Flesh Vs. Spirit

  • May 2020
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Learn to operate more in the Spirit & lean less on the arm of the flesh. Your weakness is your strength, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Your weakness is what makes you turn to Me instead of running out the door & jumping right into the day without Me. Your discomfort is what makes you feel not at home in this world, which is what I desire, so you seek Me and My Kingdom first. I use those times you’re frustrated by your own inability to get anything accomplished in your own strength. That’s what reminds you of your need for Me. Always make sure that what you’ve got to say comes from Me & isn’t just your own opinion or assumption. I have called you to spiritual accomplishments, not great works in the physical realm. The unseen, unnoticed work you do for Me, to further My cause, to spread My message, THAT has eternal rewards! I’m teaching you to think in a completely different & new way than the way you have been raised in before. ‘Rational’ thinking won’t help you survive in the days to come, only crazy faith in Me & following My leads. Don’t listen to your head, listen to your heart. Your head says, you’ve got to do this or that or the other in order to fulfill your duty, so that men will speak & think well of you. Your heart says, just listen to the Lord! Forget all that & just love the Lord, and He will work out the rest. Your head says, oh, but there’s bills to pay, shopping to be done and this & that & the other... The heart says: There’s listening to be done, there are Words to be heard from the Maker of the universe, Words from the mountain! Those who cling to the old ways of the flesh are going to reap the destruction of the flesh. A lot of My children are still operating too much in the flesh, leaning too hard on the arm of the flesh! True satisfaction comes from a place which eludes the carnal mind, and you sometimes have to do the opposite of the expected to get there. Never before has the human mind been so drilled & conditioned by the input of the Enemy, for he has much greater platforms & means of implanting his thoughts into human minds than ever before, through the media & education. There’s a lot more I have to get past first. Once you have learned to put the fleshly way of thinking aside, & let My Spirit take over, then I’m able to teach you to lay the foundation for communication with Me. Sometimes the opposite of what appears to the carnal mind, is actually the truth. Those who don’t have the oil of My Spirit in their lamps only see the apparent evil. They have been bewitched by their glamour to reject My power. (Spirit Helper:) Who, in their carnal minds, would have ever begun to assume that in all the great & glorious efforts & works of man, which will all come to naught in the end – the most lasting & effective deed & effort should be the one which commits the task into the hands of the Lord, in obedience to His command, ‘Stand back & see Me fight!’? It is man’s temptation to assume that he needs to finish what God has started. In reality, God is only in the process of choosing those who choose to let Him work through them, to help Him establish His true Kingdom. How finite are the works of man. In all their doings, in all their toil & striving, they accomplish not a fraction of what a believer can achieve on his knees, committing the matter which needs to be done to the Maker. The works of the flesh often accomplish only the opposite of what the Lord wants in your life, for by strengthening & increasing your carnal sense of accomplishment, your trust, confidence & reliance on the Spirit is weakened. ‘When I am weak, then I am strong, for His strength is made perfect in weakness.’ He must increase, but you must decrease. His power in you needs to grow, and your own puny little strength must come to an end. Command the Lord what He should do for you, instead of trying to get there by your own strength & efforts, & you’ll see how much further you will go on the wings of the spirit than your own two feet could ever carry you. Why walk when you can fly? Why do you subject yourselves into the hands of the powers that rule the physical & temporal realm, who seek to use you as pawns in their game, when you are destined to become My rulers of the eternal realm? Come, My children, & forsake those fleeting pleasures today, ‘having food & raiment, let us therewith be content’, learning to be ‘content in whatsoever state’, and find out about the thrills of the REAL winners & champions of the universe. Why lean on the arm of the flesh? Wise are those who are weak in their own sight & run to Me for strength & protection. Foolish are they who think they’re strong enough to save themselves. Wise are they who take My Words to heart. Foolish are they who only trust in their own minds. Thus it has been from the beginning, and thus it shall be until the end. The battle royal between those who trust in the flesh & those who put their confidence in the Spirit; those who choose Me for their Captain and those who choose to be the captains of their own fate; the former will sail their boats safely into My harbor; the latter, in their blind rage of pride and ego will crash into an iceberg, like the Titanic, & great will be the calamity & the cries of woe thereof. Many are called, but few choose to learn out of the lessons & experiences I bring into their lives. Many simply prefer to heed the lies of the majority. They think with a carnal mind & see with the eyes of the flesh: the sheer size of the majority, the size & apparent strength of it appeals to them, and they want to be part of it, part of the

‘in-crowd’. They seek to impress, they don’t want to be humiliated. Beware, therefore, and fall not into the same trap! It’s very easy to yield to the temptation of wanting to impress, but know now that this is the way of the flesh. Seek not to impress with your abilities, but with My Spirit. When you are weak, then you are strong. What makes you truly great is not the talent I have given you, but the anointing I give you whenever I am able to use you, speak & flow through. In doing so, you won’t have to rely on the flesh anymore, for I will do it all. Where you can’t anymore, there I can. Where you end & come to the end of your capacities, there I begin & have a chance to start working – finally! – through you. Not by might nor by power – nor by man’s gifts, wit or prudence – but by My Spirit. Only if I enable you, you have the strength to work these workings of My Spirit. The flesh is utterly incapable, useless a hindrance, an annoyance. It doesn’t cut the cake when you intend to do My work & the works of My Spirit. It’s got to be My Spirit in you! Everything is dead without the Spirit. All the perfection one can try to attain in the flesh, is dead & nothing, without the true life of My Spirit. Don’t just let the things you learn inform you, but form you, shape you into something greater. Learn to see with the eyes of the spirit, not merely acknowledge data & accumulate information. Your old man, your fleshly old creature, is an abomination to Me. And in order to completely & fully become that new creature, you have to obey My Word & ‘be transformed by the renewing of your minds, presenting your bodies a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable service’! Stop seeing things merely with the eyes of the flesh. If you look at people with the eyes of the spirit, you will see their true nature. I can reveal things to you about people that they won’t even know about themselves! I can show you things of the Spirit that will encourage you & will give you new strength to carry on. You have tried to soothe your hunger for beauty by means of the flesh. Often what you consider beautiful, is downright ugly & an abomination to Me, while other times that which you consider ugly is beautiful in My sight. Learn to see with My eyes, and fully put on My mind. Open pathways are before you everywhere; if you will just open your spiritual eyes you will see them. In the flesh you only see the limitations, the confines, the ‘hole’ in which you see yourself. Seek Me, therefore, to lift you out of your hole & onto the pathways of your choice. What looks like the difficult path to you may be in reality the easiest path, for when you can’t do it, I’ll do it for you. Quit struggling in the flesh & let Me take over! The road of utter trust is like death to the flesh... When it comes down to it, you’re either going the way of the flesh or the way of the spirit, which will require a complete break with relying on the flesh. The flesh battles in you, to get its way, to push its way through, to sway you & influence you to settle for the lesser option than My best.... He that soweth to the flesh will reap the corruption of the flesh. The flesh corrupts. It corrupts the spirit & chokes the things that really count. Only the Spirit brings life! Your fleshly loss has been your spiritual gain. In losing your pride of life you have found Me, My voice, & a humbler path. Long live the Spirit! And it does. It lives forever. In becoming partakers of the spiritual, the eternal, you’re taking on a very special role in this world, for you have inherited that eternal, immortal ingredient, which marks you as different & makes you stick out from them. The less there is of you, the more the light shines through. You must decrease so that I can increase in you. Are you willing to become a little bit less of yourself & a whole lot more of Me? I don’t need anyone who is strong in themselves, I need somebody weak, who in their own flesh can’t do it, somebody utterly dependent on Me. You’re not going to make it walking in the flesh, only if you rely utterly on My Spirit. (S.H.:) Give up your attempts to try it in the flesh & let the Lord do it completely. He’ll get so much better results than when you try to do it with just a little help from Him... Seek Me and the truth, the real picture more desperately, for you cannot rely on your own minds. You cannot rely on your eyes and on your physical senses, much less that which you deem to be your own knowledge. That’s your struggle: flesh or spirit. Every day, every hour & every minute you have to make the choice & decide. And it takes faith to choose the Spirit, the invisible... Especially when that which I, the Lord of the Spirit ask of you is hard for you to do, and that which the Lord of this world uses to distract you is so attractive. ’The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak:’ The spirit stands for your willingness, and even comes from My Spirit, which works in you, both, to will & to do that which is My good pleasure. I have begun the good work in you, and I am the One to complete it. But the flesh is what hinders you. It stands for weakness. That which is considered strength in the world is actually a flaw, a handicap if you want to do the works of the Spirit. Success in the flesh profiteth nothing. If I don’t anoint your works to be accepted by the world, then it is My will for you to utterly dedicate all you’ve got to the Spirit, and there you will find strength that they who trust in the flesh know not of. This constant struggle of the flesh to crowd out of your life the things which are important to Me, by the things

which you consider more important at the moment, is so contrary to Me, My will in your life, and thus your spiritual progress. It’s the flesh that weakens you, disables you to do the works of My Spirit. The flesh is weakness, the Spirit is strength. It’s the eternal struggle, and it’s becoming more & more intense, as the world of the flesh fights its last furious battle & lashes out innumerable temptations at My brides to lure them away from Me. The god of this world appeals to all that your flesh desires, all you could ever dream of having in this life, in order to get you away from Me and the Spirit. He fights for your time, your energy, your attention. And every minute he achieves to lure you away from Me to fulfill the gratification of the flesh, is a point for him, which weakens you a little more, delays your progress a little more. In the flesh, you’re a loser. In the Spirit, you’re a prince. You can walk through your days either as a loser or as a prince, depending on whether you walk in the Spirit or in the flesh. Are you going to be a loser or a prince today? Are you going to walk in the flesh? Or in the spirit, as My prince and anointed, My beloved, in whom I am well pleased, in spite of countless faults & flaws by the standards & measures of man? A missionary is a picture of utter trust in Me vs. the flesh. ”The hare never made it, but the tortoise did,” and while the men of force go down in flames & lighting up the landscape in one brilliant flash, sometimes a little, insignificant person can continue working, lighting many candles in many places, and thus give an equal amount of light, only in a quieter way, but nevertheless the same amount of light. So, have patience and compassion for the weaker ones, for you never know what I may do in their lives over time, and what great miracles might be wrought through their weakness. It’s not the strong & mighty who will conquer the Earth in the end, but ”the meek shall inherit the Earth”. The flesh is almost like the false identity the Enemy wants to give you; the weak, sinful & despicable you. But you can look way past that at your higher anointing & you’ll know what I’ll make you capable of. You’ll be unstoppable & you can do all things through Me if you just focus on your true identity: My creation! Remember who you are! It’s the slumbering higher anointing which dwells within each of you, which the key & the call of David & the chord of his harp, bring to life. That which you can be & are in the spirit: the creation of My omnipotent hand, not the fake identity the Devil is trying to brainwash you to accept. Be My creation, My children, awake, & come to life, oh ye very creations of My hand, the sculptures of My eternal breath! Hide no more, crawl no more into the dark dungeon, the grave, the empty shell of this flesh, which is nothing but corruption. I beg you to refuse to accept the lower identity which the Devil & the System are trying to give you & that you render your services completely to Me. Be a fully functioning agent for My cause & don’t let them brainwash you any longer into believing & accepting the loser role he would like to put you in. Be that which I have called & chosen you to be. Reject & cancel the former. Be the greater one you can be that originated in Me. That which is flesh, is flesh, but that which is born of the spirit, is spirit. Break out of the cocoon of the old. Let go of the flesh & cling to My Spirit. Be not perplexed by your weakness, but shed it like an old cloak. Soon I will clothe you in strength, anointing & power & none shall be able to withstand thee, if thou canst believe. All too easily you slip right back into the confidence of the flesh, and that’s when you start making mistakes. It won’t work without Me. The weakening of the flesh in order to bring about My strength in you really is a beautiful process for Me to behold. The shedding of the old to give birth to the new. The farewell of the cocoon of the flesh to welcome the wings of the spirit which will help you rise above & fly higher than you’ve ever been before... Letting go of the flesh & the enticements of the world in order to put Me & My will first in your lives is a crucifixion of the flesh, & the Enemy fights it, but I highly honor each sacrifice you make for Me! Isn't it a blessing to be small & desperate, clinging to Me for every day of your life? Isn't it so much more blessed than the self-satisfied, lukewarm mode of confiding in the flesh? Those with great leadership qualities, those full of action, courage & initiative, do not always make it in My Kingdom in the long run, but those who have chosen the good part of sitting at My feet, hungering for My Words, it will never be taken away from them! It's My promise! I've got to be the Beginning & the End of all your works in order for them to be works of faith instead of works of the flesh. I've got to be in it, in order for it to come alive. Those who do good works without My Spirit to strengthen & uphold them, sooner or later run out of strength, & they just peter out. I put before you the ways of life & of death, to choose this day, & according to your faith be it unto you! "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!" You can think of yourself as a dinosaur on the brink of death & oblivion, & that's what you're going to be! OR you lift up your eyes, your face to Me, the Giver of eternal life, & let Me invigorate you, quicken & strengthen you & let Me fill you until overflowing with sparkling life & energy! "As thy days, so shall be the thy strength!" I want you to be young & free - the older you get! The older you get, the younger you become! That's My magic! That's My unfathomable, incomprehensible, unanalyzable miracle-working power & way, confounding the wise & mighty!

I want to show you who the true heroes & conquerors are, those who rise above the rules & confines of the physical world by My omnipotent power! Look not at the flesh! The flesh has nothing for you! Look at the Spirit & there find riches & untold treasures to give & to pass on to those who are searching, thirsting & starving for My love, My Words, My answers, My Spirit & Wisdom... The riches I’ve got to offer are spiritual! All I can give you is the Spirit! Will you treasure Her above all Earthly things? The carnal, the known is so much more comfortable, & you feel more secure. But it’s time to reach out for the new, to stretch out your hands of faith & venture into the unknown! If you put your hopes in the flesh, you can count on winding up disappointed! The flesh profiteth nothing! It is the spirit that quickeneth. The Words that I speak unto you, they are spirit & they are life! And I have come to give you life more abundantly. The flesh is dying. Youth is such a deceitful thing, having the Devil telling you your flesh is immortal, invincible. That’s why youth is the Enemy’s perfect harvest field. Especially when they are strong, beautiful & successful in the flesh. Only those to whom it is given can resist the temptations to fall for the lures & the deceit of the flesh: the temptation to think of itself as all-powerful & all-knowing, & to humbly admit that you know & can do nothing! So, fret not when you are weak, but know that that’s when you are strong in My eyes & that’s when I can use you. "The carnal mind is at enmity with God.” Anyone who falls prey to carnal reasoning becomes a potential enemy to My cause. What I’m calling for is that you all lay aside your carnal reasoning & seek Me in everything. You’ve got to learn to be driven & pushed forward by the wind of My Spirit... Your efforts have to be made in the spirit. I’m teaching you to operate in the spirit. ”If the spiritual is ok, everything else will fall into place as well.” The flesh hopes all things will continue as they were: ”No reason to get desperate...” Whether soon or later, the end of that flesh will come, whether it wants to believe it or not, & those who are prepared for that final journey are always better off than those who are not. The flesh is the stuff pride feeds on. My Spirit is humble & seeks the humble & lowly in heart, & isn’t very attractive to pride – it doesn’t feed it. Come on, let’s crucify your flesh & bring to naught all your old habits, attitudes & ways that would raise themselves against My reign over them, let’s kill them, mortify your worries & get everything out of the way that’s not utterly yielded to Me, & let it result in a glorious resurrection of a new creature in Christ Jesus that really lets Me live & move & think & talk & make decisions in you, & that can wholeheartedly say, ”It is not I that live, but Christ which liveth in me.” (Gal.2:20) ”The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mt.26:41). ”To will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not” (Rom.7:18). You’ve got to ”will” a little harder & put your will so much on My side that the unwillingness of the flesh will be overcome. Your spirit, may be willing; but your flesh, your old man, may act quite “unwillingly.” The most common religion in the World: the worship of the flesh. ”There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death,” the way of all flesh. The way of the spirit is often the complete opposite, defies the way of the flesh, & thus the flesh fights it. The lust of the flesh is the ambitions of the flesh to strive against & nullify the spiritual. The natural reaction of the flesh to the spirit is to counter & contradict it, to fight it. The flesh claims to know better. Better than Me or anyone whom I may anoint at the moment to take up My standard & raise a conversation to a spiritual or more edifying level. That’s why you must be aware of the struggle, so that you make a conscious effort not to discourage each other. Everyone has their weak & fleshly moments. But I’m trying to teach you to be aware of those unguarded moments & to make an effort not to blurt out any silly thought that comes to your mind & would love to cross your lips, but to restrain yourself in order not to break the spirit when someone is trying to say something edifying, even if you may not feel at that moment that it’s a hundred percent appropriate. Those feelings can be deceiving at times. It’s those idle words you’re going to have to give an account for. Those that don’t have any meaning, no value, no edifying purpose, nothing uplifting to them, no spirit, only flesh. The Enemy’s subtle message always promotes the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life. Whatever doesn’t promote Me & My truth, must be promoting something else... the World, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes & the pride of life... Listen to your heart! It’s so much greater to live by the heart & following what the heart tells you to do than do just hearken to the narrow confines of the mind. The mind sees the boundaries & impossibilities & why it can’t be done & shouldn’t even be tried. The heart just feels the urge to do it anyway & trust Me for the outcome. I allow you to feel clumsy, so that you feel weak & incapable in your flesh & lean on Me instead. Continue to make an effort to think with My mind, the far-out, supernatural way as opposed to the carnal &

reasonable... Those who are rebellious against Me & My nature, My spiritual ways, will fight & resist you! They look down upon that which is weak & despised. They wanna show how strong they are in the flesh... they worship the flesh! ”The Egyptians rule, the Babylonians have the power, the Persians are our masters, the Romans, they are mighty! Not those puny prophets the Lord is sending us! And look at this One Who claims to be the Messiah: a nobody! We’re not going to cling to Him!...” These have been around since the very beginning… those who go the way of Cain, the way of the flesh... What is born of the flesh is flesh & what is born of the spirit is spirit. You can’t legislate righteousness, & likewise you can’t impart the things of the spirit by means of the flesh, routines, schedules or rigmaroles. It all depends on how alive My Spirit is in you, how actively you live it yourself. Flesh can only satisfy flesh, but only spirit can satisfy spirit. Those who only seek the gratification of the flesh, who don’t have any spiritual hunger at all, they’re like “Leave the dead ones lay!” The Devil’s got them already! Let those dead bury their dead! You think the Spirit realm has little to offer to the physical? The physical realm is only a product of the Spiritual. Everything you see, feel, touch, is a creation of the Spirit. ”God is a Spirit”, and just because ”spirit” to you means ”invisible”, you mentally restrict & minimize Our potential to near ”impotent”, instead of what it really is: omnipotent! There is NOTHING I cannot do! And there is nothing you cannot do through Me! What's flesh, is flesh, & what's spirit is spirit, that's why I have ordained you to come out from among them that only think in carnal terms, that only move in the realm of the dead flesh. Come out & move in the living realm of the spirit! 410, 412, 417, 423, 427, 439, 445, 455, 461, 463, 470, 487, 511, 517, 519, 521, 527, 530, 536, 538, 540, 563, 576, 577, 578, 581, 588, 604, 605, 606, 611, 612

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