernoulli's equation is used to calculate the dynamic pressure and thence fluid velocity.

Multi-hole Pressure Probe Multi-hole pressure probes (also called impact probes) extend the theory of pitot tube to more than one dimension. A typical impact probe consists of three or more holes (depending on the type of probe) on the measuring tip arranged in a specific pattern. More holes allow the instrument to measure the direction of the flow velocity in addition to its magnitude (after appropriate calibration). Three-holes arranged in a line allow the pressure probes to measure the velocity vector in two dimensions. Introduction of more holes e.g., five holes arranged in a 'plus' formation allow measurement of the threedimensional velocity vector.

Paddle wheel The paddle wheel translates the mechanical action of paddles rotating in the liquid flow around an axle into a user-readable rate of flow (gpm, lpm, etc.). The paddle tends to be inserted into the flow.

Pelton wheel The Pelton wheel turbine (better described as a radial turbine) translates the mechanical action of the Pelton wheel rotating in the liquid flow around an axis into a user-readable rate of flow (gpm, lpm, etc.). The Pelton wheel tends to have all the flow traveling around it with the inlet flow focussed on the blades by a jet. The original Pelton wheels were used for the generation of power and consisted of a radial flow turbine with "reaction cups" which not only move with the force of the water on the face but return the flow in opposite direction using this change of fluid direction to further increase the efficiency of the turbine.

Optical Flow Meters Optical flow meters use light to determine flow rate. Small particles which accompany natural and industrial gases pass through two laser beams focused in a pipe by illuminating optics. Laser light is scattered when a particle crosses the first beam. The detecting optics collects scattered light on a photodetector, which then generates a pulse signal. If the same particle crosses the second beam, the detecting optics collect scattered light on a second photodetector, which converts the incoming light into a second electrical pulse. By measuring the time interval between these pulses, the gas velocity is calculated as V=D/T where D is the distance between the laser beams and T is the time interval. Laser-based optical flow meters measure the actual speed of particles, a property which is not dependent on thermal conductivity of gases, variations in gas flow or composition of gases. The different operating principle enables optical laser technology to deliver highly accurate flow data, even in challenging environments which may include high temperature, low flow rates, high pressure, high humidity, pipe vibration and acoustic noise. Optical flow meters are very stable with no moving parts and deliver a highly repeatable measurement over the life of the product. Because distance between the two laser sheets does not change, optical flow meters do not require periodic calibration after its initial commissioning. Optical flow meters require only one installation point, instead of the two installation points typically required by other types of meters. A single installation point is simpler, requires less maintenance and is less prone to errors. Optical flow meters are capable of measuring flow from 0.1m/s to faster than 100m/s (1000:1 turn down ratio) and have been demonstrated to be effective for the measurement of flare gases, a major global contributor to the emissions associated with climate change.

Turbine flow meter The turbine flow meter (better described as an axial turbine) translates the mechanical action of the turbine rotating in the liquid flow around an axis into a user-readable rate of flow (gpm, lpm, etc.). The turbine tends to have all the flow traveling around it. The turbine wheel is set in the part of a fluid stream. The flowing fluid impinges on the turbine blades, imparting a force to the blade surface and setting the rotor in motion. when a steady rotation speed has been reached, the speed is proportional to fluid velocity.

Open Channel Flow Measurement Level to Flow The level of the water is measured at a designated point behind a hydraulic structure (a weir or flume) using various means (bubbler, ultrasonic, float, and differential pressure are common methods). This depth is converted to a flow rate according to a theoretical formula of the form Q=KHX where Q is the flow rate, K is a constant, H is the water level and X is an exponent which varies with the device used, or it is converted according to empirically derived level/flow data points (a 'flow curve'). The flow rate can then integrated over time into volumetric flow.

Area/Velocity The cross-sectional area of the flow is calculated from a depth measurement and the average velocity of the flow is measured directly (doppler and propeller methods are common). Velocity times the cross-sectional area yields a flow rate which can be integrated into volumetric flow.

Dye Testing A known amount of dye per unit time is added to a flow stream. After complete mixing, the concentration of the dye is measured. The dilution rate of the dye equals the flow rate.

Thermal mass flow meters Thermal mass flow meters generally use combinations of heated elements and temperature sensors to measure the difference between static and flowing heat transfer to a fluid and infer its flow with a knowledge of the fluid's specific heat and density. The fluid temperature is also measured and compensated for. If the density and specific heat characteristics of the fluid are constant, the meter can provide a direct mass flow readout, and does not need any additional pressure temperature compensation over their specified range. Technological progress allows today to manufacture thermal mass flow meters on a microscopic scale as MEMS sensors, these flow devices can be used to measure flow rates in the range of nano litres or micro litres per minute. Thermal mass flow meters are used for compressed air, nitrogen, helium, argon, oxygen, natural gas. In fact, most gases can be measured as long as they are fairly clean and noncorrosive. Temperature at the sensors varies depending upon the mass flow

Vortex flowmeters Another method of flow measurement involves placing a bluff body (called a shedder bar) in the path of the fluid. As the fluid passes this bar, disturbances in the flow called vortices are created. The vortices trail behind the cylinder, alternatively from each side of the bluff body. This vortex trail is called the Von Kármán vortex street after von Karman's 1912 mathematical description of the phenomenon. The frequency at which these vortices alternate sides is essentially proportional to the flow rate of the fluid. Inside, atop, or downstream of the shedder bar is a sensor for measuting the frequency of the vortex shedding. This sensor is often a piezoelectric crystal, which produces a small, but measurable, voltage pulse every time a vortex is created. Since the frequency of such a voltage pulse is also proportional to the fluid velocity, a volumetric flow rate is calculated using the cross sectional area of the flow meter. The frequency is measured and the flow rate is calculated by the flowmeter electronics. With f= SV/L where, • • • •

f = the frequency of the vortices L = the characteristic length of the bluff body V = the velocity of the flow over the bluff body S = Strouhal number, which is essentially a constant for a given body shape within its operating limits

Electromagnetic, ultrasonic and coriolis flow meters Modern innovations in the measurement of flow rate incorporate electronic devices that can correct for varying pressure and temperature (i.e. density) conditions, non-linearities, and for the characteristics of the fluid.

Magnetic flow meters

Industrial magnetic flowmeter The most common flow meter apart from the mechanical flow meters, is the magnetic flow meter, commonly referred to as a "mag meter" or an "electromag". A magnetic field is applied to the metering tube, which results in a potential difference proportional to the flow velocity perpendicular to the flux lines. The physical principle at work is Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. The magnetic flow meter requires a conducting fluid,

e.g. water, and an electrical insulating pipe surface, e.g. a rubber lined non magnetic steel tube.

Ultrasonic (Doppler, Transit Time) flow meters Ultrasonic flow meters measure the difference of the transit time of ultrasonic pulses propagating in and against flow direction. This time difference is a measure for the average velocity of the fluid along the path of the ultrasonic beam. By using the absolute transit times both the averaged fluid velocity and the speed of sound can be calculated. Using the two transit times tup and tdown and the distance between receiving and transmitting transducers L and the inclination angle α one can write the equations: and where v is the average velocity of the fluid along the sound path and c is the speed of sound.

Schematic view of a flow sensor. Measurement of the doppler shift resulting in reflecting an ultrasonic beam off the flowing fluid is another recent innovation made possible by electronics. By passing an ultrasonic beam through the tissues, bouncing it off of a reflective plate then reversing the direction of the beam and repeating the measurement the volume of blood flow can be estimated. The speed of transmission is affected by the movement of blood in the vessel and by comparing the time taken to complete the cycle upstream versus downstream the flow of blood through the vessel can be measured. The difference between the two speeds is a measure of true volume flow. A wide-beam sensor can also be used to measure flow independent of the cross-sectional area of the blood vessel. For the Doppler principle to work in a flowmeter it is mandatory that the flow stream contains sonically reflective materials, such as solid particles or entrained air bubbles.

Coriolis flow meters Using the Coriolis effect that causes a laterally vibrating tube to distort, a direct measurement of mass flow can be obtained in a coriolis flow meter. Furthermore a direct measure of the density of the fluid is obtained. Coriolis measurement can be very accurate irrespective of the type of gas or liquid that is measured; the same measurement tube can be used for hydrogen gas and peanut butter without recalibration.

Laser doppler flow measurement

Laser-doppler flow meter. Blood flow can be measured through the use of a monochromatic laser diode. The laser probe is inserted into a tissue and turned on, where the light scatters and a small portion is reflected back to the probe. The signal is then processed to calculate flow within the tissues. There are limitations to the use of a laser doppler probe; flow within a tissue is dependent on volume illuminated, which is often assumed rather than measured and varies with the optical properties of the tissue. In addition, variations in the type and placement of the probe within identical tissues and individuals result in variations in reading. The laser doppler has the advantage of sampling a small volume of tissue, allowing for great precision, but does not necessarily represent the flow within an entire organ. The flow meter is more useful for relative rather than absolute measurements.

Electromagnetic Flow Meter Overview In an electromagnetic or magnetic flowmeter, voltage induced in a moving electroconductive liquid, crossing lines of the magnetic field, is directly proportional to the flow rate. The flowmeter consists of a nonconductive pipe (or a conductive pipe with an insulating inner surface liner), two electrodes usually flush with the inside surface of the pipe, and an electromagnet (sometimes a permanent magnet). The electrodes are in contact with the liquid and are oriented perpendicularly to both the direction of flow and the lines of the magnetic field. The pipe is mounted in the gap of the magnet. The liquid must be electroconductive; however, the electroconductivity can be very low. There are a number of modifications that can be made to the flowmeter. For instance, the local velocities of the liquid in a duct can be measured by immersing two electrodes into a stream and mounting a magnet outside the duct.

I Electromagnetic flowmeter (a), side view (b), and flowmeter with immersed electrodes (c). Q = flow, /ex = electromagnet excitation current, Uo = output voltage, 1 = pipe, 2 and 3 = poles of electromagnet, 4 and 5 = electrodes, 6 = duct, 7 and 8 = poles of magnet, 9 = immersed electrodes.

What is an Electromagnetic Flow Meter An Electromagnetic Flow Meter is a device capable of measuring the mass flow of a fluid. Unlike the common flow meter you can find on the market it has no moving parts, and for this reason it can be made to withstand any pressure (without leakage) and any fluid (corrosive and non corrosive). This kind of flow meter use a magnet and two electrodes to peek the voltage that appear across the fluid moving in the magnetic field.

How does it Work

The Neumann Law (or Lenz Law) states that if a conductive wire is moving at right angle through a magnetic field, a voltage E [Volts] will appear at the end of the conductor (Fig.1): E=B*L*V were B = Magnetic Induction [Weber/m2] L = Length of the portion of the wire 'wetted' by the magnetic field [m] V = Velocity of the wire [m/sec] Now imagine you have a plastic tube with two electrodes on the diameter and Mercury flowing into it (fig.2). A voltage will appear on the electrodes and it will be

E=B*L*V as in the previous example (L in this case is the inner diameter of the tube). You can think of Mercury as tiny conductive wires next to each other : each wire, moving in the tube, will touch the two electrodes ,and thus you can measure their voltage. An interesting fact is that if you reverse the flow, you still get a voltage but with reverse polarity (Fig.1). Till now we have talked about a conductive fluid ,Mercury, but this stuff will also work with non conductive fluid ,provided that you use an alternating magnetic field. Two physicists, Mittlemann and Cushing, in an unpublished work, stated that when using a non conductive fluid, if the frequency of the alternating magnetic field is at the electrodes will be attenuated by a factor

the voltage so that:

E=B*L*V* =




= Permittivity of Free Space [Farads / m] =

Electrical =



Conductivity [1


/ /

m] sec]

depends on the substance used and can be found on a good chemistry book.









If an alternating magnetic field is used, an alternating voltage will appear on the electrodes and its amplitude will be E. That is, the output is an amplitude modulated wave.

Measuring the flow Measuring the flow present some difficulties. A perfect axisimmetric construction cannot be achieved and thus some magnetic flux lines will 'wet' the connecting wires to the electrodes. The alternating magnetic field will create an offset voltage in this wires and even if the fluid is not moving, the measured voltage will not be zero. If you plan to use the flow meter with a volt-meter you'll need to build a 'compensator circuit' to zero the voltage when the mass flow is zero, unless you want to calculate the difference between the measured voltage and the offset voltage every time. Fig.3 shows the typical output of an E.F.M.

Important Characteristics 1. As soon as the fluid start to move in the tube a voltage will appear immediately at the electrodes. There is no lag, therefore you can measure instantaneous flow in pulsating system. 2. When the fluid is not moving the voltage at the electrodes will be zero (if you accounted for the offset voltage). If the fluid is moving with a certain speed V1 a voltage E1 will appear at the electrodes. If the fluid is moving with a speed V2 two times V1, a voltage E2 two times E1 will appear on the electrodes. That is, an E.F.M. has a linear calibration curve. (fig.4)

If you are not sure about the strength of the magnetic field (and thus you don't know what voltage will appear at the electrodes), just let a constant fluid flow Q1 pass through the flow meter and read the voltage E1 with an oscilloscope. The calibration curve will pass from 0 Volts when there is no flow ,and the point E1, Q1 (fig.5).

3. It has a bi-directional response therefore you will measure a voltage anytime the fluid is moving, no matter which way. Remember that if you are using a constant magnetic field the voltage will reverse polarity if you reverse the flow. If you reverse the flow in an alternated field you'll get the same AM wave ,and if you use the AC to DC converter you'll measure the same output voltage because it will 'feel' and hold the positive peak of the alternating voltage. 4. There is no movable part and restriction in the flow pipe.

How to Build It

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